994 resultados para Hospital expansion
A inserção do psicólogo no campo da saúde vem crescendo de forma considerável no âmbito nacional, principalmente nas últimas duas décadas. Está concentrada aí, atualmente, a maior oferta de vagas em concursos públicos para psicólogos, bem como uma ampliação de oportunidades na rede privada. Trata-se de um cenário bastante amplo, que inclui a atenção básica (postos de saúde, Programa de Saúde da Família, entre outros), a assistência às demandas de saúde mental (Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, rede ambulatorial e hospitais psiquiátricos), além de institutos, hospitais especializados e hospitais gerais (HGs). Em franco processo de estruturação, o campo da psicologia na saúde é marcado por pluralidades de papéis, demandas e histórias, principalmente no que tange ao contexto do HG, onde a especificidade da psicologia permanece até hoje um tanto quanto enigmática. A escassez dos dados sobre a entrada de psicólogos em HGs no Rio de Janeiro apontou o caminho que nossas buscas deveriam assumir. Assim, o objeto desta tese é discutir alguns dos diferentes fazeres do psicólogo no HG. Para tanto, optamos por um percurso que inevitavelmente nos levou a uma perspectiva histórica. Na busca de elementos que pudessem contar quando e como a psicologia se tornou uma especialidade presente nos hospitais gerais, procuramos os agentes precursores desta empreitada, aqueles que participaram ativamente da construção desse espaço como um dos lugares da psicologia na saúde. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas com personagens dessa história no contexto fluminense, psicólogas que, cada uma em seu hospital e em um dado momento histórico, tiveram papel decisivo para que a psicologia se tornasse uma especialidade legitimada nesse cenário. Tivemos ainda como fontes de pesquisa alguns relatórios, conversas de bastidores, visitas a alguns HGs e a própria vivência da autora desta tese como psicóloga vinculada à Secretaria Estadual de Saúde e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro (SESDEC/RJ). Verificamos que a história da psicologia nos HG no Rio de Janeiro é significativamente recente, oficializando-se em 1990 com a realização do primeiro concurso público com provimento de vagas para psicólogos em HGs vinculados à SES/RJ (atual SESDEC). Outros concursos ampliaram as equipes e a configuração de uma rotina na qual a palavra de ordem passou a ser a atenção ao risco psicossocial. Até esse ponto, no entanto, foram travadas muitas batalhas: entre os psicólogos e as demais equipes, entre os novos psicólogos e as direções das suas unidades de saúde, entre psicólogos estatutários e psicólogos prestadores, entre psicólogos e a própria psicologia. Nossa empreitada privilegiou a narrativa desses personagens, as histórias por eles contadas, que nos auxiliaram na composição pregressa e atual da psicologia no HG no Rio de Janeiro. São memórias que contam das dificuldades e das vitórias de cada um desses momentos, na tentativa de se definir o quase indefinível lugar da psicologia no HG. Nosso trabalho pretendeu construir um dos possíveis mapas desse campo, objetivando, com isso, fornecer subsídios para que psicólogos possam ampliar seus estilos e coletivos de pensamento em prol de um exercício profissional ético e responsável.
o objetivo deste estudo é verificar até que ponto o Endomarketing, por intermédio da sua linha de ação da atitude, pode contribuir para a expansão de um serviço orientado para o paciente, por parte dos funcionários do Hospital Geral de Santo António. Para responder a essa questão, analisamos a teoria do Endomarketing, sob o ponto de vista do seu criador (Saul Faingaus Bekin) e de outros autores, fazendo o seu contexto temporal e refletindo acerca da sua importância no setor público de saúde português. Os dados foram obtidos mediante uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e por intennédio da aplicação de um questionário a alguns funcionários da instituição analisada. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que, nessa instituição, já existe uma consciência em tomo da pertinência de um serviço orientado para o paciente, porém essa consciência deve ser mais efetiva e só pode ser realmente implantada com a aplicação do Endomarketing. Embora, para a maioria das pessoas inquiridas, comprometer, envolver, valorizar e qualificar ajudem a expandir um serviço orientado para o paciente, esses fatores não parecem ser os mais importantes para elas, o que nos leva a crer que talvez isto ocorra por esses fatores não serem levados em consideração o suficiente ao longo do seu cotidiano profissional, razão pela qual o Endomarketing se torna importante. Finalmente, foram detectadas grandes falhas ao nível da comunicação interna da instituição, o que também torna pertinente a aplicação de uma estratégia de Endomarketing.
