976 resultados para Horizontal analysis


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La présente recherche a comme sujet la gestion des risques au cœur de la prise de décision en protection de l’enfance. Elle a comme objectif une meilleure compréhension de la pratique à partir de la construction des logiques d’action déployées par les professionnels ainsi que la réflexion sur le sens qu’ils accordent à leurs actions. Le projet est porté par une posture constructiviste : les professionnels « construisent » la situation problématique de l’enfant à protéger tout comme ils construisent la solution envisagée. C’est à partir de la combinaison entre la réflexivité (Schön; Racine; Giddens) et la délibération éthique (Bossé, Morin et Dallaire) que des groupes de discussion impliquant des professionnels de professions et de statuts différents ont été réalisés au Centre jeunesse de l’Estrie. Ces groupes s’inscrivent dans une méthodologie qualitative laissant place aux discours des acteurs et sont accompagnés d’entretiens individuels comme stratégie complémentaire de cueillette de données. Les données ont été explorées à partir d’une analyse de contenu sous trois axes (Van der Maren) : une analyse horizontale (dégager les éléments pertinents à partir d’un cadre de délibération éthique), une analyse verticale (dégager les interactions et les inter-influences dans les groupes de discussion) et une analyse transversale (dégager des noyaux de sens et des logiques d’action à travers les discours). Les résultats permettent d’établir des séquences dans la prise de décision des professionnels à partir desquelles se construisent les logiques d’action. Trois logiques sont dégagées de l’analyse de contenu ⎯ collaborative, délibérative, légaliste ⎯ qui sont appuyées sur plusieurs dimensions regroupées à l’intérieur de trois axes d’intérêt : le rapport au mandat de protection, le rapport à la situation et le rapport au risque. Au-delà des logiques elles-mêmes, les résultats portent également à réfléchir des éléments de processus qui influencent la prise de décision. Ces éléments amènent à explorer et à questionner la posture professionnelle et la conviction, le dialogue et la présence d’espace de traduction ainsi que l’apport de la délibération collective. Au final, la recherche permet de réaffirmer la complexité de la pratique de protection de l’enfance mais elle conduit également à plaider en faveur d’une conscientisation de la pratique. Dégager des logiques d’action procure des clés de réflexivité pour les professionnels les menant à conscientiser leur prise de décision et ainsi accéder


