92 resultados para Howland


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engraving after a similar photograph


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A simple analog instrumentation for Electrical Impedance Tomography is developed and calibrated using the practical phantoms. A constant current injector consisting of a modified Howland voltage controlled current source fed by a voltage controlled oscillator is developed to inject a constant current to the phantom boundary. An instrumentation amplifier, 50 Hz notch filter and a narrow band pass filter are developed and used for signal conditioning. Practical biological phantoms are developed and the forward problem is studied to calibrate the EIT-instrumentation. An array of sixteen stainless steel electrodes is developed and placed inside the phantom tank filled with KCl solution. 1 mA, 50 kHz sinusoidal current is injected at the phantom boundary using adjacent current injection protocol. The differential potentials developed at the voltage electrodes are measured for sixteen current injections. Differential voltage signal is passed through an instrumentation amplifier and a filtering block and measured by a digital multimeter. A forward solver is developed using Finite Element Method in MATLAB7.0 for solving the EIT governing equation. Differential potentials are numerically calculated using the forward solver with a simulated current and bathing solution conductivity. Measured potential data is compared with the differential potentials calculated for calibrating the instrumentation to acquire the voltage data suitable for better image reconstruction.


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16-electrode phantoms are developed and studied with a simple instrumentation developed for Electrical Impedance Tomography. An analog instrumentation is developed with a sinusoidal current generator and signal conditioner circuit. Current generator is developed withmodified Howland constant current source fed by a voltage controlled oscillator and the signal conditioner circuit consisting of an instrumentation amplifier and a narrow band pass filter. Electronic hardware is connected to the electrodes through a DIP switch based multiplexer module. Phantoms with different electrode size and position are developed and the EIT forward problem is studied using the forward solver. A low frequency low magnitude sinusoidal current is injected to the surface electrodes surrounding the phantom boundary and the differential potential is measured by a digital multimeter. Comparing measured potential with the simulated data it is intended to reduce the measurement error and an optimum phantom geometry is suggested. Result shows that the common mode electrode reduces the common mode error of the EIT electronics and reduces the error potential in the measured data. Differential potential is reduced up to 67 mV at the voltage electrode pair opposite to the current electrodes. Offset potential is measured and subtracted from the measured data for further correction. It is noticed that the potential data pattern depends on the electrode width and the optimum electrode width is suggested. It is also observed that measured potential becomes acceptable with a 20 mm solution column above and below the electrode array level.


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In this investigation it was found that the instability failure of curved sheet is nearly independent of the type of loading and is primarily a function of the maximum stress, radius-thickness ration and modulus of elasticity. A method of correlating the critical stress of thin sheet under several different types of loading is given. An explanation for the experimental critical stress of thin walled cylinders under bending being greater than that for pure compression is given. The strength of unstiffened thin walled circular nose sections under pure bending was found to be controlled by local instability of the section, rather than a large scale instability. The equation of local instability of curved sheet gives values which are in fair agreement with those found experimentally.

The strength of elliptical cylinders supported at the minor axis under bending plus shear loads is governed primarily by the bending strength, and is little effected by the sheer force unless the amount of shear is quite large with respect to the moment. The effect of increasing the amount of elliptically greatly reduces the bending and shear strength of nose sections. Under torsional loads the stress at buckling falls off as the ration of the major to minor axis increases but the failure stress decreases at a slower rate than the buckling stress. The length effect of semi-circular sections under torsion is similar to that of a circular tube, and can be obtained by Donnell's theoretical equation.


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Procedures for the continuous in situ recording of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and turbidity throughout an estuarine mixing profile have been developed. Application of these procedures in a study of the Tamar Estuary, south-west England has demonstrated the considerable temporal (short-term and seasonal) and geographical variability of these properties. The causes and interrelationships of this variability and their general implications with respect to field investigations of estuarine chemical interactions are discussed.


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Profiles of suspended particulate load and its organic and inorganic carbon contents as well as salinity, dissolved oxygen, ammonia and divalent manganese have been recorded throughout the mixing region of the Tamar Estuary,Southwest England, in late summer when there was pronounced net oxygen consumption. The results indicate that trapping of particulate organic detritus (of both riverine and marine origins) within the high turbidity zone contributes to the localisation and buffering of the seasonal oxygen demand exerted within the low salinity region of the estuary.


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Continuous autoanalytical recordings of the axial distributions of dissolved nitrate, silicate and phosphate in the influent freshwater and saline waters of the Tamar Estuary, south-west England have been obtained. Short-term variability in the distributions was assessed by repetitive profiling at approximately 3-h intervals on a single day and seasonal comparisons were obtained from ten surveys carried out between June 1977 and August 1978. Whereas nitrate is always essentially conserved throughout the upper estuary, the silicate- and phosphate-salinity relationships consistently indicate a non-biological removal of these nutrients within the low (0–10%) salinity range. Attempts to quantify precisely the degree of removal and to correlate this with changes in environmental properties (pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, salinity, freshwater composition) were mainly inconclusive due to short-term fluctuations in the riverine concentrations of silicate and phosphate advected into the reactive region and to the rapid changes in turbidity brought about by tidally-induced resuspension and deposition of bottom sediment.


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A simple unit for filtration prior to continuous autoanalysis of highly turbid waters is described. Seawater can be supplied at a rate of 10 ml min−1, after filtration through a 0.45 μm pore-sized membrane filter (47 mm diameter), for at least 45 min from sea water containing 1000 parts/106 of suspended solids.