949 resultados para Horizontal alignment


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"January 1995."


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This thesis aims to give a general view of pavement types all over the world, by showing the different characteristics of each one and its different life steps starting from construction, passing by maintenance and arriving until recycling phase. The flexible pavement took the main part of this work because it has been used in the last part of this thesis to design a project of a rural road. This project is located in the province of Bologna-Italy (‘Comune di Argelato’, 26 km in the north of Bologna), and has 5677, 81 m of length. A pavement design was made using the program BISAR 3.0 and a fatigue life study was made, also, in order to estimate the number of loads (in terms of heavy vehicles axle) to cause road’s failure . An alignment design was made for this project and a safety study was established in order to check if the available sight distance at curves respects the safety norms or not, by comparing it to the stopping sight distance. Different technical sheets are demonstrated and several cases are discussed in order to clarify the main design principles and underline the main hazardous cases to be avoided especially at intersection. This latter, its type’s choice depends on several factors in order to make the suitable design according to the environmental data. At this part of the road, the safety is a primordial point due to the high accident rate in this zone. For this reason, different safety aspects are discussed especially at roundabouts, signalized intersections, and also some other common intersection types. The design and the safety norms are taken with reference to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), ACT (Transportation Association of Canada), and also according to Italian norms (Decreto Ministeriale delle Starde).


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O presente estudo teve como objectivos conhecer a percepção dos professores do ensino básico acerca da postura corporal dos alunos na sala de aula e analisar a postura de alunos do 1º ano do ensino básico. Este estudo foi realizado numa escola do 1º Ciclo, com 6 professores voluntários e 40 alunos do 1º ano. Na I parte referente ao estudo qualitativo, realizou-se uma discussão por grupo focal, com um roteiro de perguntas que os professores foram discutindo livremente expondo as suas opiniões. Concluiu-se que há por parte dos professores noção de como é a postura corporal dos alunos na sala de aula, como essa postura corporal, pode influenciar de forma, positiva ou negativa o estado de saúde do aluno na sala de aula e comprometer a qualidade de vida dos alunos. Na II parte quantitativa os alunos foram avaliados através do registo fotográfico, num programa de avaliação postural, demonstrando os resultados que na amostra em estudo não foi encontrado desvio vertical significativo entre a cintura escapular e a cintura pélvica. No entanto, foi encontrado desvio horizontal significativo do alinhamento das omoplatas entre si e das espinhas ilíacas postero-superiores entre si, já indicando um início de desvio postural com carácter escoliótico. Conclui-se pois que os alunos avaliados apresentavam problemas posturais com necessidade de serem acompanhados por Fisioterapeutas.


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2 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention In Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Portugal Background: Regarding children aged _10 years, only a few international studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain. Although other studies on the older Portuguese children point to prevalence between 17% and 39%, none exists for this specific age-group. Thus, the aim of this study was conducted to establish the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain in schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 637 children was conducted. A self-rating questionnaire was used to verify prevalence and duration of back pain, life habits, school absence, medical treatments or limitation of activities. For posture assessment, photographic records with a bio-photogrammetric analysis were used to obtain data about head, acromion and pelvic alignment, horizontal alignment of the scapulae, vertical alignment of the trunk and vertical body alignment. Results: Postural problems were found in 25.4% of the children, especially in the 8- and 9-year-old groups. Back pain occurs in 12.7% with the highest values among the 7- and 10-year-old children. The probability of back pain increased 7 times when the children presented a history of school absences, 4.3 times when they experienced sleeping difficulties, 4.4 times when school furniture was uncomfortable, 4.7 times if the children perceived an occurrence of parental back pain and 2.5 times when children presented incorrect posture. Conclusions: The combination of school absences, parental pain, sleeping difficulties, inappropriate school furniture and postural deviations at the sagittal and frontal planes seem to prove the multifactorial aetiology of back pain.


