996 resultados para History and identity


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ENGLISH: Howard and Landa (1958) and Barrett and Howard (1961) have studied the life history of the anchoveta in most of the areas where this species occurs in important quantities. The Gulf of Panama was the only area of Panama included in these studies, as this was the only one from which sufficient samples were available. Berdegue (1958) compared certain meristic and morphometric characters of anchovetas from Montijo Bay and nine other areas of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. He found statistically significant differences, and concluded that the fish of the different areas belonged to separate "populations." Fish from Chiriquí province were not included in his study. Since the, completion of the above-mentioned studies, a number of collections of anchovetas from Montijo Bay and Chiriquí province have been obtained. In the present report use is made of this material to determine the salient facts regarding the life history of the anchoveta from these areas and to supplement the available knowledge of the identity of the intraspecific groups. Acknowledgment is extended to Dr. Milner B. Schaefer, formerly Director of Investigations, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (now Director, Institute of Marble Resources, University of California), Mr. Clifford L. Peterson, Assistant Director of Investigations, and Mr. Edward F. Klima (now with the U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries) for advice and assistance rendered to the project. The shrimp-boat samples were collected by Captains Robert Barrett, Stephen Barrett, and Chester McLean. SPANISH: Howard y Landa (1958) y Barrett y Howard (1961) han estudiado la historia natural de la anchoveta en la mayoría de las áreas en donde esta especie aparece en cantidades importantes. El Golfo de Panamá es la única area de Panamá incluida en estos estudios, ya que es la única de la cual hubo suficientes muestras disponibles. Berdegué (1958) camparó ciertos caracteres merístieos y morfométricos de la anehoveta del Golfo de Montijo y otras nueve áreas del Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas e hizo la conclusión de que los peces de las diferentes áreas pertenecían a "poblaciones" separadas. Los peces de la Provincia de Chiriquí no fueron incluidos en su estudio. Desde la terminación de los estudios antes meneionados se obtuvieron varias recolecciones de anchovetas del Golfo de Montijo y de la Provincia de Chiriquí. En el presente informe se usó este material para determinar los hechos sobresalientes referentes a la historia natural de la anchoveta de estas áreas y suplir el conocimiento disponible de la identidadde los grupos intraespecíficos. Se hace extensivo un reconocimiento al Dr. Milner B. Schaefer, antiguo director de investigaciones de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (ahora director del Institute of Marine Resources, University of California), al Sr. Clifford L. Peterson, asistente del director de investigaciones, y al Sr. Edward F. Klima (ahora can el U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries) por su consejo y ayuda prestados en este proyecto. Las muestras de los barcos camaroneros fueron reeolectadas por los capitanes Robert Barrett, Stephen Barrett y Chester McLean


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Through the administration of questionnaires and interviews in six of London’s secondary schools, this case study seeks to investigate Black Britons’ self-concepts and attitudes toward curricular depictions of continental and diasporan Africans and the extent to which the African Union’s (A.U.) Pan-African outreach agenda may be advanced or challenged.


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In this review, the authors interrogate the recent identity turn in literacy studies by asking the following: How do particular views of identity shape how researchers think about literacy and, conversely, how does the view of literacy taken by a researcher shape meanings made about identity? To address this question, the authors review various ways of conceptualizing identity by using five metaphors for identity documented in the identity literature: identity as (1) difference, (2) sense of self/subjectivity, (3) mind or consciousness, (4) narrative, and (5) position. Few literacy studies have acknowledged this range of perspectives on and views for conceptualizing identity and yet, subtle differences in identity theories have widely different implications for how one thinks about both how literacy matters to identity and how identity matters to literacy. The authors offer this review to encourage more theorizing of both literacy and identity as social practices and, most important, of how the two breathe life into each other.


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Co-creative media production practices offer important new modes and opportunities for social participation and engagement. In mid-2009 Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation researchers at QUT adapted a specific model of co-creative media production, known as ‘digital storytelling’ and piloted it as an action research platform for facilitating and researching knowledge production based on intergenerational dialogue and exchange. Nine stories were produced and important insights were generated into this particular use of digital storytelling, as well as the impact of institutional constraints and opportunities on the possibilities and outcomes co-creative media practices and processes.


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Details of a project which fictionalises the oral history of the life of the author's polio-afflicted grandmother Beth Bevan and her experiences at a home for children with disabilities are presented. The speech and language patterns recognised in the first person narration are described, as also the sense of voice and identity communicated through the oral history.


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Since its inception in 1921, a number of successive regimes have sought to politicize Iraq‟s cultural history in order to develop national identity and foster social cohesion across this rich and complex nation. Foremost among these were the Baath party, particularly under the rule of Saddam Hussein, who used much of the nation‟s Oil wealth to undergo an extensive nation-building campaign. However, identity in Iraq is far from monolithic and various factions have long resisted the state sanctioned version of “Iraqi” identity and asserted alternative histories and narratives to underpin their own identity politics. With the invasion of Iraq by Coalition forces in 2003, however, came an unprecedented era of cultural destruction. Following the devastation of the battle phase of the war, there were further attacks on Iraq‟s cultural heritage including everything from the carefully choreographed removal of the giant bronze statue of Saddam in Firdos square, through to military bases set up at sensitive archaeological sites such as the ancient city of Babylon. In addition, Iraqi civilians targeted the cultural history of their nation with wanton looting and arson, as well as systematic attacks on sites of archaeological or ethno-religious significance. More recently, the Shia and Kurdish dominated Iraqi Government have organised the “Committee for Removing Symbols of the Saddam Era” and drew up plans to purge the state of its Sunni dominated past.

This paper argues that the unprecedented scale and magnitude of the destruction of Iraq‟s cultural history has played a part in eroding the various intersecting and overlapping versions of identity politics in Iraq. In turn, this has provided fertile ground for terrorists and sectarians to plant the seeds of their own narrow and deadly ideologies. This has brought about the rise of ethno-religious based violence and seen a series of bloody and protracted conflicts emerge between previously peaceful and compatible factions. In this way, Iraq serves as a powerful case study in furthering academic discussion on the complex inter-relationships between cultural and historical destruction and identity politics, sectarianism, violence and democracy.


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In my thesis, I explore the cultural history of the French Revolution and its relation to the modern era which ensued. Many historians have studied the French Revolution as it relates to culture, the rise of modernity, and fashion. I combine the unique histories of all three of these aspects to reach an understanding of the history of the French Revolution and fashion’s role in bringing about change. In the majority of literature of costume history, discussion of fashion surrounds its reflective properties. Many historians conclude fashion as a reflection of the broader cultural shifts that occurred during the Revolution. I, on the other hand, propose that fashion is an active force in bringing out cultural change during this time. In exploring fashion as a historical motivator, I examine the aesthetic world of fashion from 1740 to 1815, the modern system of cultural dissemination of fashion through particular historical heroes, and the rise of “taste” and its relation to modern identity. Through aesthetics, culture, and identity, I argue that fashion is a decisive force of culture in that it creates a visual world through which ideas form and communicate.