991 resultados para Housing Solutions
Accessibility to affordable housing for low income people are one of the housing problems in Indonesia, especially in major cities like Jakarta and Surabaya. Government has provided indirect subsidised on home ownership for low income people through planning instrument such as inclusionary zoning. However, low cost housing has been located in cheaper land which is very far from city and employment centre. This paper aims to discuss recent government initiatives to support low cost strata title housing in prime location which closer to the employment centre. This paper compares the characteristics of existing affordable housing solutions and focus on a new initiative as a case study. Learning from this initiative will allow a recommendation on application of similar scheme in other sites. The land availability, high construction cost, culture barriers and higher risk with lower return have been named as main barriers on repeating this model in other sites. Moreover, the high-rise solution is still very expensive compared to landed houses.
Accessibility to housing for low to moderate income groups in Australia has experienced a severe decline since 2002. On the supply side, the public sector has been reducing its commitment to the direct provision of public housing. Despite strong demand for affordable housing, limited supply has been generated by non-government housing providers. This paper identifies and discusses some current affordable housing solutions which have been developed by non-government housing providers to ameliorate the problem. This study utilises case studies generated from nineteen housing providers during in-depth interviews in South East Queensland in 2007-2008. The case studies are classified into four categories which relate to the nature of their product: affordable rental housing, mixed housing, affordable housing for people with special needs and low cost home ownership. Each category is discussed on the basis of the characteristics typical of that organisation of housing provider, their partnership arrangements and main target market. In addition, the special design and facilities required for people with special needs which include high care accommodation and aged care are highlighted. Finally, this study recommends offering a continuum of solutions to affordable housing for low income people by means of a rent-to-buy scheme.
Accessibility to housing for low to moderate income groups in Australia has been experiencing a severe decline since 2002. On the supply side, the public sector has been reducing its commitment to the direct provision of public housing. Despite strong demand for affordable housing, limited supply has been generated by nongovernment housing providers. This paper identifies and discusses some current affordable housing solutions to ameliorate the problem which have been developed by non-government housing providers. This study utilises case studies generated from nineteen housing providers during indepth interviews in South East Queensland in 2007-2008. The case studies are classified into four categories which relate to the nature of their product: affordable rental housing, mixed housing, affordable housing for people with special needs and low cost home ownership. Each category is discussed on the basis of the characteristics typical of that organisation of housing provider, their partnership arrangements and main target market. In addition, the special design and facilities required for people with special needs which include high care accommodation and aged care are highlighted. Finally, this study recommends offering a continuum of solutions to affordable housing for low income people by means of a rent-to-buy scheme.
This paper investigates the role of the architect in post-disaster reconstruction and questions their ability to facilitate per- manent building solutions. There is an ever-increasing population of refugees and internally displaced persons due to disasters and conflicts who have a basic need for shelter. To date, housing solutions for such people has tended to focus on short-term, temporary shelter solutions that have been largely unsuccessful. This increasing demand for shelter has led to an emerging group of architects skilled in post-disaster reconstruction. These architects acknowledge that shelter is critical to survival, but believe architects should focus on rebuilding in a manner that is quick, durable but permanent. They believe that an architect skilled in post-disaster reconstruction can produce solutions that meet the requirement of the emergency phase, through to semi-permanent and even permanent homes, without wasting time and money on interim shelters. Case Study Research was used to examine and evaluate the assistance provided by Emergency Architects Australia (EAA) to the Kei Gold community in the Solomon Islands after the 2007 earthquake and tsunami. The results indicate that an architect’s response to a disaster must go beyond providing temporary shelter; they must create permanent building solutions that respond to the site and the culture while servicing the needs of the communi- ty. The vernacular reconstruction methods implemented by EAA in Kei Gold Village have been successful in develop- ing permanent housing solutions. Further research and development is required to gain a broader understanding of the role of the architect in disasters of varying scales and typologies.