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La siguiente investigación se basa en la identificación de las causas, dadas por los factores tanto internos como externos de las empresas colombianas del sector minero y de construcción que se liquidaron durante el periodo de 1999 a 2007. En la ejecución del documento se presentan dos estudios de caso de empresas específicas de ambos sectores, PROMOTORA NORCLARHE LTDA en representación del sector de la construcción y PRODUCTOS DE COBRE COBRECOL S.A. representando al sector minero. Con cada empresa nombrada anteriormente se hace un análisis vertical y horizontal de los 3 años anteriores a su liquidación para identificar los síntomas de las empresas antes de su liquidación, seguido se hace un análisis vertical y horizontal de los 3 años después de su liquidación para identificar los factores que generaron que estas empresas se liquidaran. Así mismo se desarrolla un concepto general de la situación del sector minero y de construcción desde el año 1999 a lo concurrido actualmente para evaluar el perfil de las empresas que se han liquidado en Colombia a nivel general y finalmente se determinan acciones desde nuestro punto de vista según lo establecido en el documento para evitar la liquidación de las empresas del sector minero y de construcción en Colombia.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo pesquisar a influência dos franqueados na gestão estratégica de sua franqueadora. Dentre todos os tipos de franchising existentes, foram avaliados os modelos atuais, que conceitualmente oferecem possibilidade de diálogo e debate, entre franqueados e franqueadores, sobre assuntos relativos ao negócio, a saber: o Business Format Franchising, modelo mais utilizado e o Learning Network Franchising, uma versão mais evoluída do primeiro. Foi escolhido o estudo de caso múltiplo com quatro redes de franquias brasileiras, atuantes a nível nacional, associadas à ABF e com qualidade reconhecida e chancelada pelo selo de excelência em franchising por diversas vezes. Fundamentados na teoria de aprendizagem, a qual mostra a necessidade de maior participação e aprendizado mútuo para melhoria contínua do negócio e da competitividade, e nas demais teorias sobre o sistema, como a de agência e da escassez de recursos, as franquias das gerações mais recentes criaram meios de comunicação e troca de experiência com suas redes de franqueados. Procuramos entender como se dá esta interação e quais os meios que elas utilizam para facilitar este processo. Utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso múltiplo, por se tratar de um fenômeno contemporâneo. A pesquisa qualitativa teve um caráter exploratório-descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com franqueados, franqueadores e consultores do mercado, nas praças do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Os dados foram avaliados utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo para atingir os objetivos propostos. Foi realizada a análise horizontal, relativizando entre os grupos de entrevistados, principalmente franqueados e franqueadores e, em alguns momentos, a análise vertical, explorando as franquias individualmente, buscando semelhanças e divergências nas redes. A pesquisa ressalta formas alternativas de participação de franqueados no desenvolvimento e debate sobre questões estratégicas e mostra que hoje tais influências estão concentradas na estratégia funcional, aproveitando o conhecimento do franqueado em sua operação local em benefício da rede. Foram encontradas experiências interessantes na forma como as redes se organizam para interagir e conseguir influenciar na estratégia adotada por seu franqueador e os desafios presentes para aprimorar e expandir esta troca.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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The performance analysis based on indicators is an important tool when you want to check the economic and financial situation of a company. From the information provided by the ratios and their analysis, we have a better base for a decision making In this context , this study aims to analyse the financial and economic performance of a service providing company in the cleaning area, in the period between 2011 and 2012 , based on selected financial indicators, and basically calculated from the financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) , beyond effectuated the vertical and horizontal analysis of them. For the methodological procedures it was used a descriptive case of study and combined (quantitative and qualitative). The results revealed that the economic and financial situation of the company is healthy , once the results are considered satisfactory


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A partir del 2010, el sector cementero en Colombia experimentó un crecimiento en sus ventas que lo ha posicionado como uno de los sectores más rentable en el país. Esta oportunidad de crecimiento ha permitido que Cementos Argos de Colombia se convirtiera en la empresa líder del sector. Expandiéndose así a mercados internacionales teniendo presencia en países de Centroamérica y Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto es necesario indagar las implicaciones que han tenido los cambios en el sector en las finanzas de la empresa. Para tal fin, se realiza el presente trabajo, que busca determinar de qué manera Cementos Argos de Colombia usa sus recursos para ser una de las empresas del sector mejor posicionada a pesar del crecimiento del mismo y la fuerte competencia que existente. Para esto, se estableció el análisis financiero de Cementos Argos de Colombia, diferentes herramientas e indicadores financieros que ayudaron a identificar, analizar, describir y evaluar los aspectos claves que garantizan el éxito de la empresa.


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The vertical uplift resistance of two interfering rigid rough strip anchors embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depths has been examined. The analysis is performed by using an upper bound theorem o limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming. It is specified that both the anchors are loaded to failure simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (xi(gamma)) is determined. On account of interference, the magnitude of xi(gamma) is found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors. The results from the numerical analysis were found to compare reasonably well with the available theoretical data from the literature.


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We consider the radially symmetric nonlinear von Kármán plate equations for circular or annular plates in the limit of small thickness. The loads on the plate consist of a radially symmetric pressure load and a uniform edge load. The dependence of the steady states on the edge load and thickness is studied using asymptotics as well as numerical calculations. The von Kármán plate equations are a singular perturbation of the Fӧppl membrane equation in the asymptotic limit of small thickness. We study the role of compressive membrane solutions in the small thickness asymptotic behavior of the plate solutions.

We give evidence for the existence of a singular compressive solution for the circular membrane and show by a singular perturbation expansion that the nonsingular compressive solution approach this singular solution as the radial stress at the center of the plate vanishes. In this limit, an infinite number of folds occur with respect to the edge load. Similar behavior is observed for the annular membrane with zero edge load at the inner radius in the limit as the circumferential stress vanishes.