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A criação de infraestruturas passa pela construção de estradas que ligam pontos estratégicos, permitindo acesso a bens e serviços, de forma cómoda e segura. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho é abordado o estudo e projeto de uma variante urbana no concelho de Cinfães, nas especificidades de traçado, pavimentos e sinalização. Inicia-se por uma apresentação sobre o trabalho, os objetivos, estrutura e metodologia utilizada na sua elaboração. São apresentados os softwares utilizados, como editores de imagem (Google Earth, Microsoft ICE e Caesium) que permitem obter e trabalhar imagens panorâmicas, o Civil 3D que possibilita a realização ágil de um projeto de vias, e o Alize-LCPC que determina as caraterísticas de dimensionamento de um pavimento flexível. São apresentados os estudos necessários para a construção da variante em questão passando pela localização da via, o trabalho sobre o levantamento topográfico fornecido pela Câmara Municipal, condicionantes de traçado e serviços afetados. Posteriormente, são abordados alguns conceitos teóricos como geometria do traçado, velocidade, tráfego e visibilidade. Descrevem-se as caraterísticas geométricas de infraestruturas rodoviárias a conhecer anteriormente à realização de um projeto de execução de uma via, como o traçado em planta (alinhamentos retos, curvas, raios, sobreelevação, sobrelargura), perfil longitudinal (trainéis, inclinações, concordâncias verticais) e perfil transversal (faixa de rodagem, bermas, valetas e taludes). É realizada ainda uma apresentação sobre os elementos integrantes de uma plataforma rodoviária e passeio, os seus critérios de dimensionamento, como caraterização do tráfego, temperaturas de serviço e deformações, assim como os elementos teóricos para o estudo de drenagem (período de retorno, precipitação e tipos de dispositivos). São ainda apresentadas as caraterísticas gerais de um projeto de sinalização e segurança, enunciando as marcas rodoviárias e a sinalização vertical. Termina-se apresentando as soluções encontradas e os meios utilizados, para a elaboração do projeto de uma via nova, alargamento de via existente e requalificação de pavimento de um troço de ligação à EN222, expondo ainda as conclusões obtidas na realização do projeto com propostas para desenvolvimento futuros.


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This is the first study to adopt a configurational paradigm in an investigation of strategic management accounting (SMA) adoption. The study examines the alignment and effectiveness of strategic choice and strategic management accounting (SMA) system design configurations. Six configurations were derived empirically by deploying a cluster analysis of data collected from a sample of 193 large Slovenian companies. The first four clusters appear to provide some support for the central configurational proposition that higher levels of vertical and horizontal configurational alignments are associated with higher levels of performance. Evidence that contradicts the theory is also apparent, however, as the remaining two clusters exhibit high degrees of SMA vertical and horizontal alignment, but low performance levels. A particular contribution of the paper concerns its demonstration of the way that the configurational paradigm can be operationalised to examine management accounting phenomena and the nature of management accounting insights that can derive from applying the approach.


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BACKGROUND: In addition to prosthetic rehabilitation, maxillary defects can also be surgically reconstructed. Soft-tissue reconstruction employs a radial forearm or latissimus dorsi muscle flap, while bony reconstruction can be achieved using a fibula, iliac crest, or scapular flap. Reconstruction using a scapular flap is further divided into two subgroups: the traditional scapular flap with the circumflex scapular artery as the donor vessel and the scapular angle flap with the angular artery originating from the thoracodorsal artery as the donor vessel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report on four patients who underwent successful reconstruction with a free scapular angle flap between 2009 and 2011, following maxillary resection due to malignancy. RESULTS: Vertical positioning of the scapular angle flap enables reconstruction of the facial contour, whereas its horizontal alignment and microvascular anastomosis makes a bony reconstruction of the hard palate possible. CONCLUSIONS: The versatility, low rate of donor site morbidity and shape of the scapular angle flap--which resembles that of the hard palate--render it ideal for plastic reconstruction. The suitability of bone quality for dental rehabilitation with implants is a topic of controversial discussion. The scapular angle flap represents an alternative to obturator prosthesis for the reconstruction of maxillary defects ≥ grade I according to Okay et al.


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Posture can be defined as the overall position and spatial orientation of the human body and its members relative to each other. The study of posture can be applied either static, with the subject standing still. Objectives: to identify and quantify the static posture alignment of individuals who were either symptomatic or asymptomatic for cervical pain. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on subjects with cervical pain and individuals with no complaints of pain. The procedure consists in placing markers on specific points. Several views, following the protocol of the Posture Assessment software, regarding the measurement of angles (in degrees) and differences in lower leg lengths (in centimeters). Angles were analyzed through the comparison of averages between the groups using test t Student, (alpha=5%). Results: There enrolled 27 subjects. There were differences in horizontal alignment of head (3.37x1.33), acromia (2.60x1.18), iliac spines (2.91x0.67), vertical alignment of head (25.70x18.26) and in length of lower limbs (1.36x0.75) in respect to cervical and asymptomatic subjects. Conclusions: Was possible identify and quantify the static posture alignment of individuals with and with no cervical pain. The data obtained suggest the presence of asymmetry in all the symptomatic individuals studied. The data obtained suggest the presence of overall asymmetry in all the symptomatic individuals studied. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.


