1000 resultados para Homem (Geografia)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
From the twentieth century is witnessing a gradual increase in the debates and issues related to the degradation of nature, making the twenty-first century begins under the aegis of speeches linked to this concept as one of the axes of the concerns of humanity. There are several movements that are related to the degrading way of contemporary society and how we are called upon daily to save and defend nature, from the consumption of sustainable products through environmentally friendly lifestyles. While this may appear to be explicit that the current form of metabolic interaction man / nature in the current historical period of capitalism converges in a bleak scenario, however, there is an ideological and peacemaker convergence between productively and the systematic appeal to the consumption. Given these assumptions could be palpable the question that in the course of human history would be ideological conceptions of nature? Being a true statement what is the conflict present in the ideological struggle over nature with regard to the genesis of modern geography? Would it be overt or covert? These questions lead us to the present study, whose goal is to bring some notes about the ideological conceptions of the nature in human history, culminating in the possible influences upon the institutionalization of Modern Geography
pp. 77-102
O conceito de tempo está intrinsecamente relacionado com o desenvolvimento do pensamento humano, nas suas produções humanísticas e científicas. Encontramo-lo já nos textos sagrados das "grandes religiões do Livro", como por exemplo, no "Eclesiastes" do Antigo Testamento. O "tempo da criação", a "cronologia" e a "duração" constituem categorias, tanto das Ciências Formais como das Ciências da Natureza. O tempo na Geografia é também um produto das categorias gerais acima mencionadas. O impacto do tempo na física e na cosmologia reflecte-se na constmção teórica do meio ambiente. Por seu tumo, a reflexão sobre o Homem e o espaço contribuiu para o aprimoramento dessas mesmas teorias gerais. De Eratóstenes a Mercator, a noção de "distância" influenciou, por sua vez, o conceito de duração. A revolução da Teoria da Relatividade veio corroborar as hipóteses dos pré-socráticos e dos autores da filosofia clássica alemã (desde o geógrafo Kant até ao filósofo da história, Hegel).
A informação é um elemento preponderante para a tomada de decisões e quanto mais informação houver, mais ponderada será. SHANNON e WEAVER (1948:379-423) definem informação como "... aquilo que reduz a incerteza...", o que é discutível, já que inúmeras questões se poderão levantar, aumentando as incertezas em relação a outros pontos. BELL (1979:168) definiu informação como "... processamento de dados no seu sentido mais lato...", uma forma mais simples de explicar um conceito que se rodeia de inúmeros significados. Para MASON et ai. (1995:35), o Homem tem que existir para que haja informação, pois ela representa a forma através "... da qual uma mente consegue influenciar outra..."; em parte esta interpretação tem a ver com percepção e com o raciocínio humano. DAVIS e OHLSON (1985:200) definiram-na como "... dados de tal forma coligidos e processados, que se tomam úteis a um receptor, sendo valiosos para a análise de acções ou tomada de decisões..."; estes autores atribuem à informação um valor acrescentado, pois só a consideram como tal, se o seu uso beneficiar o saber e a decisão.
To present research had for study object to understand the social representations of the school geography for the students of the Municipal Schools Lions Prata and Dr. Francisco Brasileiro, located in the neighborhood of Catolé, and in Santa Terezinha District, respectively, in the municipal district of Campina Grande/PB. The objective of that study consisted of identifying, to understand and to analyze those apprehensions in the form as they are communicated and executed at the school and in the society. That search is due to the fact that the constant reproduction of the same ones in the current world context in that we are inserted doesn't to the understanding of the being's complexity and of the knowledge in the educational and social extent. Like this, we considered urgent their dialogues in practice didactic-pedagogic of the geography for ressignificar the geographical knowledge produced in the city. Authors as Moscovici; Jodelet; Bourdieu; Tuan; Foucault; Castoriadis; Morin among others contributed in the reflexive mediation of the imaginary symbolic emitted by the interior speeches of the 281 (two hundred and eighty and a) researched students. Those corresponded to 64,0% (sixty four) integral of the enrolled ones in the two schools of the municipal public system of teaching (INEP, 2005). A qualitative-quantitative survey was used and its answers were categorized by using the statistical description of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Program. The freeassociation of words technique was also used in order to verify some information. The results revealed that the social representations of geography are still grounded in fragmented, content-based, positivistic and functional conceptions of man, society and the world. Manifestation of a traditional and organicistic teaching, this unveiling excludes the historical capacity of the students creative construction of knowledge, as well as a competent and demanding educational mediation
The values attached to natural resources have changed through time because of changes in human needs as well as technological skill. Such changes become clear in the different forms of relationship which are established between man and nature. Man must discover more adequate forms of resources use, of obtaining new supply sources, and of recovering the last equilibrium.-from English summary
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study intends to analyze the regional influences for the language and the characterization of characters of the environment João Guimarães Rosa, stressing the important of language as cultural heritage. The study is based on the concepts of Culture and defended by Region of Cultural Geography, Language as an asset by Iphan, interviews and works of Rosa, and publications related to Rosa's works. Having the definition of place as a center of meaning constructed by experience (Tuan, 1983), and that the region is now seen based on the set of perceptions and lived down from seizures, evaluations, decisions and behaviors collectives (Bezzi, 2004), qualitative research provides grounds of the discussion it’s importance of communication and the same transcript. Through the study of language, characters and actions of the author's own notes to create the environment for the study of behavior, lived and / or imagined in the stories. Based on the literature review has set itself the aim of the study of the language coupled with the behavior of certain individuals of the same group have a cultural identity is recognized and valued as historic and cultural heritage
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We aim to contribute to studies on the restructuring of the city with a focus on consumption. In the context where cities become the main place of action of man, a deep set of transformations has occurred. We are interested in understanding the redefinition of the logical production and appropriation of urban spaces for consumption of materials and services. For the analysis of delimitation of those commercial and service areas was made to compare the reality observed on the ground and indirectly through data acquisition and mapping obtained from the National Address List for Statistical Purposes, with the boundaries established by zoning and / or by municipal director plans of the cities studied, together with the classification of commercial establishments and in accordance with the standards of the National Classification of Economic Activities Services. We believe the importance of analyzing the process of concentration and dispersion of stores and / or services of Londrina (PR), Presidente Prudente (SP) and Ribeirão Preto (SP)...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Tem-se como objetivo discutir as cozinhas regionais (conjunto de saberes-fazeres que englobam ingredientes, técnicas culinárias e receitas que são dispostas em um panorama relativamente coerente, delimitado geograficamente e passível de ser reconhecido como tal) como forma de mediação do homem com o meio, de criação e reforço de identidades, bem como atrativo turístico. Isso se dá na medida em que tais cozinhas são construídas a partir de ingredientes próprios de uma localidade (diretamente influenciados pelas características climáticas e de solo) e de todo um arcabouço cultural relativo ao grupo humano que a pratica e que propõe, inclusive, soluções tecnológicas associadas a mediações simbólicas a partir de seu habitus e estilo de vida (Bourdieu, 1983). A partir de exemplos brasileiros, e valendo-se do aporte teórico-metodológico da geografia cultural, este estudo entende as sociedades humanas como construções culturais (Claval, 2001) e o território dentro da perspectiva da apropriação e valorização simbólica de um grupo sobre o seu espaço (Haesbaert, 2001); utilizando-se ainda dos conceitos de topofilia (Tuan, 1980) e lugar (Tuan, 1983) para a discussão das relações do homem com o meio a partir da construção das cozinhas regionais e de seu uso no contexto turístico.