997 resultados para Hospital noise


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Acoustic conditions in hospitals have been shown to influence a patient’s physical and psychological health. Noise levels in an Omaha, Nebraska, hospital were measured and compared between various times: before, during, and after renovations of a hospital wing. The renovations included cosmetic changes and the installation of new in-room patient audio-visual systems. Sound pressure levels were logged every 10-seconds over a four-day period in three different locations: at the nurses' station, in the hallway, and in a nearby patient’s room. The resulting data were analyzed in terms of the hourly A-weighted equivalent sound pressure levels (


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The aim of this small-scale study was to measure, analyse and compare levels of acoustic noise, in a nine-bedded general intensive care unit (ICU). Measurements were undertaken using the Norsonic 116 sound level meter recording noise levels in the internationally agreed ‘A’ weighted scale. Noise level data were obtained and recorded at 5 min over 3 consecutive days. Results of noise level analysis indicated that mean noise levels within this clinical area was 56·42 dB(A), with acute spikes reaching 80 dB(A). The quietest noise level attained was that of 50 dB(A) during sporadic intervals throughout the 24-h period. Parametric testing using analysis of variance found a positive relationship (p ≤ 0·001) between the nursing shifts and the day of the week. However, Scheffe multiple range testing showed significant differences between the morning shift, and the afternoon and night shifts combined (p ≤ 0·05). There was no statistical difference between the afternoon and night shifts (p ≥ 0·05). While the results of this study may seem self-evident in many respects, what it has highlighted is that the problem of excessive noise exposure within the ICU continues to go unabated. More concerning is that the prolonged effects of excessive noise exposure on patients and staff alike can have deleterious effect on the health and well-being of these individuals.


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Changes in the design of hospital wards have usually been determined by architects and members of the nursing and medical professions; the views and preferences of patients have seldom been sought directly. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale and the Disturbance Due to Hospital Noise questionnaire were administered to 64 female patients on bay and Nightingale wards together with a questionnaire designed for this study. Perceptions of social and physical factors of ward design were examined, and their relationship to psychological well-being and sleep patterns. The results show that the bay ward seemed to offer a more favourable environment for patients but some of the disadvantages of bay wards are balanced by better staffing levels and better and more modern facilities. Visibility to nurses was lower on the bay ward. The Nightingale ward was perceived as significantly noisier than the bay ward and noise levels were significantly correlated to anxiety scores. Paradoxically the increase in noise levels appeared to improve the perceived level of privacy on the Nightingale ward. Seventy-five per cent of patients were found to prefer the bay ward design, and since neither design appears to have major disadvantages their continued introduction should be encouraged. However, recommendations are made concerning the optimizing of patients' well-being within the bay ward setting.


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This paper studies the success of the renovation of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children's Hospital in reducing noise levels and improving the work environment.


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Aims and objectives.  This study was undertaken to measure and analyse levels of acoustic noise in a General Surgical Ward. Method.  Measurements were undertaken using the Norsonic 116 sound level meter (SLM) recording noise levels in the internationally agreed ‘A’ weighted scale. Noise level data and observational data as to the number of staff present were obtained and recorded at 5-min intervals over three consecutive days. Results.  Results of noise level analysis indicated that mean noise level within this clinical area was 42.28 dB with acute spikes reaching 70 dB(A). The lowest noise level attained was that of 36 dB(A) during the period midnight to 7 a.m. Non-parametric testing, using Spearman's Rho (two-tailed), found a positive relationship between the number of staff present and the level of noise recorded, indicating that the presence of hospital personnel strongly influences the level of noise within this area. Relevance to clinical practice.  Whilst the results of this may seem self-evident in many respects the problems of excessive noise production and the exposure to it for patients, hospital personnel and relatives alike continues unabated. What must be of concern is the psychophysiological effects excessive noise exposure has on individuals, for example, decreased wound healing, sleep deprivation and cardiovascular stimulation.


