966 resultados para Hospitality, Leisure, Sport


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Cooperative education in sport studies is considered an integral component of the professional preparation of graduates. However, whilst there is a sound body of knowledge in cooperative education, little has been published in sport studies. Through a survey of eight selected institutions, this paper examines the modes of delivery and issues involved in the practice of cooperative education in sport. Findings indicate that while there is consistency in course aims, there is a range of divergent structures, placement contexts and supervisory modes of delivery. Further research needs to focus on these aspects to ensure continued viability and relevance for such programmes.<br />


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Using an interpretative case study methodology, the pedagogical approaches used to facilitate and integrate student learning in cooperative education programmes in sport studies were investigated. This research drew from two New Zealand university cohorts and involved six focus group interviews. Findings suggested there were limited direct explicit attempts to integrate on- and off-campus learning. Integration was implicitly or indirectly fostered, principally by reflection through assessments (e.g., journals, reports), and primarily consisted of reflection-on-action (Sch&ouml;n, 1991) after the learning activities. Significantly, the integration of learning also consisted of reflection on personal growth, rather than critical reflection on theory or organisational practice.<br />


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&nbsp;he professionalisation of sport has provided career opportunities for athletes, coaches and sport scientists alike. The career development literature for athletes is well established and the empirical career literature for coaches is growing, but little is known about the careers of sport scientists. The purpose of this investigation was to explore and examine the career experiences of Australian sport scientists. In-depth interviews were conducted with six practicing Australian sport scientists at different career stages. Several themes emerged from the data on careers of sport scientists that are unique to sport. Sport scientists identify strongly with their role in sport success and yet they receive little recognition for what they do. All participants experienced career dissonance as they transitioned from practitioner to another career such as academia or sport management. Feelings of loss were identified by participants as their applied work diminished when they moved away from their early career service roles. All six participants believed that in order to advance their career in sport their options were moving overseas, working in academia, or retraining for a career in sports management. It is recommended that sport scientists be provided with better career education and more structured professional development.


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A tanulmány a jÃvÅbeni szabadidÅsport-kutatásokhoz egyfajta alapként fogalmi áttekintést ad a szabadidÅrÅl és a sport külÃnbÃzÅ aspektusairól, kutatott területeirÅl, valamint a szabadidÅsport kÃzgazdasági értelemben vett hasznosságáról, egyén, társadalom, gazdaság és vállalatok szintjén. = This paper would like to give an overview about the different concepts and aspects of leisure and sport, list the different areas researchers deal with, and show a picture about the utility of leisure sport in connection with human being, society, economy and companies, with the purpose of founding the coming leisure-sport researches.


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A sport egyre fontosabb tényezÅvé válik a társadalomban, és gazdasági súlya is egyre szignifikánsabban jelentkezik. A sportgazdaságtani írások nagy része azonban a hivatásos sporttal foglalkozik, a szabadidÅsport nem kap elég súlyt. Downward és szerzÅtársai még 2009-ben is az elméleti és gyakorlati munkák hiányára hívták fel a figyelmet. Jelen cikk a szabadidÅsporttal kíván foglalkozni, és célja, hogy bemutassa, milyen értéket teremt a szabadidÅsport az egyén, a vállalatok, a társadalom és a gazdaság számára, valamint azt, hogy az egyes szereplÅk a szabadidÅsport által milyen módon lehetnek versenyképesebbek. A szabadidÅsport és a versenyképesség rÃvid fogalmi definiálása után a szerzÅ bemutatja az irodalom-feldolgozás és a 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjú kapcsolódó eredményeit. ___________________ Sport has always been an important part of society but it is now becoming an increasingly important part of the economy. The sport management literature mostly deals with competitive sport, leisure sport has a week position. Downward et al.have written about the lack of theoretical and empirical works in the area of leisure sport. This article deals with leisure sport, the aim of the authorâs work is: to present the value creation of leisure sport for individuals, companies, for society and economy, and to examine how they could be more competitive through leisure sport. After presenting short definitions of leisure sport and competitiveness, the author does literature review and presents the most important thoughts of the articles and the results of my 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.


