987 resultados para Hungarian communist regime


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In this article we examine why Hungary, despite having the best football team in the world, did not enter the competition at the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. We examine several explanations and find them to be based on errors and misconceptions. Given the significance of sport in socialist societies, we believe that the most likely explanation lies in the relationship between the Hungarian communist regime and that of the Soviet Union. Ongoing archival research suggests that the Hungarian regime did not enter a football team because it wanted to assist the Soviet Union in winning the gold medal, which it was thought would demonstrate the moral superiority of communism. This proposition is supported by a 2012 interview with Jenö Buzánszky, one of the two survivors of the Hungarian team.


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Zarna is witness to the disappearance of the Swabian community in Santana, a process which seems to date back to before the major changes in Central and Eastern Europe. His project showed how a strong German ethnic community, formed more than 250 years ago, has virtually disappeared from the village of Santana (Romania). Zarna presents the causes leading to the loss of their ethnic identity, of their culture, traditions and of the collective reproduction of their ethnicity, although the last Swabians remaining in the village have preserved their individual identity and not let themselves be assimilated. The policy of the former communist regime is not sufficient to explain the decline of the German ethnic group, nor is the present international context with its varying effects on the form and reproduction of their ethnic identity. Zarna has analysed the origins of the Swabian community, its development, historical changes (both desired and imposed) and the disappearance of elements that determined their German culture and their pride in being German. The Germans have demobilised more rapidly than other ethnic groups in Romania, partly because of Germany's pro-emigration policy over the last two decades. Many of the emigrants were however, poorly prepared for emigration and have not been able to recreate the prosperous financial situation which they left. The prevalent feeling among those interviewed was disappointment and this increases with age and education.


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Due to the communist regime in Hungary the values and principles of the Second Vatican Counsil could hardly achieve their goal in the region and the situation is almost the same even today. This paper examines two levels of society where the thoughts of Gaudium et spes might have appeared: we have explored that there are Christian companies existing about 15 years since the political transition in 1990 and we made a research among individuals in rural environment, how could they preserve their human wholeness described in GS, in other words, how could they keep their social, cultural, natural, religiuos and local roots amongst the consumer society that has been developped in Hungary at the time of capitalism. Regarding the Christian companies our research could produce a positive result: we have explored that although the Christian companies survayed hardly know the Church’s social doctrine, they live and operate according to it. At the same time in the realm of individuals we cannot tell good news of this kind. Most of the persons interviewed have already lost or are near to loose their roots, that is their human wholeness. Our final conclusion is that our hope for preserving even strenghtening the values of GS in the Hungarian society is in the communities, be it work communities, as John Paul II. mentioned in his encyclical Sollicitudo rei Socialis. The paper presents the details and conclusions of our researches.


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The contribution is explaining the methods and the forms of the undemocratic regime on the example of the communist propaganda in the field of the emigration. The task of the article is to find out how the communist political elite was looking at the people who illegally left the territory of Czechoslovakia, which means of expression it was taking advantage of the characterizing of the political refugees, which types of the emigrants were standing in the centre of attention of the negative propaganda and in which intensity, the emigrants were presented in the communist press. We assume from the hypothesis that the propaganda language of the communists directed against the emigrants did not change in dependence of the rigidity of the communist regime. So, the emigrants were considered to be the mortal enemies of the regime both in the totalitarian condition in the fifties and in the authoritarian period of the eighties. The text is processed in the form of the contents analysis of the period newspaper articles. The article is divided into four parts. In the first theoretical part, the role of the propaganda in the undemocratic regimes is presented. Subsequently, the reasons of the emigration are explained in the investigated period, the object of the communist propaganda is subsequently presented and ultimately, in the last theoretical part, the language level of the propaganda of the Communist Party is analysed.