INTRODUCTION: Informatics and automation are important tools for the reduction of work, errors and costs in a hospital pharmacy. OBJECTIVES: To describe the structuring and function of an informatized system for the dispensing of medications and to assess its effect on nursing and pharmacy services during the period from 1997 to 2003. MATERIALS and METHODS: In this descriptive and retrospective study, we performed an analysis of documents addressing the structuring and implementation of the informatized medication dispensing system. In addition, we analyzed the perceptions of nurses, pharmacists and pharmacy assistants who participated in the structuring phase of the system when interviewed about the effect of informatization on administrative aspects (e.g., requisition of medications, presentation of the dispensed medication and system operationalization). RESULTS: The major advantages provided by the new system were 1) the elimination of manual transcripts for prescribed medications, 2) increased speed, 3) better identification of the doses prescribed by physicians, 4) medication labels containing all necessary identification and 5) practicality and safety of optical bar code-based verification of the requested and dispensed medications. CONCLUSIONS: The great majority of the interviewees considered the informatized medication supply system to be of good quality. Analysis of the data provided information that could contribute to the expansion and refinement of the system, provide support for studies regarding the utilization of medications and offer new perspectives for work and productivity.
This study aimed to analyze the work of social workers at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), with the analytical approach the contracting process with the HUOL with the National Health System (SUS), which is set from 2004. Thus, this study sought in times of state reform, restructuring and tension between enlargement / reduction of social and labor rights, understanding the limits and possibilities of social work in HUOL, analyzing how these determinations bounce in the practice of social workers included in the collective process of health work. From a theoretical and methodological historical and dialectical materialism, we conducted literature search, in which developed book report and readings of texts, articles, books that focus on the central categories of the study, namely: Work, Social Work, Health, Health Reform , Project ethical and professional politician. Operationalized also a documentary research, on the Brazilian Public Health Policy, (SUS) and of the Education, as well as research field in which we conducted interviews with 11 social workers, employees packed the HUOL. We conclude that social workers did not participate in the discussion process of contracting the HUOL with the Municipal Health Secretariat of Natal, RN, manager of health and full resetting of user access, via reference setting - counter-referral services provided by the hospital brought the main demands on Social Work guidance regarding the functionality of SUS, and the social intervention in the struggle to guarantee such access. However, the data show that the expansion of demands that require the intervention of the social worker at HUOL is not associated with quantitative growth of these professionals need. Such conditions inflect the possibilities of materialization of the professional ethical-political project, even though that these professionals worry and seek the intellectual improvement, quality of service and to guarantee the social rights of users in the professional practice everyday
The aim of this article is to present the pediatric dentistry and orthodontic treatment protocol of rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients performed at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies - University of So Paulo (HRAC-USP). Pediatric dentistry provides oral health information and should be able to follow the child with cleft lip and palate since the first months of life until establishment of the mixed dentition, craniofacial growth and dentition development. Orthodontic intervention starts in the mixed dentition, at 8-9 years of age, for preparing the maxillary arch for secondary bone graft procedure (SBGP). At this stage, rapid maxillary expansion is performed and a fixed palatal retainer is delivered before SBGP. When the permanent dentition is completed, comprehensive orthodontic treatment is initiated aiming tooth alignment and space closure. Maxillary permanent canines are commonly moved mesially in order to substitute absent maxillary lateral incisors. Patients with complete cleft lip and palate and poor midface growth will require orthognatic surgery for reaching adequate anteroposterior interarch relationship and good facial esthetics.
This dissertation analyzes hospital efficiency using various econometric techniques. The first essay provides additional and recent evidence to the presence of contract management behavior in the U.S. hospital industry. Unlike previous studies, which focus on either an input-demand equation or the cost function of the firm, this paper estimates the two jointly using a system of nonlinear equations. Moreover, it addresses the longitudinal problem of institutions adopting contract management in different years, by creating a matched control group of non-adopters with the same longitudinal distribution as the group under study. The estimation procedure then finds that labor, and not capital, is the preferred input in U.S. hospitals regardless of managerial contract status. With institutions that adopt contract management benefiting from lower labor inefficiencies than the simulated non-contract adopters. These results suggest that while there is a propensity for expense preference behavior towards the labor input, contract managed firms are able to introduce efficiencies over conventional, owner controlled, firms. Using data for the years 1998 through 2007, the second essay investigates the production technology and cost efficiency faced by Florida hospitals. A stochastic frontier multiproduct cost function is estimated in order to test for economies of scale, economies of scope, and relative cost efficiencies. The results suggest that small-sized hospitals experience economies of scale, while large and medium sized institutions do not. The empirical findings show that Florida hospitals enjoy significant scope economies, regardless of size. Lastly, the evidence suggests that there is a link between hospital size and relative cost efficiency. The results of the study imply that state policy makers should be focused on increasing hospital scale for smaller institutions while facilitating the expansion of multiproduct production for larger hospitals. The third and final essay employs a two staged approach in analyzing the efficiency of hospitals in the state of Florida. In the first stage, the Banker, Charnes, and Cooper model of Data Envelopment Analysis is employed in order to derive overall technical efficiency scores for each non-specialty hospital in the state. Additionally, input slacks are calculated and reported in order to identify the factors of production that each hospital may be over utilizing. In the second stage, we employ a Tobit regression model in order to analyze the effects a number of structural, managerial, and environmental factors may have on a hospital’s efficiency. The results indicated that most non-specialty hospitals in the state are operating away from the efficient production frontier. The results also indicate that the structural make up, managerial choices, and level of competition Florida hospitals face have an impact on their overall technical efficiency.
