998 resultados para Huxley, Aldous 1894-1963 Admirável Mundo Novo
This paper is result of an analysis of the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, made based on the perspective of discursive semiotics. For both, the elements of the generative course of meaning were applied, particularly those in works of Barros (2001) and Fiorin (2000). In view of that each of the three levels (elementary, narrative and discourse) of semiotics approach are considered capable of independent descriptions, we sought through the (re) construction of meaning of specific parts of the work and also the relationship of its thematic route with the time it was composed, found that, as a result of this work, the relationships between fiction and reality and thus the relevance of the work of Aldous Huxley
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This paper deals with the determination of the content of macronutrients in pulp and beans of three coffee varieties, namely 'Mundo Novo', 'Caturra Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Amarelo'. Samples were collected in plantations located in the three types of soils herein most of S. Paulo, Brazil, coffee is grown, that is, "terra roxa legítima" (Ribeirão Preto), "massapé-salmourão" (Mocóca), and "arenito de Bauru" (Pindorama). The following main conclusions were drawn after statistical analysis of data obtained hereby. There is no statistical difference among the three varieties . Average contents of macronutrients, as per cent of the dry matter, are the following: N P K Ca Mg S bean 1,71 0,10 1,53 0,27 0,15 0,12 pulps 1.78 0,14 3,75 0,41 0,13 0,15 Samples collected in Mocóca ("massapé-salmourão") had lower N and K contents, probably due to lack of availability of these elements in the soil, as suggested by its analysis. Results obtained in this work are in good agreement with data described elsewhere. Out of the total of elements contained in the whole fruit the following proportions are exported as clean coffee: N - 2/3, P and K - 1/2, Ca, Mg and S - 1/3. It is clear therefore that a substantial amount of elements absorbed from the soil remains in the pulp or in the dry hulls which result from processing. From this fact raises the interest of using these residues as fertilizer in the coffee plantations.
A espécie Coffea arabica L é cultivada em todas as regiões cafeeiras do Estado de Minas Gerais, com predominância dos cultivares Catuaí e Mundo Novo, por seu vigor vegetativo, alto potencial produtivo e boa qualidade de bebida. Visando a identificar e selecionar progênies de cafeeiro com boas características agronômicas, foi instalado e conduzido um experimento na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, no município de Três Pontas, MG. Foram avaliadas 39 progênies na 4ª geração de autofecundação, após o 2º retrocruzamento entre 'Catuaí' e 'Mundo Novo' (genitor recorrente), desenvolvidas pelo programa de melhoramento genético da Epamig. Os cultivares Catuaí Vermelho MG 99, Rubi MG 1192 e Acaiá Cerrado MG 1474 foram utilizados como testemunhas. Foram analisadas as características: produção de café beneficiado em sc.ha-1 de oito safras (1998/1999 a 2005/2006), vigor vegetativo, percentagem de frutos chochos e classificação quanto à peneira. Ficou evidente que existe variabilidade genética dentro do grupo de progênies estudadas. As maiores produtividades foram encontradas na sétima e oitava colheita. As progênies 1189-9-80-1 e 1189-9-80-3 apresentaram melhor desempenho, em todas as características avaliadas e serão selecionadas para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genético, sendo lançadas como cultivar ou utilizadas em hibridações.
The aim of this paper is to identify, analyse and question the expressions of humour in O Espreitador do Mundo Novo, a monthly periodical published by José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa throughout 1802. It is a chapter of a PhD thesis in History and Theory of Ideas with the title “Correcting by laughter. Humour in Portuguese periodical press 1797-1834”. Positing humour as a social and cultural phenomenon, it is regarded here in a broad sense, comprehending wit, joke, ridicule, satire, jest, mockery, facetiousness or irony, displayed with recourse to various figures of speech. This interdisciplinary work intends listing and researching the themes and issues of the periodical and its targets, namely the social, age or gender stereotypes and to acknowledge its political stances. Another main purpose of this paper is to assess the role of humour as expressed in the printed periodical as a political and social weapon, criticizing ways (and which ways) and/or fashions, often ridiculing novelty just for being new in order to maintain the statu quo, and to establish in which senses humour was used in the context of late Ancien Régime and early liberalism culture. The humour of O Espreitador has also played a part in framing a public sphere in early nineteenth-century Portugal, as can be seen by the different “stages” and backgrounds where the monthly installments of the periodical take place: squares, coffee houses, fairgrounds, private houses, jailhouses, churches, public promenades, pilgrimages, bullfights, parties, the opera house – each of them a space of sociability and socialization. In this one, as in other periodicals of the time, printed humour stands at the crossroads of politics and culture, in spaces boldly widening before the reader. Albeit, there are quite a few loud silences in O Espreitador: not even the slightest remark to the church, the clergy or the Inquisition, only reverential references to the established order and the powers that be. The periodical criticizes the criticizers; it is against those who are against. The repeated disclaimers are intended not only to protect the author from libel suits or other litigation. They belong to a centuries-old tradition which, as early as the Middle Ages, has set apart escárnio (scorn) from maldizer (slander): José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa distinguishes satire from rebuking vice – a “cheerful criticism” forerunner of the ironic humour which was to become a trademark of Portuguese literature in the second half of the nineteenth century. Targeting those who deviate from the social norm (for example social climbers and older women who marry young men) or the followers of fashion (sometimes specifically “French fashion”), O Espreitador charges at liberal and progressive ideas. It ridicules the ways of the “New World” in order to perpetuate an idealized version of the “Old World”. Notwithstanding two exceptions – it condemns racism and bullfighting –, the humour of O Espreitador is conservative and conformist from a social and political standpoint.