We develop multiscale expansions, which are asymptotic to members of this family for plates with edges that are elastically supported against rotation. At some thicknesses this approximation breaks down and a boundary layer appears at the center of the plate. In the limit of small normal load, the points of breakdown approach the bifurcation points corresponding to buckling of the nondeflected state. A uniform asymptotic expansion for small thickness combining the boundary layer with a multiscale approximation of the outer solution is developed for this case. These approximations complement the well known boundary layer expansions based on tensile membrane solutions in describing the bending and stretching of thin plates. The approximation becomes inconsistent as the clamped state is approached by increasing the resistance against rotation at the edge. We prove that such an expansion for the clamped circular plate cannot exist unless the pressure load is self-equilibrating.


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Foundations of subsea infrastructure in deep water subjected to asymmetric environmental loads have underscored the importance of combined torsional and horizontal loading effects on the bearing capacity of rectangular shallow foundations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the undrained sliding and torsional bearing capacity of rectangular and square shallow foundations together with the interaction response under combined loading using three-dimensional finite element (3D-FE) analysis. Upper bound plastic limit analysis is employed to establish a reference value for horizontal and torsional bearing capacity, and an interaction relationship for the combined loading condition. Satisfactory agreement of plastic limit analysis (PLA) and 3D-FE results for ultimate capacity and interaction curves ensures that simple PLA solution could be used to evaluate the bearing capacity problem of foundation under combined sliding and torsion.


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The interannual anomalies of horizontal heat advection in the surface mixed layer over the equatorial Pacific Ocean in an assimilation experiment are studied and compared with existing observational analyses. The assimilation builds upon a hindcast study that has produced a good simulation of the observed equatorial currents and optimizes the simulation of the Reynolds sea surface temperature (SST) data. The comparison suggests that the assimilation has improved the simulation of the interannual horizontal heat advection of the surface mixed layer significantly. During periods of interrupted current measurements, the assimilation is shown to produce more meaningful anomalies of the heat advection than the interpolation of the observational data does. The assimilation also shows that the eddy heat flux due to the correlation between high-frequency current and SST variations, which is largely overlooked by the existing observational analyses, is important for the interannual SST balance over the equatorial Pacific. The interannual horizontal heat advection anomalies are found to be sensitive to SST errors where oceanic currents are strong, which is a challenge for ENSO prediction. The study further suggests that the observational analyses of the tropical SST balance based on the TAO and the Reynolds SST data contain significant errors due to the large gradient errors in the Reynolds SST data, which are amplified into the advection anomalies by the large equatorial currents.


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For data obtained from horizontal soil column experiments, the determination of soil-water transport characteristics and functions would be aided by a single-form equation capable of objectively describing water content theta vs. time t at given position x(f). Our study was conducted to evaluate two such possible equations, one having the form of the Weibull frequency distribution, and the other being called a bipower form. Each equation contained three parameters, and was fitted by nonlinear least squares to the experimental data from three separate columns of a single soil. Across the theta range containing the measured data points obtained by gamma-ray attenuation, the two equations were in close agreement. The resulting family of theta(x(f),t) transients, as obtained from either equation, enabled the evaluation of exponent n in the t(n) dependence of the positional advance of a given theta. Not only was n found to be <0.5 at low theta values, but it also increased with theta and tended toward 0.5 as theta approached its sated (near-saturated) value. Some quantitative uncertainty in n(theta) does arise due to the reduced number of data points available at the higher water contents. Without claiming non-Boltzmann behavior (n < 0.5) as necessarily representative of all soils, we nonetheless consider n(theta) to be worthy of further study for evaluating its significance and implications.


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The effective activity of the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles in horizontal flyer exercises with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load was studied in 11 male volunteers. The electromyographic analysis was done by using MEDI-TRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a biological signal acquisition mode coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the values obtained were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. It was statistically observed that in all types and loads of this exercise, the muscles presented significant differences in the concentric and eccentric phases. In the concentric phase, when different loads were compared, the muscles were more active with 75 and 100% of the maximum load, while in the eccentric phase, higher activity was observed with 100% of the maximum load. By analyzing each load effect in the concentric phase, it was verified that the muscles on the left side were more active than those on the right side with 25, 75 and 100% of the maximum load.