999 resultados para Human endometrium


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Our understanding of the mechanisms of the actions of oestrogens and progestins have evolved from the simple concept of nuclear receptor-mediated regulation of transcription to a highly sophisticated, finely tuned interplay between various coregulators, other signaling cascades and transcription factors. The net result of these complex regulatory mechanisms is a steroid-, cell-, or tissue-specific action of oestrogens and progestins. their antagonists or selective modulators of their receptors. In this review, we have attempted to shed some light on the regulation of the actions of oestrogens and progestins on the human endometrium. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To identify key regulatory mechanisms in the growth and development of the human endometrium, microarray analysis was performed on uncultured human endometrium collected during menstruation (M) and the late-proliferative (LATE-P)-phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as after 24 h incubation in the presence of oestradiol (17beta-E2). We demonstrate the expression of novel gene transcripts in the human endometrium. i.e. mucin-9, novel oestrogen-responsive gene transcripts, i.e. gelsolin and flotillin-1, and genes known to be expressed in human endometrium but not yet shown to be oestrogen responsive, i.e. connexin-37 and TFF1/pS2. Genes reported to be expressed during the implantation window and implicated in progesterone action, i.e. secretoglobin family 2A, member 2 (mammaglobin) and homeobox-containing proteins, were up-regulated in uncultured LATE-P-phase endometrium compared to M-phase endometrium. Some gene transcripts are regulated directly by 17beta-E2 alone, others are influenced by the in vivo environment as well. These observations emphasise that the regulation of endometrium maturation by oestrogen entails more then just stimulation of cell proliferation.


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Regeneration and growth of the human endometrium after shedding of the functional layer during menstruation depends on an adequate angiogenic response. We analysed the mRNA expression levels of all known vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ligands and receptors in human endometrium collected in the menstrual and proliferative phases of the menstrual cycle. In addition, we evaluated the expression of VEGF-A, VEGF-R2 and NRP-1 at the protein level. Two periods of elevated mRNA expression of ligands and receptors were observed, separated by a distinct drop at cycle days (CDs) 9 and 10. Immunohistochemical staining showed that VEGF and VEGF-R2 were expressed in epithelial, stromal and endothelial cells. NRP-1 was mainly confined to stroma and blood vessels; only in late-proliferative endometrium, epithelial staining was also observed. Except for endothelial VEGF-R2 expression in CDs 6-8, there were no significant differences in the expression of VEGF, VEGF-R2 or NRP-1 in any of the cell compartments. In contrast, VEGF release by cultured human endometrium explants decreased during the proliferative phase. This output was significantly reduced in menstrual and early-proliferative endometrium by estradiol (E2) treatment. Western blot analysis indicated that part of the VEGF-A was trapped in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Changes in VEGF ligands and receptors were associated with elevated expression of the hypoxia markers HIF1 alpha and CA-IX in the menstrual and early proliferative phases. HIF1 alpha was also detected in late-proliferative phase endometrium. Our findings indicate that VEGF-A exerts its actions mostly during the first half of the proliferative phase. Furthermore, VEGF-A production appears to be triggered by hypoxia in the menstrual phase and subsequently suppressed toy estrogen during the late proliferative phase.


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BACKGROUND: The general concept that haemoglobin is only a carrier protein for oxygen and carbon dioxide is challenged since recent studies have shown haemoglobin expression in non-erythroid cells and the protection of haemoglobin against oxidative and nitrosative stress. Using microarrays, we previously showed expression of haemoglobins alpha, beta, delta and gamma and the haeme metabolizing enzyme, haeme oxygenase (HO)-1 in human endometrium. METHODS: Using real-time quantitative PCR, haemoglobin alpha, beta, delta and gamma, and HO-1 mRNA levels were assessed throughout the menstrual cycle (n = 30 women). Haemoglobin and HO-1 protein levels in the human endometrium were assessed with immunohistochemistry. For steroid responsiveness, menstrual and late proliferative-phase endometrial explants were cultured for 24 h in the presence of vehicle (0.1% ethanol), estradiol (17 beta-E-2, 1 nM), progestin (Org 2058, 1 nM) or 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 (1 nM each). RESULTS: All haemoglobins and the HO-1 were expressed in normal human endometrium. Haemoglobin mRNA and protein expression did not vary significantly during the menstrual cycle. Explant culture with Org 2058 or 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 increased haemoglobin gamma mRNA expression (P < 0.05). HO-1 mRNA levels, and not protein levels, were significantly higher during the menstrual (M)-phase of the cycle (P < 0.05), and were down-regulated by Org 2058 in M-phase explants and by 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 in LP-phase explants, versus control (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The haemoglobin-HO-1 system may be required to ensure adequate regulation of the bioavailability of haeme, iron and oxygen in human endometrium.


