966 resultados para Historiography Teaching Brazilian
El Proceso de Independencia brasileño ocurrido en 1822 ha impuesto a la intelectualidad de la Nación recién Formada la Necesidad de Pensar y Construir su Historia Relación pecado con los designios de Portugal. Dos Espacios concibieron e irradiaron los Conocimientos Acerca de la Historia brasileña: el Colegio de Pedro II (1837) y el Instituto Histórico y Geográfico Brasileño (1838). En ESE contexto Joaquim Manuel de Macedo escribio la obra "Liçoes de Historia do Brasil" (1861) Presentando ONU Método para Enseñar y estudiar la Historia Nacional. Propongo En Esta Reflexión ONU Diálogo con la historiografía didáctica brasileña en el siglo XIX desde la Obra "Liçoes" de Macedo y Tomando Como directriz los Contenidos Relacionados a la Guerra del Paraguay.
El Proceso de Independencia brasileño ocurrido en 1822 ha impuesto a la intelectualidad de la Nación recién Formada la Necesidad de Pensar y Construir su Historia Relación pecado con los designios de Portugal. Dos Espacios concibieron e irradiaron los Conocimientos Acerca de la Historia brasileña: el Colegio de Pedro II (1837) y el Instituto Histórico y Geográfico Brasileño (1838). En ESE contexto Joaquim Manuel de Macedo escribio la obra "Liçoes de Historia do Brasil" (1861) Presentando ONU Método para Enseñar y estudiar la Historia Nacional. Propongo En Esta Reflexión ONU Diálogo con la historiografía didáctica brasileña en el siglo XIX desde la Obra "Liçoes" de Macedo y Tomando Como directriz los Contenidos Relacionados a la Guerra del Paraguay.
El Proceso de Independencia brasileño ocurrido en 1822 ha impuesto a la intelectualidad de la Nación recién Formada la Necesidad de Pensar y Construir su Historia Relación pecado con los designios de Portugal. Dos Espacios concibieron e irradiaron los Conocimientos Acerca de la Historia brasileña: el Colegio de Pedro II (1837) y el Instituto Histórico y Geográfico Brasileño (1838). En ESE contexto Joaquim Manuel de Macedo escribio la obra "Liçoes de Historia do Brasil" (1861) Presentando ONU Método para Enseñar y estudiar la Historia Nacional. Propongo En Esta Reflexión ONU Diálogo con la historiografía didáctica brasileña en el siglo XIX desde la Obra "Liçoes" de Macedo y Tomando Como directriz los Contenidos Relacionados a la Guerra del Paraguay.
A partir da análise das diversas versões de Malhas da Liberdade (1976-2008), obra de Cildo Meireles, o ensaio Cama de gato traça um percurso rizomático por entre as transformações e inflexões das estratégias políticas e de alteridade da produção do artista e, de modo mais amplo, de parte da recente arte brasileira. Atravessando aspectos como a história da arte, a subjetividade, a economia e a história, o ensaio faz uma leitura sobre as metaformoses dos modos de participação ativados e propostos pela prática artística, atentando para suas implicações políticas e ideológicas. Por entre a cama de gato de ideias e interpretações do ensaio estão, ainda, reflexões sobre a historiografia da arte brasileira e seu processo de internacionalização, além de uma preocupação com a relação entre arte, participação, alteridade, topologia, espaço social e democracia
Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Empresariais, especialidade em Gestão
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
In this article, we examine the procedure of Brazilian historiography about the debate between Caio Prado Jr. and the Brazilian Communist Party, especially with regard to the relationships of feudal or semi-feudal nature. The historiography put them on opposite sides, considering the intellectual from Sao Paulo from a positive outlook, while the Communist Party is considered from a negative one. However, although distinct, their interpretations of the history of the Brazil make them close in regards to the question of socialism, in that they postpone it to the remote future. Thus, by adopting the procedure of the opposition between both, the historiography fails to consider what really distinguished them.
We intend with this research to contribute to the contemporary debate pertinent to the history of Brazilian cinema, its historiography and its writing procedures. Thereunto, we sustain the view that the historical interpretation composed by the essays Panorama do Cinema Brasileiro: 1896/1966 (1966) and Cinema: trajetória no subdesenvolvimento (1973) arranged by the critic and historian Paulo Emilio Salles Gomes, due to their epistemological postulates and narrative strategies, constitutes a version about the history of national cinema of expressive discursive efficacy.
This work aims to contribute to theoretical and methodological analysis of writing the history of Brazilian cinema. The object of this study the trilogy of articles in Cinema: the trajectory of underdevelopment regimented, the critic and historian Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes, seeks to understand the process of setting up a web interpretative history of our film based on this work and how to rescue its historicity.
