984 resultados para Honey of Beira Alta region


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A apicultura é uma atividade em crescimento em Portugal, e por isso é cada vez mais importante caracterizar os produtos que dela derivam, e em particular o mel que é, em geral, o mais conhecido pelos consumidores. A designação DOP (Denominação de Origem Protegida) pode representar uma valorização em termos comerciais, podendo ser uma forma de diferenciação do mel português em contexto nacional e internacional. Deste modo é importante o conhecimento das suas características físico-químicas e polínicas, como fonte de demonstração dessa mesma diferenciação. O presente trabalho faz parte de um projeto de caraterização físico-química e polínica de méis, como contributo para a certificação do mel da Beira Alta como produto DOP. Recolheram-se amostras de méis produzidos pelos associados da Associação dos Apicultores da Beira Alta (AABA), no ano de 2014, afetos a 10 concelhos da área de intervenção da AABA. Os respetivos apiários localizam-se nos concelhos de Viseu, Tondela, Carregal do Sal, Nelas, Penalva do Castelo, Satão, Aguiar da Beira, Mangualde, Sernancelhe e Fornos de Algodres. Foram estudadas 27 amostras de méis representativas da região da Beira Alta de acordo com o número de unidades epidemiológicas dentro de cada concelho. Os resultados para cada parâmetro analisado foram obtidos em triplicado. O pH variou entre 3,4 e 4,3; o teor de água entre 17,5 e 19,7%; o teor de sólidos solúveis totais entre 80,3 e 82,5%; a condutividade elétrica entre 0,29 e 0,82 mS/cm; cinzas totais entre 0,2 e 0,6%; e ácidos livres entre 15 e 57 meq/kg. Para a determinação da cor, recorreu-se à análise colorimétrica, tendo-se efetuado 20 determinações por amostra, obtendo-se um intervalo de variação para L entre 23,08 e 75,51, a entre -0,30 e 16,76 e b entre -1,31 e 58,36. Para a caraterização polínica dos méis construiu-se uma palinoteca de referência da flora da região, sendo as preparações de pólen elaboradas de acordo com o método acetolítico. A análise polínica quantitativa revelou que 4 amostras de méis enquadraram-se na Classe I (<20 000 grãos de pólen por 10g de mel) e as restantes 23 na Classe III (100 000 a 500 000 grãos de pólen por 10g de mel). Na análise polínica qualitativa verificou-se que 11 dos méis analisados eram multiflorais (41%), 15 monoflorais de tília (56%) e 1 monofloral de urze (4%). O pólen de Eucalyptus sp. e de Castanea sativa esteve presente em 100% das amostras.Com estes primeiros resultados pretende-se contribuir para uma caracterização mais vasta da apicultura da Beira Alta e dos méis produzidos nesta região.


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There is much anecdotal evidence and academic argument that the location of a business influences its value. That is, some businesses appear to be worth more than others because of their location. This is particularly so in the tourism industry. Within the domain of the destination literature, many factors can be posited on why business valuation varies, ranging from access to markets, availability of labor, climate, and surrounding services. Given that business value is such a fundamental principle that underpins the viability of the tourist industry through its relationship with pricing, business acquisition, and investment, it is surprising that scant research has sought to quantify the relative premium associated with geographic locations. This study proposes a novel way in which to estimate geographic brand premium. Specifically, the approach translates valuation techniques from financial economics to quantify the incremental value derived from businesses operating in a particular geographic region, and produces a geographic brand premium. The article applies the technique to a well-known tourist destination in Australia, and the results are consistent with a positive value of brand equity in the key industries and are of a plausible order of magnitude. The article carries strong implications for business and tourism operators in terms of valuation, pricing, and investment, but more generally, the approach is potentially useful to local authorities and business associations when deciding how much resource and effort should be devoted to brand protection.


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Various countries have been introducing sustainable assessment tools for real estate design to produce integrated sustainability components not just for the building, but also the landscape component of the development. This paper aims to present the comparison between international and local assessment tools of landscape design for housing estate developments in Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR), Thailand. The methodologies used are to review, then compare and identify discrepancy indicators among the tools. This paper will examine four international tools; LEED for Neighbourhood Development (LEED – ND) of United State of America (USA), EnviroDevelopment standards of Australia, Residential Landscape Sustainability of United Kingdom (UK) and Green Mark for Infrastructure of Singapore; and three BMR’s existing tools; Land Subdivision Act B.E. 2543, Environmental Impact Assessment Monitoring Awards (EIA-MA) and Thai’s Rating for Energy and Environmental Sustainability of New construction and major renovation (TREES-NC). The findings show that there are twenty two elements of three categories which are neighbourhood design, community management, and environmental condition. Moreover, only one element in neighbourhood designs different between the international and local tools. The sustainable assessment tools have existed in BMR but they are not complete in only one assessment tool. Thus, the development of new comprehensive assessment tool will be necessary in BMR; however, it should meet the specific environment and climate condition for housing estate development at BMR.


