988 resultados para Historical time


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A series of experiments is described, evaluating user recall of visualisations of historical chronology. Such visualisations are widely created but have not hitherto been evaluated. Users were tested on their ability to learn a sequence of historical events presented in a virtual environment (VE) fly-through visualisation, compared with the learning of equivalent material in other formats that are sequential but lack the 3D spatial aspect. Memorability is a particularly important function of visualisation in education. The measures used during evaluation are enumerated and discussed. The majority of the experiments reported compared three conditions, one using a virtual environment visualisation with a significant spatial element, one using a serial on-screen presentation in PowerPoint, and one using serial presentation on paper. Some aspects were trialled with groups having contrasting prior experience of computers, in the UK and Ukraine. Evidence suggests that a more complex environment including animations and sounds or music, intended to engage users and reinforce memorability, were in fact distracting. Findings are reported in relation to the age of the participants, suggesting that children at 11–14 years benefit less from, or are even disadvantaged by, VE visualisations when compared with 7–9 year olds or undergraduates. Finally, results suggest that VE visualisations offering a ‘landscape’ of information are more memorable than those based on a linear model. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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This chapter focuses on the visualisation of historical time, illustrated by key examples from the eighteenth century when the modern timeline was invented. We are fortunate in having not only surviving examples of printed timelines from the period but also explanations written by their makers, revealing the ambitions they had for visualisation. An important divergence is evident, between those who want to use rhetorical visual metaphors to tell a graphical story, and those who prefer to let the data ‘speak for itself’, allowing patterns to emerge from the distribution of data points across a surface. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Historical time and chronological sequence are usually conveyed to pupils via the presentation of semantic information on printed worksheets, events being rote-memorised according to date. We explored the use of virtual environments in which successive historical events were depicted as “places” in time–space, encountered sequentially in a fly-through. Testing was via “Which came first, X or Y?” questions and picture-ordering. University undergraduates experiencing the history of an imaginary planet performed better after a VE than after viewing a “washing line” of sequential images, or captions alone, especially for items in intermediate list positions. However, secondary children 11–14 years remembered no more about successive events in feudal England when they were presented virtually compared with either paper picture or 2-D computer graphic conditions. Primary children 7–9 years learned more about historical sequence after studying a series of paper images, compared with either VE or computer graphic conditions, remembering more in early/intermediate list positions. Reasons for the discrepant results are discussed and future possible uses of VEs in the teaching of chronology assessed. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Heiner Müller in the 1980s produced a sequence of plays featuring Euripides’ heroine Medea using his distinctive, poetic modality of “the theatre of images”. These ostensibly postmodern narratives take the form of disjointed, visual and textual representations that are also fragmentations of historical and mythical times and spaces. Müller’s Medea plays are thus suggestive of the intersection between the discourses of history and myth — and the blending of historical time with ahistorical, supposedly “timeless” mythical narratives. Further, the postmodern possibility of history’s textuality to liquidate it into a type of (modern) mythology seeks expression in the plays’ representation of a converse equation: the moment signaled in the text as that “where myth becomes history”. This paper examines the problematisation of the myth-history dichotomy in Müller’s Medea plays, outlining the ways in which the “timeless” myth of the classical, infanticidal figure of Medea is strategically deployed to politicise evolutionist teleology, Western colonialism and the technologies of war in twentieth century Europe.


