840 resultados para Homicide-Suicide
This study provides a retrospective review from the forensic files of the University Centre of Legal Medicine in Western Switzerland in Geneva, from January 1956 to December 2005. The studied homicide-suicide cases cover a period of half a century (50 years). As a rule, all police-ordered forensic examinations of violent death cases in the Canton of Geneva are conducted by the University Centre of Legal Medicine. All of the data necessary for an exhaustive retrospective study are thus readily available. During the period covered in this work, 228 homicides were perpetrated in Geneva. In 23 cases, the homicide was followed by the suicide of the aggressor. The 34 victims of these homicides (18 women, 1 man and 15 children) had either an intimate or filial relationship with the perpetrator. Most of the suicidal perpetrators were men that killed their spouses or intimate partners, with children as additional victims in some cases. Shooting was the most common means to kill, followed by stabbing. The majority of the victims and perpetrators were Swiss nationals. This retrospective study shows that in the last 50 years, homicide-suicide cases in the Canton of Geneva have been a rare and an episodic phenomena with a very variable frequency from 1 year to another.
Homicide followed by the suicide of the offender is a well-known phenomenon. In most cases, it takes place in the context of the so-called "family tragedies." A recent series of such family tragedies in Switzerland prompted an intensive debate in the media and the Swiss government concerning the Swiss Weapon Law, in particular the requirement to keep personal army weapons at home. The present study of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland, thus focuses on the role played by guns, especially military weapons, in such crimes. We investigated retrospectively 75 cases of Homicide-Suicide, comprising 172 individuals and spanning a period of 23 years in western and central Switzerland. Our results show that if guns were used in 76% of the cases, army weapons were the cause of death in 25% of the total. In 28% of the deaths caused by a gunshot, the exact type of the gun and its origin could not be determined. Thus, the majority of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland involve the use of guns. The exact percentage of cases were military weapons were involved could not be defined. In our opinion, a stricter weapons law, restricting access to firearms, would be a factor of prevention of Homicide- Suicide cases in Switzerland.
Homicide followed by the suicide of the offender is a well-known phenomenon. In most cases, it takes place in the context of the so-called "family tragedies." A recent series of such family tragedies in Switzerland prompted an intensive debate in the media and the Swiss government concerning the Swiss Weapon Law, in particular the requirement to keep personal army weapons at home. The present study of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland, thus focuses on the role played by guns, especially military weapons, in such crimes. We investigated retrospectively 75 cases of Homicide-Suicide, comprising 172 individuals and spanning a period of 23 years in western and central Switzerland. Our results show that if guns were used in 76% of the cases, army weapons were the cause of death in 25% of the total. In 28% of the deaths caused by a gunshot, the exact type of the gun and its origin could not be determined. Thus, the majority of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland involve the use of guns. The exact percentage of cases were military weapons were involved could not be defined. In our opinion, a stricter weapons law, restricting access to firearms, would be a factor of prevention of Homicide- Suicide cases in Switzerland.
BACKGROUND Homicide-suicides are rare but catastrophic events. This study examined the epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Switzerland. METHODS The study identified homicide-suicide events 1991-2008 in persons from the same household in the Swiss National Cohort, which links census and mortality records. The analysis examined the association of the risk of dying in a homicide-suicide event with socio-demographic variables, measured at the individual-level, household composition variables and area-level variables. Proportional hazards regression models were calculated for male perpetrators and female victims. Results are presented as age-adjusted hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS The study identified 158 deaths from homicide-suicide events, including 85 murder victims (62 women, 4 men, 19 children and adolescents) and 68 male and 5 female perpetrators. The incidence was 3 events per million households and year. Firearms were the most prominent method for both homicides and suicides. The risk of perpetrating homicide-suicide was higher in divorced than in married men (HR 3.64; 95%CI 1.56-8.49), in foreigners without permanent residency compared to Swiss citizens (HR 3.95; 1.52-10.2), higher in men without religious affiliations than in Catholics (HR 2.23; 1.14-4.36) and higher in crowded households (HR 4.85; 1.72-13.6 comparing ≥2 with <1 persons/room). There was no association with education, occupation or nationality, the number of children, the language region or degree of urbanicity. Associations were similar for female victims. CONCLUSIONS This national longitudinal study shows that living conditions associated with psychological stress and lower levels of social support are associated with homicide-suicide events in Switzerland.