Background: the incidence of perioperative cardiac arrest and mortality in children is higher than in adults. This survey evaluated the incidence, causes, and outcome of perioperative cardiac arrests in a pediatric surgical population in a tertiary teaching hospital between 1996 and 2004.Methods: the incidence of cardiac arrest during anesthesia was identified from an anesthesia database. During the study period, 15 253 anesthetics were performed in children. Data collected included patient demographics, surgical procedures (elective, urgent, or emergency), ASA physical status classification, anesthesia provider information, type of surgery, surgical areas, and outcome. All cardiac arrests were reviewed and grouped by the cause of arrest and death into one of four groups: totally anesthesia-related, partially anesthesia-related, totally surgery-related, or totally child disease or condition-related.Results: There were 35 cardiac arrests (22.9 : 10 000) and 15 deaths (9.8 : 10 000). Major risk factors for cardiac arrest were neonates and children under 1 year of age (P < 0.05) with ASA III or poorer physical status (P < 0.05), in emergency surgery (P < 0.05), and general anesthesia (P < 0.05). Child disease/condition was the major cause of cardiac arrest or death (P < 0.05). There were seven cardiac arrests because of anesthesia (4.58 : 10 000) - four totally (2.62 : 10 000) and three partially related to anesthesia (1.96 : 10 000). There were no anesthesia attributable deaths reported. The main causes of anesthesia attributable cardiac arrest were respiratory events (71.5%) and medication-related events (28.5%).Conclusions: Perioperative cardiac arrests were relatively higher in neonates and infants than in older children with severe underlying disease and during emergency surgery. The fact that all anesthesia attributable cardiac arrests were related to airway management and medication administration is important in prevention strategies.
Background. Little information exists regarding factors influencing perioperative cardiac arrests and their outcome. This survey evaluated the incidence, causes and outcome of perioperative cardiac arrests in a Brazilian tertiary general teaching hospital between April 1996 and March 2005.Methods. The incidence of cardiac arrest during anaesthesia was prospectively identified from an anaesthesia database. There were 53 718 anaesthetics during the study period. Data collected included patient characteristics, surgical procedures (elective, urgent or emergency), ASA physical status classification, anaesthesia provider information, type of surgery, surgical areas and outcome. All cardiac arrests were retrospectively reviewed and grouped by cause of arrest and death into one of four groups: totally anaesthesia related, partially anaesthesia related, totally surgery related or totally patient disease or condition related.Results. One hundred and eighty-six cardiac arrests (34.6:10 000) and 118 deaths (21.97:10 000) were found. Major risk factors for cardiac arrest were neonates, children under 1 yr and the elderly (P < 0.05), male patients with ASA III or poorer physical status (P < 0.05), in emergency surgery (P < 0.05) and under general anaesthesia (P < 0.05). Patient disease/condition was the major cause of cardiac arrest or death (P < 0.05). There were 18 anaesthesia-related cardiac arrests (3.35:10 000)-10 totally attributed (1.86:10 000) and 8 partially related to anaesthesia (1.49:10 000). There were 6 anaesthesia-related deaths (1.12:10 000)-3 totally attributable and 3 partially related to anaesthesia (0.56:10 000 in both cases). The main causes of anaesthesia-related cardiac arrest were respiratory events (55.5%) and medication-related events (44.5%).Conclusions. Perioperative cardiac arrests were relatively higher in neonates, infants, the elderly and in males with severe underlying disease and under emergency surgery. All anaesthesia-related cardiac arrests were related to airway management and medication administration which is important for prevention strategies.
This study aimed at observing aspects of epidemiology in order to investigate the use of alcohol in patients older than 18 with severe and moderate traumatic brain injury, which were attended in the Clinics Hospital of the University of Uberlandia. Positive alcoholemy was found in 39.3% of the patients. of the 33 positive exams alcoholemy was found higher than 60 mg/dL in 28 (84.6%). There was not significant relation between alcoholemy levels and trauma severity. The major prevalence occurred on Saturdays nights. The most frequent types of external causes were transportation accidents (64.74) followed by accidental falls (17.27%) and physical aggression (16.55%). 93.9% of the patients with positive alcoholemy were men aged 20-29. 24.2% of the ones with positive alcoholemy died yet no significant difference was found in the study of the ones with negative alcoholemy (n=51) (p=0.93); RR= 0.9; IC95%=0.40-2.08.
OBJECTIVE: To characterise tuberculosis (TB) teaching in Brazilian nursing schools by state and region and its theoretical and practical contents. METHODOLOGY: In an educational research survey in 2004, 347 nursing schools were identified. Questionnaires were posted to faculties providing training in TB. Data were compiled in a database with a view to descriptive result analysis. Replies to the questionnaire were received by 32% of the nursing schools contacted. RESULTS: Undergraduate TB teaching is heterogeneous. For training in theory, the principle teaching method is through classes in 102 (91.9%) nursing schools. Practical TB teaching is carried out at the primary care level (89.2%). Teachers update their knowledge through events and internet; little reference is made to manuals. The time devoted to practical TB teaching ranges from 10 to 20 hours, although this is not always included in student training. CONCLUSION: Teaching in TB should go beyond the traditional model that focuses only on biological aspects. It should introduce tools that lead to permanent behavioural change, such as a more human approach and social and psychological aspects, such as living conditions, habits and customs. It should involve new partners, such as families, communities and other health professionals, and identify obstacles within the university. © 2006 The Union.