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The present study discusses the theme of St. Petersburg-Leningrad in Joseph Brodsky's verse works. The chosen approach to the evolving im-age of the city in Brodsky's poetry is through four metaphors: St. Petersburg as "the common place" of the Petersburg Text, St. Petersburg as "Paradise and/or Hell", St. Petersburg as "a Utopian City" and St. Petersburg as "a Void". This examination of the city-image focusses on the aspects of space and time as basic categories underlying the poet's poetic world view. The method used is close reading, with an emphasis on semantical interpretation. The material consists of eighteen poems dating from 1958 to 1994. Apart from investigating the spatio-temporal features, the study focusses on exposing and analysing the allusions in the scrutinised works to other texts from Russian and Western belles lettres. Terminology (introduced by Bakhtin and Yury Lotman, among others) concerning the poetics of space in literature is employed in the present study. Conceptions originating from the paradigm of possible worlds are also used in elucidating the position of fictional and actual chronotopes and heroes in Brodsky's poetry. Brodsky's image of his native city is imbued with intertextual linkings. Through reminiscences of the "Divine Comedy" and Russian modernists, the city is paralleled with Dante's "lost and accursed" Florence, as well as with the lost St. Petersburg of Mandel'shtam and Akhmatova. His city-image is related to the Petersburg myth in Russian literature through their common themes of death and separation as well as through the merging of actual realia with the fictional worlds of the Petersburg Text. In his later poems, when his view of the city is that of an exiled poet, the city begins to lose its actual world referents, turning into a mental realm which is no longer connected to any particular geographical location or historical time. It is placed outside time. The native city as the homeland in its entirety is replaced by another existence created in language.


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Indigenous peoples with a historical continuity of resource-use practices often possess a broad knowledge base of the behavior of complex ecological systems in their own localities. This knowledge has accumulated through a long series of observations transmitted from generation to generation. Such ''diachronic'' observations can be of great value and complement the ''synchronic''observations on which western science is based. Where indigenous peoples have depended, for long periods of time, on local environments for the provision of a variety of resources, they have developed a stake in conserving, and in some cases, enhancing, biodiversity. They are aware that biological diversity is a crucial factor in generating the ecological services and natural resources on which they depend. Some indigenous groups manipulate the local landscape to augment its heterogeneity, and some have been found to be motivated to restore biodiversity in degraded landscapes. Their practices for the conservation of biodiversity were grounded in a series of rules of thumb which are apparently arrived at through a trial and error process over a long historical time period. This implies that their knowledge base is indefinite and their implementation involves an intimate relationship with the belief system. Such knowledge is difficult for western science to understand. It is vital, however, that the value of the knowledge-practice-belief complex of indigenous peoples relating to conservation of biodiversity is fully recognized if ecosystems and biodiversity are to be managed sustainably. Conserving this knowledge would be most appropriately accomplished through promoting the community-based resource-management systems of indigenous peoples.


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Resumen: La pregunta que guía este trabajo está referida a la posibilidad de extraer algunas perspectivas epistemológicas de la producción de un espacio memorial. Su tema está relacionado con los modos de reelaboración del trauma social. El tiempo histórico al que se refiere es el de la última dictadura cívico-militar (marzo 1976-diciembre 1983). El recorrido de este aporte tiene tres partes. En la primera, se consideran las nociones de cuerpo y narración; la segunda presenta esbozos de respuestas a la pregunta planteada y la tercera, está referida brevemente a dos mujeres europeas y cristianas: Alice Domon (Francia, 1937- Argentina, 1977) y Elisabeth Käsemann (Alemania, 1947- Argentina 1977). Ambas vivieron en América Latina y pueden ser consideradas verdaderos espacios humanitarios de paz.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo es un análisis individual de cada Oración Patriótica enunciada en el título. En cada una de ellas se destaca, como eje de estudio, el lenguaje utilizado y el orden dialéctico que cada personaje propone. El tiempo histórico en que cada uno de los discursos fue pronunciado es también analizado como relación directa a la naturaleza del mensaje. Se busca remarcar además la preeminencia que tuvo el clero criollo como uno de los actores sociales fundamentales del proceso revolucionario.


