965 resultados para Human Dna
This paper studies the human DNA in the perspective of signal processing. Six wavelets are tested for analyzing the information content of the human DNA. By adopting real Shannon wavelet several fundamental properties of the code are revealed. A quantitative comparison of the chromosomes and visualization through multidimensional and dendograms is developed.
BACKGROUND: Ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTS) technologies find an important application in targeted resequencing of candidate genes or of genomic intervals from genetic association studies. Despite the extraordinary power of these new methods, they are still rarely used in routine analysis of human genomic variants, in part because of the absence of specific standard procedures. The aim of this work is to provide human molecular geneticists with a tool to evaluate the best UHTS methodology for efficiently detecting DNA changes, from common SNPs to rare mutations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We tested the three most widespread UHTS platforms (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium, Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer II and Applied Biosystems/SOLiD System 3) on a well-studied region of the human genome containing many polymorphisms and a very rare heterozygous mutation located within an intronic repetitive DNA element. We identify the qualities and the limitations of each platform and describe some peculiarities of UHTS in resequencing projects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: When appropriate filtering and mapping procedures are applied UHTS technology can be safely and efficiently used as a tool for targeted human DNA variations detection. Unless particular and platform-dependent characteristics are needed for specific projects, the most relevant parameter to consider in mainstream human genome resequencing procedures is the cost per sequenced base-pair associated to each machine.
Our study reports the extraction and isolation of a new phaeophytin derivative 15¹-hydroxy-(15¹-S)-porphyrinolactone, designated anamariaine (1) herein, isolated from the chloroform fraction of aerial parts of Thyrsacanthus ramosissimus Moric. along with the known 15¹-ethoxy-(15¹-S)-porphyrinolactone (2). These compounds were identified by usual spectroscopic methods. Both compounds were subjected to in vitro (inhibitory activity) tests by means of supercoiled DNA relaxation techniques and were shown to display inhibitory activity against human DNA topoisomerase II-α at 50 µM. Interconversion of these two pigments under the mild conditions of the isolation techniques should be highly unlikely but cannot be entirely ruled out.
Several human genetic syndromes have long been recognized to be defective in DNA repair mechanisms. This was first discovered by Cleaver (1968), who showed that cells from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) were defective for the ability to remove ultraviolet (UV)-induced lesions from their genome. Since then, new discoveries have promoted DNA repair studies to one of the most exciting areas of molecular biology. The present work intends to give a brief summary of the main known human genetic diseases related to DNA repair and how they may be linked to acquired diseases such as cancer
DNA ligases are important enzymes which catalyze the joining of nicks between adjacent bases of double-stranded DNA. NAD1-dependent DNA ligases (LigA) are essential in bacteria and are absent in humans. They have therefore been identified as novel, validated and attractive drug targets. Using virtual screening against an in-house database of compounds and our recently determined crystal structure of the NAD1 binding domain of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis LigA, we have identified N1, Nn-bis-(5-deoxy-a-D-xylofuranosylated) diamines as a novel class of inhibitors for this enzyme. Assays involving M.tuberculosis LigA, T4 ligase and human DNA ligase I show that these compounds specifically inhibit LigA from M.tuberculosis. In vitro kinetic and inhibition assays demonstrate that the compounds compete with NAD1 for binding and inhibit enzyme activity with IC50 values in the mM range. Docking studies rationalize the observed specificities and show that among several glycofuranosylated diamines, bis xylofuranosylated diamines with aminoalkyl and 1, 3-phenylene carbamoyl spacers mimic the binding modes of NAD1 with the enzyme. Assays involving LigA-deficient bacterial strains show that in vivo inhibition of ligase by the compounds causes the observed antibacterial activities. They also demonstrate that the compounds exhibit in vivo specificity for LigA over ATPdependent ligase. This class of inhibitors holds out the promise of rational development of new anti-tubercular agents.
