998 resultados para Hydric stress


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Many plants utilized in the urban center shows substances considered toxic whose production could be influenced by some factors, like hydric stress, including ornamental Nerium oleander L., widely used in gardens in various parts of the world, which presents production of cardioative glucosides, considered toxic. This study had the objective to evaluate the effect of field capacity in the biomass and the level of cardioative glucosides in seedlings of Nerium oleander. The experiment was carried at UNIDERP, in Campo Grande City, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, at the University for Development of State and Pantanal Region, using the experimental delineation in randomized blocks. There were 4 treatments (25%; 50%; 75% and 100% of the field capacity), 5 replications and 4 plants by parcel, totalling 80 plants. The evaluations were realized 60 days after the seedlings were planted. The quantitative analysis of the cardioative glucosides was realized by gravimetric test, after selective extraction of the glucosides. Were conclude that increase of the quantity of water in the soil raised the biomass production until 75% of the field capacity and increased the level of cardioative glucosides, showing that water management is very important and should be provided only the necessary to development of the plant.


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A água é essencial à manutenção da vida. No entanto, com as situações de estresse hídrico - disponibilidade hídrica inferior a 1.700 m per capita ao ano (FALKENMARK, 1989) - vivenciadas em diversos pontos do planeta, somadas ao acelerado crescimento da população mundial, os problemas relacionados ao uso da água tendem a aumentar. Neste contexto, a pegada hídrica (PH), que é um indicador de sustentabilidade ambiental, se torna uma importante ferramenta de gestão de recursos hídricos pois indica o consumo de água doce com base em seus usos. O presente trabalho objetiva mensurar a pegada hídrica em função das componentes industrial, doméstica e alimentar da população do bairro Rocinha, um aglomerado subnormal localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa se deteve a um Estudo de Caso de 20 sub-bairros da comunidade. Sua abordagem foi quantitativa, contando com uma amostra de 203 domicílios, erro amostral de 7% e grau de confiança de 93%. Para tal, foi utilizada como ferramenta de cálculo o modelo Water Footprint Network do ano de 2005. Os resultados indicaram que, em média, a PH dos indivíduos que compõem a amostra é de 1715 m/ano per capita assim divididos: PH de consumo doméstico de água de 175 m/ano per capita (479 l/hab.dia); PH de produtos agrícolas igual a 1470 m/ano per capita, e PH de produtos industrializados de 70 m/ano per capita. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os indivíduos da amostra com uma maior despesa mensal tendem a ter pegadas hídricas industrial e total também maiores.


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Trophallaxis, the transfer of liquid among individuals by oral regurgitation or anal deposition, occurs in many insect groups including ants. The first indication that trophallaxis could occur in leaf cutting ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa) was made by Autuori in 1942. He reported water collection by this ant species, and highlighted what in those days was an undescribed behavior for this species. In 2005, Da-Silva and Ribeiro presented preliminary results suggesting the existence of trophallaxis in A. sexdens rubropilosa. Here we report on a formal test of the hypothesis of trophallaxis in that species. Our approach was to test ant pairs in which only one individual (Group I) had access to blue-dyed water and the other individual (Group II), a nest-mate, came from a colony dehydrated by offering dry crushed corn for fungal growth. Positive results for trophallaxis were obtained in ants from four colonies and accounted for 33%-46% of all tests in which ants from Group I drank dyed water. These results indicate that trophallaxis occurs in this species.