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Objective: To identify whether flight training activities cause postural changes in cadets and pilots of the Brazilian Air Force Academy (AFA). Methods: Eighty subjects were assessed through photographic images in anterior and right side views. Four groups of cadets (n=20 per group) divided according to the year since enlistment and a fifth group of fifteen pilots from the Air Demonstration Squadron (ADS) were included. Pictures were analyzed using the Postural Analysis Program (SAPO) and angles related to head vertical alignment (HVA), head horizontal alignment (HHA), acromion horizontal alignment (AHA) and anterior-superior iliac spine horizontal alignment (HAS) were plotted. Results: We did not find statistical significant differences in the angles: HVA, HHA and AHA. However, a significant difference was found for the HAS angle with pilots having lower values than cadets, suggesting greater postural stability for this variable in pilots. Conclusion: The horizontal alignment of the anterior-superior iliac spine was the only measure that showed significant difference in the comparison between pilots and cadets. The remaining alignments were not different, possibility because of the strict criteria used for admission of cadets at the AFA and the efficiency of the physical training that is performed periodically.


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La consistencia del trazado puede interpretarse como la relación entre las características geométricas de una carretera y lo que espera encontrar el conductor que circula por ella. Si hay una correspondencia entre estos dos aspectos, la conducción puede hacerse de modo continuo, sin sobresaltos, lo que incide favorablemente sobre la seguridad en la circulación. Si bien hay una serie de recomendaciones desde el punto de vista geométrico para obtener trazados consistentes, esto no siempre se logra, y sólo en los últimos años se ha iniciado el estudio de metodologías para evaluar ésto, tanto en vías existentes como en vías proyectadas. La mayor parte de estas metodologías sólo considera el trazado en planta, olvidándose del trazado en alzado y de la coordinación entre los mismos. En esta Tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado una metodología para evaluar la consistencia del trazado en carreteras interurbanas de dos carriles que considera dichos aspectos. Para ello, se hizo un análisis exhaustivo de los índices de trazado, los cuales evalúan las características geométricas en planta y en alzado. Los índices se correlacionaron con la accidentalidad, para determinar cuál de ellos tiene mayor incidencia, encontrándose que es el cambio de curvatura vertical (VCCR); a este índice se le estableció un rango de calificación. Como elemento de evaluación complementario de análisis se seleccionó el perfil de velocidades de operación, procedimiento que ha sido probado en diferentes investigaciones, y del cual se desarrolló un modelo aplicado a Colombia. Para la coordinación de trazados en planta y alzado se evaluaron diferentes combinaciones geométricas, algunas de las cuales generaron reapariciones del trazado. Se ha definido un nuevo índice (Irt) que permite determinar numéricamente la posibilidad de que se presente esta situación, indeseable desde el punto de vista de la seguridad vial. La combinación de estos tres elementos permite una evaluación integral de los diferentes aspectos que inciden sobre la consistencia del trazado de una carretera. La metodología desarrollada se aplicó en el estudio de consistencia del trazado en algunas carreteras españolas y colombianas, ubicadas en distintos tipos de terreno. ABSTRACT Geometric Design Consistency can be defined as the relationship between the geometric characteristics of a road and what the driver expects to find when driving. If there is a correspondence between these two aspects, driving is smoother and unexpected events are minimized, which increases traffic safety conditions. Although from the geometric point of view there are several recommendations to ensure consistent designs, this is not always successfully applied. The study of methods to evaluate design consistency in existing and future routes has only begun in recent years. Most existing methods only consider the horizontal alignment of the road and overlook both the vertical alignment and the coordination that must exist between the vertical and the horizontal. The present Doctoral Thesis proposes a method to evaluate the geometric design consistency of a two-lane rural highway which considers all three of these aspects: the horizontal alignment, the vertical alignment and the coordination that must exist between them. In order to achieve this, several different alignment indices, that evaluate horizontal and vertical geometric characteristics, were thoroughly analyzed to determine their correlation with traffic accidents. The Vertical Curvature Change Rate (VCCR) index showed the highest correlation, and rating thresholds for this index have been established. To complement the evaluation, the operating speed profile, was chosen. This procedure has been extensively tested by several researchers. An operating speed prediction model adapted to Colombia was developed. To study the coordination between the horizontal and the vertical alignments of the road, several geometric combinations of the two were used. Some of these combinations generate undesirable losses of visibility. For this reason, a new index (Irt) was defined to numerically detect those cases, which are undesirable from the point of view of traffic safety. The combination of these three factors allows a comprehensive evaluation of the different aspects that affect the geometric design consistency of a highway. The methodology was applied to some Spanish and Colombian roads located in different types of terrain.