Young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo) were grown in nutrient solution purified from micronutrients contaminants by the method of MUNNS & JOHNSON (1960). All plants, except those in the control treatment, wer given all macronutrients and all micronutrients except one which was omitted in order to induce its shortage. Symptoms of deficiency were obtained for all known micronutrients but chlorine. Measurements, observations and chemical analysis of leaves allowed the following main conclusions to be drawn. 1. The relative influence of micronutrients in growth-measured by the fresh weight of the entire plant - was as follows: -Fe -Zn -Cu -Mo -Mn complete = -B = -CI. that is: the omission of iron from the nutrient solution caused the severest reduction in growth; lack of B and Cl had no effect. 2. Symptoms of deficiency of B, Fe, Mn, and Zn were found to be in good agreement with those in the literature. Effects of Cu and Mo shortage, however, had not been described so far: In the case of the Cu-deficient plants, the younger leaves were distorted, having an "S" shape, due probably to lack of growth of the veins; they lost their green color and developed rather large, necrotic patches near the margins. When molybdenum was omitted from the nutrient solution yellow spots develop near the margen of subterminal (fully mature) leaves; they became necrotic; there was a characteristic downward curling of the leaf blade along the mid rib so that the opposite edges touched each other underneath. 3. The levels of micronutrients found in normal and deficient leaves are given in Table 4. It is hoped that those values will serve as a basis of judgement of micronutrient contents found in leaves of field grown plants.
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a concentração e a quantidade de macronutritntes, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S no tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos do cafeeiro, Coffea arabica, L, variedade mundo novo [(B. Rodr.) Choussy], aos dez anos de idade e crescendo em solo latossólico da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba. São apresentados também os dados obtidos nas mesmas condições, sôbre o pêso de diversas partes (tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos) do cafeeiro.
Young coffee plants were allowed to absorb radiophosphate via leaves during 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes and via roots during 24 hours. It was verified that leaf absorption was almost twice more intense than root uptake despite the considerable difference in time of contact which would favour the latter. Translocation of leaf applied material was also more marked.
Foi determinado o teor de micronutrientes na casca (polpa) e no grão de café "cereja" das variedades "Caturra Amarelo", "Bourbon Amarelo" e "Mundo Novo" colhidos em plantas cultivadas em três tipos de solos - terra roxa legítima, massapé-salmourão e arenito de Bauru. A análise revelou que as três variedades possuem a mesma composição mineral com respeito aos elementos determinados. O tipo de solo - ou o local - influiu na composição das amostras. Em um saco de café em coco existem quantidades aproximadamente iguais dos elementos na casca e no grão.
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a concentração e a quantidade de micronutrientes, boro (B), cloro (Cl), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn), molibdênio (Mo) e zinco (Zn), no tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos do cafeeiro, Coffea arabica, L., variedade mundo novo (B.Rodr.) Choussy, aos dez anos de idade e crescendo em solo latosólico da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba. Além dos micronutrientes, são apresentados dados sobre a concentração e a quantidade de alumínio, nas citadas partes do cafeeiro.
No trabalho apresentado, estudou-se a cinética de absorção de íons, baseado na equação de LINEWEAVER & bURk (1934). o estudo visou verificar o efeito competitivo ou não do íon Mg²+ na absorção do íon Ca²+. Para facilidade do estudo, soluções de CaCl2 marcadas com 45Ca foram administradas em diferentes concentrações à tecidos foliares de café (Coffea arabica L., cv. 'Mundo Novo'), em solução contendo ou não uma concentração conhecida de MgCl2 segundo a técnica de SMITH & EPSTEIN (1964a e 1964b). São apresentados também cálculos estatísticos, considerados inéditos na aplicação do presente estudo. Conclue-se que há inibição competitiva devida ao íon Mg²+ pelos centros ativos dos carregadores.
A absorção de cálcio pelos tecidos de folha do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo) foi estudada em cortes transversais feitos na porção média do limbo foliar de amostras de folhas colhidas em plantas cultivadas em condições de campo. O estudo teve como objetivos, caracterizar o mecanismo de absorção de cálcio e avaliar os efeitos de K, Mg e B na absorção daquele nutriente. A técnica experimental padrão empregada em todos os ensaios constituiu em submeter cortes de 300 m de espessura a uma série de soluções com concentrações crescentes de cálcio, contendo 45Ca como traçador, luminosidade de 3000 lux, temperatura e arejamento constantes. A série de soluções de cálcio foi constituída das seguintes concentrações de CaCl2: 5x10-6M, 10-5M, 2x10-5M;, 4 x l0-5M, 8 x 10-5M, 1,6 x 10-4M, 3,2x10-4M, 6,4x10-4M, 1,28x10-3M e 2,56x10-3M. Os ensaios realizados foram: absorção de cálcio na fase vegetativa e de florescimento do cafeeiro, considerados com os padrões, absorção de cálcio na presença de inibidores metabólicos (2,4-DNP 10-5M, borbulhamento com N2 e temperatura de 10°C); absorção de cálcio na presença de KC1 5x10-3M, KC1 10-4M, MgCl2 5x10-3M e H3BO3 5x10-3M. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de regressão e comparados estatisticamente pelo teste «t». Após a análise estatística, foram calculados os valores dos parâmetros Km e Vm, os quais demonstraram que a absorção de cálcio, pelos tecidos foliares, é metabólica e que os íons K e B provocam um efeito estimulatório, enquanto que o Mg tem um efeito inibidor de caráter não não competitivo.