995 resultados para Hybrid layer


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Objectives: the purpose of this study is to employ optical microscopy to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer and the penetration (tags) of an aggressive self-etching adhesive system into sound dentin.Methods: occtusat cavities were prepared in 40 extracted human posterior teeth. The prepared teeth were randomly assigned to four experimental groups with 10 specimens each. The self-etching adhesive system Adper Prompt L-Pop was applied to the dentin surface as follows: Group 1: cavosurface enamel was etched for 60 s and dentin for 20 s with 35% phosphoric acid get, immediately followed by application of the self -etching adhesive with a brush to the entire cavity for 15 s; Groups 2, 3, and 4: no pre-etching was performed, and the self -etching adhesive was applied to both enamel and dentin for 15, 30 and 45 s, respectively. After curing, the cavities were fitted with composite resin Fittek Z250. Afterwards, the teeth were decalcified and the restorations were carefully removed for later embedding in paraffin. The specimens were serially sectioned at 6 mu m of thickness and sequentially mounted in glass slides. These sections were stained with Brown and Brenn staining for posterior analysis and measurement of the hybrid layer and resin tags on a tight microscope with a micrometric ocular 40/075. The results were submitted to analysis of variance at the 5% level.Results: whenever there was significance, the Tukey test was applied at the 5% level. The specimens receiving application of acid etching before the selfetching. adhesive displayed a larger thickness of the hybrid layer; on the other hand, specimens receiving only application of the self -etching adhesive on dentin for 15, 30 and 45 s exhibited similar thickness of the hybrid layer. As regards the resin tags, no statistically significant differences could be found between the study groups.Conclusions: it could be concluded that the increase in the time of application of the self-etching adhesive Adper Prompt L-Pop did not significantly influence the formation and thickness of hybrid layer, as well as its penetration into the sound dentin surface. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To analyze the smear layer and the hybrid layer in noncarious and carious dentin prepared by different cutting instruments and restored with composite resin. Study design: Cavities were randomly prepared in 160 specimens (noncarious and artificial carious dentin) by high-speed diamond tips (KG Sorensen 1013), air abrasion system (Prepstart, Danville Engineering), ultrasonic tip (CVDentus 8.3231-1), and ultrasonic tip associated with ultrasonic cavitation by water for 10 s. Half of the cavities in each group were conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s. The amount of smear layer and dentinal tubules present were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and graded from 0 to 3. Cavities were prepared in another 20 noncarious specimens and 20 carious specimens and restored with adhesive composite resin system. The restorations were hemisected longitudinally and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the hybrid layer and resinous prolongation characteristics, using scores ranging from 1 to 6. Results: The data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at 5% of significance level. There was evidence that the most efficient smear layer removal was the acid etching in the noncarious dentin and the water ultrasonic cavitation in the carious dentin. The hybrid layer formed on the noncarious and carious dentin prepared by the ultrasonic tip was more regular than in the specimens prepared by high-speed diamond tip, with many resinous prolongations. Conclusion: The ultrasonic tip seems to be a promising tool for carious dentin cavity preparation. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:597-605, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Host-derived proteases have been reported to degrade the collagen matrix of incompletely-resin-infiltrated dentin. This study tested the hypothesis that interfacial degradation of resin-dentin bonds may be prevented or delayed by the application of chlorhexidine (CHX), a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, to dentin after phosphoric acid-etching. Contralateral pairs of resin-bonded Class I restorations in non-carious third molars were kept under intra-oral function for 14 months. Preservation of resin-dentin bonds was assessed by microtensile bond strength tests and TEM examination. In vivo bond strength remained stable in the CHX-treated specimens, while bond strength decreased significantly in control teeth. Resin-infiltrated dentin in CHX-treated specimens exhibited normal structural integrity of the collagen network. Conversely, progressive disintegration of the fibrillar network was identified in control specimens. Auto-degradation of collagen matrices can occur in resin-infiltrated dentin, but may be prevented by the application of a synthetic protease inhibitor, such as chlorhexidine.