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A sporttermékek iránti kereslet kialakulására a sportszocializáció meghatározó befolyással bír. A sport kiemelkedÅ szerepet játszik a mai modern társadalomban. JelentÅs gazdasági súlyt képvisel, továbbá lehetÅséget ad a személyes fejlÅdésre és a társas kapcsolatok kialakítására, ápolására. Az egyéni személyes elÅnyÃk mellett a sportolás támogatása révén a társadalom egészségi állapotának kÃltséghatékony megÅrzése is biztosítható. Ezzel együtt hazánkban alacsony a szabadidÅsportban való részvétel, a lakosság egészségi állapota romlik, az ülŠéletmód egyre terjed. Az elvégzett kutatás célja az volt, hogy olyan ismeretekre tegyen szert, amelyek segítségével megérthetÅ a sportolást befolyásoló legfÅbb tényezÅk hatása, így az egyén szűk kÃrnyezetének (család, barátok, iskola) jelentÅsége, a társas befolyás hazai jellegzetességei. Ezek az ismeretek elÅsegíthetik mind a profit, mind a non-profit szféra számára a lakosság sikeresebb megszólítását, hozzájárulva egy aktívabb társadalom megteremtéséhez. _______ Sport socialization has high relevance to generate demand for sport. Sport plays an important role in todayâs modern societies. It has enormous economic significance and provides opportunity for personal development and for establishing new or keeping existing social relationships. Besides individual personal benefits, supporting sport also ensures the costefficient maintenance of good health on a social level. However sport participation and sport spectatorship are both low in Hungary. At the same time the health status of residents are worsening and the society is characterized by a sitting, sedentary lifestyle. The goal of the study is to gather information on the primary factors influencing sport participation, especially the significance of the close social environment of the individual (family, friends and education). Understanding why people participate in sports and how they can be motivated to do so is of primary importance to both the private and the state sector, explained by business interest and by the need to ensure the healthy operation of the society.


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Napjainkra a sport, a valamikori egyértelműen civil tevékenység Ãsszetett, folyamatosan változó és jelentÅs üzleti lehetÅségeket rejtÅ iparággá fejlÅdÃtt. Ebben az iparágban a hivatásos sport esetében Ãt piac műkÃdik: a fogyasztói piac, a játékos piac, a szponzori piac, a kÃzvetítési jogok piaca és a merchandising piac. A szabadidÅsport esetében is azonosíthatók piacok. A szerzÅ célja e piacok magyarországi műkÃdésének bemutatása, amit 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjúhoz kapcsolódó eredményei segítségével tesz meg _____ Sport, which was the activity of the civil sphere, has become a complex, continuously changing industry with significant business opportunities. In the case of professional sports there are five markets: consumer, player, sponsor, media (broadcasting) and merchandising markets. In the case of leisure sports the author can also identify different markets. The aim of this paper is to present these markets in Hungary with the help of the results of the authorâs 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.


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This study explores how trust is manifested and impacts on the levels of collaboration that take place in sport governance networks. A case study approach was used as the guiding method to examine the contributingfactors that facilitate or inhibit trusting relationships between boards within sporting networks. Three sports from Australia were employed as the population for the study and 36 in-depth interviews were conductedwith participants from national and state organizations operating within those networks, two federated and one partially unified. Interviews were analyzed using an interpretive process, and a thematic structure relatingto the issues and impact of trust and distrust within the three networks was developed. Extant levels of trust, transparency, the capacity to build trust, and leadership emerged as the key themes in the study. Thedegree to which each of these dimensions was embedded in the cultures and processes of each network varied significantly. Leadership specifically, as a key finding, was shown to be an important factor in fostering collaborative relations at the governance level of these systems. A number of implications for sport governance practice and possible extensions for sport governance research based on these findings conclude the article.


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Sport consumer behavior (SCB) research continues to grow in both popularity and sophistication. A guiding principle in much of this research has focused on the nature of sport-related experiences and the benefits sport consumers derive from these experiences. This emphasis has generated new knowledge and insights into the needs and wants of sport consumers. Although these efforts have contributed to the field's understanding of SCB, the vast majority of this research has centered on psychological phenomena and the evaluative and affective components of these sport experiences. Approaches to this work have also narrowed, with SCB research predominately relying on cross-sectional studies and attitudinal surveys to collect information. This has resulted in limited findings that seldom account for how various situational or environmental factors might influence attitudinal data patterns at the individual and group level. This special issues seeks to deepen our understanding of SCB by providing seven papers that demonstrate or validate findings using multiple studies or data collections.


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This paper evaluates an initiative to improve the effectiveness of personal tutoring by embedding it into the curriculum. Structured group tutorials help students make the transition to learning in higher education. These tutorials are delivered within a core module and focus on enabling students to develop study skills, reflect on their learning and plan for their future. The tutor has a role in familiarising students with the practices, norms and skills required for learning at university. The system developed provides a structure and rationale for the interaction of tutors and students, with a clear place and value within the curriculum.