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We characterised the effects of selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM) in explant cultures of human endometrium tissue. Endometrium tissues were cultured for 24 h in Millicell-CM culture inserts in serum-free medium in the presence of vehicle,17 beta-estradiol (17 beta-E2,1 nM), oestrogen receptor (ER) antagonist ICI 164.384 (40 nM), and 4-OH-tamoxifen (40 nM), raloxifene (4 nM), lasofoxifene (4 nM)and acolbifene (4 nM). Protein expression of ER alpha, ER beta 1 and Ki-67 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The proliferative fraction was assessed by counting the number of Ki-67 positive cells. Nuclear staining of ER( and ER(1 was observed in the glandular epithelium and stroma of pre- and postmenopausal endometrium. ER(1 protein was also localized in the endothelial cells of blood vessels. Treating premenopausal endometrium tissue with 17 beta-E2 increased the fraction of Ki-67 positive cells (p < 0.001) by 55% in glands compared to the control. Raloxifene (4 nM) increased (p < 0.05) the Ki-67 positive fraction. All other SERMS did not affect proliferation in this model. Treating postmenopausal endometrium with 17(-E2 increased (p < 0.001) the fraction of Ki-67 positive cells by 250% in glands compared to the control. A similar effect was also seen for 4-OH-tamoxifen, whereas the rest of SERMs did not stimulate proliferation. We demonstrated that oestradiol increases the fraction of proliferating cells in short term explant cultures of postmenopausal endometrium. In addition, we were able to reveal the agonistic properties of 4-OH-tamoxifen and confirm that raloxifene and next-generation SERMs acolbifene and lasofoxifene were neutral on the human postmenopausal endometrium. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Olfactomedin-4 (OLFM-4) is an extracellular matrix protein that is highly expressed in human endometrium. We have examined the regulation and function of OLFM-4 in normal endometrium and in cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer. OLFM-4 expression levels are highest in proliferative-phase endometrium, and 17 beta-estradiol up-regulates OLFM-4 mRNA in endometrial explant cultures. Using the luciferase reporter under control of the OLFM-4 promoter, it was shown that both 17 beta-estradiol and OH-tamoxifen induce luciferase activity, and epidermal growth factor receptor-1 is required for this estrogenic response. In turn, EGF activates the OLFM-4 promoter, and estrogen receptor-alpha is needed for the complete EGF response. The cellular functions of OLFM-4 were examined by its expression in OLFM-4-negative HEK-293 cells, which resulted in decreased vimentin expression and cell adherence as well as increased apoptosis resistance. In cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer, OLFM-4 expression correlated with the presence of epidermal growth factor receptor-1 and estrogen receptor-alpha (or estrogen signaling). An increase of OLFM-4 mRNA was observed in the endometrium of endometriosis patients. No change in OLFM-4 expression levels were observed in patients with endometrial cancer relative with controts. In conclusion, cross-talk between estrogen and EGF signaling regulates OLFM-4 expression. The role of OLFM-4 in endometrial tissue remodeling before the secretory phase and during the predisposition and early events in endometriosis can be postulated but requires additional investigation. (Am J Pathol 2010, 177:2495-2508: DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.100026


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Reproductive failure, determined as recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) or recurrent implantation failure (RIF) in women is not well understood. Several factors, including embryo quality, and cellular and molecular changes in endometrium may contribute to the insufficient feto-maternal interaction resulting in reproductive failure. Prior clinical studies suggest an inadequate endometrial growth and development of the endometrium, leading to a lesser endometrial thickness.


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In the United States, endometrial cancer is the leading cancer of the female reproductive tract. There are 40,100 new cases and 7,470 deaths from endometrial cancer estimated for 2008 (47). The average five year survival rate for endometrial cancer is 84% however, this figure is substantially lower in patients diagnosed with late stage, advanced disease and much higher for patients diagnosed in early stage disease (47). Endometrial cancer (EC) has been associated with several risk factors including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, previously documented occurrence of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and heightened exposure to estrogen (25). As of yet, there has not been a dependable molecular predictor of endometrial cancer occurrence in women with these predisposing factors. The goal of our lab is to identify genes that are aberrantly expressed in EC and may serve as molecular biomarkers of EC progression. One candidate protein that we are exploring as a biomarker of EC progression is the cell survival protein survivin.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the expression and regulation of antilipoprotein D (ApoD) and antilipoprotein E (ApoE) in human endometrium. STUDY DESIGN Endometrial biopsies from healthy, regularly cycling women were collected during the late proliferative and mid-secretory phase. mRNA gene expression of ApoD and ApoE was determined using real-time PCR in whole tissue, in isolated stromal (ESC), epithelial (EEC) and CD45(+) leukocytes (EIC), as well as after hormonal stimulation of ESC and EEC in vitro. Protein expression was analyzed using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS ApoD and ApoE mRNA was expressed in all cell types examined. A rise in ApoD mRNA expression was seen in whole endometrium, ESC, and EEC in the secretory phase, as well as after hormonal stimulation of ESC and EEC in vitro. ApoE mRNA was significantly upregulated in whole endometrium of secretory phase biopsies, while its expression was not altered by progesterone in vitro. Immunohistochemistry of whole endometrial tissue localized ApoD mainly in ESC and EEC. While ApoE was localized slightly in ESC, it was particularly noted on the surface of secretory phase endothelial cells. CONCLUSION We demonstrate for the first time the cell-type and cycle dependent expression of ApoD and ApoE within human endometrium, suggesting their role in endometrial modulation.


