839 resultados para Hybrid energy storage
This paper presents a model for availability analysis of standalone hybrid microgrid. The microgrid used in the study consists of wind, solar storage and diesel generator. Boolean driven Markov process is used to develop the availability of the system in the proposed method. By modifying the developed model, the relationship between the availability of the system with the fine (normal) weather and disturbed (stormy) weather durations are analyzed. Effects of different converter technologies on the availability of standalone microgrid were investigated and the results have shown that the availability of microgrid increased by 5.80 % when a storage system is added. On the other hand, the availability of standalone microgrid could be overestimated by 3.56 % when weather factor is neglected. In the same way 200, 500 and 1000 hours of disturbed weather durations reduced the availability of the system by 5.36%, 9.73% and 13.05 %, respectively. In addition, the hybrid energy storage cascade topology with a capacitor in the middle maximized the system availability.
Electric vehicle (EV) batteries tend to have accelerated degradation due to high peak power and harsh charging/discharging cycles during acceleration and deceleration periods, particularly in urban driving conditions. An oversized energy storage system (ESS) can meet the high power demands; however, it suffers from increased size, volume and cost. In order to reduce the overall ESS size and extend battery cycle life, a battery-ultracapacitor (UC) hybrid energy storage system (HESS) has been considered as an alternative solution. In this work, we investigate the optimized configuration, design, and energy management of a battery-UC HESS. One of the major challenges in a HESS is to design an energy management controller for real-time implementation that can yield good power split performance. We present the methodologies and solutions to this problem in a battery-UC HESS with a DC-DC converter interfacing with the UC and the battery. In particular, a multi-objective optimization problem is formulated to optimize the power split in order to prolong the battery lifetime and to reduce the HESS power losses. This optimization problem is numerically solved for standard drive cycle datasets using Dynamic Programming (DP). Trained using the DP optimal results, an effective real-time implementation of the optimal power split is realized based on Neural Network (NN). This proposed online energy management controller is applied to a midsize EV model with a 360V/34kWh battery pack and a 270V/203Wh UC pack. The proposed online energy management controller effectively splits the load demand with high power efficiency and also effectively reduces the battery peak current. More importantly, a 38V-385Wh battery and a 16V-2.06Wh UC HESS hardware prototype and a real-time experiment platform has been developed. The real-time experiment results have successfully validated the real-time implementation feasibility and effectiveness of the real-time controller design for the battery-UC HESS. A battery State-of-Health (SoH) estimation model is developed as a performance metric to evaluate the battery cycle life extension effect. It is estimated that the proposed online energy management controller can extend the battery cycle life by over 60%.
Hybrid vehicles represent the future for automakers, since they allow to improve the fuel economy and to reduce the pollutant emissions. A key component of the hybrid powertrain is the Energy Storage System, that determines the ability of the vehicle to store and reuse energy. Though electrified Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on batteries and ultracapacitors, are a proven technology, Alternative Energy Storage Systems (AESS), based on mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, are gaining interest because they give the possibility of realizing low-cost mild-hybrid vehicles. Currently, most literature of design methodologies focuses on electric ESS, which are not suitable for AESS design. In this contest, The Ohio State University has developed an Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology. This work focuses on the development of driving cycle analysis methodology that is a key component of Alternative Energy Storage System design procedure. The proposed methodology is based on a statistical approach to analyzing driving schedules that represent the vehicle typical use. Driving data are broken up into power events sequence, namely traction and braking events, and for each of them, energy-related and dynamic metrics are calculated. By means of a clustering process and statistical synthesis methods, statistically-relevant metrics are determined. These metrics define cycle representative braking events. By using these events as inputs for the Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology, different system designs are obtained. Each of them is characterized by attributes, namely system volume and weight. In the last part the work, the designs are evaluated in simulation by introducing and calculating a metric related to the energy conversion efficiency. Finally, the designs are compared accounting for attributes and efficiency values. In order to automate the driving data extraction and synthesis process, a specific script Matlab based has been developed. Results show that the driving cycle analysis methodology, based on the statistical approach, allows to extract and synthesize cycle representative data. The designs based on cycle statistically-relevant metrics are properly sized and have satisfying efficiency values with respect to the expectations. An exception is the design based on the cycle worst-case scenario, corresponding to same approach adopted by the conventional electric ESS design methodologies. In this case, a heavy system with poor efficiency is produced. The proposed new methodology seems to be a valid and consistent support for Alternative Energy Storage System design.