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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been studied as a prominent class of high performance electronic materials for next generation electronics. Their geometry dependent electronic structure, ballistic transport and low power dissipation due to quasi one dimensional transport, and their capability of carrying high current densities are some of the main reasons for the optimistic expectations on SWNTs. However, device applications of individual SWNTs have been hindered by uncontrolled variations in characteristics and lack of scalable methods to integrate SWNTs into electronic devices. One relatively new direction in SWNT electronics, which avoids these issues, is using arrays of SWNTs, where the ensemble average may provide uniformity from device to device, and this new breed of electronic material can be integrated into electronic devices in a scalable fashion. This dissertation describes (1) methods for characterization of SWNT arrays, (2) how the electrical transport in these two-dimensional arrays depend on length scales and spatial anisotropy, (3) the interaction of aligned SWNTs with the underlying substrate, and (4) methods for scalable integration of SWNT arrays into electronic devices. The electrical characterization of SWNT arrays have been realized by polymer electrolyte-gated SWNT thin film transistors (TFTs). Polymer electrolyte-gating addresses many technical difficulties inherent to electrical characterization by gating through oxide-dielectrics. Having shown polymer electrolyte-gating can be successfully applied on SWNT arrays, we have studied the length scaling dependence of electrical transport in SWNT arrays. Ultrathin films formed by sub-monolayer surface coverage of SWNT arrays are very interesting systems in terms of the physics of two-dimensional electronic transport. We have observed that they behave qualitatively different than the classical conducting films, which obey the Ohm’s law. The resistance of an ultrathin film of SWNT arrays is indeed non-linear with the length of the film, across which the transport occurs. More interestingly, a transition between conducting and insulating states is observed at a critical surface coverage, which is called percolation limit. The surface coverage of conducting SWNTs can be manipulated by turning on and off the semiconductors in the SWNT array, leading to the operation principle of SWNT TFTs. The percolation limit depends also on the length and the spatial orientation of SWNTs. We have also observed that the percolation limit increases abruptly for aligned arrays of SWNTs, which are grown on single crystal quartz substrates. In this dissertation, we also compare our experimental results with a two-dimensional stick network model, which gives a good qualitative picture of the electrical transport in SWNT arrays in terms of surface coverage, length scaling, and spatial orientation, and briefly discuss the validity of this model. However, the electronic properties of SWNT arrays are not only determined by geometrical arguments. The contact resistances at the nanotube-nanotube and nanotube-electrode (bulk metal) interfaces, and interactions with the local chemical groups and the underlying substrates are among other issues related to the electronic transport in SWNT arrays. Different aspects of these factors have been studied in detail by many groups. In fact, I have also included a brief discussion about electron injection onto semiconducting SWNTs by polymer dopants. On the other hand, we have compared the substrate-SWNT interactions for isotropic (in two dimensions) arrays of SWNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrates and horizontally (on substrate) aligned arrays of SWNTs grown on single crystal quartz substrates. The anisotropic interactions associated with the quartz lattice between quartz and SWNTs that allow near perfect horizontal alignment on substrate along a particular crystallographic direction is examined by Raman spectroscopy, and shown to lead to uniaxial compressive strain in as-grown SWNTs on single crystal quartz. This is the first experimental demonstration of the hard-to-achieve uniaxial compression of SWNTs. Temperature dependence of Raman G-band spectra along the length of individual nanotubes reveals that the compressive strain is non-uniform and can be larger than 1% locally at room temperature. Effects of device fabrication steps on the non-uniform strain are also examined and implications on electrical performance are discussed. Based on our findings, there are discussions about device performances and designs included in this dissertation. The channel length dependences of device mobilities and on/off ratios are included for SWNT TFTs. Time response of polymer-electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs has been measured to be ~300 Hz, and a proof-of-concept logic inverter has been fabricated by using polymer electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs for macroelectronic applications. Finally, I dedicated a chapter on scalable device designs based on aligned arrays of SWNTs, including a design for SWNT memory devices.


