989 resultados para Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein


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A presente dissertação é um estudo de caso sobre as mudanças organizacionais ocorridas em hospital como conseqüência da implantação dos padrões da Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations - JCAHO (Comissão Conjunta de Acreditação de Organizações de Assistência à Saúde)


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Umas das importantes mais importantes decisões estratégicas que está sendo colocada para os hospitais brasileiros diz respeito à decisão de como expandir sua atuação para outros mercados-alvos no qual o mesmo ainda não tem uma boa cobertura. Diversas estratégias estão sendo adotadas, sendo que a abertura de Unidades Satélites é uma delas e que foi adotada por um hospital privado de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi realizar um estudo de caso sobre uma dessas unidades, procurando verificar os impactos financeiros e mercadológicos causados pela implantação da mesma. Para isso, foram levantadas informações internas da unidade e entrevistas foram realizadas com alguns gestores ou pessoas que de algumas forma estiveram relacionadas com o processo de implantação e gerenciamento. Além disso, também foram entrevistados usuários, procurando detectar a percepção dos mesmos sobre a Unidade. Os resultados mostraram que os usuários de modo geral estão muito satisfeitos com a Unidade em termos de atendimento. Entretanto, existe uma clara insatisfação com relação à cobertura do setor de assistência supletiva na Unidade. Em virtude desse fato, há uma restrição importante quanto ao acesso à mesma, o que é uma das mais fortes explicações para os resultados financeiros negativos que a Unidade vêm obtendo desde a sua implantação. Dessa forma, fazem-se necessárias melhorias no relacionamento hospital-operadoras a fim de reverter tal situação.


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Background: Ototoxicity is a known side effect of combined radiation therapy and cisplatin chemotherapy for the treatment of medulloblastoma. the delivery of an involved field boost by intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) may reduce the dose to the inner ear when compared with conventional radiotherapy. the dose of cisplatin may also affect the risk of ototoxicity. A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the impact of involved field boost using IMRT and cisplatin dose on the rate of ototoxicity.Methods: Data from 41 medulloblastoma patients treated with IMRT were collected. Overall and disease-free survival rates were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method Hearing function was graded according to toxicity criteria of Pediatric Oncology Group (POG). Doses to inner ear and total cisplatin dose were correlated with hearing function by univariate and multivariate data analysis.Results: After a mean follow-up of 44 months (range: 14 to 72 months), 37 patients remained alive, with two recurrences, both in spine with CSF involvement, resulting in a disease free-survival and overall survival of 85.2% and 90.2%, respectively. Seven patients (17%) experienced POG Grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Cisplatin dose was a significant factor for hearing loss in univariate analysis (p < 0.03). in multivariate analysis, median dose to inner ear was significantly associated with hearing loss (p < 0.01). POG grade 3 and 4 toxicity were uncommon with median doses to the inner ear bellow 42 Gy (p < 0.05) and total cisplatin dose of less than 375 mg/m(2) (p < 0.01).Conclusions: IMRT leads to a low rate of severe ototoxicity. Median radiation dose to auditory apparatus should be kept below 42 Gy. Cisplatin doses should not exceed 375 mg/m(2).


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Trata da satisfação dos enfermeiros no trabalho desenvolvido no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, localizado na cidade de São Paulo. Aborda caracteísticas do hospital e da enfermagem deste hospital; assim como faz uma revisão literária sobre o comportamento organizacional, o trabalho, o trabalho em enfermagem, a satisfação no trabalho e a satisfação no trabalho em enfermagem. Apresenta a metodologia utilizada e os resultados obtidos apontando as áreas de deficiência na satisfação das necessidades psicossocias dos enfermeiros, assim como as áreas consideradas por eles, mais importantes


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Este trabalho consiste em entender o contexto no qual uma inovação emerge e se desenvolve em duas instituições de saúde, o Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein e a Unimed Seguros, por meio da análise de fatores que possam ter contribuído ou dificultado o processo de inovação. Entendendo melhor esses fatores, podemos, como gestores da saúde, incentivar as práticas facilitadoras de inovação e, ao mesmo tempo, minimizar os fatores que as dificultam, como forma de transformar o sistema de saúde voltado para a doença em um sistema de saúde voltado verdadeiramente para a saúde. Tomando como base os estudos realizados pelo MIRP (Minnesota Innovation Research Program), descritos por Van de Ven e Chu (2000), a pesquisa utilizou-se da mesma ferramenta metodológica (simplificada), na forma de estudos de casos, para avaliar algumas variáveis – idéias, pessoas, transações, contextos e resultados – que influenciam os projetos de inovação estudados.


