10 resultados para Homoeroticism
L’étude des œuvres et de la correspondance de Johann Joachim Winckelmann, produites entre 1755 et 1768, offre un regard nouveau sur l’amour entre hommes au 18e siècle et sur sa relation à la construction de la masculinité. Le cas de Winckelmann illustre le caractère construit et changeant de l’érotisme. En effet, l’influence de l’exemple hellénique est visible dans le fantasme homoérotique qu’il élabora dans ses œuvres dans le but de s’expliquer ses désirs. L’Antiquité, par son autorité culturelle, représenta un espace relativement sécuritaire où Winckelmann put exprimer sa sensibilité homoérotique à laquelle le contexte occidental était alors très défavorable : la littérature antique exaltait l’affection entre hommes et sa statuaire, le corps masculin nu. Le fantasme que fit Winckelmann fut capital pour sa compréhension et la justification de ses relations avec d’autres hommes, surtout après son arrivée en Italie en 1755. Loin de se cantonner à la répression de l’homoérotisme par la société européenne des Lumières, le cas de Winckelmann en illustre le potentiel d’intégration partielle. En effet, l’originalité de Winckelmann tient à sa façon de communiquer ses idéaux homoérotiques dans des textes savants, tout en rendant sa perception du beau masculin et son amour des hommes socialement acceptables. Enfin, plusieurs indices dans les œuvres et la correspondance de Winckelmann portent à penser qu’il était conscient de sa différence et qu’il se constitua entre 1755 et 1768 une communauté discrète d’hommes aussi sensibles aux désirs homoérotiques.
This dissertation tries to describe the interactions called pegações in the homosexual milieu that exist in the public bathrooms in UFRN. They used for sexual practices by some of their users. The participating observation made it possible a discription concerning how the interactions occur among the bathrooms users. We researched the flert process that happens around the place, the poses they strike, the approach, until they get to the sexual practice. We also traced their route through the most used bathrooms. We associated the research the messages written on the doors and cabins that are means of contact among the users. So we tried to interpret the meanings of the interactions that exist in the public bathrooms in UFRN
Práticas discursivas sobre o homoerotismo e docência são objetos de desejo nesta Tese produzida a partir do trabalho com narrativas docentes. Ao adotar-se uma investida em jogos discursivos subversivos que desmargeiam os centros e povoam as periferias na produção epistemológica, adveio perscrutar sobre docência e diferença e procurar em narrativas a produção da performatividade homoerótica na experiência do ensino superior. No encalce deste intento, rastros levaram ao pós-estruturalismo como teorização da diferença na busca de composições em devires e conduziram à produção de uma escritura que ocorre em uma conjunção epistemológica que considera a sua fragmentação, inconstância, deslizamentos e interpelamentos arquitetados enquanto tirocínios discursivos, orientados, e por vezes desorientados, por entendimentos deleuzianos e foucaultianos. Nas linhas de fuga dessas orientações se investe em uma experiência de escritura cartográfica multiplicadora de acontecimentos em jogos intensos de processualidades e experimentações para produzir uma poética da escrita com invenções, contos, poesias, devaneios e divagações. Atravessa o estudo a compreensão da experiência homoerótica na docência enquanto lugar da abjeção virtualizado e atualizado num continuum de problematizações e recolocações, achados e criações. A experiência homoerótica na docência opera, portanto, como um espaço móvel, provocativo, perturbador, instável e fronteiriço, atravessado por práticas discursivas que lhe imprimem governamento, performatividade e desproblematização, porém, lugar de onde emerge a possibilidade de dissensos. Por isso, quando o contrassenso da significação se instala no sítio da experiência docente, as performances são deslocadas e passam a operar de forma produtiva forjando sujeitos fronteiras, entre/através, na travessia de dois lugares simbólicos – o homoerotismo e a docência.
This paper presents a non-heterosexual young lady s Narrative Life History. By presenting it, we aim to understanding how desire, (in)visibility and the processes of exclusion are articulated in relation to the experience of homoeroticism, especially within the family. By this, we are able to point out some homophobic aspects, modes of how the device of closet operates and how some expectations and demands exert pressures over a non-heterosexual member in the family. In this case study, the way her family lived her sexuality depended on a strong family ties, such as: the secret about sexuality. Such secret, according to our hypothesis, was produced and preserved by homophobia which served as the major aspect on the construction of gender and (dis)unity of the family. This work is part of a in progress doctoral thesis, sponsored by FAPESP Fundação para o Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo.
