998 resultados para Hybrid spin-photon qubits


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The physical implementation of quantum information processing is one of the major challenges of current research. In the last few years, several theoretical proposals and experimental demonstrations on a small number of qubits have been carried out, but a quantum computing architecture that is straightforwardly scalable, universal, and realizable with state-of-the-art technology is still lacking. In particular, a major ultimate objective is the construction of quantum simulators, yielding massively increased computational power in simulating quantum systems. Here we investigate promising routes towards the actual realization of a quantum computer, based on spin systems. The first one employs molecular nanomagnets with a doublet ground state to encode each qubit and exploits the wide chemical tunability of these systems to obtain the proper topology of inter-qubit interactions. Indeed, recent advances in coordination chemistry allow us to arrange these qubits in chains, with tailored interactions mediated by magnetic linkers. These act as switches of the effective qubit-qubit coupling, thus enabling the implementation of one- and two-qubit gates. Molecular qubits can be controlled either by uniform magnetic pulses, either by local electric fields. We introduce here two different schemes for quantum information processing with either global or local control of the inter-qubit interaction and demonstrate the high performance of these platforms by simulating the system time evolution with state-of-the-art parameters. The second architecture we propose is based on a hybrid spin-photon qubit encoding, which exploits the best characteristic of photons, whose mobility is exploited to efficiently establish long-range entanglement, and spin systems, which ensure long coherence times. The setup consists of spin ensembles coherently coupled to single photons within superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators. The tunability of the resonators frequency is exploited as the only manipulation tool to implement a universal set of quantum gates, by bringing the photons into/out of resonance with the spin transition. The time evolution of the system subject to the pulse sequence used to implement complex quantum algorithms has been simulated by numerically integrating the master equation for the system density matrix, thus including the harmful effects of decoherence. Finally a scheme to overcome the leakage of information due to inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble is pointed out. Both the proposed setups are based on state-of-the-art technological achievements. By extensive numerical experiments we show that their performance is remarkably good, even for the implementation of long sequences of gates used to simulate interesting physical models. Therefore, the here examined systems are really promising buildingblocks of future scalable architectures and can be used for proof-of-principle experiments of quantum information processing and quantum simulation.


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There is some controversy around the value of sentinel lymph node excision (SLNE). Especially SLNE of cutaneous head and neck malignancies has been debated intensively, in part because of the complexity of the lymphatic drainage in this region associated with potential high morbidity. In order to improve preoperative three-dimensional mapping of sentinel lymph nodes (SLN), in the head and neck region, by means of hybrid single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) is gaining significance. Our study seeks to identify the potential medical and economic advantages of preoperative SPECT/CT in direct comparison to standard SLNE without SPECT/CT in patients with cutaneous head and neck malignancies.


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We describe a scheme for the encoding and manipulation of single photon qubits in optical sideband modes using standard optical elements. We propose and analyze the radio frequency half-wave plate, which may be used to make arbitrary rotations of a state in the frequency basis, and the frequency beamsplitter, which may be used to separate (or combine) photons of different frequencies into (from) different spatial modes.


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Over the past decades, universities have increasingly become ambidextrous organizations reconciling scientific and commercial missions. In order to manage this ambidexterity, technology transfer offices (TTOs) were established in most universities. This paper studies a specific, often implemented, but rather understudied type of TTO, namely a hybrid TTO model uniting centralized and decentralized levels. Employing a qualitative research design, we examine how and why the two TTO levels engage in diverse boundary spanning activities to help nascent spin-off companies move through the pre-spin-off process. Our research identifies differences in the types of boundary spanning activities that centralized and decentralized TTOs perform and in the parties they engage with. We find geographical, technological and organizational proximity to be important antecedents of the TTOs’ engagement in external and internal boundary spanning activities. These results have important implications for both academics and practitioners interested in university technology transfer through spin-off creation.


