5 resultados para Hongyuan
Vps4p (End13p) is an AAA-family ATPase that functions in membrane transport through endosomes, sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins to the vacuole, and multivesicular body (MVB) sorting of membrane proteins to the vacuole lumen. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with Vps4p as bait we isolated VPS20 (YMR077c) and the novel open reading frame YLA181c, for which the name VTA1 has recently been assigned (Saccharomyces Genome Database). Vps4p directly binds Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro and binding is not dependent on ATP-conversely, Vps4p binding to Vps20p is partially sensitive to ATP hydrolysis. Both ATP binding [Vps4p-(K179A)] and ATP hydrolysis [Vps4p-(E233Q)] mutant proteins exhibit enhanced binding to Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro. The Vps4p-Vps20p interaction involves the coiled-coil domain of each protein, whereas the Vps4p-Vta1p interaction involves the (non-coiled-coil) C-terminus of each protein. Deletion of either VPS20 (vps20Delta) or VTA1 (vta1Delta) leads to similar class E Vps(-) phenotypes resembling those of vps4Delta, including carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) secretion, a block in ubiquitin-dependent MVB sorting, and a delay in both post-internalisation endocytic transport and biosynthetic transport to the vacuole. The vacuole resident membrane protein Sna3p (whose MVB sorting is ubiquitin-independent) does not appear to exit the class E compartment or reach the vacuole in cells lacking Vps20p, Vta1p or Vps4p, in contrast to other proteins whose delivery to the vacuole is only delayed. We propose that Vps20p and Vta1p regulate Vps4p function in vivo.
The Niemann Pick C1 protein localizes to late endosomes and plays a key role in the intracellular transport of cholesterol in mammalian cells. Cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in a lysosomal or late endosomal compartment in cells lacking normal NPC1 function. Other than accumulation of lipids, defects in lysosomal retroendocytosis, sorting of a multifunctional receptor and endosomal movement have also been detected in NPC1 mutant cells. Ncr1p is an ortholog of NPC1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that Ncr1p is a vacuolar membrane protein that transits through the biosynthetic vacuolar protein sorting pathway, and that it can be solubilized by Triton X-100 at 4 degreesC. Using well-established assays, we demonstrate that the absence of Ncr1p had no effect on fluid phase and receptor- mediated endocytosis, biosynthetic delivery to the vacuole, retrograde transport from endosome to Golgi and ubiquitin- and nonubiquitin-dependent multivesicular body sorting. We conclude that Ncr1p does not have an essential role in known endocytic transport pathways in yeast.
As microblog services such as Twitter become a fast and convenient communication approach, identification of trendy topics in microblog services has great academic and business value. However detecting trendy topics is very challenging due to huge number of users and short-text posts in microblog diffusion networks. In this paper we introduce a trendy topics detection system under computation and communication resource constraints. In stark contrast to retrieving and processing the whole microblog contents, we develop an idea of selecting a small set of microblog users and processing their posts to achieve an overall acceptable trendy topic coverage, without exceeding resource budget for detection. We formulate the selection operation of these subset users as mixed-integer optimization problems, and develop heuristic algorithms to compute their approximate solutions. The proposed system is evaluated with real-time test data retrieved from Sina Weibo, the dominant microblog service provider in China. It's shown that by monitoring 500 out of 1.6 million microblog users and tracking their microposts (about 15,000 daily) with our system, nearly 65% trendy topics can be detected, while on average 5 hours earlier before they appear in Sina Weibo official trends.
We propose a cost-effective hot event detection system over Sina Weibo platform, currently the dominant microblogging service provider in China. The problem of finding a proper subset of microbloggers under resource constraints is formulated as a mixed-integer problem for which heuristic algorithms are developed to compute approximate solution. Preliminary results show that by tracking about 500 out of 1.6 million candidate microbloggers and processing 15,000 microposts daily, 62% of the hot events can be detected five hours on average earlier than they are published by Weibo.
Magnetic field inhomogeneity results in image artifacts including signal loss, image blurring and distortions, leading to decreased diagnostic accuracy. Conventional multi-coil (MC) shimming method employs both RF coils and shimming coils, whose mutual interference induces a tradeoff between RF signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio and shimming performance. To address this issue, RF coils were integrated with direct-current (DC) shim coils to shim field inhomogeneity while concurrently emitting and receiving RF signal without being blocked by the shim coils. The currents applied to the new coils, termed iPRES (integrated parallel reception, excitation and shimming), were optimized in the numerical simulation to improve the shimming performance. The objectives of this work is to offer a guideline for designing the optimal iPRES coil arrays to shim the abdomen.
In this thesis work, the main field () inhomogeneity was evaluated by root mean square error (RMSE). To investigate the shimming abilities of iPRES coil arrays, a set of the human abdomen MRI data was collected for the numerical simulations. Thereafter, different simplified iPRES(N) coil arrays were numerically modeled, including a 1-channel iPRES coil and 8-channel iPRES coil arrays. For 8-channel iPRES coil arrays, each RF coil was split into smaller DC loops in the x, y and z direction to provide extra shimming freedom. Additionally, the number of DC loops in a RF coil was increased from 1 to 5 to find the optimal divisions in z direction. Furthermore, switches were numerically implemented into iPRES coils to reduce the number of power supplies while still providing similar shimming performance with equivalent iPRES coil arrays.
The optimizations demonstrate that the shimming ability of an iPRES coil array increases with number of DC loops per RF coil. Furthermore, the z direction divisions tend to be more effective in reducing field inhomogeneity than the x and y divisions. Moreover, the shimming performance of an iPRES coil array gradually reach to a saturation level when the number of DC loops per RF coil is large enough. Finally, when switches were numerically implemented in the iPRES(4) coil array, the number of power supplies can be reduced from 32 to 8 while keeping the shimming performance similar to iPRES(3) and better than iPRES(1). This thesis work offers a guidance for the designs of iPRES coil arrays.