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499 p. (Bibliogr. 443-474)


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English: Recent calls for a more holistic approach to fisheries management have motivated development of trophic mass-balance models of ecosystems that underlie fisheries production. We developed a model hypothesis of the pelagic ecosystem in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) to gain insight into the relationships among the various species in the system and to explore the ecological implications of alternative methods of harvesting tunas. We represented the biomasses of and fluxes between the principal elements in the ecosystem with Ecopath, and examined the ecosystem's dynamic, time-series behavior with Ecosim. We parameterized the model for 38 species or groups of species, and described the sources, justifications, assumptions, and revisions of our estimates of the various parameters, diet relations, fisheries landings, and fisheries discards in the model. We conducted sensitivity analyses with an intermediate version of the model, for both the Ecopath mass-balance and the dynamic trajectories predicted by Ecosim. The analysis showed that changes in the basic parameters for two components at middle trophic levels, Cephalopods and Auxis spp., exert the greatest influence on the system. When the Cephalopod Q/B and Auxis spp. P/B were altered from their initial values and the model was rebalanced, the trends of the biomass trajectories predicted by Ecosim were not sensitive, but the scaling was sensitive for several components. We described the review process the model was subjected to, which included reviews by the IATTC Purse-seine Bycatch Working Group and by a working group supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. We fitted the model to historical time series of catches per unit of effort and mortality rates for yellowfin and bigeye tunas in simulations that incorporated historical fishing effort and a climate driver to represent the effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation-scale variation on the system. The model was designed to evaluate the possible ecological implications of fishing for tunas in various ways. We recognize that a model cannot possibly represent all the complexity of a pelagic ocean ecosystem, but we believe that the ETP model provides insight into the structure and function of the pelagic ETP. Spanish: Llamamientos recientes hacia un enfoque más holístico al ordenamiento de la pesca han motivado el desarrollo de modelos tróficos de balance de masas de los ecosistemas que sostienen la producción pesquera. Desarrollamos una hipótesis modelo del ecosistema pelágico en el Océano Pacífico oriental tropical (POT) con miras a mejorar los conocimientos de las relaciones entre las distintas especies en el sistema y explorar las implicaciones ecológicas de métodos alternativos de capturar atunes. Con Ecopath representamos las biomasas de los elementos principales en el ecosistema, y los flujos entre los mismos, y con Ecosim examinamos el comportamiento dinámico del ecosistema con el tiempo. Parametrizamos el modelo para 38 especies o grupos de especies (denominados “componentes” del modelo), y describimos las fuentes, justificaciones, supuestos, y revisiones de nuestras estimaciones de los distintos parámetros, relaciones basadas en dieta, capturas retenidas de las pesquerías, y descartes de las mismas en el modelo. Realizamos análisis de sensibilidad con una versión intermedia del modelo, para el balance de masas de Ecopath y las trayectorias dinámicas predichas por Ecosim también. El análisis demostró que cambios en los parámetros básicos para dos componentes en niveles tróficos medianos, Cefalópodos y Auxis spp., ejercieron la mayor influencia sobre el sistema. Cuando se alteraron el Q/B de los Cefalópodos y el P/B de los Auxis spp. de sus valores iniciales y se balanceó el modelo de nuevo, las tendencias de las trayectorias de la biomasa predichas por Ecosim no fueron sensibles, pero la escala fue sensible para varios componentes. Describimos el proceso de revisión al que fue sujeto el modelo, inclusive revisiones por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Captura Incidental de la CIAT y un grupo de trabajo apoyado por el Centro Nacional para Síntesis y Análisis Ecológicos. Ajustamos el modelo a series de tiempo históricas de capturas por unidad de esfuerzo y tasas de mortalidad de atunes aleta amarilla y patudo en simulaciones que incorporaron esfuerzo de pesca histórico e impulsos climáticos para representar el efecto de variaciones a escala de El Niño-Oscilación del Sur sobre el sistema. El modelo fue diseñado para evaluar las posibles implicaciones ecológicas de la pesca atunera de varias formas. Reconocemos la imposibilidad de que el modelo represente toda la complejidad de un ecosistema oceánico pelágico, pero creemos que el modelo del POT mejora los conocimientos de la estructura y función del POT pelágico.