DNA ligase and DNA polymerase play important roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Frequencies of spontaneous and chemical- and physical-induced mutations are correlated to the fidelity of DNA replication. This dissertation elucidates the mechanisms of the DNA ligation reaction by DNA ligases and demonstrates that human DNA ligase I and DNA polymerase $\alpha$ are the molecular targets for two metal ions, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+},$ and an anticancer drug, F-ara-ATP.^ Human DNA ligases were purified to homogeneity and their AMP binding domains were mapped. Although their AMP-binding domains are similar, there could be difference between the two ligases in their DNA binding domains.^ The formation of the AMP-DNA intermediate and the successive ligation reaction by human DNA ligases were analyzed. Both reactions showed their substrate specificity for ligases I and II, required Mg2+, and were inhibited by ATP.^ A protein inhibitor from HeLa cells and specific for human DNA ligase I but not ligase II and T4 ligase was discovered. It reversibly inhibited DNA ligation activity but not the AMP-binding activity due to the formation of a reversible ligase I-inhibitor complex.^ F-ara-ATP inhibited human DNA ligase I activity by competing with ATP for the AMP-binding site of DNA ligase I, forming a ligase I-F-ara-AMP complex, as well as when it was incorporated at 3$\sp\prime$-terminus of DNA nick by DNA polymerase $\alpha.$^ All steps of the DNA ligation reaction were inhibited by Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ in a concentration-dependent manner. Both ions did not show the ability to change the fidelity of DNA ligation reaction catalyzed by human DNA ligase I. However, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ showed their contradictory effects on the fidelity of the reaction by human DNA polymerase $\alpha.$ Zn$\sp{2+}$ decreased the frequency of misinsertion but less affected that of mispair extension. On the contrary, Cd$\sp{2+}$ increased the frequencies of both misinsertion and mispair extension at very low concentration. Our data provided strong evidence in the molecular mechanisms for the mutagenicity of zinc and cadmium, and were comparable with the results previously reported. ^
A clone of the primary Eco R1 family of human DNA sequences has been used as an indicator sequence for detecting alterations induced by a toxic agent. Specific clones of this family have been examined and compared to the consensus sequence to determine the normal variability of this family. Though variations were observed, data indicated that such clones can be used to study induced DNA modifications. This DNA was exposed to the toxic agent dimethyl sulfate under various conditions and a distinct pattern of aberrations was shown to occur. It is suggested that this approach be used to characterize patterns of damage induced by various agents in the ultimate development of a system capable of monitoring human genotoxic exposure. ^
The assembly and composition of human excision nuclease were investigated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting. Individual repair factors or any combination of up to four repair factors failed to form DNA–protein complexes of high specificity and stability. A stable complex of high specificity can be detected only when XPA/RPA, transcription factor IIH, XPC⋅HHR23B, and XPG and ATP are present in the reaction mixture. The XPF⋅ERCC1 heterodimer changes the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA–protein complex formed with the other five repair factors, but it does not confer additional specificity. By using proteins with peptide tags or antibodies to the repair factors in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, it was found that XPA, replication protein A, transcription factor IIH, XPG, and XPF⋅excision repair cross-complementing 1 but not XPC⋅HHR23B were present in the penultimate and ultimate dual incision complexes. Thus, it appears that XPC⋅HHR23B is a molecular matchmaker that participates in the assembly of the excision nuclease but is not present in the ultimate dual incision complex. The excision nuclease makes an assymmetric DNase I footprint of ≈30 bp around the damage and increases the DNase I sensitivity of the DNA on both sides of the footprint.
Mitochondria have been proposed to possess base excision repair processes to correct oxidative damage to the mitochondrial genome. As the only DNA polymerase (pol) present in mitochondria, pol γ is necessarily implicated in such processes. Therefore, we tested the ability of the catalytic subunit of human pol γ to participate in uracil-provoked base excision repair reconstituted in vitro with purified components. Subsequent to actions of uracil-DNA glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, human pol γ was able to fill a single nucleotide gap in the presence of a 5′ terminal deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) flap. We report here that the catalytic subunit of human pol γ catalyzes release of the dRP residue from incised apurinic/apyrimidinic sites to produce a substrate for DNA ligase. The heat sensitivity of this activity suggests the dRP lyase function requires a three-dimensional protein structure. The dRP lyase activity does not require divalent metal ions, and the ability to trap covalent enzyme-DNA complexes with NaBH4 strongly implicates a Schiff base intermediate in a β-elimination reaction mechanism.
The efficient expression of therapeutic genes in target cells or tissues is an important component of efficient and safe gene therapy. Utilizing regulatory elements from the human cytokeratin 18 (K18) gene, including 5′ genomic sequences and one of its introns, we have developed a novel expression cassette that can efficiently express reporter genes, as well as the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, in cultured lung epithelial cells. CFTR transcripts expressed from the native K18 enhancer/promoter include two alternative splicing products, due to the activation of two cryptic splice sites in the CFTR coding region. Modification of the K18 intron and CFTR cDNA sequences eliminated the cryptic splice sites without changing the CFTR amino acid sequence, and led to enhanced CFTR mRNA and protein expression as well as biological function. Transgenic expression analysis in mice showed that the modified expression cassette can direct efficient and epithelium-specific expression of the Escherichia coli LacZ gene in the airways of fetal lungs, with no detectable expression in lung fibroblasts or endothelial cells. This is the first expression cassette which selectively directs lung transgene expression for CFTR gene therapy to airway epithelia.
