7 resultados para Houseflies
We investigated whether or not different degrees of refuge for prey influence the characteristic of functional response exhibited by the spider Nesticodes rufipes on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of N. rufipes to kill individual houseflies in such environments at two distinct time intervals. To investigate these questions, two artificial habitats were elaborated in the laboratory. For 168 h of predator-prey interaction, logistic regression analyses revealed a type 11 functional response, and a significant decrease in prey capture in the highest prey density was observed when habitat complexity was increased. Data from habitat 1 (less complex) presented a greater coefficient of determination than those from habitat 2 (more complex), indicating a higher variation of predation of the latter. For a 24 h period of predator-prey interaction, spiders killed significantly fewer prey in habitat 2 than in habitat 1. Although prey capture did not enable data to fit properly in the random predator equation in this case, predation data from habitat 2 presented a higher variation than data from habitat 1, corroborating results from 168 h of interaction. The high variability observed on data from habitat 2 (more complex habitat) is an interesting result because it reinforces the importance of refuge in promoting spatial heterogeneity, which can affect the extent of predator-prey interactions.
The survival of many animals hinges upon their ability to avoid collisions with other animals or objects or to precisely control the timing of collisions. Optical expansion provides a compelling impression of object approach and in principle can provide the basis for judgments of time to collision (TTC) [1]. It has been demonstrated that pigeons [2] and houseflies [3] have neural systems that can initiate rapid coordinated actions on the basis of optical expansion. In the case of humans, the linkage between judgments of TTC and coordinated action has not been established at a cortical level. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we identified superior-parietal and motor-cortex areas that are selectively active during perceptual TTC judgments, some of which are normally involved in producing reach-to-grasp responses. These activations could not be attributed to actual movement of participants. We demonstrate that networks involved in the computational problem of extracting TTC from expansion information have close correspondence with the sensorimotor systems that would be involved in preparing a timed motor response, such as catching a ball or avoiding collision.
Neste artigo, relatase a experiência de devolução de conhecimentos produzidos por meio de uma pesquisa-ação educativa em saúde, efetivada em uma comunidade local, e demonstrase que, por meio do diálogo proporcionado pela problematização, surgiram oportunidades de reflexão coletiva acerca de problemas vividos por todos, oferecendo condições para o desenvolvimento de cidadãos mais participativos, mais críticos e, principalmente, mais ativos diante de sua realidade. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de trabalhar com a população a relação entre moscas domésticas e saúde ambiental, problematizando as questões relativas a saúde e ambiente nos bairros Jardim Morada do Sol e Parque Residencial Francisco Belo Galindo, em Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brasil. Utilizou-se, para isso, a metodologia da pesquisa-ação, e como referencial teórico a educação popular de Paulo Freire, problematizandose as condições de saúde em áreas urbanas periféricas pobres e analisandose a experiência de articulação de atores sociais na resolução dos seus problemas de saúde. Ao final, indicam-se alguns aspectos que foram apreendidos na investigação acerca dos processos educativos comunitários em saúde, pelos quais, partindo-se das reflexões sobre o ambiente, foram descortinados problemas ambientais e de saúde mais amplos que afetavam a comunidade.
It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. Yet, few studies have examined the relationship between the addition of refuges and the characteristic of functional response fits. We investigated whether addition of a refuge changed the type of functional response exhibited by Dermestes ater on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of D. ater to kill houseflies in the absence and in the presence of refuge. An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling and searching times exhibited by D. ater. Logistic regression analyses revealed a type III functional response for predator-prey interaction without refuge, and results were described by the random predator equation. The mean number of prey killed did not differ between experimental habitats, indicating that the addition of refuge did not inhibit predation. However, predators that interacted with prey without refuge spent less time searching for prey at higher densities, increasing predatory interaction. We concluded that this interaction may be weak, because data from experiments with refuge fitted poorly to models. However, the high variability and the nonsignificance of the data from the experiment with refuge show the importance of refuge for promoting spatial heterogeneity, which may prevent prey extinction.