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Mr. Michl posed the question of how the institutional framework that the former communist regime set up around art production contributed to the success of Czech applied arts. In his theoretical review of the question he discussed the reasons for the lack of success of socialist industrial design as opposed to what he terms pre-industrial arts (such as art glass), and also for the current lack of interest into art institutions of the past regime. His findings in the second, historical section of his work were based largely on interviews with artists and other insiders, as an initial attempt to use questionnaires was unsuccessful. His original assumption that the institutional framework was imposed on artists against their will in fact proved mistaken, as it turned out to have been proposed by the artists themselves. The basic blueprint for communist art institutions was the Memorandum document published on behalf of Czechoslovak visual artists in March 1947, i.e. before the communist coup of February 1948. Thus, while the communist state provided a beneficial institutional framework for artists' work, it was the artists themselves who designed this framework. Mr. Michl concludes that the text of the memorandum appealed to the general left-wing and anti-market sentiments of the immediate post-war period and by this and by later working through the administrative channels of the new state, the artists succeeded in gaining all of their demands over the next 15 years. The one exception was artistic freedom, although this they came to enjoy, if only by default and for a short time, during the ideological thaw of the 1960s. Mr. Michl also examined the art-related legislative framework in detail and looked at the main features of key art institutions in the field, such as the Czech Fund for Visual Arts and the 1960s art export enterprise Art Centrum, which opened the doors into foreign markets for artists.


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During the Communist regime, companies' conflicts with the public were hidden. The public did not have the right to express their objection. Recent Hungarian law, however, supports people's right to influence decisions that have an impact on their lives, but attitudes change slowly. In this article, I show the typical methods of companies' mismanagement of environmental conflicts. The first part of the article concentrates on strategic issues, and the second one emphasizes mistakes in communication with local communities. There are signs that Hungarian companies have already started to learn their lesson, but they also need help to face the new situation of the post-Communist era. Conflict theory and conflict resolution techniques may help them to deal with communication problems and to reach win-win solutions. Although not unknown, facilitation is not a common technique in Hungary yet. This means that there is potential for its development.


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La présente thèse porte sur des mobilisations citoyennes qui ont court depuis quelques années à Saint-Pétersbourg, en Russie, contre la densification urbaine. La transformation de l’espace urbain en commodité a entraîné une augmentation fulgurante des constructions et ce, tant dans les périphéries qu’au centre-ville. La redéfinition de l’espace urbain, conséquence de la chute du régime communiste, a provoqué l’érosion d’espaces considérés comme publics et de nombreux espaces verts. De nombreuses voix se sont élevées pour dénoncer ce qui est souvent qualifié de catastrophe pouvant mener à la « disparition » de Saint-Pétersbourg. Je me suis intéressée à trois aspects de la mobilisation citoyenne contre la densification urbaine : 1) l’opposition de résidents à des projets de constructions qui menacent directement leur environnement immédiat; 2) les efforts de certaines organisations citoyennes pour sauver des espaces verts menacés et; 3) la mobilisation provoquée par la démolition du patrimoine historique. J’ai tenté de comprendre pourquoi la lutte contre la densification urbaine constitue la principale cause de mobilisation à Saint-Pétersbourg en ce début de 21e siècle. Je me suis questionnée sur le sens de cette mobilisation et sur les raisons qui poussent des citoyens à se transformer momentanément en activistes. J’ai examiné l’histoire singulière de cette ville et son passé de résistance qui ont contribué à donner naissance à une identité particulière qui a perduré au fil des siècles, malgré les guerres et les bouleversements politiques. L’analyse des récits et des actions des résidents a révélé que la densification urbaine met en lumière plusieurs enjeux qui touchent la société russe contemporaine, comme le fossé grandissant entre les riches et les pauvres et la perte de confiance aux autorités. La densification urbaine représente, pour ses opposants, une perte de qualité de vie. Mais les Pétersbourgeois qui s’unissent pour préserver leur ville craignent aussi que la densification urbaine mène à la disparition de la mémoire et de la culture incarnées par tous ces lieux menacés. En exprimant leur désaccord contre les divers projets qui envahissent la ville, les résidents souhaitent aussi faire entendre leur voix et participer de manière active à l’élaboration d’une vision qui prendrait en compte les intérêts non seulement de la classe dirigeante, mais de l’ensemble de la population. En ce sens, les mobilisations contre la densification urbaine constituent une tentative de (ré)appropriation de la ville, tant sur le plan matériel que symbolique.


