973 resultados para Homeotropic alignment


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Tetraoctyl-substituted vanadyl phthalocyanine (OVPc4C8) as a new NIR-absorbing discotic liquid crystalline material can form highly ordered thin films with edge-on alignment of the molecules and molecular packing mode identical to that in the phase II of OVPc for solution processed OTFTs with mobility up to 0.017 cm(2) V-1 s(-1).


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A liquid crystalline (LC) copolyether has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-dibromoundecane with a 50/50 (both in %) equal composition of the 7- and 11-methylene monomers [coTPP-7/11(5/5)]. A mono-domain with a homeotropic alignment can be induced by a thin film surface in the LC phase. When an electrostatic field is applied to the surface-induced mono-domains parallel to the thin film surface normal, the molecular alignment undergoes a change from the homeotropic to uniaxial homogeneous arrangement. However, when the field is applied to a direction perpendicular to the thin film surface normal. the molecular alignment is about 10 degrees -tilt with respect to the homeotropic alignment toward the a*-axis. This is because the permanent dipole moment of the copolyether is not right vertical to the molecular direction. The calculation of molecular dipoles indicates that the permanent dipole moment of this copolyether is about 70 degrees away from the molecular axis, which leads to a negative dielectric anisotropy. It is speculated that the 10 degrees- rather than 20 degrees -tilt is due to a balance between the alignment induced by the electrostatic field and the surface. In the electrostatic field, molecules are subjected to a torque tau, which is determined by the permanent dipole moment P and the electrostatic field E: tau = P x E. The molecular realignment in both parallel and perpendicular directions to the thin film surface normal is determined by satisfying the condition of tau = P x E = 0. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A comparative study on alignment performance and microstructure of inorganic layers used for liquid crystal cell conditioning has been carried out. The study has focused on two specific materials, SiOx and SiO2, deposited under different conditions. The purpose was to establish a relationship between layer microstructure and liquid crystal alignment. The surface morphology has been studied by FESEM and AFM. An analysis on liquid crystal alignment, pretilt angle, response time, contrast ratio and the conditions to develop backflow effect (significant rise time increase due to pure homeotropic alignment) on vertically-aligned nematic cells has been carried out. A technique to overcome the presence of backflow has been identified. The full comparative study of SiOx and SiO2 layer properties and their influence over liquid crystal alignment and electrooptic response is presented.


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Micro-banded textures developed from thin films of a main-chain thermotropic liquid crystalline chloro-poly(aryl ether ketone) in the melt were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). selective area electron diffraction, and atomic force microscopy techniques. The micro-banded textures were formed in the copolymer thin films after annealing at temperatures between 320 and 330degreesC, where a highly ordered smectic crystalline phase is formed without mechanical shearing. The micro-banded textures displayed a sinusoidal-like periodicity with a spacing of 150 nm and an amplitude of 2 rim. The long axis of the banded texture was parallel to the b-axis of an orthorhombic unit cell. In the convex regions, the molecular chains exhibited a homeotropic alignment, i.e. the chain direction was parallel to the film normal. In the concave re-ions, the molecular chains possessed a tilted alignment. In addition to the effects of annealing temperatures and times, the thickness of the film played a vital role in the formation of the banded texture. A possible formation mechanism of this banded texture vas also suggested and discussed. It was suggested that the micro-bands were formed during cooling.


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The shear-induced spiral-like morphology of a main-chain thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) is observed and characterized by means of polarizing light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction techniques. The spiral-like texture is formed during shearing in the temperature range of liquid crystalline to isotropic transition (335-340 degreesC), and dispersed discontinuously in the mosaic matrix. Electron diffraction results indicate that the spiral exhibits orthorhombic lateral packing of the crystals and homeotropic alignment of the molecules. The spiral formation process and possible affecting factors are discussed.


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The structural and morphological evolution of mono-domains in thin films has been investigated for a series of liquid crystalline (LC) copolyethers. The copolyethers studied were synthesized by the reaction of 1-(4-hydroxy-4 ' -biphenylyl)-2-(4-hydroxyl-phenyl)propane (TPP) with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-undecane at different compositions (coTPPs-7/11). In contrast to the solution-cast thin films without annealing, which exhibit the isotropic homogeneous molecular orientation, mono-domains with a homeotropic alignment were found in coTPP-7/11(5/5) after the thin films were annealed in the high-temperature columnar phase (Phi '). Similar to the nucleation process in polymer crystallization, transmission electron microscopic observations show that small mono-domains appear in the initial stage of annealing, where molecules form a uniaxial in-plane chain orientation. With increasing annealing time, the molecular orientation gradually became tilted with respect to the substrate surface, and finally, a uniaxial homeotropic molecular orientation was achieved after a prolonged annealing time. The lateral size of mono-domains was found to increase continuously with annealing time and grew into a circular shape, indicating an isotropic lateral growth scheme which implies a hexagonal molecular packing proved by the electron diffraction experiments.


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Discotic molecules comprising a rigid aromatic core and flexible side chains have been promisingly applied in OLEDs as self-organizing organic semiconductors. Due to their potentially high charge carrier mobility along the columns, device performance can be readily improved by proper alignment of columns throughout the bulk. In the present work, the charge mobility was increased by 5 orders of magnitude due to homeotropic columnar ordering induced by the boundary interfaces during thermal annealing in the mesophase. State-of-the-art diodes were fabricated using spin-coated films whose homeotropic alignment with formation of hexagonal germs was observed by polarizing optical microscopy. The photophysical properties showed drastic changes at the mesophase-isotropic transition, which is supported by the gain of order observed by X-ray diffraction. The electrical properties were investigated by modeling the current−voltage characteristics by a space-charge-limited current transport with a field dependent mobility.