Hybrid Elektrodenmaterialien (HEM) sind der Schlüssel zu grundlegenden Fortschritten in der Energiespeicherung und Systemen zur Energieumwandlung, einschließlich Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LiBs), Superkondensatoren (SCs) und Brennstoffzellen (FCs). Die faszinierenden Eigenschaften von Graphen machen es zu einem guten Ausgangsmaterial für die Darstellung von HEM. Jedoch scheitern traditionelle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Graphen-HEM (GHEM) scheitern häufig an der fehlenden Kontrolle über die Morphologie und deren Einheitlichkeit, was zu unzureichenden Grenzflächenwechselwirkungen und einer mangelhaften Leistung des Materials führt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung von GHEM über kontrollierte Darstellungsmethoden und befasst sich mit der Nutzung von definierten GHEM für die Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung. Die große Volumenausdehnung bildet den Hauptnachteil der künftigen Lithium-Speicher-Materialien. Als erstes wird ein dreidimensionaler Graphen Schaumhybrid zur Stärkung der Grundstruktur und zur Verbesserung der elektrochemischen Leistung des Fe3O4 Anodenmaterials dargestellt. Der Einsatz von Graphenschalen und Graphennetzen realisiert dabei einen doppelten Schutz gegen die Volumenschwankung des Fe3O4 bei dem elektrochemischen Prozess. Die Leistung der SCs und der FCs hängt von der Porenstruktur und der zugänglichen Oberfläche, beziehungsweise den katalytischen Stellen der Elektrodenmaterialien ab. Wir zeigen, dass die Steuerung der Porosität über Graphen-basierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (HPCN) die zugängliche Oberfläche und den Ionentransport/Ladungsspeicher für SCs-Anwendungen erhöht. Desweiteren wurden Stickstoff dotierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (NDCN) für die kathodische Sauerstoffreduktion (ORR) hergestellt. Eine maßgeschnittene Mesoporosität verbunden mit Heteroatom Doping (Stickstoff) fördert die Exposition der aktiven Zentren und die ORR-Leistung der metallfreien Katalysatoren. Hochwertiges elektrochemisch exfoliiertes Graphen (EEG) ist ein vielversprechender Kandidat für die Darstellung von GHEM. Allerdings ist die kontrollierte Darstellung von EEG-Hybriden weiterhin eine große Herausforderung. Zu guter Letzt wird eine Bottom-up-Strategie für die Darstellung von EEG Schichten mit einer Reihe von funktionellen Nanopartikeln (Si, Fe3O4 und Pt NPs) vorgestellt. Diese Arbeit zeigt einen vielversprechenden Weg für die wirtschaftliche Synthese von EEG und EEG-basierten Materialien.
To fully utilize second-life batteries on the grid system, a hybrid battery scheme needs to be considered for several reasons: the uncertainty over using a single source supply chain for second-life batteries, the differences in evolving battery chemistry and battery configuration by different suppliers to strive for greater power levels, and the uncertainty of degradation within a second-life battery. Therefore, these hybrid battery systems could have widely different module voltage, capacity, and initial state of charge and state of health. In order to suitably integrate and control these widely different batteries, a suitable multimodular converter topology and an associated control structure are required. This paper addresses these issues proposing a modular boost-multilevel buck converter based topology to integrate these hybrid second-life batteries to a grid-tie inverter. Thereafter, a suitable module-based distributed control architecture is introduced to independently utilize each converter module according to its characteristics. The proposed converter and control architecture are found to be flexible enough to integrate widely different batteries to an inverter dc link. Modeling, analysis, and experimental validation are performed on a single-phase modular hybrid battery energy storage system prototype to understand the operation of the control strategy with different hybrid battery configurations.