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3041477]


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Electron spin-dependent transport properties have been theoretically investigated in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) modulated by the magnetic field generated by a pair of anti-parallel magnetization ferromagnetic metal stripes and the electrostatic potential provided by a normal metal Schottky stripe. It is shown that the energy positions of the spin-polarization extremes and the width of relative spin conductance excess plateau could be significantly manipulated by the electrostatic potential strength and width, as well as its position relative to the FM stripes. These interesting features are believed useful for designing the electric voltage controlled spin filters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the disentanglement evolution of two spin qubits which interact with a general XY spin-chain environment. The dynamical process of the disentanglement is numerically and analytically investigated in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition (QPT) of the spin chain in both weak and strong coupling cases. We find that the disentanglement of the two spin qubits may be greatly enhanced by the quantum critical behavior of the environmental spin chain. We give a detailed analysis to facilitate the understanding of the QPT-enhanced decaying behavior of the coherence factor. Furthermore, the scaling behavior in the disentanglement dynamics is also revealed and analyzed.


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3041477]


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We report a new type of photonic memory cell based on a semiconductor quantum dot (QD)-quantum well (QW) hybrid structure, in which photo-generated excitons can be decomposed into separated electrons and holes, and stored in QW and QDs respectively. Storage and retrieval of photonic signals are verified by time-resolved photoluminescence experiments. A storage time in excess of 100ms has been obtained at a temperature of 10 K while the switching speed reaches the order of ten megahertz.


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The synthesis of 3-ethynylthienyl- (2.07), 3-ethynylterthienyl- (2.19) substituted qsal [qsalH = N-(8-quinolyl)salicylaldimine] and 3,3' -diethynyl-2,2' -bithienyl bridging bisqsal (5.06) ligands are described along with the preparation and characterization of eight cationic iron(III) complexes containing these ligands with a selection of counteranions [(2.07) with: SCN- (2.08), PF6- (2.09), and CI04- (2.10); (2.19) with PF6 - (2.20); (5.06) with: cr (5.07), SeN- (5.08), PF6- (5.09), and CI04- (5.10)]. Spin-crossover is observed in the solid state for (2.08) - (2.10) and (5.07) - (5.10), including a ve ry rare S = 5/2 to 3/2 spin-crossover in complex (2.09). The unusal reduction of complex (2.10) produces a high-spin iron(I1) complex (2.12). Six iron(II) complexes that are derived from thienyl analogues of bispicen [bispicen = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-diamine] [2,5-thienyl substituents = H- (3.11), Phenyl- (3.12), 2- thienyl (3.13) or N-phenyl-2-pyridinalimine ligands [2,5-phenyl substituents = diphenyl (3.23), di(2-thienyl) (3.24), 4-phenyl substituent = 3-thienyl (3.25)] are reported Complexes (3.11), (3.23) and (3.25) display thermal spin-crossover in the solid state and (3.12) remains high-spin at all temperatures. Complex (3.13) rearranges to form an iron(II) complex (3.14) with temperature dependent magnetic properties be s t described as a one-dimensional ferromagnetic chain, with interchain antiferromagnetic interactions and/or ZFS dominant at low temperatures. Magnetic succeptibility and Mossbauer data for complex (3.24) display a temperature dependent mixture of spin isomers. The preparation and characterization of two cobalt(II) complexes containing 3- ethynylthienyl- (4.04) and 3-ethynylterhienyl- (4.06) substituted bipyridine ligands [(4.05): [Co(dbsqh(4.04)]; (4.07): [Co(dbsq)2(4.06)]] [dbsq = 3,5-dbsq=3,5-di-tert-butylI ,2-semiquinonate] are reported. Complexes (4.05) and (4.07) exhibit thermal valence tautomerism in the solid state and in solution. Self assembly of complex (2.10) into polymeric spheres (6.11) afforded the first spincrossover, polydisperse, micro- to nanoscale material of its kind. . Complexes (2.20), (3.24) and (4.07) also form polymers through electrochemical synthesis to produce hybrid metaUopolymer films (6.12), (6.15) and (6.16), respectively. The films have been characterized by EDX, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements demonstrate that spin lability is operative in the polymers and conductivity measurements confirm the electron transport properties. Polymer (6.15) has a persistent oxidized state that shows a significant decrease in electrical resistance.