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This small-scale study was undertaken to assess what knowledge nursing staff from a General Intensive Care Unit held with regard to noise exposure. To assess knowledge a self-administered multiple-choice questionnaire was used. Rigorous peer-review insured content validity. This study produced poor results in terms of the knowledge nurses held with regard to noise related issues in particular the psychophysiological effects and current legislation concerning its safe exposure. Non-parametric testing, using Kruskal–Wallis found no significant difference between nursing grades, however, descriptive analysis demonstrated that the staff nurse grade (D and E) performed better overall. Whilst the results of this study may seem self-evident in some respects, it is the problems of exposure to excessive noise levels for both patients and hospital personnel, which are clearly not understood. The effects noise exposure has on individuals for example decreased wound healing; sleep deprivation and cardiovascular stimulation must be of concern especially in terms of patient care but more so for nursing staff especially the effects noise levels can have on cognitive task performance.


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There was a concern medically fragile infants may be exposed to high noise levels during emergency helicopter transport. This study had been initiated in 2007. Data was collected using a Larson Davis noise dosimeter. The purpose of this study was to collect additional data to evaluate the noise exposure experienced by medically fragile neonates during emergency transport via helicopter inbound/outbound of St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO. The results suggested neonates may be exposed to noise levels ranging 85 to 95 dBA during transport. These high noise exposures may pose a risk to hearing.


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The study was a sound survey of naturally occurring noise in a metropolitan hospital NICU. The collected sound level samples were then compared to the noise standard recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It was concluded that sound levels in the NICU exceed the standard and the standard does not have a proper foundation.


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Noise is the most frequent type of occupational exposure and can lead to both auditory and extra-auditory dysfunction as well as increasing the risk of work accidents. The purpose of this study was to estimate the attributable fraction of work accidents related to occupational noise exposure in a medium-sized city in Southeast Brazil. In this hospital-based case-control study, including 600 cases and 822 controls, the odds ratio of work accidents (controlled for several covariables) was obtained classifying occupational noise exposure into four levels and determining the prevalence at each level. Based on these data, the calculated attributable fraction was 0.3041 (95%CI: 0.2341-0.3676), i.e., 30% of work accidents in the study area were statistically associated with occupational noise exposure. The authors discuss the causes of this association and the implications for the prevention of work accidents.


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This study evaluated the impact of a participatory program to reduce noise in a neonatal intermediate care unit of a university hospital. A time-series quasi-experimental design was used, in which sound pressure levels were measured before and after the intervention was implemented using the Quest-400 dosimeter. Non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare noise with the level of significance fixed at 5%. Results showed significant reduction of sound pressure levels in the neonatal unit after the intervention program was implemented (p<0.0001). The average Leq before the intervention was 62.5dBA and was reduced to 58.8dBA after the intervention. A reduction of 7.1dBA in the average Lmax(from 104.8 to 87.7dBA) and of 30.6dBA in the average Lpeak(from 138.1 to 107.5dBA) was observed. The program was proven to be effective in significantly reducing noise levels in the neonatal unit, although levels were still more intense than recommended.


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Abstract Background Food handlers have a very important role in preventing food contamination during its preparation and distribution. This responsibility is even greater in hospitals, since a large number of patients have low immunity and consequently food contamination by pathogenic bacteria could be particularly harmful. Therefore, a good working environment and periodic training should be provided to food handlers by upper management. Methods This study is qualitative research by means of focus group and thematic content analysis methodologies to examine, in detail, the statements by food handlers working in the milk and specific-diet kitchens in a hospital to understand the problems they face in the workplace. Results We found that food handlers are aware of the role they play in restoring patients' health; they consider it important to offer a good-quality diet. However, according to their perceptions, a number of difficulties prevent them from reaching this aim. These include: upper management not prioritizing human and material resources to the dietetic services when making resource allocation decisions; a perception that upper management considers their work to be of lesser importance; delayed overtime payments; lack of periodic training; managers lacking administrative skills; insufficient dietitian staff assistants, leading to overwork, at the same time as there is an excess of dietitians; unhealthy environmental working conditions – high temperature, high humidity, loud and constant noise level, poor ventilation; lack of food, and kitchen utensils and equipment; and relationship conflicts with chief dieticians and co-workers. Conclusion From these findings, improvement in staff motivation could be achieved by considering non-financial incentives, such as improvement in working conditions and showing appreciation and respect through supervision, training and performance appraisal. Management action, such as investments in intermediary management so that managers have the capacity to provide supportive supervision, as well as better use of performance appraisal and access to training, may help overcome the identified problems.