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The present study had as its objective the assessment of the possible effects of hydric stress on the growth, physiological characteristics of two different genetic materials from Eucalyptus urograndis. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas of UNESP, campus Botucatu from March to July, 2005. The hydric management was established based on the soil water potential. Two water levels were established, doing the evapotranspired water replacement by pot weighing. Two clones were used, Eucalyptus urograndis 105 and 433, being the first one more resistant to the hydric deficit and the 433 more sensitive to stress. The study was made from a 2×2 factorial (two levels of water × two genetic materials). For the hydric management, the plants were irrigated when they reached a soil water potential of -0.03 MPa or -1.5 MPa. The assessments made were: diffusive water vapor of stomato, transpiration, leaf temperature and leaf water potential. The physiological evaluations throughout the day, in the end of the experiment. Treatments without hydric stress had a higher performance in all studied characteristics, but the clones had no influence. The stomatic resistance followed the potentials, showing higher values in the treatments submitted to hydric deficiency, more intensely for clone 433, being that this also happened with the leaf water potential. The transpiration also followed the leaf water potential and the stomatic resistance more intensely for clone 105 both comparing stressed plants and non-stressed plants. Consequently, the leaf temperatures had higher values for clone 433 on the stressed treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a better performance in plants kept on a soil water potential of -0.03 MPa and a higher resistance to hydric stress for clone 105.


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The studies were developed with plants of Eucalyptus urograndis under greenhouse conditions, at Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu - SP, from March to July, 2005. The objective was to evaluate hydric stress influence on morphological and physiological characteristics of plants in clayay (1) and medium (2) soil texture. Two water treatment were used: -0.03 and -1.5 MPa minimum soil water potentials (□w). Plants from soil 2 and - 1.5MPa showed 43% reduction on leaf área, 34% on base stem diameter, 54% on aerial vegetal dry matter and plants from soil 1 presented 42.3% reduction on leaf área, 39,5% base stem diameter and 42% dry matter root reduction in relation to -0.03 MPa. The lowest leaf water potential (□f) value was-17.166 MPa on □w = -1.5 MPa and soil 2 and the greatest one on soil 1 and □w = -0.03 MPa., -6.766 MPa. The treatment -0.03MPa showed about 11,3% higher transpiration values than those plants from -1.5MPa. The higher Rs value (2.149 s.cm-1) occurred on plants under -1.5MPa and soil 2. There was significant correlation between Tf and Rs, and the treatmens from medium soil were more sensitive, reaching until 32°C.


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The species Schizolobium amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) commonly known as pinho-cuiabano or paricá, is one of the trees in Amazonian area used for plantings in degraded areas, reforestations and agroforestry systems. The present work evaluated the germinative behaviour of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum in relation to the hydric stress, defining their levels of tolerance to those limitations in the environment. The seeds were collected from 30 trees in Alta Floresta-MT and submitted the dormancy treatment by submersion into water at 100°C for 1 minute; followed by treatment with fungicide Ridomil and Cercobin 0,25% each, then being left to germinate in a BOD camera at 30°C under a photoperiod of 12 hours. For evaluating the effect of different water potentials in the germinative process, polyethylene glicol (PEG 6000) was used and the salts NaCI and CaCl 2 used to simulate saline stress. The seeds were put to soak in potentials of 0 (control); -0.1 ; -0.2; -0.3; -0.4 and -0.5MPa. For each treatment 5 repetitions of 20 seeds were used in gerbox, placed between filter paper moistened with 20 mL of PEG, NaCI and CaCl 2 solutions. The solutions were changed at intervals of 24 hours for maintenance of the potential. The evaluations of percentages and germination speed were carry out daily for 8 days, being considered germinated the seeds that presented a 2mm root extension or longer. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. It was concluded that osmotic potentials between -0.4 and -0.5MPa inhibited the germination of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum completely. The osmotic stress caused by CaCl 2, and PEG injured the germination more than did the stress caused by NaCl.


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The experiment was carried out aiming to evaluate the gas exchange of dwarf elephant grass genotypes under different hydric conditions, in a randomized design with three replications. Genotypes of dwarf elephant grass (Mott, CNPGL 94-34-3 and CNPGL 92-198-7) were analyzed under two hydric conditions: irrigated (I) and non-irrigated (NI). Differences between treatments I and NI were observed for all genotypes for photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water vapor pressure deficit. Genotype CNPGL 94-34-3 presented highest tolerance to hydric stress, followed by Mott and CNPGL 92-198-7 genotypes. All genotypes presented high photosynthetic rate, under ideal conditions of soil humidity, thus characterizing the analyzed dwarf elephant grass genotypes as plants with high photosynthetic efficiency.


