998 resultados para History of Quebec cinema


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Dans l’historiographie du cinéma québécois, un certain manque est notable concernant le cinéma populaire du début des années 1970 (1968-1975). Historiens et chercheurs accordèrent peu d’importance à cette section de notre cinématographie par déni d’un type de cinéma populaire exploitant la sexualité. Ce qui fut péjorativement appelé la vague de « films de fesses » n’eut droit à aucune étude académique sérieuse et nous proposons, donc, de la revisiter afin de mieux comprendre son apparition et son existence. Dans ce dessein, nous suggérons de l’aborder sous l’angle du cinéma d’exploitation, cinéma populaire méconnu et controversé. Pour cela, nous devrons expliquer les contours de ce cinéma puisque, lui aussi, souffre d’un léger manque d’études sérieuses et approfondies. Nous ferons au premier chapitre un panorama de la norme cinématographique qu’est le cinéma hollywoodien, afin de bien cerner, au deuxième chapitre, le cinéma d’exploitation qui selon nous s’efforce d’être en constante opposition avec le cinéma mainstream. Par la suite, nous mettrons en place le contexte socio-historique et cinématographique qui permit l’apparition d’un cinéma d’exploitation québécois et nous ferons l’énumération des différents titres qui se retrouvent dans ce corpus filmique. Les chapitres IV et V présenteront les analyses de différentes œuvres qui, selon nous, récupèrent de façon partielle ou totale des éléments du cinéma d’exploitation afin de créer une résistance culturelle quant au cinéma dominant américain.


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Cette étude s’intéresse aux écrits portant sur le cinéma québécois qui ont été publiés durant les décennies 1960-70 dans les quatre principales revues de cinéma du Québec, soient Séquences, Objectif, Cinéma/Québec et Champ libre. Cherchant à les comprendre historiquement, elle situe ces publications dans l’évolution de la critique cinématographique au Québec et dans le développement sociopolitique de l’époque. Abordant chacune des revues individuellement, ce texte présente les rédacteurs, le rôle que se donnent les comités de rédaction, ainsi que leur approche du cinéma. Il soulève également les principaux enjeux abordés par chacune d’entre elles et il révèle le discours sur le cinéma québécois qui y est publié. Par la suite, cherchant à établir des constatations sur la critique cinématographique, à partir du corpus étudié, cette étude expose les interactions existant entre ces revues : les raisons derrière leur fondation et les réactions des comités de rédaction lors de l’arrivée de nouvelles concurrentes. En définitive, soulignant les différences et les ressemblances entre les discours sur le cinéma québécois retrouvées dans ces publications, cette étude présente la perception générale de la critique envers la production cinématographique de cette époque.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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At head of title: "First thousand."


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As a Lecturer of Animation History and 3D Computer Animator, I received a copy of Moving Innovation: A History of Computer Animation by Tom Sito with an element of anticipation in the hope that this text would clarify the complex evolution of Computer Graphics (CG). Tom Sito did not disappoint, as this text weaves together the multiple development streams and convergent technologies and techniques throughout history that would ultimately result in modern CG. Universities now have students who have never known a world without computer animation and many students are younger than the first 3D CG animated feature film, Toy Story (1996); this text is ideal for teaching computer animation history and, as I would argue, it also provides a model for engaging young students in the study of animation history in general. This is because Sito places the development of computer animation within the context of its pre-digital ancestry and throughout the text he continues to link the discussion to the broader history of animation, its pioneers, technologies and techniques...


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XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.