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We have succeeded in the preparation of electrospun fibers of polystyrene incorporating a metallo-organic polymer of [Fe (II) (4-octadecyl-1,2,4-triazole)3(ClO4)2]n. The obtained fibers have diameters in the range 2–4 µm and show the characteristic spin-crossover transition associated with the metallo-organic polymer. The structure of both, polystyrene and the metallo-organic polymer, in the fibers was also studied.


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HfO2-(3-glycidoxipropil)trimethoxisilane (GPTS) planar waveguides were prepared by a sol-gel route. A stable sol of Hafnia nanocrystals was prepared and characterized by photon correlation spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The suspension was incorporated in GPTS host and the resulting sol was deposited on borosilicate substrates by the spin coating technique. Optical properties such as refractive index, thickness, number of propagating modes, and attenuation coefficient were measured at 632.8, 543.5, and 1550 nm by the prism coupling technique as a function of the HfO2 content. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)03348-9].


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Graphitic like layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic structures and thus the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials is of great interest for developing novel nano-devices. By using density functional theory (DFT) method, here we for the first time investigate the structure, stability, electronic and optical properties of monolayer lead iodide (PbI2). The stability of PbI2 monolayer is first confirmed by phonon dispersion calculation. Compared to the calculation using generalized gradient approximation, screened hybrid functional and spin–orbit coupling effects can not only predicts an accurate bandgap (2.63 eV), but also the correct position of valence and conduction band edges. The biaxial strain can tune its bandgap size in a wide range from 1 eV to 3 eV, which can be understood by the strain induced uniformly change of electric field between Pb and I atomic layer. The calculated imaginary part of the dielectric function of 2D graphene/PbI2 van der Waals type hetero-structure shows significant red shift of absorption edge compared to that of a pure monolayer PbI2. Our findings highlight a new interesting 2D material with potential applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics.


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Two inorganic-organic hybrid framework iron phosphate-oxalates, I, [N2C4H12](0.5)[Fe-2(HPO4)(C2O4)(1.5)] and II, [Fe-2(OH2)PO4(C2O4)(0.5)] have been synthesized by hydrothermal means and the structures determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal Data: compound I, monoclinic, spacegroup = P2(1)/c (No. 14), a=7.569(2) Angstrom, b=7.821(2) Angstrom, c=18.033(4) Angstrom, beta=98.8(1)degrees, V=1055.0(4) Angstrom(3), Z=4, M=382.8, D-calc=2.41 g cm(-3) MoK alpha, R-F=0.02; compound II, monoclinic, spacegroup=P2(1)/c (No. 14), a=10.240(1) b=6.375(3) Angstrom, 9.955(1) Angstrom, beta=117.3(1)degrees, V=577.4(1) Angstrom(3), Z=4, M=268.7, D-calc=3.09 g cm(-3) MoK alpha, R-F=0.03. These materials contain a high proportion of three-coordinated oxygens and [Fe2O9] dimeric units, besides other interesting structural features. The connectivity of Fe2O9 is entirely different in the two materials resulting in the formation of a continuous chain of Fe-O-Fe in II. The phosphate-oxalate containing the amine, I, forms well-defined channels. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show Fen to be in the high-spin state (t(2g)(4)e(g)(2)) in II, and in the intermediate-spin state (t(2g)(5)e(g)(1)) in I.


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A quantum-spin-Hall (QSH) state was achieved experimentally, albeit at a low critical temperature because of the narrow band gap of the bulk material. Twodimensional topological insulators are critically important for realizing novel topological applications. Using density functional theory (DFT), we demonstrated that hydrogenated GaBi bilayers (HGaBi) form a stable topological insulator with a large nontrivial band gap of 0.320 eV, based on the state-of-the-art hybrid functional method, which is implementable for achieving QSH states at room temperature. The nontrivial topological property of the HGaBi lattice can also be confirmed from the appearance of gapless edge states in the nanoribbon structure. Our results provide a versatile platform for hosting nontrivial topological states usable for important nanoelectronic device applications.