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In the cycling human endometrium, the expression of interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) and of several related matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) follows the late-secretory fall in sex steroid plasma concentrations and is thought to be a critical step leading to menstruation. The rapid and extensive lysis of interstitial matrix that precedes menstrual shedding requires a strict control of these proteinases. However, the mechanism by which ovarian steroids regulate endometrial MMPs remains unclear. We report here that, in the absence of ovarian steroids, MMP-1 expression in endometrial fibroblasts is markedly stimulated by medium conditioned by endometrial epithelial cells. This stimulation can be prevented by antibodies directed against interleukin 1α (IL-1α) but not against several other cytokines. Ovarian steroids inhibit the release of IL-1α and repress MMP-1 production by IL-1α-stimulated fibroblasts. In short-term cultures of endometrial explants obtained throughout the menstrual cycle, the release of both IL-1α and MMP-1 is essentially limited to the perimenstrual phase. We conclude that epithelium-derived IL-1α is the key paracrine inducer of MMP-1 in endometrial fibroblasts. However, MMP-1 production in the human endometrium is ultimately blocked by ovarian steroids, which act both upstream and downstream of IL-1α, thereby exerting an effective control via a “double-block” mechanism.


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The mechanisms underlying the menstrual lysis leading to shedding of the human endometrium and its accompanying bleeding are still largely unknown. In particular, whether breakdown of the endometrial fibrillar extra-cellular matrix that precedes bleeding depends on aspartic-, cysteine-, serine-, or metalloproteinases remains unclear. In the present study, menstrual regression of the human endometrium was mimicked in organ culture. Whereas sex steroids could preserve tissue integrity only in nonperimenstrual explants, matrix breakdown upon sex steroid deprivation was completely and reversibly inhibited at all stages of the menstrual cycle by specific inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases, but not by inhibitors of the other classes of proteinases. Matrix metalloproteinases are thus identified as the key class of proteinases involved in the initiation of menstruation.


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The uterine expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is essential for embryo implantation in the mouse. Here, we describe the expression of LIF, related members of this group of cytokines, oncostatin M and ciliary neurotrophic factor, and the LIF receptor beta and glycoprotein gp130 in normal human tissues and in the endometrium of fertile women. Our results show that LIF is the only one of these factors expressed at detectable levels in the endometrium of women of proven fertility. LIF expression is restricted to the endometrial glands during the secretory/postovulatory phase but is not present in the endometrium during the proliferative/preovulatory phase. The LIF receptor beta is expressed during the proliferative and secretory phases of the cycle and is restricted to the luminal epithelium. The associated signal-transducing component of the LIF receptor, gp130, is also expressed in both the luminal and glandular epithelium throughout the cycle. These results suggest that uterine expression of LIF in humans, like mice, may have a role in regulating embryo implantation, possibly through an autocrine/paracrine interaction between LIF and its receptor at the luminal epithelium.


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Unlike most normal adult tissues, cyclic growth and tissue remodeling occur within the uterine endometrium throughout the reproductive years. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of structurally related enzymes that degrade specific components of the extracellular matrix are thought to be the physiologically relevant mediators of extracellular matrix composition and turnover. Our laboratory has identified MMPs of the stromelysin family in the cycling human endometrium, implicating these enzymes in mediating the extensive remodeling that occurs in this tissue. While the stromelysins are expressed in vivo during proliferation-associated remodeling and menstruation-associated endometrial breakdown, none of the stromelysins are expressed during the progesterone-dominated secretory phase of the cycle. Our in vitro studies of isolated cell types have confirmed progesterone suppression of stromal MMPs, but a stromal-derived paracrine factor was found necessary for suppression of the epithelial-specific MMP matrilysin. In this report, we demonstrate that transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is produced by endometrial stroma in response to progesterone and can suppress expression of epithelial matrilysin independent of progesterone. Additionally, we find that an antibody directed against the mammalian isoforms of TGF-beta abolishes progesterone suppression of matrilysin in stromal-epithelial cocultures, implicating TGF-beta as the principal mediator of matrilysin suppression in the human endometrium.


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To date, research into the biological processes and molecular mechanisms associated with endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation has been a focus of attention, whereas the complex events that occur in the human endometrium during the menstrual and proliferative phase under the influence of estrogen have received little attention. The objective of this review is to provide an update of our current understanding of the actions of estrogen on both human and rodent endometrium, with special emphasis on the regulation of uterine growth and cell proliferation, and the value of global gene expression analysis, in increasing understanding of these processes.