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PERMINERALIZED STEMS OF TIETEA AND PSARONIUS OF THE PARANÁ BASIN, CORUMBATAÍFORMATION, PERMIAN. Silica permineralized stem fragments from six municipalities of São Paulo, Brazil, belonging to the Passa Dois Group, Corumbataí Formation (Guadalupian, Permian), were analysed. Morpho-anatomic characteristics of the stems and steles, observed on petrographic slides or polished sections, have permitted the classification of many specimens as Tietea cf. Tietea singularis. A stem piece from the region of Casa Branca, determined as Psaronius cf. Psaronius arrojadoi, corresponds to the first true record of this genus in the Paraná Basin. A generic/specific identification was not possible for radicular mantle samples having no preserved steles. Despite the strong influence of taphonomic factors on the record, all known Marattiales fossils from the Paraná Basin in Brazil present relatively small steles and meristeles, and that may be related to hydric stress. Taphonomic, paleoecological and biogeographical aspects of the analysed fossils are discussed as well.


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la Evapotranspiración real (ETR) a nivel regional utilizando la información del satélite meteorológico NOAA-AVHRR y comparar los resultados obtenidos con los calculados a partir de un modelo de simulación de balance hídrico. Para la estimación de la ETR se analizaron 30 imágenes que abarcan el oasis Norte de Mendoza. Con la información de los canales C1 (Visible) y C2 (IRC) se obtuvo el índice verde normalizado (NDVI), a través del cual se siguió la evolución anual de la vegetación y con la correspondiente al Infrarrojo térmico (C4 y C5) se calculó la Temperatura de superficie (Ts) por el método Split - Windows Luego se vinculó la Ts calculada por teledetección con la temperatura del aire (Ta), para finalmente calcular la suma acumulada de las diferencias entre Ts y Ta, conocida como SDD (stress degree day) que permite estimar globalmente las características de stress hídrico a nivel regional. Conociendo (Ts-Ta) se estimó la ETR a partir de la radiación neta y de los coeficientes A y B que se estimaron según las características de la cobertura vegetal, aplicando una relación simplificada a partir del balance de energía, desarrollado por Jackson (1977) y Seguin (1983) según la ecuación: ETR = Rn + A -B ( Ts - Ta ) Posteriormente, se incluyó en los cálculos los valores de Emisividad y se hizo variar el coeficiente B de acuerdo a la ocupación del suelo en cada uno de los polígonos en que fue dividida el área de estudio. En la etapa final se compararon estadísticamente los datos de ETR estimados por los distintos métodos con los simulados por el modelo y se obtuvo como conclusión final que: la estimación de la ETR a nivel regional mediante datos satelitales, se adapta muy bien a la mayoría de los casos y es sencilla de calcular, por lo que la metodología desarrollada es fácilmente extrapolable a otros oasis de la región.


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The mycelial growth of 10 Fusarium culmorum strains isolated from water of the Andarax riverbed in the provinces of Granada and Almeria in southeastern Spain was tested on potato-dextroseagar adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (−1.50 to−144.54 bars) at 10◦C intervals ranging from15◦ to 35◦C. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter after 4 d of incubation. Mycelial growth was maximal at 25◦C. The quantity and capacity of mycelial growth of F. culmorum were similar at 15 and 25◦C, with maximal growth occurring at −13.79 bars water potential and a lack of growth at 35◦C. The effect of water potential was independent of salt composition. The general growth pattern of Fusarium culmorum growth declined at potentials below −13.79 bars. Fungal growth at 25◦C was always greater than growth at 15◦C, at all of the water potentials tested. Significant differences were observed in the response ofmycelia to water potential and temperature as main and interactive effects. The number of isolates that showed growth was increasingly inhibited as the water potential dropped, but some growth was still observable at −99.56 bars. These findings could indicate that F. culmorum strains isolated from water have a physiological mechanism that permits survival in environments with low water potential. Propagules of Fusarium culmorum are transported long distances by river water, which could explain the severity of diseases caused by F.culmorum on cereal plants irrigated with river water and its interaction under hydric stress ormoderate soil salinity. The observed differences in growth magnitude and capacity could indicate that the biological factors governing potential and actual growth are affected by osmotic potential in different ways.