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The Food and Nutrition Units (FNU) are designed to produce food for healthy and/or sick communities and need to be done in a way to ensure the quality of foodstuffs that were produced. In these units, in the working environment, in general, there is excessive noise, heat and physical condition with many adaptations, presence of obstacles, inadequate flows, as well as the ways of the working organization may represent risks for workers health and lead to errors during production and/or distribution of food. The main goal of this study was to analyse the working processes in the Food Production Unit of the university’s hospital and identify the workers' health risk factors, using for this the knowledge of ergonomics, specifically the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA). After this analysis it was possible to develop proposals that will bring improvements to the working conditions, minimizing health risk factors during the process of meals production. It’s crucial to reassert this method considers the work activity performed in real time and highlights the importance of listening and the engagement of the workers in the changing process. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In the field research were collected demographics data, employment characteristics of the individuals (age, education, stocking sector, the total length of service and length of service in the industry) and data related to their usual work (task analysis, activity analysis and Analysis of the working environment) in the FNU. The instruments that were used in this study were document analysis, global and systematic observations and semi structured interviews in order to identify the main complaints related to those activities developed by them. The study was based on data for the analysis of Bardin, 2011, so the documents have been selected and including those that treat issues related to risks to workers' health were selected. The result of semi-structured interviews, global and systematic observations took place a confrontation of this material to the theoretical framework, held the inference and the interpretation of results the light of the knowledge of ergonomics and legislation. Issues related to the risks and the perception of workers has crafted a table showing the frequency of responses to the physical, chemical and biological and even the risk of accidents and was made a descriptive analysis. The results of this analysis indicated that the unit in question presents several problems ambience of jobs, both in terms of physical structure, but also in the organization of work. Non-conformities that leads to a favourable environment to the development of disease and injury hazards and compromising the quality of food produced. It is necessary to comply with legislation and that short, medium and long-term measures are taken to ensure the physical integrity of workers and improve the working environment.


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A metropolitan geriatric evaluation and management (GEM) facility in Australia was undergoing expansion, and consideration for the needs of individuals with dementia and their family carers was identified as important in planning the new facility. Existing literature revealed that people in hospital value privacy, minimal noise, family amenities and homeliness, but these findings did not consider the perspectives of the person with dementia specifically.


The aim was to elicit the perspectives of current inpatients with dementia, and their family carers, about the environment/design features that they believe are necessary for people with dementia, and their family carers.

Method and design

This qualitative study utilised in-depth semi-structured interviews to obtain information from current inpatients with dementia and their family carers.


Participants described how the care received was more important than the physical environment; however, participants also valued homeliness, privacy for the patient and for conversations, a shared space without a television and a connection to the outside. Participants described how accommodating carers, providing quiet spaces and appropriate amenities were also important.


While participants valued care over the physical surroundings, they also offered valuable information about their experience in the ward environment. Despite cognitive difficulties, people with dementia were able to provide useful information about the environment within which they were being cared.

Implications for practice

Consumer opinions about hospital design/environment should be considered as an important source of data. Privacy and personal space for people with dementia and their family carers, a connection with the outside environment , and the needs of carers and visitors are all important considerations when designing healthcare environments.