Morphologic analysis of geographic strains of Musca domestica carried out on natural and laboratory experiments starting with 400 and 800 eggs showed phenotypic variations related with latitude. Females of the natural populations showed clines for several morphological traits of the wing, whereas male flies showed a reduction in the dispersion measures (s2 and CV) of wing width and length. The same reduction was obtained for males, females and total number of flies of the natural populations in dispersion of the number of bristles on the fourth abdominal sternite. A significant negative correlation was observed for the head width of females and for the total number of flies emerged in the laboratory experiments started with 400 eggs. All flies produced by the experiments starting with 800 eggs showed a reduction in variability of dispersion of the bristles on the fourth abdominal sternite in the strains obtained from locations south of the area analyzed. Evolutionary aspects of these correlation coefficients between morphometric traits and latitude are discussed.
Clostridium difficile is a bacterial healthcare-associated infection, which houseflies Musca domestica may transfer due to their synanthropic nature. The aims of this thesis were to determine the ability of M. domestica to transfer C. difficile mechanically and to collect and identify flying insects in UK hospitals and classify any associated bacteria. M. domestica exposed to independent suspensions of vegetative cells and spores of C. difficile were able to mechanically transfer the bacteria on to agar for up to 4 hours following exposure. C. difficile could be recovered from fly excreta for 96hrs and was isolated from the M. domestica alimentary canal. Also confirmed was the carriage of C. difficile by M. domestica larvae, although it was not retained in the pupae or in the adults that subsequently developed. Flying insects were collected from ultra-violet light flytraps in hospitals. Flies (order Diptera) were the most commonly identified. Chironomidae were the most common flies, Calliphora vicina were the most common synanthropic fly and ‘drain flies’ were surprisingly numerous and represent an emerging problem in hospitals. External washings and macerates of flying insects were prepared and inoculated onto a variety of agars and following incubation bacterial colonies identified by biochemical tests. A variety of flying insects, including synanthropic flies (e.g. M. domestica and C. vicina) collected from UK hospitals harboured pathogenic bacteria of different species. Enterobacteriaceae were the group of bacteria most commonly isolated, followed by Bacillus spp, Staphylococci, Clostridia, Streptococci and Micrococcus spp. This study highlights the potential for M. domestica to contribute to environmental persistence and spread of C. difficile in hospitals. Also illustrated is the potential for flying insects to contribute to environmental persistence and spread of other pathogenic bacteria in hospitals and therefore the need to implement pest control as part of infection control strategies.
Background - Clostridium difficile is a bacterial healthcare-associated infection that may be transferred by houseflies (Musca domestica) due to their close ecological association with humans and cosmopolitan nature. Aim - To determine the ability of M. domestica to transfer C. difficile both mechanically and following ingestion. Methods - M. domestica were exposed to independent suspensions of vegetative cells and spores of C. difficile, then sampled on to selective agar plates immediately postexposure and at 1-h intervals to assess the mechanical transfer of C. difficile. Fly excreta was cultured and alimentary canals were dissected to determine internalization of cells and spores. Findings - M. domestica exposed to vegetative cell suspensions and spore suspensions of C. difficile were able to transfer the bacteria mechanically for up to 4 h upon subsequent contact with surfaces. The greatest numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs) per fly were transferred immediately following exposure (mean CFUs 123.8 +/− 66.9 for vegetative cell suspension and 288.2 +/− 83.2 for spore suspension). After 1 h, this had reduced (21.2 +/− 11.4 for vegetative cell suspension and 19.9 +/− 9 for spores). Mean C. difficile CFUs isolated from the M. domestica alimentary canal was 35 +/− 6.5, and mean C. difficile CFUs per faecal spot was 1.04 +/− 0.58. C. difficile could be recovered from fly excreta for up to 96 h. Conclusion - This study describes the potential for M. domestica to contribute to environmental persistence and spread of C. difficile in hospitals, highlighting flies as realistic vectors of this micro-organism in clinical areas.