The modern grid system or the smart grid is likely to be populated with multiple distributed energy sources, e.g. wind power, PV power, Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV). It will also include a variety of linear and nonlinear loads. The intermittent nature of renewable energies like PV, wind turbine and increased penetration of Electric Vehicle (EV) makes the stable operation of utility grid system challenging. In order to ensure a stable operation of the utility grid system and to support smart grid functionalities such as, fault ride-through, frequency response, reactive power support, and mitigation of power quality issues, an energy storage system (ESS) could play an important role. A fast acting bidirectional energy storage system which can rapidly provide and absorb power and/or VARs for a sufficient time is a potentially valuable tool to support this functionality. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are one of a range suitable energy storage system because it can provide and absorb power for sufficient time as well as able to respond reasonably fast. Conventional BESS already exist on the grid system are made up primarily of new batteries. The cost of these batteries can be high which makes most BESS an expensive solution. In order to assist moving towards a low carbon economy and to reduce battery cost this work aims to research the opportunities for the re-use of batteries after their primary use in low and ultra-low carbon vehicles (EV/HEV) on the electricity grid system. This research aims to develop a new generation of second life battery energy storage systems (SLBESS) which could interface to the low/medium voltage network to provide necessary grid support in a reliable and in cost-effective manner. The reliability/performance of these batteries is not clear, but is almost certainly worse than a new battery. Manufacturers indicate that a mixture of gradual degradation and sudden failure are both possible and failure mechanisms are likely to be related to how hard the batteries were driven inside the vehicle. There are several figures from a number of sources including the DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Control) and Arup and Cenex reports indicate anything from 70,000 to 2.6 million electric and hybrid vehicles on the road by 2020. Once the vehicle battery has degraded to around 70-80% of its capacity it is considered to be at the end of its first life application. This leaves capacity available for a second life at a much cheaper cost than a new BESS Assuming a battery capability of around 5-18kWhr (MHEV 5kWh - BEV 18kWh battery) and approximate 10 year life span, this equates to a projection of battery storage capability available for second life of >1GWhrs by 2025. Moreover, each vehicle manufacturer has different specifications for battery chemistry, number and arrangement of battery cells, capacity, voltage, size etc. To enable research and investment in this area and to maximize the remaining life of these batteries, one of the design challenges is to combine these hybrid batteries into a grid-tie converter where their different performance characteristics, and parameter variation can be catered for and a hot swapping mechanism is available so that as a battery ends it second life, it can be replaced without affecting the overall system operation. This integration of either single types of batteries with vastly different performance capability or a hybrid battery system to a grid-tie 3 energy storage system is different to currently existing work on battery energy storage systems (BESS) which deals with a single type of battery with common characteristics. This thesis addresses and solves the power electronic design challenges in integrating second life hybrid batteries into a grid-tie energy storage unit for the first time. This study details a suitable multi-modular power electronic converter and its various switching strategies which can integrate widely different batteries to a grid-tie inverter irrespective of their characteristics, voltage levels and reliability. The proposed converter provides a high efficiency, enhanced control flexibility and has the capability to operate in different operational modes from the input to output. Designing an appropriate control system for this kind of hybrid battery storage system is also important because of the variation of battery types, differences in characteristics and different levels of degradations. This thesis proposes a generalised distributed power sharing strategy based on weighting function aims to optimally use a set of hybrid batteries according to their relative characteristics while providing the necessary grid support by distributing the power between the batteries. The strategy is adaptive in nature and varies as the individual battery characteristics change in real time as a result of degradation for example. A suitable bidirectional distributed control strategy or a module independent control technique has been developed corresponding to each mode of operation of the proposed modular converter. Stability is an important consideration in control of all power converters and as such this thesis investigates the control stability of the multi-modular converter in detailed. Many controllers use PI/PID based techniques with fixed control parameters. However, this is not found to be suitable from a stability point-of-view. Issues of control stability using this controller type under one of the operating modes has led to the development of an alternative adaptive and nonlinear Lyapunov based control for the modular power converter. Finally, a detailed simulation and experimental validation of the proposed power converter operation, power sharing strategy, proposed control structures and control stability issue have been undertaken using a grid connected laboratory based multi-modular hybrid battery energy storage system prototype. The experimental validation has demonstrated the feasibility of this new energy storage system operation for use in future grid applications.