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A partir do final da década de 1960, no mundo e no Brasil, o fenômeno de crítica sociopolítica com arte tem se desenvolvido expressivamente e apresentado um considerável conjunto em termos de quantidade, mas também de qualidade de produções. De meados da década de 1990 até a presente data, esse fenômeno se apresenta de maneira mais acelerada, e em torno de coletivizações artísticas. Tais coletivizações caracterizam-se por desenvolver ainda mais as aproximações entre a arte, o sociopolítico e o cultural, e também por revelar lugares outros para o desenvolvimento de expressões artísticas e de formas variadas de atuação artística no e sobre o espaço público no sentido de subversão e de crítica sobre os sistemas sociais. A presente dissertação observa o desenvolvimento do fenômeno em suas diferentes nuances ao longo do tempo, bem como faz uma análise apreciativa e investigativa sobre algumas obras individuais e de coletivos. Visa apontar e percorrer as diferentes produções artísticas presente e passado aqui elencadas, dado que incorporam uma visada de crítica sociopolítica com arte, o que nos possibilita observar a potência da arte para tratar questões que emergem dos ambientes sociopolítico e cultural; sua reincidência, variedade, conexões e diferenças


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Item translated by Stephen Boyd Davis. This and other translations relate to Boyd Davis's investigation of the history of early modern visualisations of historical time. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), sous la direction de M. Michel Delon.


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La question de recherche « Conserver ou restaurer ? » est le point de départ d’une aventure invitant le lecteur à répondre à qu’est-ce qui oriente nos interventions en matière de conservation du patrimoine bâti. Sachant que ces positions rivales ont toutes une prétention à la vérité, cette thèse fait l’hypothèse d’une médiation entre les deux approches en clarifiant ses différentes interprétations. À partir d'un regard critique de la théorie de Cesare Brandi fondée sur la dialectique historique-artistique de l’œuvre d’art ainsi que d'une réflexion sur la nature fonctionnelle de l’œuvre architecturale, cette thèse démontre qu’il n’y a pas lieu a priori de donner une prédominance à l’une des deux options, ni à établir une échelle de valeurs prédéterminées, mais dévoile un dénominateur commun qui est le temps. Ce dernier ne se restreint pas au passé et au présent, mais implique la puissance destructrice du temps de la nature et le temps historique fondé sur un présent durable riche du passé et ouvert sur l'avenir. Les résultats de la recherche révèlent enfin un dialogue possible entre nos deux alternatives, en proposant une éthique disciplinaire axée sur la dialectique du temps. Savoir « quand conserver ou quand restaurer » demande la reconnaissance de ce que l’on retient de plus significatif à travers l’existence de l’œuvre. Situer cette signification dans un passé révolu désigne l’œuvre comme témoignage d’un temps passé, en lui reconnaissant sa fonction mémorielle ou remémorative ; d’où l’approche à prédominance conservative visant à faire reculer la puissance destructrice du temps de la nature et à préserver le témoignage matériel de la dégradation. Au contraire, situer cette signification dans un présent vivant, c’est reconnaître sa vocation identitaire destinée à la représentation d’une culture ; d’où l’approche à prédominance restaurative (ré-intégrative) fondée sur le temps historique, d’un présent durable riche du passé et ouvert sur l'avenir visant à en révéler le sens. En bref, en ce qui concerne tout le patrimoine bâti, on ne peut parler que d’une dialectique fondamentale issue de la nature même de ces œuvres, à interpréter sous leur fonction mémorielle et leur vocation identitaire. Par conséquent, conserver ou restaurer devraient être réinterprétés par préserver la mémoire ou révéler l’identité. Ainsi, la conservation et la restauration ne doivent plus être entendues comme deux options antagonistes, mais comme deux modalités d’interprétation au service de la médiation de l’œuvre architecturale à travers le temps.