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La recherche présentée dans le cadre de ce mémoire porte sur le développement de la Théorie linguistique de la traduction telle qu’élaborée par des traducteurs soviétiques à partir des années 1950. Ce mémoire vise à démontrer les particularités de l’évolution des connaissances traductologiques sous la pression politique, idéologique et institutionnelle du régime soviétique (1922-1991). En particulier, le travail cherche à expliquer les raisons qui ont abouti à l’isolement théorique de la traductologie russe. À partir de la théorie du polysystème littéraire d’Even-Zohar et de son analyse de la structure des systèmes littéraires, ce mémoire examine la structure et l’évolution des différents facteurs (producteur, institutions, produit, répertoire, marché) qui ont façonné la configuration spécifique de la Théorie linguistique de la traduction en tant que produit du système soviétique de traduction, tel qu’il se développe dans les conditions particulières du polysystème littéraire soviétique. L’analyse des travaux des auteurs dits « canonisés » de l’approche linguistique russe (Fyodorov, Retsker, Švejtser, Barkhoudarov, Komissarov) permet de montrer comment la Théorie linguistique de la traduction s’est imposée comme la seule théorie capable de survivre au contexte soviétique de pression idéologique et de contrôle total du régime communiste. Ce sont ces facteurs qui expliquent aussi le décalage théorique et institutionnel observé entre les traductologies russe et occidentale.


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La persecución que se desarrolla en Tíbet desde la llegada del régimen comunista, ha generado un desacuerdo de la sociedad occidental frente a las políticas hostiles en contra de la etnia tibetana. Sin embargo, la violencia sistemática y lo que es considerado por muchos como genocidio, es utilizado como instrumento estratégico en política exterior. En este caso, la presente monografía busca analizar cómo el tema de los refugiados tibetanos en India, su lucha y denuncia a nivel internacional es la oportunidad a principios de la década del 60, para generar presión internacional en contra de la República Popular China, en la búsqueda del mantenimiento de la seguridad nacional (caso indio), además de un mayor status y prestigio.


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Ante la mirada atónita del mundo, la República Popular China realizó los Juegos Olímpicos (J.J.O.O.), Beijing 2008, que no sólo han sido los más costosos de toda la historia con una explosiva demostración de modernización sino fueron un éxito para los intereses del Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh). De esta manera, los argumentos principales de la estrategia de Deng Xiaoping y del PCCh y la incidencia política de los J.J.O.O. contribuyeron a la consolidación del proyecto político chino, la economía socialista de mercado, y la articulación de este proceso a la consecución de los objetivos del PCCh en cuanto a la restauración de la continuidad del régimen comunista chino, la integridad territorial, su prestigio, liderazgo y poder en el contexto internacional que le ha permitido la construcción de la imagen de la `Nueva China del siglo XXI´.


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La proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva se ha convertido en un asunto inquietante en la era de la posguerra fría. En el caso particular de Corea del Norte, el desarrollo de un programa nuclear y la amenaza potencial que este representa para la comunidad internacional, ha llevado a que Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur pongan de manifiesto su interés y preocupación en torno al mismo. Desde el 2005 el régimen comunista norcoreano ha intensificado las amenazas y ha desafiado la seguridad en la península coreana, al realizar acciones militares provocativas, más específicamente en contra de Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos, razón por la cual una cohesión de la relación entre estos dos Estados se ha hecho cada vez más necesaria para hacer frente a las acciones impredecibles de Corea del Norte.