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Conventional methods in horizontal drilling processes incorporate magnetic surveying techniques for determining the position and orientation of the bottom-hole assembly (BHA). Such means result in an increased weight of the drilling assembly, higher cost due to the use of non-magnetic collars necessary for the shielding of the magnetometers, and significant errors in the position of the drilling bit. A fiber-optic gyroscope (FOG) based inertial navigation system (INS) has been proposed as an alternative to magnetometer -based downhole surveying. The utilizing of a tactical-grade FOG based surveying system in the harsh downhole environment has been shown to be theoretically feasible, yielding a significant BHA position error reduction (less than 100m over a 2-h experiment). To limit the growing errors of the INS, an in-drilling alignment (IDA) method for the INS has been proposed. This article aims at describing a simple, pneumatics-based design of the IDA apparatus and its implementation downhole. A mathematical model of the setup is developed and tested with Bloodshed Dev-C++. The simulations demonstrate a simple, low cost and feasible IDA apparatus.


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Perceived slant was measured for horizontal lines aligned on one side and of varying lengths whose length disparity was either a constant linear amount for all lines (consistent with uniocular occlusion) or proportional to line length (consistent with global slant). Although the disparity of any line was ambiguous with respect to these two possibilities, slant of individual lines did not occur in the former case, but a subjective contour in depth was reported along the alignment. For proportional disparity of the set, global slant was seen. Adding a constant length to each line on the invalid eye for occlusion resulted in multiple slants. Smooth uniocular variations in alignment shape elicited subjective contours slanting or curving in depth. Global context can disambiguate the depth status of individual disparate lines. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MOTIVATION: Lateral gene transfer is a major mechanism contributing to bacterial genome dynamics and pathovar emergence via pathogenicity island (PAI) spreading. However, since few of these genomic exchanges are experimentally reproducible, it is difficult to establish evolutionary scenarios for the successive PAI transmissions between bacterial genera. Methods initially developed at the gene and/or nucleotide level for genomics, i.e. comparisons of concatenated sequences, ortholog frequency, gene order or dinucleotide usage, were combined and applied here to homologous PAIs: we call this approach comparative PAI genometrics. RESULTS: YAPI, a Yersinia PAI, and related islands were compared with measure evolutionary relationships between related modules. Through use of our genometric approach designed for tracking codon usage adaptation and gene phylogeny, an ancient inter-genus PAI transfer was oriented for the first time by characterizing the genomic environment in which the ancestral island emerged and its subsequent transfers to other bacterial genera.


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The cellular rheology has recently undergone a rapid development with particular attention to the cytoskeleton mechanical properties and its main components - actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules and crosslinked proteins. However it is not clear what are the cellular structural changes that directly affect the cell mechanical properties. Thus, in this work, we aimed to quantify the structural rearrangement of these fibers that may emerge in changes in the cell mechanics. We created an image analysis platform to study smooth muscle cells from different arteries: aorta, mammary, renal, carotid and coronary and processed respectively 31, 29, 31, 30 and 35 cell image obtained by confocal microscopy. The platform was developed in Matlab (MathWorks) and it uses the Sobel operator to determine the actin fiber image orientation of the cell, labeled with phalloidin. The Sobel operator is used as a filter capable of calculating the pixel brightness gradient, point to point, in the image. The operator uses vertical and horizontal convolution kernels to calculate the magnitude and the angle of the pixel intensity gradient. The image analysis followed the sequence: (1) opens a given cells image set to be processed; (2) sets a fix threshold to eliminate noise, based on Otsu's method; (3) detect the fiber edges in the image using the Sobel operator; and (4) quantify the actin fiber orientation. Our first result is the probability distribution II(Δθ) to find a given fiber angle deviation (Δθ) from the main cell fiber orientation θ0. The II(Δθ) follows an exponential decay II(Δθ) = Aexp(-αΔθ) regarding to its θ0. We defined and determined a misalignment index α of the fibers of each artery kind: coronary αCo = (1.72 ‘+ or =’ 0.36)rad POT -1; renal αRe = (1.43 + or - 0.64)rad POT -1; aorta αAo = (1.42 + or - 0.43)rad POT -1; mammary αMa = (1.12 + or - 0.50)rad POT -1; and carotid αCa = (1.01 + or - 0.39)rad POT -1. The α of coronary and carotid are statistically different (p < 0.05) among all analyzed cells. We discussed our results correlating the misalignment index data with the experimental cell mechanical properties obtained by using Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry with the same group of cells.