Este estudio propone establecer cuáles son los posibles factores que determinan la producción privada de Vivienda de Interés Social (VIS) en Colombia, para con ello entender qué es lo que obstaculiza la consecución de más y mejores soluciones habitacionales.
El presente documento constituye un estudio de caso que se desarrolló de acuerdo a los lineamientos planteados en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2010 – 2014 “Prosperidad para todos”, en la que el Gobierno define que se deben otorgar 1.000.000 de soluciones de vivienda a nivel nacional en este periodo presidencial, de las cuales 254.920 soluciones son responsabilidad del Fondo Nacional del Ahorro. Por lo tanto, se analizan las estrategias que ha venido desarrollando el FNA con el propósito de proponer alternativas que permitan a la alta dirección de la entidad tomar decisiones coherentes con los modelos de promoción de vivienda, los cuales han estado alineados con el cumplimiento de los objetivos definidos por el Gobierno Nacional en el eje central de vivienda.
La solución a las necesidades de vivienda de los colombianos, ha ocupado espacios importantes en las políticas públicas de diferentes gobiernos a lo largo del tiempo. Para ello, se han implementado diversas estrategias, que han ido desde la creación de entidades responsables de la administración de proyectos habitacionales, pasando por la incorporación de entidades oficiales y privadas que se vinculan a través de la otorgación de créditos, estimulo a la construcción de diferentes soluciones habitacionales y llegando al diseño de medidas financieras que buscan el estimulo al desembolso de créditos exequibles a través instituciones financieras. El FNA, desempeña un papel trascendental en la solución a las necesidades de los colombianos en su aspiración a tener vivienda propia, ahí se ha entendido que la vivienda usada también hace parte de la solución, para ello, se busca integrar dentro de los estudios de financiamiento del crédito, este proyecto, con el fin de que enlace vendedores y compradores, clasificados por rangos de precio de inmuebles y montos de crédito aprobado, con el fin de optimizar la labor del FNA y disminuir los casos de devolución del crédito por parte del beneficiario, a causa de ausencia de opciones de vivienda que se ajusten a su presupuesto. Así mismo dentro del marco de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y para dar respuesta a las expectativas de uno de los Grupos de Interés prioritario del FNA, en concordancia con una de las siete materias fundamentales que consagra la Norma ISO 26.000, denominada “Asunto de los Consumidores”, es un valor agregado a las funciones y servicios brindados por el FNA a sus afiliados para facilitarles la adquisición de su vivienda.
Se le trasformazioni sociali in atto tendono a esasperare il senso di incertezza, sradicamento ed individualismo, sussistono pratiche che si contrappongono alle tendenze dominanti, finalizzate a ricucire i legami sociali su scala locale. La progettazione urbano-architettonica interiorizza il nuovo bisogno di comunità originando soluzioni abitative tese a favorire gli scambi informali fra vicini, facendo leva sul concetto di capitale sociale, attaccamento al quartiere, identità del luogo e partecipazione. La casa, simbolo di stabilità e sicurezza ma anche di privacy, privatismo familiare, diventa sempre più oggetto di studi, domanda sociale e intervento politico. Soprattutto è sempre più intesa come un nodo di relazioni familiari in una rete di relazioni sociali più ampie. Casa e quartiere incidono nella esperienza di benessere e socialità familiare? In che modo gli spazi urbani e architettonici influenzano la coesione sociale? Quale il ruolo degli abitanti nello sviluppare socialità e integrazione? Sono queste le domande che ci siamo posti per rilevare le dinamiche sociali e culturali dell’abitare attraverso uno studio di caso condotto in due quartieri simili. Dalla ricerca emerge come il significato della casa non sia univoco ma cambi rispetto al ciclo di vita familiare e a quello economico e ciò incide nella partecipazione alle attività di quartiere. Mostriamo inoltre come lo spazio fisico costruito crea importanti opportunità per gli scambi informali e per il benessere familiare e individuale dei bambini ma che, il contesto sociale sia una discriminate fondamentale. Nel quartiere dove è presente una organizzazione di abitanti il numero delle relazioni di vicinato aumenta, cambiano anche la qualità delle relazioni e le distanze fisiche fra i vicini. Emerge inoltre che la reciprocità è il principale strumento di costruzione della coesione comunitaria interna e crea un atteggiamento di apertura e fiducia che va al di là dei confini di quartiere.