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The presence of porosities at the dentin/adhesive interface has been observed with the use of new generation dentin bonding systems. These porosities tend to contradict the concept that etching and hybridization processes occur equally and simultaneously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the micromechanical behavior of the hybrid layer (HL) with voids based on a self-etching adhesive system using 3-D finite element (FE) analysis. Three FE models (Mr) were built: Mr, dentin specimen (41x41x82 μm) with a regular and perfect (i.e. pore-free) HL based on a self-etching adhesive system, restored with composite resin; Mp, similar to M, but containing 25% (v/v) voids in the HL; Mpp, similar to Mr, but containing 50% (v/v) voids in the HL. A tensile load (0.03N) was applied on top of the composite resin. The stress field was obtained by using Ansys Workbench 10.0. The nodes of the base of the specimen were constrained in the x, y and z axes. The maximum principal stress (σmax) was obtained for all structures at the dentin/adhesive interface. The Mpp showed the highest peak of σmax in the HL (32.2 MPa), followed by Mp (30 MPa) and Mr (28.4 MPa). The stress concentration in the peritubular dentin was high in all models (120 MPa). All other structures positioned far from voids showed similar increase of stress. Voids incorporated into the HL raised the σmax in this region by 13.5%. This behavior might be responsible for lower bond strengths of self-etching and single-bottle adhesives, as reported in the literature.


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The objective of this study was to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer (HLT), length of resin tags (RTL) and bond strength (BS) in the same teeth, using a self-etching adhesive system Adper Prompt L Pop to intact dentin and to analyze the correlation between HLTand RTL and their BS. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedures and each restored tooth was sectioned in mesio-distal direction. One section was submitted to light microscopy analysis of HLT and RTL (400x). Another section was prepared and submitted to the microtensile bond test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surfaces were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to determine the failure pattern. Correlation between HLT and RTL with the BS data was analyzed by linear regression. The mean values of HLT, RTL and BS were 3.36 microm, 12.97 microm and 14.10 MPa, respectively. No significant relationship between BS and HLT (R2= 0.011, p>0.05) and between BS and RTL (R2= 0.038) was observed. The results suggested that there was no significant correlation between the HLT and RTL with the BS of the self-etching adhesive to dentin.


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This experimental light microscopy study investigated the formation of a hybrid layer and resin tags on sound dentin, after utilization of conventional and self-etching adhesive systems. After restorative procedures, the specimens were decalcified in a formic acid and sodium citrate solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 6-microm thickness and stained by the Brown & Brenn method for analysis and measurement by light microscopy (AXIOPHOT) (400x). The results were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance, at a significance level of 5%. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the conventional adhesive allowed the formation of a thicker hybrid layer than the self-etching adhesive, with similar penetration into the dentinal tubules (resin tags).


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a two-step total etch and rinse adhesive, the correlation between the hyybrid layer thickness (HL) and bond strength (BS), and between resin tag length (RT) and bond strength in the same teeth, and also to evaluate the fracture patterns of the tested specimens. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedure and then sectioned in two halves (mesio-distally). The materials used were Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE, Ultra etch gel, Ultradent and Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE. One half were utilized to measure the HL thickness and RT length through light microscopy analysis (400x), and the other half was subject to a microtensile test to measure the BS. The fractured surfaces were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and fracture patterns classified. The Pearson correlation test was applied (p = 0.05). The results of the analyses of each specimen then were correlated: mean HL thickness = 4.39 (0.48) microm, mean length of RT = 9.94 (1.69) microm, mean BS = 23.98 (10.24) MPa. A statistically significant correlation between HL thickness and bond strength was found (r = 0.93). The two step etch and rinse adhesive system, showed a strong correlation between HL thickness and bond strength. The most common fractures were adhesive, followed by cohesive in resin.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the hybrid layer thickness/resin tag length and the microtensile bond strength of conventional two-step adhesive system, when applied to healthy dentinal tissue. After performing the restorative adhesive procedures and tooth extractions, ten specimens were sectioned in the mesiodistal direction. One section was used for microscopic analysis of the resin tag lengths and the hybrid layer thickness, while the other was used for the microtensile bond strength test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surface was classified according to the fracture pattern, under a stereoscopic microscope at 40x magnification. Data obtained were submitted to analysis using one-way ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation test (alpha=0.05). The means corresponding to the hybrid layer thickness, resin tag lengths and the microtensile test were 2.68 microm, 6.43 microm and 16.23 MPa, respectively. There was no correlation between the means of the values obtained for the microtensile test, and those presented by the hybrid layer (r2=0.40, p>0.05) and resin tags (r2=0.21, p>0.05). The microtensile bond strength of the conventional two-step adhesive system Adper Single Bond 2 did not depend on the thickness of the hybrid layer and length of resin tags.