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Background: Even though air pollutants exposure is associated with changes in the ocular surface and tear film, its relationship to the clinical course of blepharitis, a common eyelid disease, had not yet been investigated. Our objective was to investigate the correlation between air pollution and acute manifestations of blepharitis. Method: We recorded all cases of changes in the eyelids and ocular surface, and rated clinical findings on a scale from zero (normal) to two (severe alterations). Daily values of carbon monoxide, particulate matter smaller than 10 mu m in diameter and nitrogen dioxide concentrations and meteorological variables (temperature and relative humidity) in the vicinity of the medical service were obtained. Specific linear regression models for each outcome were constructed including pollutants as independent variables (single pollutant models). Temperature and humidity were included as confounding variables. Results: increases of 28.8 mu g/m(3) in the concentration of particulate matter and 1.1 ppm in the concentration of CO were associated with increases in cases of blepharitis on the day of exposure (5 cases, 95% CI: 1-10 and 6 cases, 95% CI: 1-12, respectively). Conclusion: Exposure to usual air pollutants concentrations present in large cities affects, in a consistent manner, the eyes of residents contributing to the increasing incidence of diseases of the eyelid margin. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The dystrophin gene, located at Xp21, codifies dystrophin, which is part of a protein complex responsible for the membrane stability of muscle cells. Its absence on muscle causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a severe disorder, while a defect of muscle dystrophin causes Becker Muscular Dystrophy (DMB), a milder disease. The replacement of the defective muscle through stem cells transplantation is a possible future treatment for these patients. Our objective was to analyze the potential of CD34+ stem cells from umbilical cord blood to differentiate in muscle cells and express dystrophin, in vitro. Protein expression was analyzed by Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting (WB) and Reverse Transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). CD34+ stem cells and myoblasts from a DMD affected patient started to fuse with muscle cells immediately after co-cultures establishment. Differentiation in mature myotubes was observed after 15 days and dystrophin-positive regions were detected through Immunofluorescence analysis. However, WB or RT-PCR analysis did not detect the presence of normal dystrophin in co-cultures of CD34+ and DMD or DMB affected patients' muscle cells. In contrast, some CD34+ stem cells differentiated in dystrophin producers' muscle cells, what was observed by WB, reinforcing that this progenitor cell has the potential to originate muscle dystrophin in vitro, and not just in vivo like reported before.


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Abstract Background The implication of post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs in molecular mechanisms underlying cancer disease is well documented. However, their interference at the cellular level is not fully explored. Functional in vitro studies are fundamental for the comprehension of their role; nevertheless results are highly dependable on the adopted cellular model. Next generation small RNA transcriptomic sequencing data of a tumor cell line and keratinocytes derived from primary culture was generated in order to characterize the microRNA content of these systems, thus helping in their understanding. Both constitute cell models for functional studies of microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a smoking-related cancer. Known microRNAs were quantified and analyzed in the context of gene regulation. New microRNAs were investigated using similarity and structural search, ab initio classification, and prediction of the location of mature microRNAs within would-be precursor sequences. Results were compared with small RNA transcriptomic sequences from HNSCC samples in order to access the applicability of these cell models for cancer phenotype comprehension and for novel molecule discovery. Results Ten miRNAs represented over 70% of the mature molecules present in each of the cell types. The most expressed molecules were miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205, Accordingly; miR-21 and miR-205 have been previously shown to play a role in epithelial cell biology. Although miR-21 has been implicated in cancer development, and evaluated as a biomarker in HNSCC progression, no significant expression differences were seen between cell types. We demonstrate that differentially expressed mature miRNAs target cell differentiation and apoptosis related biological processes, indicating that they might represent, with acceptable accuracy, the genetic context from which they derive. Most miRNAs identified in the cancer cell line and in keratinocytes were present in tumor samples and cancer-free samples, respectively, with miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205 still among the most prevalent molecules at all instances. Thirteen miRNA-like structures, containing reads identified by the deep sequencing, were predicted from putative miRNA precursor sequences. Strong evidences suggest that one of them could be a new miRNA. This molecule was mostly expressed in the tumor cell line and HNSCC samples indicating a possible biological function in cancer. Conclusions Critical biological features of cells must be fully understood before they can be chosen as models for functional studies. Expression levels of miRNAs relate to cell type and tissue context. This study provides insights on miRNA content of two cell models used for cancer research. Pathways commonly deregulated in HNSCC might be targeted by most expressed and also by differentially expressed miRNAs. Results indicate that the use of cell models for cancer research demands careful assessment of underlying molecular characteristics for proper data interpretation. Additionally, one new miRNA-like molecule with a potential role in cancer was identified in the cell lines and clinical samples.