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Neoproterozoic glacigenic formations are preserved in the Kimberley region and northwestern Northern Territory of northern Australia. They are distributed in the west Kimberley adjacent to the northern margins of the King Leopold Orogen, the Mt Ramsay area at the junction of the King Leopold and Halls Creek Orogens, and the east Kimberley, adjacent to the eastern margin of the Halls Creek Orogen. Small outlier glacigenic deposits are preserved in the Litchfield Province, Northern Territory (Uniya Formation) and Georgina Basin, western Queensland (Little Burke Formation). Glacigenic strata comprise diamictite, conglomerate, sandstone and pebbly mudstone and characterize the Walsh, Landrigan and Fargoo/Moonlight Valley formations. Thin units of laminated dolomite sit conformably at the top of the Walsh, Landrigan and Moonlight Valley formations. Glacigenic units are also interbedded with the carbonate platform deposits of the Egan Formation and Boonall Dolomite. δ13C data are available for all carbonate units. There is no direct chronological constraint on these successions. Dispute over regional correlation of the Neoproterozoic succession has been largely resolved through biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic analysis. However, palaeomagnetic results from the Walsh Formation are inconsistent with sedimentologically based correlations. Two stratigraphically defined glaciations are preserved in northwestern Australia: the ‘Landrigan Glaciation’, characterized by southwest-directed continental ice-sheet movement and correlated with late Cryogenian glaciation elsewhere in Australia and the world; and, the ‘Egan Glaciation’, a more localized glaciation of the Ediacaran Period. Future research focus should include chronology, palaeomagnetic constraint and tectonostratigraphic controls on deposition.


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The main cis-acting control regions for replication of the single-stranded DNA genome of maize streak virus (MSV) are believed to reside within an approximately 310 nt long intergenic region (LIR). However, neither the minimum LIR sequence required nor the sequence determinants of replication specificity have been determined experimentally. There are iterated sequences, or iterons, both within the conserved inverted-repeat sequences with the potential to form a stem-loop structure at the origin of virion-strand replication, and upstream of the rep gene TATA box (the rep-proximal iteron or RPI). Based on experimental analyses of similar iterons in viruses from other geminivirus genera and their proximity to known Rep-binding sites in the distantly related mastrevirus wheat dwarf virus, it has been hypothesized that the iterons may be Rep-binding and/or -recognition sequences. Here, a series of LIR deletion mutants was used to define the upper bounds of the LIR sequence required for replication. After identifying MSV strains and distinct mastreviruses with incompatible replication-specificity determinants (RSDs), LIR chimaeras were used to map the primary MSV RSD to a 67 nt sequence containing the RPI. Although the results generally support the prevailing hypothesis that MSV iterons are functional analogues of those found in other geminivirus genera, it is demonstrated that neither the inverted-repeat nor RPI sequences are absolute determinants of replication specificity. Moreover, widely divergent mastreviruses can trans-replicate one another. These results also suggest that sequences in the 67 nt region surrounding the RPI interact in a sequence-specific manner with those of the inverted repeat.


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The development of breast cancer is a complex process that involves multiple genes at many stages, from initial cell cycle dysregulation to disease progression. To identify genetic variations that influence this process, we conducted a large-scale association study using a collection of German cases and controls and >25,000 SNPs located within 16,000 genes. One of the loci identified was located on chromosome 11q13 [odds ratio (OR)=1.85, P=0.017]. The initial association was subsequently tested in two independent breast cancer collections. In both sample sets, the frequency of the susceptibility allele was increased in the cases (OR=1.6, P=0.01). The susceptibility allele was also associated with an increase in cancer family history (P=0.1). Fine mapping showed that the region of association extends approximately 300 kb and spans several genes, including the gene encoding the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA). A nonsynonymous SNP (A794G) in NuMA was identified that showed a stronger association with breast cancer risk than the initial marker SNP (OR=2.8, P=0.005 initial sample; OR=2.1, P=0.002 combined). NuMA is a cell cycle-related protein essential for normal mitosis that is degraded in early apoptosis. NuMA-retinoic acid receptor alpha fusion proteins have been described in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Although the potential functional relevance of the A794G variation requires further biological validation, we conclude that variations in the NuMA gene are likely responsible for the observed increased breast cancer risk.