There is an increasing call for applications which use a mixture of batteries. These hybrid battery solutions may contain different battery types for example; using second life ex-transportation batteries in grid support applications or a combination of high power, low energy and low power, high energy batteries to meet multiple energy requirements or even the same battery types but under different states of health for example, being able to hot swap out a battery when it has failed in an application without changing all the batteries and ending up with batteries with different performances, capacities and impedances. These types of applications typically use multi-modular converters to allow hot swapping to take place without affecting the overall performance of the system. A key element of the control is how the different battery performance characteristics may be taken into account and the how the power is then shared among the different batteries in line with their performance. This paper proposes a control strategy which allows the power in the batteries to be effectively distributed even under capacity fade conditions using adaptive power sharing strategy. This strategy is then validated against a system of three different battery types connected to a multi-modular converter both with and without capacity fade mechanisms in place.
The use of ex-transportation battery system (i.e. second life EV/HEV batteries) in grid applications is an emerging field of study. A hybrid battery scheme offers a more practical approach in second life battery energy storage systems because battery modules could be from different sources/ vehicle manufacturers depending on the second life supply chain and have different characteristics e.g. voltage levels, maximum capacity and also different levels of degradations. Recent research studies have suggested a dc-side modular multilevel converter topology to integrate these hybrid batteries to a grid-tie inverter. Depending on the battery module characteristics, the dc-side modular converter can adopt different modes such as boost, buck or boost-buck to suitably transfer the power from battery to the grid. These modes have different switching techniques, control range, different efficiencies, which give a system designer choice on operational mode. This paper presents an analysis and comparative study of all the modes of the converter along with their switching performances in detail to understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of each mode to help to select the suitable converter mode. Detailed study of all the converter modes and thorough experimental results based on a multi-modular converter prototype based on hybrid batteries has been presented to validate the analysis.
A cascaded DC-DC boost converter is one of the ways to integrate hybrid battery types within a grid-tie inverter. Due to the presence of different battery parameters within the system such as, state-of-charge and/or capacity, a module based distributed power sharing strategy may be used. To implement this sharing strategy, the desired control reference for each module voltage/current control loop needs to be dynamically varied according to these battery parameters. This can cause stability problem within the cascaded converters due to relative battery parameter variations when using the conventional PI control approach. This paper proposes a new control method based on Lyapunov Functions to eliminate this issue. The proposed solution provides a global asymptotic stability at a module level avoiding any instability issue due to parameter variations. A detailed analysis and design of the nonlinear control structure are presented under the distributed sharing control. At last thorough experimental investigations are shown to prove the effectiveness of the proposed control under grid-tie conditions.
There is an emerging application which uses a mixture of batteries within an energy storage system. These hybrid battery solutions may contain different battery types. A DC-side cascaded boost converters along with a module based distributed power sharing strategy has been proposed to cope with variations in battery parameters such as, state-of-charge and/or capacity. This power sharing strategy distributes the total power among the different battery modules according to these battery parameters. Each module controller consists of an outer voltage loop with an inner current loop where the desired control reference for each control loop needs to be dynamically varied according to battery parameters to undertake this sharing. As a result, the designed control bandwidth or stability margin of each module control loop may vary in a wide range which can cause a stability problem within the cascaded converter. This paper reports such a unique issue and thoroughly investigates the stability of the modular converter under the distributed sharing scheme. The paper shows that a cascaded PI control loop approach cannot guarantee the system stability throughout the operating conditions. A detailed analysis of the stability issue and the limitations of the conventional approach are highlighted. Finally in-depth experimental results are presented to prove the stability issue using a modular hybrid battery energy storage system prototype under various operating conditions.