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Diversas espécies de anuros da família Leptodactylidae se reproduzem em corpos dágua sazonais, temporários e mantidos exclusivamente por chuvas. Em períodos de estiagem prolongada a poça pode secar completamente, ocasionando elevadas taxas de mortalidade de ovos e girinos dessas espécies, podendo exercer forte pressão seletiva na evolução de mecanismos de resistência e sobrevivência nas fases iniciais do desenvolvimento. Algumas espécies de girinos conseguem sobreviver cerca de cinco dias fora dágua o que pode proporcionar uma adaptação vantajosa, porque possibilita a sobrevivência dos girinos por um período que pode ser suficiente para a reincidência de novas chuvas e restabelecimento do corpo dágua. Apesar dessa capacidade de sobrevivência, pouco se sabe sobre as possíveis modificações que a desidratação pode causar na locomoção e na morfologia durante o desenvolvimento desses animais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do estresse hídrico: (1) no nível de sobrevivência e perda de massa corpórea; (2) no desempenho locomotor; (3) na morfologia externa (morfometria linear) e interna, analisando tanto o volume total quanto o volume visceral (estereologia); e (4) no tempo até metamorfose após o estresse. Utilizamos girinos de duas espécies de anuros, Leptodactylus fuscus (Leptodactylinae) e Physalaemus nattereri (Leiuperinae), ambas as espécies se reproduzem em corpos dágua temporários, em áreas com estação seca definida estando, portanto sujeitas as mesmas pressões seletivas. Além disso, as duas espécies apresentam modos reprodutivos diferentes, podendo apresentar diferentes graus de resistência ao estresse hídrico. Os girinos das duas espécies foram divididos em dois grupos, os que ficaram em água (grupo controle) e os que foram submetidos ao estresse hídrico (grupo tratamento), por três períodos de tempo (12, 24 e 72 horas). Houve diferenças significativas para valores de perda de massa entre os grupos controle e tratamento em ambas as espécies, sendo o grupo tratamento que mais perdeu massa corpórea em todos os períodos, além disso, quase metade dos girinos de P. nattereri morreram em 36 horas de estresse. Não houve diferenças significativas para os dados de desempenho locomotor e volume total entre os grupos testado para girinos de L. fuscus, mas houve diferenças morfometricas significantes nos componentes relacionados a cauda e no volume visceral, onde, o intestino do grupo tratamento foi menor que do controle. Já em P. nattereri, houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos testados para desempenho locomotor, volume total, morfometria da cauda e volume visceral, sendo o estomago e anexo do tratamento maior que do controle. Nossos resultados sugerem que a exposição ao estresse hídrico não afeta significativamente a morfologia e o desempenho locomotor dos girinos de L. fuscus. No entanto, girinos de P. nattereri apresentaram uma sensibilidade ao estresse hídrico prolongado, principalmente sobre o seu desempenho locomotor.