This study aimed to establish a profile of users of the mental health service for homeless in Cork, comparing this group with those attending a General Adult Service. The homeless group were significantly more likely to be male (89% v 46%), unemployed (96% v 68%), unmarried (98% v 75%) and under 65 (94% v 83%). Diagnostically, there was a significantly higher prevalence of schizophrenia (50% v 34%); personality disorder (37% v 11%) and substance dependence (74% v 19%) in the homeless service users. They were more likely to have a history of deliberate self harm (54% v 21%) and violence (48% v 10%). Severe mental illness has a high prevalence in the homeless population, with particularly high levels of factors associated with suicide and homicide. Poor compliance and complexity of illness lead to a requirement for significant input from multidisciplinary mental health teams members.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
RESUMO: O'suicídio'é'atualmente'um'problema'de'saúde'pública.'Estimarse'que'um'milhão'de'pessoas' morra'anualmente'devido'ao'suicídio.'De'acordo'com'diversas'agências'e'organizações'estimar 'que'ocorram'entre'20'a'40'tentativas'de'suicídio'por'cada'suicídio'consumado.'Os'custos'associados'ao'suicídio,'quer'humanos'quer'económicos'são'enormes'e'estendemrse'à'família,'emprego,'economia'e'finanças.'Os'números'oficiais'do'suicídio'em'Portugal'indicam'uma'taxa ligeiramente'acima'dos'10'por' cada'100'000'habitantes'mas' comportando' regiões'onde' são'observadas' taxas' muito' elevadas,' como' no' Sudoeste' de' Portugal' onde' se' observam particularmente taxas 3'vezes'acima'da'média'nacional.' Investigámos' o' fenómeno' com' os' objetivos' de' validar' a' técnica' de' autópsia' psicológica' em' contexto' comunitário' nunca' realizado' em' Portugal,' e' dar' um' contributo' para' uma' compreensão'mais'alargada'deste'problema'de'saúde'pública,'especialmente'nesta'região'de' Odemira.' A' autópsia' psicológica' consiste' em' reunir' detalhadamente' informação' sobre' a'personalidade' e' vida' de' alguém' que' morreu' em' circunstâncias' equívocas' (por' suicídio,' homicídio' ou' acidente)'recorrendo'ainda'a'registos'e'documentação,'bem'como'procedendo'a entrevistas' com' familiares,' colegas' ou' amigos.' Foi' feita' uma' adaptação' de' uma' entrevista' semirestruturada' para' o' efeito.' Foram' recrutados' 2' grupos' de' participantes:' um' grupo' de familiares de pessoas que cometeram'suicídio'(n=30)'e'um'grupo'de'familiares'de'pessoas'que morreram de causas' naturais' (n=24).' O' estudo' decorreu' em' 3' momentos' com' sessões' de' apresentação' (i),' sessões' de' preparação' (ii)' e' entrevistas' para' recolha' de' informação' e'monitorização.'' Os' principais' resultados'mostram' que' existiram' dificuldades' na' obtenção' da' informação' a'partir' dos' entrevistados,' a'maioria' dos' suicidas' eram'homens' acima' dos' 40' anos' de' idade,' afetados' por' lesões' graves' ou' doenças' graves' ' no' período' adulto' embora' apresentassem'condições' válidas' para' trabalhar,' reformados,' vivendo' em' família,' com' traços' de'personalidade' amargurados,' tristes' ou' pessimistas,' com' escassas' atividades' nos' tempos' de' lazer,' sem' problemas' somáticos' significativos' ou' perturbações'mentais' que' comunicaram' a intenção de morrer previamente'e'provenientes'de'famílias'sem'dificuldades'económicas'ou'relações'familiares'desadequadas.' Tendo'em'conta'a'literatura,'algumas'das'características'parecem'ser'muito'particulares'desta'população.'Aparentemente'o'suicídio'poderá'ter'implicações'genéticas'que'deveriam'ser'tidas'em'conta'em'futuras'investigações.' A'integração'da'saúde'mental'nos'cuidados'de'saúde'primários'afigurarse'urgente'tendo'em' conta' que' a' escassez' de' profissionais' de' saúde'mental' é' enorme' numa' parte' do' país' onde'ocorre' o'maior'número'de' suicídios.'Mudar'de'modelo'e'reorganizar'os' serviços'de' forma'a' poder' dar' uma' resposta' ao' défice' de' tratamento' de' saúde' mental' e' ter' em' conta' os' determinantes'sociais'da'saúde'para'fazer'face'ao'isolamento'é'fundamental.' ---------------ABSTRACT: Suicide' is,'nowadays,' a'public'health'problem.'A'million'dies' annually'by' suicide'worldwide.' According'to'several'agencies'and'organizations'an'estimation'of'20'to'40'suicide'attempts'is advanced for each complete' suicide. Associated'costs'to'suicide,'both'human'and'economic,'are' huge' and' spread' on' family,' jobs,' economy,' and' finances.' Official' available' figures' for' suicide' in' Portugal' indicate' a' rate' slightly' over' 10' for' each' 100' 