Lesion bypass is an important mechanism to overcome replication blockage by DNA damage. Translesion synthesis requires a DNA polymerase (Pol). Human Pol ι encoded by the RAD30B gene is a recently identified DNA polymerase that shares sequence similarity to Pol η. To investigate whether human Pol ι plays a role in lesion bypass we examined the response of this polymerase to several types of DNA damage in vitro. Surprisingly, 8-oxoguanine significantly blocked human Pol ι. Nevertheless, translesion DNA synthesis opposite 8-oxoguanine was observed with increasing concentrations of purified human Pol ι, resulting in predominant C and less frequent A incorporation opposite the lesion. Opposite a template abasic site human Pol ι efficiently incorporated a G, less frequently a T and even less frequently an A. Opposite an AAF-adducted guanine, human Pol ι was able to incorporate predominantly a C. In both cases, however, further DNA synthesis was not observed. Purified human Pol ι responded to a template TT (6–4) photoproduct by inserting predominantly an A opposite the 3′ T of the lesion before aborting DNA synthesis. In contrast, human Pol ι was largely unresponsive to a template TT cis-syn cyclobutane dimer. These results suggest a role for human Pol ι in DNA lesion bypass.
The properties of human DNA helicase V (HDH V) were studied in greater detail following an improved purification procedure. From 450 g of cultured cells, <0.1 mg of pure protein was isolated. HDH V unwinds DNA unidirectionally by moving in the 3′ to 5′ direction along the bound strand in an ATP- and Mg2+-dependent fashion. The enzyme is not processive and can also unwind partial RNA–RNA duplexes such as HDH IV and HDH VIII. The Mr determined by SDS–PAGE (66 kDa) corresponds to that measured under native conditions, suggesting that HDH V exists as a monomer in the nucleus. Microsequencing of the purified HDH V shows that this enzyme is identical to the far upstream element-binding protein (FBP), a protein that stimulates the activity of the c-myc gene by binding specifically to the ‘FUSE’ DNA region localized upstream of its promoter. The sequence of HDH V/FBP contains RGG motifs like HDH IV/nucleolin, HDH VIII/G3BP as well as other human RNA and DNA helicases identified by other laboratories.
The human Xrcc3 protein is involved in the repair of damaged DNA through homologous recombination, in which homologous pairing is a key step. The Rad51 protein is believed to be the only protein factor that promotes homologous pairing in recombinational DNA repair in mitotic cells. In the brain, however, Rad51 expression is extremely low, whereas XRCC3, a human homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD57 that activates the Rad51-dependent homologous pairing with the yeast Rad55 protein, is expressed. In this study, a two-hybrid analysis conducted with the use of a human brain cDNA library revealed that the major Xrcc3-interacting protein is a Rad51 paralog, Rad51C/Rad51L2. The purified Xrcc3⋅Rad51C complex, which shows apparent 1:1 stoichiometry, was found to catalyze the homologous pairing. Although the activity is reduced, the Rad51C protein alone also catalyzed homologous pairing, suggesting that Rad51C is a catalytic subunit for homologous pairing. The DNA-binding activity of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C was drastically decreased in the absence of Xrcc3, indicating that Xrcc3 is important for the DNA binding of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C. Electron microscopic observations revealed that Xrcc3⋅Rad51C and Rad51C formed similar filamentous structures with circular single-stranded DNA.
DNA polymerase η (Polη) functions in the error-free bypass of UV-induced DNA lesions, and a defect in Polη in humans causes the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Both yeast and human Polη replicate through a cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer (TT dimer) by inserting two As opposite the two Ts of the dimer. Polη, however, is a low-fidelity enzyme, and it misinserts nucleotides with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 opposite the two Ts of the TT dimer as well as opposite the undamaged template bases. This low fidelity of nucleotide insertion seems to conflict with the role of Polη in the error-free bypass of UV lesions. To resolve this issue, we have examined the ability of human and yeast Polη to extend from paired and mispaired primer termini opposite a TT dimer by using steady-state kinetic assays. We find that Polη extends from mispaired primer termini on damaged and undamaged DNAs with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 relative to paired primer termini. Thus, after the incorporation of an incorrect nucleotide, Polη would dissociate from the DNA rather than extend from the mispair. The resulting primer-terminal mispair then could be subject to proofreading by a 3′→5′ exonuclease. Replication through a TT dimer by Polη then would be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.
DNA topoisomerase II is a nuclear enzyme essential for chromosome dynamics and DNA metabolism. In mammalian cells, two genetically and biochemically distinct topoisomerase II forms exist, which are designated topoisomerase II alpha and topoisomerase II beta. In our studies of human topoisomerase II, we have found that a substantial fraction of the enzyme exists as alpha/beta heterodimers in HeLa cells. The ability to form heterodimers was verified when human topoisomerases II alpha and II beta were coexpressed in yeast and investigated in a dimerization assay. Analysis of purified heterodimers shows that these enzymes maintain topoisomerase II specific catalytic activities. The natural existence of an active heterodimeric subclass of topoisomerase II merits attention whenever topoisomerases II alpha and II beta function, localization, and cell cycle regulation are investigated.