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Bromeliads are an important microhabitat for the herpetofauna, for being widely used as refuge from predators and their leaf architecture allows humidity maintenance and relatively constant temperature inside, setting a favorable environment for amphibians and reptiles, especially in areas under hydric stress. However, studies addressing this relationship are still incipient and more concentrated in fitotelmatas bromeliad. For non-fitotelmatas rupicolous bromeliads of the gender Encholirium, which develops into rocky outcrops and contains species of semi-arid regions such as the Caatinga, animal-plant relationships are almost unknown. In this context, this study aimed to know the herpetological fauna inhabitant of macambiras bromeliads, Encholirium spectabile, analyzing occupation and use of these bromeliads by different taxa, and the behavioral ecology of the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha, seeking to identify factors associated with this strict relationship in Caatinga. An extensive review of the world literature on the subject “lizards in bromeliads” subsidized this study from the ecological perspective of this association. The field work was carried out at Fazenda Tanques, municipality of Santa Maria / RN, mesoregion of Agreste Potiguar. The observations and/or data collection in daytime and in the evening was conducted monthly during three consecutive days, from January 2011 to August 2012, totaling 450 hour.man of sampling effort. Sixteen species were registered: six lizards (Mabuyidae, Tropiduridae, Gekkonidae and Phyllodactylidae Families), six snakes (Boidae and Dipsadidae Families) and four of amphibians of Hylidae Family. The effect of the forest edge on the distribution of species along the outcrop was significant, with most species found in outcrop edges. Significant difference was found between some pairs of species concerning use of bromeliads, and almost total niche overlap in the use of microhabitat. 62.5% of the species are nocturnal and use these plants for sheltering, breeding and feeding. Regarding the relations between 4 the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha and macambiras bromeliads, behaviors of thermoregulation and foraging in the dry and wet seasons were recorded. Activity periods were concentrated between 7 and 10 am and between 3 and 5 pm in both seasons, showing a clear bimodal pattern. The species basically used the green leaves and there were no significant differences between males and females in the use of bromeliads. Positive associations were found between body temperature and temperatures of bromeliads and air. This species spent 1.95% ± 3.8 of the time moving (PTM) and moved on average 0:36 ± 2.1 seconds per minute (MPM), with significant differences between the wet and dry to PTM, and between the average time of stop and average duration of movements, being considered a sedentary forager. Psychosaura agmosticha, in the study area, is bromelicolous and uses macambiras primarily for thermoregulation and foraging. The results of this study elevate the rupicolous bromeliads Encholirium spectabile as key elements for the maintenance of amphibians and reptiles associated with it, and a clear advantageous association for the conservation of the groups involved.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo a elaboração de uma proposta de certificação hídrica para edifícios residenciais existentes e em fase de projeto. O desenvolvimento desta certificação incide essencialmente na poupança de água potável nos edifícios, demonstrando que o consumo excessivo da mesma poderá traduzir-se num problema no futuro. O uso eficiente da água assume cada vez mais uma importância acrescida. Neste trabalho enumeram-se alguns países da Europa que, devido a uma má gestão da sua água ou às alterações climáticas (como por exemplo, a diminuição da precipitação), se encontram ou poderão se encontrar em “stress hídrico”. É apresentado o Programa Nacional para o Uso Eficiente da Água, fazendo-se referência aos principais objetivos do programa e às medidas propostas para redução de consumos, nomeadamente no setor urbano e em particular ao nível dos sistemas prediais e dos dispositivos em instalações residenciais. Com base nisto, são apresentados consumos e potenciais reduções com a implantação de equipamentos hidricamente eficientes e sistemas de aproveitamento de águas em algumas moradias. Após uma análise de sistemas de certificação da construção sustentável existentes, nacionais e internacionais, é apresentada uma proposta de certificação hídrica de edifícios residenciais. A proposta de certificação é apresentada com recurso a folhas de cálculo Excel.Assenta essencialmente na quantificação dos consumos dos equipamentos sanitários e cálculo do contributo dos sistemas de aproveitamento de águas, sejam cinzentas ou pluviais. À semelhança da certificação energética, a proposta de certificação hídrica faz uma comparação dos consumos da habitação em avaliação com um modelo criado de referência, propondo depois, algumas melhorias que o consumidor pode adotar para melhorar a eficiência da sua residência.