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Abstract Background HBV genotype F is primarily found in indigenous populations from South America and is classified in four subgenotypes (F1 to F4). Subgenotype F2a is the most common in Brazil among genotype F cases. The aim of this study was to characterize HBV genotype F2a circulating in 16 patients from São Paulo, Brazil. Samples were collected between 2006 and 2012 and sent to Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. A fragment of 1306 bp partially comprising HBsAg and DNA polymerase coding regions was amplified and sequenced. Viral sequences were genotyped by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences from GenBank (n=198), including 80 classified as subgenotype F2a. Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation implemented in BEAST v.1.5.4 was applied to obtain the best possible estimates using the model of nucleotide substitutions GTR+G+I. Findings It were identified three groups of sequences of subgenotype F2a: 1) 10 sequences from São Paulo state; 2) 3 sequences from Rio de Janeiro and one from São Paulo states; 3) 8 sequences from the West Amazon Basin. Conclusions These results showing for the first time the distribution of F2a subgenotype in Brazil. The spreading and the dynamic of subgenotype F2a in Brazil requires the study of a higher number of samples from different regions as it is unfold in almost all Brazilian populations studied so far. We cannot infer with certainty the origin of these different groups due to the lack of available sequences. Nevertheless, our data suggest that the common origin of these groups probably occurred a long time ago.


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O diagnóstico precoce de focos de infecção dentários é de fundamental importância para prevenir a ocorrência de maiores injúrias locais ou sistêmicas. Dentre os diversos métodos utilizados para complementar os achados radiológicos das alterações dentoalveolares surge uma alternativa: a cintilografia tomográfica (SPECT/CT), que permite a fusão de achados morfológicos com alterações metabólicas. Com o objetivo de estabelecer o diagnóstico precoce e acurado de processos infecciosos dentários, foram estudadas 320 áreas dentárias em mandíbula e maxila em (10 pacientes de ambos os sexos selecionados por meio de exames clínicos e radiológicos convencionais, seguidos de cintilografia tomográfica com e sem aparato blindador de raios gama. Os exames cintilográficos foram realizados no Serviço de Medicina Nuclear do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE). Para isso, foi administrado para cada paciente o radiofármaco tecnécio 99- metilenodifosfonato (99mTc-MDP) via endovenosa com a dose de 37mBq/3Kg de peso corporal do paciente. Após o período de acúmulo de três horas, foi realizado o protocolo de aquisição de imagens. Todas as imagens foram analisadas por um médico nuclear e um endodontista, com experiência em cintilografia tomográfica. O resultado obtido por meio do exame radiográfico intrabucal pela técnica periapical digital mostraram 6 imagens positivas, em um total de 1,87% da amostra; exame do mapeamento cintilográfico dos ossos da face com a utilização do blindador de raios gâma revelou 9 imagens positivas, correspondendo a 2,81% do total de áreas estudadas, havendo diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de 95% pelo teste qui-quadrado. Pode-se concluir que o SPECT/CT permitiu identificar as alterações periapicais em maior número quando comparadas ao exame radiográfico periapical e ao mapeamento cintilográfico dos ossos da face com a utilização do blindador de raios gama; o exame de SPCET/CT além de mostrar imagens mais detalhadas, permitiu também localizar com exatidão as áreas alteradas.


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"Der Riese"