627 resultados para Hull


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The storage of Carioca bean at 30 C and 75% relative humidity for eight months altered the solubilization pattern of hulls non-starch polysaccharides The polysaccharide physicochemical pattern changed resulting in a shift in the composition of water-soluble and water-insoluble polysaccharides caused by the insolubilization of galacturonans and xyloglucan Hulls make up 10% of whole beans which showed an increase of about 5% in water-insoluble polysaccharides and a decrease of about 1% in water-soluble polysaccharides with aging These values suggest that cotyledons and hulls together account for an increase of about 2 g of water-insoluble polysaccharides and a decrease of 1 5 g of water-soluble polysaccharides per 100 g of beans This change in the polysaccharide composition may produce a considerable difference in the dietary fiber profile The alterations observed in bean hull non-starch polysaccharide composition were similar to those previously observed in the cotyledon (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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By means of Malliavin Calculus we see that the classical Hull and White formulafor option pricing can be extended to the case where the noise driving thevolatility process is correlated with the noise driving the stock prices. Thisextension will allow us to construct option pricing approximation formulas.Numerical examples are presented.


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In this paper, generalizing results in Alòs, León and Vives (2007b), we see that the dependence of jumps in the volatility under a jump-diffusion stochastic volatility model, has no effect on the short-time behaviour of the at-the-money implied volatility skew, although the corresponding Hull and White formula depends on the jumps. Towards this end, we use Malliavin calculus techniques for Lévy processes based on Løkka (2004), Petrou (2006), and Solé, Utzet and Vives (2007).


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En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación empírica del modelo de Hull-White (2000) al mercado de renta fija español. Este modelo proporciona la expresión por el cálculo de los pagos hechos por el comprador de un credit default swap (CDS), bajo la hipótesis de que no existe riesgo de contrapartida. Se supone, además, que la curva cupón cero, la tasa de recuperación constante y el momento del suceso de crédito son independientes. Se utilizan bonos del Banco Santander Central Hispano para mesurar la probabilidad neutra al riesgo de quiebra y, bajo hipótesis de no arbitraje, se calculan las primas de un CDS, por un bono subyacente con la misma calificación crediticia que la entidad de referencia. Se observa que las primas se ajustan bien a los spreads crediticios del mercado, que se acostumbran a utilizar como alternativa a las mismas.


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En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación empírica del modelo de Hull-White (2000) al mercado de renta fija español. Este modelo proporciona la expresión por el cálculo de los pagos hechos por el comprador de un credit default swap (CDS), bajo la hipótesis de que no existe riesgo de contrapartida. Se supone, además, que la curva cupón cero, la tasa de recuperación constante y el momento del suceso de crédito son independientes. Se utilizan bonos del Banco Santander Central Hispano para mesurar la probabilidad neutra al riesgo de quiebra y, bajo hipótesis de no arbitraje, se calculan las primas de un CDS, por un bono subyacente con la misma calificación crediticia que la entidad de referencia. Se observa que las primas se ajustan bien a los spreads crediticios del mercado, que se acostumbran a utilizar como alternativa a las mismas.


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The objective of this work was to characterize and quantify the genetic, molecular, and agronomic variability of hull-less barley genotypes, for the selection of parents and identification of genotypes adapted to the irrigated production system in the Brazilian Cerrado. Eighteen hull-less barley accessions were evaluated, and three covered barley accessions served as reference. The characterization was based on 157 RAPD molecular markers and ten agronomic traits. Genetic distance matrices were obtained based on molecular markers and quantitative traits. Graphic grouping and dispersion analyses were performed. Genetic, molecular, and agronomic variability was high among genotypes. Ethiopian accessions were genetically more similar, and the Brazilian ones were genetically more distant. For agronomic traits, two more consistent groupings were obtained, one with the most two-rowed materials, and the other with six-rowed materials. The more diverging materials were the two-rowed CI 13453, CN Cerrado 5, CN Cerrado 1, and CN Cerrado 2. The PI 356466, CN Cerrado 1, PI 370799, and CI 13453 genotypes show agronomic traits of interest and, as genetically different genotypes, they are indicated for crossing, in breeding programs.


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Ni–W–P electrodeposits were synthesized in a Hull cell in order to simulate the obtainment under industrial conditions. Complete coverage of panels was accomplished by applying total currents of 1.0 and 2.0 A. Panels obtained with a current of 1.0 A appeared brighter. The best compositional uniformities, as determined by Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) occurred in the current density ranges of 0.6 to 3.0 A dm−2 and 1.6 to 6.0 A dm−2 obtained with 1.0 and 2.0 A, respectively. However, the best morphological characteristics, as determined by Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM), were observed in those obtained with a total current of 1.0 A. Analysis of corrosion resistance by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Potentiodynamic Linear Polarization (PLP) in NaCl have shown significant variations in the amount of corrosion potential, polarization resistance, and even total impedance. The alloys exhibited amorphous character (XRD) and crystallized above 400 °C to Ni and Ni3P phases, and possibly Ni–W, with a subsequent increase in hardness. The results suggest that under industrial conditions, current density variations due to the large and complex geometric shapes of substrates lead to formation of distinct alloys. Furthermore, these materials are potential substitutes for chromium deposits in many applications.


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The objective of this research was to determine the effect of five years on physico-chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oils. Oil and protein on flaxseed hull varied between 20.15 and 22.56 and 17.45 and 19.14, respectively. The albumin fraction dominated the seed hull protein composition (44 - 47%). Flaxseed hull oils showed significantly high unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratios (6.61 - 8.36) and calculated oxidizability (Cox) values (10.88 - 12.30). The physiochemical parameters determined included saponification value (SV) (174 -182 mg KOH/g), unsaponifiable matter (UM) (1.32 - 1.64%), peroxide value (PV) (1.70 - 2.20 mequiv/kg), Oxidation value (OV) (4.40 - 5.90) and oil stability (1.10 - 1.42 h). The highest content of total phenolic acids and total tocopherols were recorded on hull sample collected in 2008. Flavanoid content ranged from 11 to 19 mg/100 g oil. Antioxidant activity differed significantly; the greatest inhibition (61.38%) was for the hull sample collected in 2008.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of heating on some quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and Cox value decreased during heating. Heating process led to considerable increase in saponification value (SV), peroxide value (PV), p-anisidine value (p-AnV), oxidative value (OV) and specific extinction at 232 and 270 nm. There was a significant decrease in oil stability during heating process (1.4-1.0 h). Fuel properties of flaxseed hull oil were also changed after heating treatment. Heating process caused loss of total phenolic acids, total flavanoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll pigments. Phospholipids (PL) content were less changed compared to other bioactive compounds. Antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil decreased during heating process.


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Professor of Politics.