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This chapter looks at three films whose Portuguese urban settings offer a privileged ground for the re-evaluation of the classical-modern-postmodern categorisation with regard to cinema. They are The State of Things (Wim Wenders, 1982), Foreign Land (Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas, 1995) and Mysteries of Lisbon (Raúl Ruiz, 2010). In them, the city is the place where characters lose their bearings, names, identities, and where vicious circles, mirrors, replicas and mise-en-abyme bring the vertiginous movement that had characterised the modernist city of 1920s cinema to a halt. Curiously, too, it is the place where so-called postmodern aesthetics finally finds an ideal home in self-ironical tales that expose the film medium’s narrative shortcomings. Intermedial devices, whether Polaroid stills or a cardboard cut-out theatre, are then resorted to in order to turn a larger-than-life reality into framed, manageable narrative miniatures. The scaled-down real, however, turns out to be a disappointing simulacrum, a memory ersatz that unveils the illusory character of cosmopolitan teleology. In my approach, I start by examining the intertwined and transnational genesis of these films that resulted in three correlated visions of the end of history and of storytelling, typical of postmodern aesthetics. I move on to consider intermedia miniaturism as an attempt to stop time within movement, an equation that inevitably brings to mind the Deleuzian movement-time binary, which I revisit in an attempt to disentangle it from the classical-modern opposition. I conclude by proposing reflexive stasis and scale reversal as the common denominator across all modern projects, hence, perhaps, a more advantageous model than modernity to signify artistic and political values.


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This article seeks to re-think the perspective within South Asian studies that speaks of the fixity of home and belonging in the Indian context. Accumulated scholarly wisdom frequently points to the singularity and transparency of ideas of attachment to ‘native places’ and ‘ancestral villages’. Through a consideration of a range of material, the paper explores how specific but far more complex ideas of home and belonging circulate in Indian society. The material analysed includes Hindi travel literature and fictional material, official developmental discourse, PWD reports, scholarly writing, Bollywood cinema, and the rules regarding travel perks for government service.


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This research examines the translation of the visual language of cinema into a spatial experience. An investigation into early moving images reveals the role that amusement parks played in exploring narratives using architectural spaces. The exegesis will address the history of entertainments, in particular the ‘dark ride’, which have an emphasis on narrative over and above effect.

Extensive field research was undertaken including historical sites across the east coast of the US, in search of new approaches to new media. Over twenty key popular entertainments were experienced first-hand, from Coney Island’s legendary ‘Spookarama’, to the earliest dark ride in operation, ‘The Old Mill’ at Kennywood in Pittsburgh.


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ABSTRACTIn The Films of John Hughes: A history of independent screen production in Australia filmmaker and academic John Cumming tells the ongoing story of Hughes’ work illustrating the delicate balance of individual, collective and corporate agendas that many contemporary artists need to negotiate. This story begins in the 1960s with a generation of intelligent, socially engaged young people who challenge established power structures, conventions and stereotypes in art, politics and the media. Experiments were being made with grassroots democracy, with new social formations and new ways of seeing and communicating. The book also pays attention to earlier periods of cultural and political activism that captured Hughes’ imagination in the 1970s and became the subject of a number of his films over a period of nearly forty years. Through these films Cumming traces the outline of post-war film culture and production in Melbourne from the 1940s and sets this history within the context of international trends in independent filmmaking throughout the 20th Century and into the 21st.The work of an independent filmmaker has always included a great deal more than directing films. Working in an artisanal mode, he or she often performs, or has a hand in, every aspect of craft at the same time as engaging in discussion and organisation around the wider sphere of screen culture and industry. In addition to having proficiency as a producer, photographer, sound recordist, editor, distributor and exhibitor of films, there is research, organisation, lobbying, entrepreneurship and mentoring to be done. As an independent producer-director, John Hughes has engaged in all of these activities – often simultaneously. He is also a scholar, writer, organiser, activist and teacher. As a television bureaucrat he was both eminent and innovative, and through his filmmaking he has become a leading historian of Australian documentary cinema. ‘… that view – that art and politics are inherently at odds – is still lurking around. It is at the heart of cultural conservatism; and John Hughes’s film-making, from the 1970s to the present, confounds its proponents. His cinema is at once crowded, detailed, elegant and absolutely lucid; at the same time, it is shot through with political and historical understandings.’ Sylvia Lawson, ‘Such a Bloody Wonderful Place’, Inside Story, 28 April 2013.


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This dissertation employs an eclectic approach to archaeology, in which various theories from culture history, processualism, and post-processualism are used together as aspects of a single approach to archaeological history. This multifocal methodology is discussed, and used to organize and present the archaeological survey results from Ashuanipi, a large lake in the Lake Plateau Region of the Quebec Labrador Peninsula. Questions related to predictive modelling, cultural resources management, boreal forest ecology, landscape change, archaeological theory and practice, and Innu history are raised throughout the process – some of these question are answered, while others are guideposts for future research.