Today, the contribution of the transportation sector on greenhouse gases is evident. The fast consumption of fossil fuels and its impact on the environment has given a strong impetus to the development of vehicles with better fuel economy. Hybrid electric vehicles fit into this context with different targets, starting from the reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, but also for performance and comfort enhancement. Vehicles exist with various missions; super sport cars usually aim to reach peak performance and to guarantee a great driving experience to the driver, but great attention must also be paid to fuel consumption. According to the vehicle mission, hybrid vehicles can differ in the powertrain configuration and the choice of the energy storage system. Lamborghini has recently invested in the development of hybrid super sport cars, due to performance and comfort reasons, with the possibility to reduce fuel consumption. This research activity has been conducted as a joint collaboration between the University of Bologna and the sportscar manufacturer, to analyze the impact of innovative energy storage solutions on the hybrid vehicle performance. Capacitors have been studied and modeled to analyze the pros and cons of such solution with respect to batteries. To this aim, a full simulation environment has been developed and validated to provide a concept design tool capable of precise results and able to foresee the longitudinal performance on regulated emission cycles and real driving conditions, with a focus on fuel consumption. In addition, the target of the research activity is to deepen the study of hybrid electric super sports cars in the concept development phase, focusing on defining the control strategies and the energy storage system’s technology that best suits the needs of the vehicles. This dissertation covers the key steps that have been carried out in the research project.
The decision to select the most suitable type of energy storage system for an electric vehicle is always difficult, since many conditionings must be taken into account. Sometimes, this study can be made by means of complex mathematical models which represent the behavior of a battery, ultracapacitor or some other devices. However, these models are usually too dependent on parameters that are not easily available, which usually results in nonrealistic results. Besides, the more accurate the model, the more specific it needs to be, which becomes an issue when comparing systems of different nature. This paper proposes a practical methodology to compare different energy storage technologies. This is done by means of a linear approach of an equivalent circuit based on laboratory tests. Via these tests, the internal resistance and the self-discharge rate are evaluated, making it possible to compare different energy storage systems regardless their technology. Rather simple testing equipment is sufficient to give a comparative idea of the differences between each system, concerning issues such as efficiency, heating and self-discharge, when operating under a certain scenario. The proposed methodology is applied to four energy storage systems of different nature for the sake of illustration.
The high cost of batteries has led to investigations in using second-life ex-transportation batteries for grid support applications. Vehicle manufacturers currently all have different specifications for battery chemistry, arrangement of cells, capacity and voltage. With anticipated new developments in battery chemistry which could also affect these parameters, there are, as yet, no standards defining parameters in second life applications. To overcome issues relating to sizing and to prevent future obsolescence for the rest of the energy storage system, a cascaded topology with an operating envelope design approach has been used to connect together modules. This topology offers advantages in terms of system reliability. The design methodology is validated through a set of experimental results resulting in the creation of surface maps looking at the operation of the converter (efficiency and inductor ripple current). The use of a pre-defined module operating envelope also offers advantages for developing new operational strategies for systems with both hybrid battery energy systems and also hybrid systems including other energy sources such as solar power.