Allegory is not obsolete as Samuel Coleridge and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe have claimed. It is alive and well and has transformed from a restrictive concept to a concept that is flexible and can form to meet the needs of the author or reader. The most efficient way to evidence this is by making a case study of it with a suitable work that will allow us to perceive its plasticity. This essay uses J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings as a multi-perspective case study of the concept of allegory; the size and complexity of the narrative make it a suitable choice. My aim is to illustrate the plasticity of allegory as a concept and illuminate some of the possibilities and pitfalls of allegory and allegoresis. As to whether The Lord of the Rings can be treated as an allegory, it will be examined from three different perspectives: as a purely writerly process, a middle ground of writer and reader and as a purely readerly process. The Lord of the Rings will then be compared to a series of concepts of allegorical theory such as Plato’s classical “The Ring of Gyges”, William Langland’s classic The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman and contemporary allegories of racism and homoeroticism to demonstrate just how adaptable this concept is. The position of this essay is that the concept of allegory has changed over time since its conception and become more malleable. This poses certain dangers as allegory has become an all-round tool for anyone to do anything that has few limitations and has lost its early rigid form and now favours an almost anything goes approach.
The aesthetic placement and period designation of Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986) and José Lezama Lima (1910–1976) are complicated issues among critics. Borges is considered a predecessor of the Latin American literary “boom,” but despite that taxonomy his work transcends that definition and provides a foundation for new trends, such as the “neobarroco” cultivated by Severo Sarduy. Lezama is considered part of the second wave of the “boom,” but his work feeds, stylistically, from the Spanish baroque. At the same time, Lezama's daring treatment of homoeroticism and his system of images place him after the “boom” in a narrative style that is postmodern. This study undertakes a revision of external and internal issues, revealing the key fictive elements that characterize both writers. Through discourse analysis, a poetic system is formulated, which incorporates features of the “neobarroco,” and postmodern narrative styles. ^ This dissertation uses a polar structure to analyze both poetic visions and finds that they are symmetrical. From this perspective, Borges and Lezama belong to the “core” of literature that centers its emphasis in the creation of a system versus other modes of writing in which mimetic function prevails. By doing this and by recycling world culture, they create postmodern myth: the new building material for Hispanic American literature. ^ There are a few studies that explore the works of Borges and Lezama within the context of Baroque aesthetics. This dissertation offers a comprehensive analysis that considers their poetic visions at large. Besides the difference in perspective, defined as macro-spatial in Borges and micro-spatial in Lezama, there are many similarities. Both writers question the cause and effect relationship and the use of metaphor. They share a redefinition of genre as well as a hedonistic approach to literature. This kinship in poetic vision is revealed through the polar method used for this study, which proposes a new form of aesthetic placement and period designation. ^
The aesthetic placement and period designation of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) and José Lezama Lima (1910-1976) are complicated issues among critics. Borges is obviously considered a predecessor of the Latin American literary “boom,” but despite that taxonomy his work transcends that definition and provides a foundation for new trends and styles, such as the “neobarroco” cultivated by Severo Sarduy. Lezama is considered part of the second wave of the “boom,” but his work feeds, stylistically, from the Spanish baroque. At the same time, Lezama’s daring treatment of homoeroticism and his revolutionary system of images place him after the “boom” in a narrative style that is postmodern. This study undertakes a thorough revision of external and internal issues, revealing the key linguistic and fictive elements that characterize both writers. Through discourse analysis and close reading, a poetic system is formulated, which incorporate features of the “neobarroco,” “boom” and postmodern narrative styles. This dissertation uses a polar structure to analyze both poetic visions and concludes that they are compatible and symmetrical. From this perspective, Borges and Lezama belong to the “core” of literature that centers its emphasis in the creation of a system versus other modes of writing in which mimetic function prevails. By doing this and by recycling world culture, they create postmodern myth: the new building material for Hispanic American literature. There are only a few studies that explore the works of Borges and Lezama within the context of Baroque aesthetics. For the first time, this dissertation offers a comprehensive analysis that considers their poetic visions at large. Besides the difference in perspective, defined as macro-spatial in Borges and micro-spatial in Lezama, there are many similarities in content and form. Both writers question the cause and effect relationship and the modern use of metaphor. They also share a redefinition of genre as well as a hedonistic approach to literature and culture. This kinship in poetic vision is revealed through the polar method used for this study, which proposes a new form of aesthetic placement and period designation.
From the research and awareness of literary work, this thesis discusses aspects related to the study of homoeroticism and lifestyles in the works Dancer from the Dance (2001) by Andrew Holleran and Pela noite (2010) by Brazilian author Caio Fernando Abreu. Whereas issues about beauty, desire and lifestyle shape cutouts important to the narrative, I propose a discussion by examining the works that mark from the first moments of sexual release party in New York with the peculiarities of their own styles that characterized the Andrew Holleran characters rostificadas by an ethos that he composed during this time opening for freedom of sexual deviant sexualities. In Pela noite, we reiterate a continuation of opening moment in Brazil for gay characters Caio , assuming the early 1980s for those characters is the first " shadows " of AIDS and knowledge of self , in which his characters living with fear, anonymity and reminiscences of homophobia as a backdrop to the discussions that are triggered off by the author . To compose a theoretical framework to subsidize this work , we selected the works of Michel Foucault (2007 , 2010a , 2010b ) , Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (2008 ) , Didier Eribon (2008 ) , David Cartier (2004 ) , David Eisenbach (2006 ) and other contributions that were undoubtedly essential to this endeavor
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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2016.