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Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR) is the centre for various major activities in Thailand including political, industry, agriculture, and commerce. Consequently, the BMR is the highest and most densely populated area in Thailand. Thus, the demand for houses in the BMR is also the largest, especially in subdivision developments. For these reasons, the subdivision development in the BMR has increased substantially in the past 20 years and generated large numbers of subdivision developments (AREA, 2009; Kridakorn Na Ayutthaya & Tochaiwat, 2010). However, this dramatic growth of subdivision development has caused several problems including unsustainable development, especially for subdivision neighbourhoods, in the BMR. There have been rating tools that encourage the sustainability of neighbourhood design in subdivision development, but they still have practical problems. Such rating tools do not cover the scale of the development entirely; and they concentrate more on the social and environmental conservation aspects, which have not been totally accepted by the developers (Boonprakub, 2011; Tongcumpou & Harvey, 1994). These factors strongly confirm the need for an appropriate rating tool for sustainable subdivision neighbourhood design in the BMR. To improve level of acceptance from all stakeholders in subdivision developments industry, the new rating tool should be developed based on an approach that unites the social, environmental, and economic approaches, such as eco-efficiency principle. Eco-efficiency is the sustainability indicator introduced by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) since 1992. The eco-efficiency is defined as the ratio of the product or service value according to its environmental impact (Lehni & Pepper, 2000; Sorvari et al., 2009). Eco-efficiency indicator is concerned to the business, while simultaneously, is concerned with to social and the environment impact. This study aims to develop a new rating tool named "Rating for sustainable subdivision neighbourhood design (RSSND)". The RSSND methodology is developed by a combination of literature reviews, field surveys, the eco-efficiency model development, trial-and-error technique, and the tool validation process. All required data has been collected by the field surveys from July to November 2010. The ecoefficiency model is a combination of three different mathematical models; the neighbourhood property price (NPP) model, the neighbourhood development cost (NDC) model, and the neighbourhood occupancy cost (NOC) model which are attributable to the neighbourhood subdivision design. The NPP model is formulated by hedonic price model approach, while the NDC model and NOC model are formulated by the multiple regression analysis approach. The trial-and-error technique is adopted for simplifying the complex mathematic eco-efficiency model to a user-friendly rating tool format. Credibility of the RSSND has been validated by using both rated and non-rated of eight subdivisions. It is expected to meet the requirements of all stakeholders which support the social activities of the residents, maintain the environmental condition of the development and surrounding areas, and meet the economic requirements of the developers.


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Purpose The paper aims to evaluate the knowledge-based urban development (KBUD) dynamics of a rapidly emerging knowledge city-region, Tampere region, Finland. Design/methodology/approach The paper empirically investigates Tampere region’s development achievements and progress from the knowledge perspective. Findings The research, through qualitative and quantitative analyses, reveals the regional development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Tampere region. Originality/value The paper provides useful suggestions based on the lessons learned from the Tampere case investigation that could shed light on the KBUD journey of city-regions.


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The wetland resources of the Queensland coastline have been mapped as a baseline dataset for Marine Protected Area investigation and particularly Fish Habitat Area (FHA) declaration, Ramsar site nomination and continued monitoring of these important fish habitats. This report summarises the results of the mapping undertaken in the Bowen region from the East Coast of Cape Upstart (Abbot Bay) to Gloucester Island (encompassing Edgecumbe Bay). The study was undertaken in order to: 1. document and map the coastal wetland communities within the Bowen region; 2. document levels of existing disturbance to and protection of the wetlands; 3. examine existing recreational and commercial fisheries in the region; and 4. evaluate the significance of the coastal wetlands in the region. Dataset URL Link: Queensland Coastal Wetlands Resources Mapping data. [Dataset]


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The cropping region of northern Australia has a diverse range of cropping systems and weed flora. A fallow phase is commonly required between crops to enable the accumulation of stored soil water in these farming systems dominated by reduced tillage. During the fallow phase, weed control is important and is heavily reliant on herbicides. The most commonly used herbicide has been glyphosate. As a result of over-reliance on glyphosate, there are now seven confirmed glyphosate-resistant weeds and several glyphosate-tolerant species common in the region. As a result, the control of summer fallow weeds is become more complex. This paper outlines project work investigating improved weed control for summer fallows in the northern cropping region. Areas of research include weed ecology, chemical and non-chemical tactics, glyphosate resistance and resistance surveys. The project also has an economic and extension component. As a result of our research we have a better understanding of the ecology of major northern weeds and spread of glyphosate resistance in the region. We have identified and defined alternative herbicide and non-chemical approaches for the effective control of summer fallow weeds and have extended our research effectively to industry.


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A stereoselective synthesis of the C1-C18 region of marine natural product palmerolide A from chiral pool tartaric acid is presented. The key synthetic sequence includes the elaboration of a gamma-oxo-amide derived from tartaric acid and alkene formation involving Boord type fragmentation.