000' inhabitants,' but' with'regions'where'one' can' actually' find'extremely'high' rates,' like' for' instance' in' the'Southwest' part' of' the' country,' where' are' regularly' found' rates' 3' times' higher,' when' compared' to'national'average.'' We' have' investigated' the' phenomenon' aiming' to' validate' the' technique' of' psychological'autopsy' in' a' community' context' never' explored' before' in' Portugal' and' to' contribute' for' a' wider' understanding' of' this' public' health' problem,' especially' in' this' region' of' Odemira.' Psychological'autopsy'consists'into'a'detailed'gathering'of'information'about'the'personality'and' life' of' someone' died' in' equivocal' circumstances' (suicide,' homicide,' accident),' registries and other'documentation'as'well'as'interviews'with'family'members,'corworkers'and'friends.' An' adaptation' of' a' semirstructured' interview' was' made.' Two' groups' of' participants' were'recruited: a'group of'relatives'of'people'committing'suicide'(n=30),'and'a'group'of'relatives'of'people' whose' death' was' after' natural' causes' (n=24).' Study' was'made' in' 3'moments' with'presentation'sessions;'(i)'preparation'sessions;'(ii)'interviewing'data'collection'and'monitoring' iii).'' Main'results'showed'difficulties'to'obtain'information'from'interviewees,'most'suicides'were' from males over 40 years old, affected'by'serious'illness'or'severe'injury'in'adulthood'but'valid'to'work,'retired,'living'in'family,'with'bitterness,'sad'or'pessimistic'as'personality'traits,'with'few' leisure' activities,' without' significant' health' somatic' problems' or' mental' disorders,'communicating'intention'to'die'previously,'coming'from'families'with'no'indication'of'financial'distress'or'inadequate'family'relationship.' Taking'into'account'the'literature'it'looks'like'some'features'seem'to'be'quiet'particular'from'this'population.'Apparently'one'might'say'that'suicide'could'have'genetic'implications'which'further'research'should'account'in'the'future.' Integration' of'mental' health' into' primary' care' is' urgent' once' the' scarcity' of'mental' health' professionals' is' enormous' in' a' part' of' the' country' where' most' suicides' occur.' Scaling' up services must go in order'to'address'to'treatment'gap'and'social'determinants'of'health'should'be'taken'into'account'to'face'isolation.' Results' show' that' the' profile' of' the' suicidal' in' the' region' of' Odemira' is' particular' and'implications' of' genetics' should' be' taken' into' account.' Moreover' much' can' be' done' in'organization' of' services' in' the' region' where' we' performed' the' present' study' in' order' to'address'to'treatment'gap'for'mental'disorders'and'to'the'social'determinants'of'health.
In cases of ligature strangulation, the importance of distinguishing self-inflicted death from homicide is crucial. This entails objective scene investigation, autopsy and anamnesis in order to elucidate the manner of death correctly. The authors report a case of unplanned complex suicide by means of self-strangulation and multiple sharp force injury. The use of more than one suicide method, consecutively--termed unplanned complex suicide--gives this case particular significance. A brief discussion on this uncommon method of suicide is presented, particularly relevant to the attending forensic physician. In addition, a short overview of the entity of complex suicide is given.
Homicide-suicides, the murder of one or several individuals followed by the suicide of the perpetrator, are rare but have devastating effects on families and communities. We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing perpetrators of homicide-suicides with perpetrators of simple homicides and suicides and examined the proportion of firearm use and its correlation with firearm availability. We searched Medline and Embase from inception to July 2012 and identified 27 eligible studies. Perpetrators of homicide-suicides were older and more likely to be male and married to or separated from their victims than perpetrator of simple homicides or suicides. Influence of alcohol and a history of domestic violence or unemployment were less prevalent in homicide-suicides than in homicides. The proportion of firearm use in homicide-suicides varied across countries and was highest in the USA, Switzerland and South Africa, followed by Australia, Canada, The Netherlands and England and Wales, with a strong correlation between the use of firearms and the level of civilian gun ownership in the country. Our results indicate that homicide-suicides represent a distinct entity, with characteristics distinguishing them both from homicides and suicides.