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In the wake of the collapse of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union, liberal democracy was triumphantly celebrated as the ‘‘end of history.’’ Against this backdrop, Hindess wrote a number of critical essays launching his intellectual critique of liberal democracy. His approach was primarily conceptual, highlighting the problems and weaknesses of the conceptualization of democracy and democratization. This article reviews and offers a brief assessment of the key arguments made in Hindess’ writings on democracy and democratization. In particular, it attempts to summarize the methodological steps through which Hindess engages conceptual critique. While offering an appreciation of Hindess’analysis, insight, and intellectual integrity, it also addresses some difficulties in his arguments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The globalization process of the last twenty years has changed the world through international flows of people, policies and practices. International cooperation to development is a part of that process and brought International Organizations (IOs) and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from the West to the rest of the world. In my thesis I analyze the Italian NGOs that worked in Bosnia Herzegovina (BH) to understand which development projects they realized and how they faced the ethnic issue that characterized BH. I consider the relation shaped between Italian NGOs and Bosnian civil society as an object of ethnic interests. In BH, once part of former Yugoslavia, the transition from the communist regime to a democratic country has not been completed. BH’s social conditions are characterized by strong ethnic divisions. The legacy of the early 1990s crisis was a phenomenon of ethnic identities created before the war and that still endure today. The Dayton Peace Agreement signed in 1995 granted the peace and reinforced the inter-ethnic hate between the newly recognized three principal ethnicities: Serbs, Croats and Bosniak. Through the new constitution, the institutions were characterized by division at every level, from the top to the bottom of society. Besides it was the first constitution ever written and signed outside the own country; that was the root of the state of exception that characterized BH. Thus ethnic identities culture survived through the international political involvement. At the same time ethnic groups that dominated the political debate clashed with the international organization’s democratic purpose to build a multicultural and democratic state. Ethnic and also religious differences were the instruments for a national statement that might cause the transition and development projects failure. Fifteen years later social fragmentation was still present and it established an atmosphere of daily cultural violence. Civil society suffered this condition and attended to recreate the ethnic fragmentation in every day life. Some cities became physically divided and other cities don’t tolerated the minority presence. In rural areas, the division was more explicit, from village to village, without integration. In my speech, the anthropology for development – the derivative study from applied anthropology – constitutes the point of view that I used to understand how ethnic identities still influenced the development process in BH. I done ethnographic research about the Italian cooperation for development projects that were working there in 2007. The target of research were the Italian NGOs that created a relation with Bosnian civil society; they were almost twenty divided in four main field of competences: institutional building, education, agriculture and democratization. I assumed that NGOs work needed a deep study because the bottom of society is the place where people could really change their representation and behavior. Italian NGOs operated in BH with the aim of creating sustainable development. They found cultural barricade that both institutions and civil society erected when development projects have been applied. Ethnic and religious differences were stressed to maintain boundaries and fragmented power. Thus NGOs tried to negotiate development projects by social integration. I found that NGOs worked among ethnic groups by pursuing a new integration. They often gained success among people; civil society was ready to accept development projects and overcome differences. On the other hand NGOs have been limited by political level that sustained the ethnic talk and by their representation of Bosnian issue. Thus development policies have been impeded by ethnic issue and by cooperation practices established on a top down perspective. Paradoxically, since international community has approved the political ethnic division within DPA, then the willing of development followed by funding NGOs cooperation projects was not completely successful.


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La ricerca analizza la forma di Stato e di Governo e si focalizza nel ruolo importante del Capo dello Stato in funzione alla separazione dei poteri e consolidamento della democrazia in una Repubblica Parlamentare. Questa ricerca comparativa analizza l’evoluzione della forma di governo in Italia e Albania. La ricerca analizza nei dettagli l’evoluzione della forma di Governo, focalizzandosi all’istituzione del Capo dello Stato in Albania dall’indipendenza (1912), evidenziando il ruolo dell’Italia in quest’evoluzione. In maniera comparativa si analizza l’evoluzione dell’istituzione del Capo dello Stato in Italia fin dalla sua unita e gli altri sviluppi i quali servirono come modello per l’Albania, evidenziano l’influenza a livello internazionale che ebbe l’Italia per l’indipendenza dell’Albania, che portò al consolidamento dei loro rapporti. Questa ricerca analizza la collaborazione di questi due Stati la quale culmino con la loro Unione Personale identificandosi nello stesso Capo di Stato. La ricerca inoltre evidenzia che come questa fase sia stata superata dalla II Guerra Mondiale e la Guerra Fredda che vide questi Stati a sviluppare diverse forme di Governo. Per di più la ricerca evidenzia la trasformazione politico-istituzionale e il processo di cambiamento dell’Albania dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino che segno la fine del sistema comunista, che vide l’Albania ad adottare il modello Italiano per il Capo dello Stato.