Introduction: The production of KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase) has become an important mechanism of carbapenem-resistance among Enterobacteriaceae strains. In Brazil, KPC is already widespread and its incidence has increased significantly, reducing treatment options. The “perfect storm” combination of the absence of new drug developmentand the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains resulted in the need for the use of older drugs, with greater toxicity, such as polymyxins. Aims: To determine the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing strains in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolated from patients with nosocomial infection/colonization during September/2014 to August/2015, to determine the risk factors associated with 30-day- mortality and the impact of inappropriate therapy. Materials and Methods: We performed a case control study to assess the risk factors (comorbidities, invasive procedures and inappropriate antimicrobial therapy) associated with 30-day-mortality, considering the first episode of infection in 111 patients. The resistance genes blaKPC, blaIMP, blaVIM and blaNDM-1 were detected by polymerase chain reaction technique. Molecular typing of the strains involved in the outbreak was performed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis technique. The polymyxin resistance was confirmed by the microdilution broth method. Results: 188 episodes of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections/colonizations were detected; of these, 122 strains were recovered from the hospital laboratory. The presence of blaKPC gene were confirmed in the majority (74.59%) of these isolates. It was not found the presence of blaIMP , blaVIM and blaNDM-1 genes. K. pneumoniae was the most frequent microorganism (77,13%), primarily responsible for urinary tract infections (21,38%) and infections from patients of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (61,38%). Multivariate statistical analysis showed as predictors independently associated with mortality: dialysis and bloodstream infection. The Kaplan-Meier curve showed a lower probability of survival in the group of patients receiving antibiotic therapy inappropriately. Antimicrobial use in adult ICU varied during the study period, but positive correlation between increased incidence of strains and the consumption was not observed. In May and July 2015, the occurrence rates of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae KPC-producing per 1000 patient-days were higher than the control limit established, confirming two outbreaks, the first caused by colistin-susceptible KPC-producing K. pneumoniae isolates, with a polyclonal profile and the second by a dominant clone of colistin-resistant (≥ 32 μg/mL) KPC-producing K. pneumoniae. The cross transmission between patients became clear by the temporal and spatial relationships observed in the second outbreak, since some patients occupied the same bed, showing problems in hand hygiene adherence among healthcare workers and inadequate terminal disinfection of environment. The outbreak was contained when the ICU was closed to new admissions. Conclusions: The study showed an endemicity of K. pneumoniae KPC-producing in adult ICU, progressing to an epidemic monoclonal expansion, resulted by a very high antibiotic consumption of carbapenems and polymyxins and facilitated by failures in control measures the unit.
Background: Since 2007, there has been an ongoing collaboration between Duke University and Mulago National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Kampala, Uganda to increase surgical capacity. This program is prepared to expand to other sites within Uganda to improve neurosurgery outside of Kampala as well. This study assessed the existing progress at Mulago NRH and the neurosurgical needs and assets at two potential sites for expansion. Methods: Three public hospitals were visited to assess needs and assets: Mulago NRH, Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (RRH), and Gulu RRH. At each site, a surgical capacity tool was administered and healthcare workers were interviewed about perceived needs and assets. A total of 39 interviews were conducted between the three sites. Thematic analysis of the interviews was conducted to identify the reported needs and assets at each hospital. Results: Some improvements are needed to the Duke-Mulago Collaboration model prior to expansion; minor changes to the neurosurgery residency program as well as the method for supply donation and training provided during neurosurgery camps need to examined. Neurosurgery can be implemented at Mbarara RRH currently but the hospital needs a biomedical equipment technician on staff immediately. Gulu RRH is not well positioned for Neurosurgery until there is a CT Scanner somewhere in the Northern Region of Uganda or at the hospital. Conclusions: Neurosurgery is already present in Uganda on a small scale and needs rapid expansion to meet patient needs. This progression is possible with prudent allocation of resources on strategic equipment purchases, human resources including clinical staff and biomedical staff, and changes to the supply chain management system.
Hospital acquired infections (HAI) are costly but many are avoidable. Evaluating prevention programmes requires data on their costs and benefits. Estimating the actual costs of HAI (a measure of the cost savings due to prevention) is difficult as HAI changes cost by extending patient length of stay, yet, length of stay is a major risk factor for HAI. This endogeneity bias can confound attempts to measure accurately the cost of HAI. We propose a two-stage instrumental variables estimation strategy that explicitly controls for the endogeneity between risk of HAI and length of stay. We find that a 10% reduction in ex ante risk of HAI results in an expected savings of £693 ($US 984).