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Influence of cutting instruments and The aim of this study was to analyze the hybrid layer in noncarious dentin prepared by different cutting instruments and restored with composite resin. The cavities were randomly prepared in 40 specimens using a high-speed diamond bur (KG Sorensen 1013) and an ultrasonic tip (CVDentus C22). The cavities were restored with composite resin by varying the adhesive system between the Adper™ Single Bond (2 x 1 system, primer+adhesive) and the Prompt L-Pop™ (3 x 1 system, self-etching). The restorations were hemisected longitudinally and analyzed in the SEM (Scanning electron microscopy) in order to evaluate the hybrid layer and resinous tags characteristics, using scores ranging from 1 to 6. The Pearson test revealed a high correlation coefficient and good significance levels for both intra- and inter-raters values (r=0.90). The data were statistically analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test (P≤0.05). A larger proportion of regular hybrid layers with numerous tags were observed in the dentin prepared using the high-speed diamond burs and restored with a 2 × 1 adhesive system. Alternatively, the 3 × 1 adhesive system promoted the generation of a thin hybrid layer with few tags. After preparation using an ultrasonic tip revealed few or no tags after the preparation and 2 × 1 or 3 × 1 adhesive system application. The high-speed diamond burs produced a dentin surface that was more favorable to restorative material adhesion than the ultrasonic tips, regardless of the adhesive system used.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system to sound dentin tissue in vivo. After performing restorative procedures and tooth extractions, ten specimens were sectioned in a mesiodistal direction. One dental section was used for light microscope analysis, in which both the resin tag length and hybrid layer thickness were measured, while the other section was analyzed using a microtensile test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surface of the latter section was characterized using a stereoscopic magnifying glass (40x magnifcation). The results were subject to statistical analysis using the Pearson Correlation Test (a = 0.05). The hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength mean values were 2.19 microm (0.34), 4.34 microm (0.28) and 9.73 MPa (5,55), respectively. In addition, correlation tests between the resin tag length and the resin bond strength (r=0.014) and also between the hybrid layer thickness and bond strength (r=0.43), showed no statistically significant correlation. The microtensile bond strength of Adper Prompt L Pop self-etching adhesive system does not depend on hybrid layer thickness or resin tag length.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Er:YAG (L) and diamond drills (DD) on: 1) the microshear bond strength (MPa); 2) the adhesive interface of two-step (TS) – Adper Scotchbond Multipurpose and one-step (OS) adhesives – Adper EasyOne, both from 3M ESPE. Material and methods: According to the preparation condition and adhesives, the samples were divided into four groups: DD_TS (control); DD_OS; L_TS and L_OS. 60 bovine incisors were randomly divided into experimental and groups: 40 for microshear bond strength (n = 10) and 20 for the adhesive interface morphology [6 to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer (HL) and length of tags (t) by CLSM (n = 3); 12 to the adhesive interface morphology by SEM (n = 3) and 2 to illustrate the effect of the instruments on dentine by SEM (n = 1)]. To conduct the microshear bond strength test, four cylinders (0.7 mm in diameter and 1 mm in height with area of adhesion of 0.38 mm) were constructed with resin composite (Filtek Z350 XT – 3M ESPE) on each dentin surface treated by either L or DD and after adhesives application. Microshear bond strength was performed in universal testing machine (EMIC 2000) with load cell of 500 kgf and a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm / min. Adhesive interface was characterized by thickness of hybrid layer (HL) and length of tags (t) in nm, with the aid of UTHSCSA ImageTool software. Results: Microshear bond strength values were: L_TS 34.10 ± 19.07, DD_TS 24.26 ± 9.35, L_OS 33.18 ± 12.46, DD_OS 21.24 ± 13.96. Two-way ANOVA resulted in statistically significant differences only for instruments (p = 0.047). Mann-Whitney identified the instruments which determined significant differences for HL thickness and tag length (t). Concerning to the adhesive types, these differences were only observed for (t). Conclusion: It can be concluded that 1) laser Er:YAG results in higher microshear bond strength values regardless of the adhesive system (TS and OS); 2) the tags did not significant affect the microshear bond strength; 3) the adhesive interface was affected by both the instruments for cavity preparation and the type of adhesive system used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)