The overall aim of this research project was to provide a broader range of value propositions (beyond upfront traditional construction costs) that could transform both the demand side and supply side of the housing industry. The project involved gathering information about how building information is created, used and communicated and classifying building information, leading to the formation of an Information Flow Chart and Stakeholder Relationship Map. These were then tested via broad housing industry focus groups and surveys. The project revealed four key relationships that appear to operate in isolation to the whole housing sector and may have significant impact on the sustainability outcomes and life cycle costs of dwellings over their life cycle. It also found that although a lot of information about individual dwellings does already exist, this information is not coordinated or inventoried in any systematic manner and that national building information files of building passports would present value to a wide range of stakeholders.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The importance of sustainable development has been internationally recognized and the principles have been widely used as an impetus for promoting housing sustainability. In the situation of mixed-use urban development in close proximity to heavy industrial areas in Malaysia, rising incomes are developing hand in hand with higher expectations for better and more sustainable housing designs. Negative environmental impacts due current deficiency in Malaysia’s approach to the implementation of sustainable development principles can be seen in this case study of the Pasir Gudang Industrial Area in Malaysia. This study aimed to highlight the level of residents’ satisfaction with living near the industrial area, and to relate their awareness of the relevance of sustainable principles with indoor environmental conditions, which found that the residents’ has limited understanding of the environmental problems in their indoor living conditions and in their neighborhoods. This study has suggested that proactive and integrated involvement by housing authorities from all levels of government in Malaysia should be encouraged in order to rationalise the approaches to develop better planning solutions for such mixed-used urban developments. This initiative should then encourage housing vendors to provide innovative ‘smart’ technological changes to their projects and so, to achieve a new direction in sustainable housing development.
Sustainability concerns every citizen. Housing affordability and sustainable solutions are being highlighted in research and practice in many parts of the world. This paper discusses the development of a Commuter Energy and Building Utilities System (CEBUS) in sustainable housing projects as a means of bridging the gap between current median house pricing and target affordable house pricing for low income earners. Similar scales of sustainable housing development cannot be achieved through independent application of current best practice methods in ecologically sustainable development strategies or transit oriented development master plans. This paper presents the initial stage of research on first capital and ongoing utilities and transport cost savings available from these sustainable design methods. It also outlines further research and development of a CEBUS Dynamic Simulation Model and Conceptual Framework for the Australian property development and construction industry.
Most commonly, residents are always arguing about the satisfaction of sustainability and quality of their high rise residential property. This paper aim is to maintain the best quality satisfaction of the floor materials by introducing the whole life cycle costing approach to the property manager of the public housing in Johor. This paper looks into the current situation of floor material of two public housings in Johor, Malaysia and testing the whole life cycle costing approach towards them. The cost figures may be implemented to justify higher investments, for examples, in the quality or flexibility of building solutions through a long-term cost reduction. The calculation and the literature review are conducted. The questionnaire surveys of two public housings were conducted to make clear the occupants’ evaluation about the actual quality conditions of the floor material in their house. As a result, the quality of floor material based on the whole life cycle costing approach is one of the best among their previous decision making tool that was applied. Practitioners can benefit from this paper as it provides information on calculating the whole life costing and making the decisions for floor material selection for their properties.
A comprehensive study was conducted on potential systems of integrated building utilities and transport power solutions that can simultaneously contain rising electricity, hot water and personal transport costs for apartment residents. The research developed the Commuter Energy and Building Utilities System (CEBUS) and quantified the economic, social and environmental benefits of incorporating such a system in future apartment developments. A decision support tool was produced to assist the exploration of the CEBUS design variants. A set of implementation guidelines for CEBUS was also developed for the property development industry.