Estimating the effect of state-level gun purchasing policy on county-level firearm suicide mortality
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate suicide seasonality in the city of São Paulo within an urban area and tropical zone. METHOD: Suicides were evaluated using the chi-square test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) by comparing monthly, quarterly and half-yearly variations, differentiating by gender. Analyses of time series were carried out using the autocorrelation function and periodogram, while the significance level for seasonality was confirmed with the Fisher's test. RESULTS: The suicides of the period between 1979 and 2003 numbered 11,434 cases. Differences were observed in suicides occurring in Spring and Autumn for the total sample (ANOVA: p-value = 0.01), and in the male sample (ANOVA: p-value = 0.02). For the analysis of time series, seasonality was significant only for the period of 7 months in the male sample (p-value = 0.04). DISCUSSION: In this study, no significant seasonal differences were observed in the occurrences of suicides, with the exception of the male sample. The differences observed did not correspond with the pattern described in studies carried out in temperate zones. Some of the climatic particularities of the tropical zone might explain the atypical pattern of seasonality of suicides found in large populations within an urban area and tropical zone.
In this study, we described the frequency of attempted suicide among women of reproductive age (10 to 49 years) in a General University Hospital in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil (conducted 2005). Relevant comorbidities associated with the suicide attempt were calculated. Secondary data were obtained through the hospital`s records where attempted suicides were reported. Findings revealed 132 attempted suicides; most women took a toxic substance or their own medication. Half of the women previously had attempted suicide. Depression was the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis on discharge from the hospital, specifically borderline personality disorder, personality disorders axis B and depression without association.
This review explores the influence to suicide in print and electronic media, and considers both real and fictional deaths. The conclusion appears inescapable that reports about celebrities which are multi-modal, repeated, explicit, front page, glorify the suicide, and describe the method lead to an increase in deaths from suicide, particularly in the region in which reports are published. The paper argues that even if there was multi-national agreement to international guidelines, media will continue to report suicide when it is considered to be a matter of public interest. What appears crucial is a collaborative approach between professionals and the media to promote a negative attitude toward suicide without increasing stigma toward those with mental health problems.
Variation of suicide with socio-economic status (SES) in urban NSW (Australia) during 1985-1994, by sex and country or region of birth, was examined using Poisson regression analysis of vital statistics and population data (age greater than or similar to 15 yr). Quintiles of SES were defined by municipality of residence and comparisons of suicide by SES were adjusted for age and country (or region) of birth (COB), and examined by COB. Risk of suicide in females was 28% that of males for all adults and 21% for youth (age 15-24 yr). Suicide risk was lower in males from southern Europe, Middle East and Asia, and higher in northern and eastern European males, compared to the Australian-born. Risks for suicide increased significantly with decreasing SES in males, but not in females. The relationship of male suicide and SES was stronger when controlled for COB. For males, the relative risk of suicide, adjusted for age and COB, was 66% higher in the lowest SES quintile compared to the highest quintile, and 39% higher for youth (age 15-24 yr). For male suicide, the population attributable fraction for SES (less than the highest quintile) was 27%. Analysis of SES differentials in male suicide according to COB indicated a significant inverse suicide gradient in relation to SES for the Australian-born and those burn in New Zealand and the United Kingdom or fire. but not in non-English speaking COB groups, except for Asia. For Australian-born males, suicide risk was 71% higher in the lowest SES group (compared to the highest), adjusted for age. These findings indicate that SES plays an important role in male suicide rates among the Australian-born and migrants from English-speaking countries and Asia, and among youth; but not in female suicide, nor suicide in most non-English speaking migrant groups. Reduction in SES differentials through economic and social policies may reduce male suicide in lower SES groups and should be seen to be at least as important as individual level interventions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Many countries have set targets for suicide reduction, and suggested that mental health care providers and general practitioners have a key role to play. Method Asystematic review of the literature. Results Among those in the general population who commit suicide, up to 41% may have contact with psychiatric inpatient care in the year prior to death and up-to 9% may commit suicide within one day of discharge. The corresponding figures are I I and 4% for community-based psychiatric care and 83 and 20% for general practitioners. Conclusions Among those who die by suicide. contact with health services is common before death. This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for clinicians to intervene. More work is needed to determine whether these people show characteristic patterns of care and/or particular risk factors which would enable a targeted approach to be developed to assist clinicians in detecting and managing high-risk patients.