High voltage electrophoretic deposition (HVEPD) has been developed as a novel technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of one-dimensional nanomaterials for efficient energy storage. The ability to control and manipulate nanomaterials is critical for their effective usage in a variety of applications. Oriented structures of one-dimensional nanomaterials provide a unique opportunity to take full advantage of their excellent mechanical and electrochemical properties. However, it is still a significant challenge to obtain such oriented structures with great process flexibility, ease of processing under mild conditions and the capability to scale up, especially in context of efficient device fabrication and system packaging. This work presents HVEPD as a simple, versatile and generic technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of different one-dimensional nanomaterials on flexible, transparent and scalable substrates. Improvements on material chemistry and reduction of contact resistance have enabled the fabrication of high power supercapacitor electrodes using the HVEPD method. The investigations have also paved the way for further enhancements of performance by employing hybrid material systems and AC/DC pulsed deposition. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as the starting material to demonstrate the HVEPD technique. A comprehensive study of the key parameters was conducted to better understand the working mechanism of the HVEPD process. It has been confirmed that HVEPD was enabled by three key factors: high deposition voltage for alignment, low dispersion concentration to avoid aggregation and simultaneous formation of holding layer by electrodeposition for reinforcement of nanoforests. A set of suitable parameters were found to obtain vertically aligned forests of MWCNTs. Compared with their randomly oriented counterparts, the aligned MWCNT forests showed better electrochemical performance, lower electrical resistance and a capability to achieve superhydrophpbicity, indicating their potential in a broad range of applications. The versatile and generic nature of the HVEPD process has been demonstrated by achieving deposition on flexible and transparent substrates, as well as aligned forests of manganese dioxide (MnO2) nanorods. A continuous roll-printing HVEPD approach was then developed to obtain aligned MWCNT forest with low contact resistance on large, flexible substrates. Such large-scale electrodes showed no deterioration in electrochemical performance and paved the way for practical device fabrication. The effect of a holding layer on the contact resistance between aligned MWCNT forests and the substrate was studied to improve electrochemical performance of such electrodes. It was found that a suitable precursor salt like nickel chloride could be used to achieve a conductive holding layer which helped to significantly reduce the contact resistance. This in turn enhanced the electrochemical performance of the electrodes. High-power scalable redox capacitors were then prepared using HVEPD. Very high power/energy densities and excellent cyclability have been achieved by synergistically combining hydrothermally synthesized, highly crystalline α-MnO2 nanorods, vertically aligned forests and reduced contact resistance. To further improve the performance, hybrid electrodes have been prepared in the form of vertically aligned forest of MWCNTs with branches of α-MnO2 nanorods on them. Large- scale electrodes with such hybrid structures were manufactured using continuous HVEPD and characterized, showing further improved power and energy densities. The alignment quality and density of MWCNT forests were also improved by using an AC/DC pulsed deposition technique. In this case, AC voltage was first used to align the MWCNTs, followed by immediate DC voltage to deposit the aligned MWCNTs along with the conductive holding layer. Decoupling of alignment from deposition was proven to result in better alignment quality and higher electrochemical performance.
Layered Double hydroxides (LDHs) have been widely studied for their plethora of fascinating features and applications. The potentiostatic electrodeposition of LDHs has been extensively applied in the literature as a fast and direct method to substitute classical chemical routes. However, it does not usually allow for a fine control of the M(II)/M(III) ratio in the synthesized material and it is not suitable for large anions intercalation. Therefore, in this work a novel protocol has been proposed with the aim to overcome all these constraints using a method based on potentiodynamic synthesis. LDHs of controlled composition were prepared using different molar ratios of the trivalent to bivalent cations in the electrolytic solution ranging from 1:1 to 1:4. Moreover, we were able to produce electrochemically LDHs intercalated with carbon nanomaterials for the first time. A one-step procedure which contemporaneously allows for the Ni/Al-LDH synthesis, the reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and its intercalation inside the structure has been developed. The synthesised materials have been applied in several fields of interest. First of all, LDHs with a ratio 3:1 were exploited, and displayed good performances as catalysts for 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural electro-oxidation, thus suggesting to carry out further investigation for applications in the field of industrial catalysis. The same materials, but with different metals ratios, were tested as catalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, obtaining results comparable to LDHs synthesised by the classical co-precipitation method and also a better activity with respect to LDHs obtained by the potentiostatic approach. The composite material based on LDH and reduced graphene oxide was employed to fabricate a cathode of a hybrid supercapacitor coupled with an activated carbon anode. We can thus conclude that, to date, the potentiodynamic method has the greatest potential for the rapid synthesis of reproducible films of Co and Ni-based LDHs with controlled composition.