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An important property for devices is the charge-carrier mobility values for discotic organic materials like hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes. A close relation exists between the degree of their columnar self-arrangement of the molecules and their mobilities. Within this first step an induction of a higher order via hydrogen-bonding was considered, which mainly pointed towards the improvement of the intracolumnar stacking of the materials. For the analytics a broad range of methods was used including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide-angle X-ray diffractometry (WAXS), solid-state NMR spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Indeed, a specific influence of the hydrogen-bonds could be identified, although in several cases by the cost of a severe reduction of solubility and processability. This effect was dampened by the addition of a long alkyl chain next to the hydrogen-bond exerting functional group, which resulted in an improved columnar arrangement by retention of processability. In contrast to the before mentioned example of inducing a higher intracolumnar order by hydrogen-bonding, the focus was also be set upon larger aromatic systems. The charge-carrier mobility is also in close relation to the size of the aromatic core and larger π-areas are expected to lead to improved mobilities. For photovoltaic applications a high extinction coefficient over a broad range of the spectrum is favorable, which can also be achieved by enlarging the aromatic core component. In addition the stronger π-interactions between the aromatic core components should yield an improved columnar stability and order. However the strengthening of the π-interactions between the aromatic core components led to a reduction of the solubility and the processability due to the stronger aggregation of the molecules. This required the introduction of efficiently solubilizing features in terms of long alkyl chains in the corona of the aromatic entity, in combination of a distortion of the aromatic core moiety by bulky tert-butyl groups. By this approach not only the processing and cleaning of the materials with standard laboratory techniques became possible, but moreover the first structure-rich UV/vis and a resolved 1H-NMR spectra for an aromatic system two times larger than hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene were recorded. The bulk properties in an extruded fiber as well as on the surface showed a columnar self-assembly including a phase in which a homeotropic alignment on a substrate was observed, which turns the material into an interesting candidate for future applications in electronic devices.


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Diskotische Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) als molekulare, definierte graphitische Substrukturen sind bereits seit langem Gegenstand von Untersuchungen zu der Delokalisierung von π-Elektronen. In dieser Arbeit wurden zusätzlich Platin-Komplexe in das periphere Substitutionsmuster von HBC eingeführt. Dies führte zu einer Verbesserung der Emission von dem angeregten Triplett-Zustand in den Singulett-Grundzustand mit einer zusätzlichen Verlängerung der Lebensdauer des angeregten Zustandes. Zusätzlich erlaubte diese Konfiguration ein schnelles Intersystem-Crossing mittels einer verstärkten Spin-Orbit Kopplung, die sowohl bei tiefen Temperaturen, als auch bei Raumtemperatur exklusiv zu Phosphoreszenz (T1→S0) führte. Das Verständniss über solche Prozesse ist auch essentiell für die Entwicklung verbesserter opto-elektronischer Bauteile. Die Erstellung von exakt definierten molekularen Strukturen, die speziell für spezifische Interaktionen hergestellt wurden, machten eine Inkorporation von hydrophoben-hydrophilen, wasserstoffverbrückten oder elektrostatischen funktionalisierten Einheiten notwendig, um damit den supramolekularen Aufbau zu kontrollieren. Mit Imidazolium-Salzen funktionalisierte HBC Derivate wurden zu diesem Zwecke hergestellt. Eine interessante Eigenschaft dieser Moleküle ist ihre Amphiphilie. Dies gestattete die Untersuchung ihrer Eigenschaften in einem polaren Solvens und sowohl der Prozessierbarkeit als auch der Faserbildung auf Siliziumoxid-Trägern. Abhängig vom Lösungsmittel und der gewählten Konditionen konnten hochkristalline Fasern erhalten werden. Durch eine Substitution der HBCs mit langen, sterisch anspruchsvollen Seitenketten, konnte durch eine geeignete Prozessierung eine homöotrope Ausrichtung auf Substraten erreicht werden, was dieses Material interessant für photovoltaische Applikationen macht. Neuartige Polyphenylen-Metall-Komplexe mit diskotischen, linearen und dendritischen Geometrien wurden mittels einer einfachen Reaktion zwischen Co2(CO)8 und Ethinyl-Funktionalitäten in Dichlormethan hergestellt. Nach der Pyrolyse dieser Komplexe ergaben sich unterschiedliche Kohlenstoff-Nanopartikel, inklusive Nanoröhren, graphitischen Nanostäben und Kohlenstoff/Metall Hybrid Komplexe, die durch Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht wurden. Die resultierenden Strukturen waren dabei abhängig von der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Ausgangssubstanzen. Anhand dieser Resultate ergeben sich diverse Möglichkeiten, um den Mechanismus, der zur Herstellung graphitischer Nanopartikel führt, besser zu verstehen.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolymers, poly{2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate}-co-{6-[4-(S-2-methyl-1-butyloxycarbonylphenylazo)phenoxy]hexyl methacrylate} with an azobenzene moiety as photoreactive mesogenic unit, was prepared and investigated by using DSC, polarized optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show that these polymers exhibit smectic phases. Z-type Langmuir-Blodgett films of these copolymers were successfully deposited onto calcium fluoride and quartz. Reversible homeotropic and planar liquid crystal alignments were induced by using the photochromism of the LB films of one of the copolymers containing 20.6 mol % of the azo unit.