880 resultados para Historic buildings -- Colorado
Following automation of lighthouses around the coastline of Ireland, reports of accelerated deterioration of interior granite stonework have increased significantly with an associated deterioration in the historic structure and rise in related maintenance costs. Decay of granite stone- work primarily occurs through granular disintegration with the effective grusification of granite surfaces. A decay gradient exists within the towers whereby the condition of granite in the lower levels is much worse than elsewhere. The lower tower levels are also regions with highest rela- tive humidity values and greatest salt concentrations. Data indicate that post-automation decay may have been trig- gered by a change in micro-environmental conditions within the towers associated with increased episodes of condensation on stone surfaces. This in turn appears to have facilitated deposition and accumulation of hygro- scopic salts (e.g. NaCl) giving rise to widespread evidence of deliquescence in the lower tower levels. Evidence indicates that the main factors contributing to accelerated deterioration of interior granite stonework are changes in micro-environmental conditions, salt weathering, chemical weathering through the corrosive effect of strongly alkaline conditions on alumino-silicate minerals within the granite and finally, the mica-rich characteristics of the granite itself which increases its structural and chemical susceptibility to subaerial weathering processes by creating points of weakness within the granite. This case study demonstrates how seemingly minor changes in micro-environmental conditions can unintentionally trigger the rapid and extensive deterioration of a previously stable rock type and threaten the long-term future of nationally iconic opera- tional historic structures.
The use of stone and its types of processing have been very important in the vernacular architecture of the cross-border Carso. In Carso this represents an important legacy of centuries and has a uniform typological characteristic to a great extent. The stone was the main constituent of the local architecture, setting and shaping the human environment, incorporating the history of places through their specific symbolic and constructive language. The primary aim of this research is the recognition of the constructive rules and the values embedded in the Carso rural architecture by use and processing of stone. Central to this investigation is the typological reading, aimed to analyze the constructive language expressed by this legacy, through the analysis of the relationship between type, technique and material.
Consecrated in 1297 as the monastery church of the four years earlier founded St. Catherine’s monastery, the Gothic Church of St. Catherine was largely destroyed in a devastating bombing raid on January 2nd 1945. To counteract the process of disintegration, the departments of geo-information and lower monument protection authority of the City of Nuremburg decided to getting done a three dimensional building model of the Church of St. Catherine’s. A heterogeneous set of data was used for preparation of a parametric architectural model. In effect the modeling of historic buildings can profit from the so called BIM method (Building Information Modeling), as the necessary structuring of the basic data renders it into very sustainable information. The resulting model is perfectly suited to deliver a vivid impression of the interior and exterior of this former mendicant orders’ church to present observers.
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Item 1064-A.
Shipping list no.: 97-0065-P.
Shipping list no.: 97-0056-P.
"July 1958."
Shipping list no.: 94-0326-P.
La envolvente de la edificación es la responsable de equilibrar el intercambio energético entre el interior y el exterior, por lo tanto cualquier actuación encaminada a la reducción del consumo energético ha de establecer, como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios, la mejora del comportamiento de la misma. Las edificaciones anteriores a 1940 constituyen la mayor parte de las existentes en áreas rurales y centros urbanos. En ellas, la repercusión de la fachada sobre las transmitancias globales pone de manifiesto la necesidad de intervención. Sin embargo, su elevada inercia térmica y los importantes saltos térmicos característicos de gran parte de España plantean la importancia de que aquélla se efectúe por el exterior. A tal respecto, la falta de disponibilidad de espesor suficiente para implantar sistemas tipo SATE deriva en que, frecuentemente, la única solución viable sea la de aislar por el interior perdiendo con ello la capacidad de acumulación térmica del muro y con el asociado riesgo de condensaciones. La amplia tradición en el empleo de revestimientos, especialmente en base de cal, permiten que éstos sean utilizados no sólo como elemento estético o de protección de la obra de fábrica antigua sino también para la mejora del comportamiento térmico del soporte, si se aprovecha el mecanismo de transmisión térmica por radiación. Éste es el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral en la que se estudia la modificación de las propiedades radiantes de los morteros de revestimiento para la mejora de la eficiencia energética de las construcciones históricas, principalmente las constituidas por muros monolíticos, aunque podría ser de aplicación a otro tipo de construcciones compuestas por diversas capas. Como punto de partida, se estudió y revisó la documentación disponible sobre las investigaciones de las tres áreas científico-tecnológicas que convergen en la Tesis Doctoral: rehabilitación, material y comportamiento térmico, a partir de lo cual se comprobó la inexistencia de estudios similares al objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral. Complementariamente, se analizaron los revestimientos en lo concerniente a los materiales que los constituyen, la composición de las mezclas y características de cada una de las capas así como al enfoque que, desde el punto de vista térmico, se estimaba más adecuado para la obtención de los objetivos propuestos. Basándonos en dichos análisis, se preseleccionaron ochenta materiales que fueron ensayados en términos de reflectancia y emisividad para elegir cuatro con los que se continuó la investigación. Éstos, junto con la cal elegida para la investigación y el árido marmóreo característico de la última capa de revestimiento, fueron caracterizados térmicamente, de forma pormenorizada, así como química y físicamente. Los fundamentos teóricos y los estudios preliminares desarrollados con distintos materiales, en estado fresco y endurecido, fueron empleados en la dosificación de componentes de las mezclas, en dos proporciones distintas, para el estudio del efecto del agregado. Éstas se ensayaron en estado fresco, para comprobar su adecuación de puesta en obra y prever su VI adherencia al soporte, así como en estado endurecido a 28 y 90 días de curado, para conocer las propiedades que permitieran prever su compatibilidad con aquél y estimar el alcance de la reducción de transferencias térmicas lograda. Además, se estudiaron las características generales de las mezclas que sirvieron para establecer correlaciones entre distintas propiedades y entender los resultados mecánicos, físicos (comportamiento frente al agua) y energéticos. Del estudio conjunto de las distintas propiedades analizadas se propusieron dos mezclas, una blanca y otra coloreada, cuyas características permiten garantizar la compatibilidad con la obra de fábrica antigua, desde el punto de vista físico y mecánico, y preservar la autenticidad de los revestimientos, en cuanto a la técnica de aplicación tradicional en sistemas multicapa. El comportamiento térmico de las mismas, sobre una obra de fábrica de 40 cm de espesor, se estimó, en estado estacionario y pseudo-transitorio, demostrándose reducciones del flujo térmico entre 16-48%, en condiciones de verano, y entre el 6-11%, en invierno, en función de la coloración y de la rugosidad de la superficie, en comparación con el empleo de la mezcla tradicional. Por lo que, se constata la viabilidad de los materiales compuestos propuestos y su adecuación al objetivo de la investigación. VII ABSTRACT The envelope is responsible for balancing the energy exchange between the inside and outside in buildings. For this reason, any action aimed at reducing energy consumption must establish, as one of its key priorities, its improvement. In rural areas and urban centers, most of the constructions were built before 1940. In them, the impact of the façade on the global transmittance highlights the need for intervention. However, its high thermal inertia and fluctuation of temperatures in the majority of Spain bring up that it should be placed outside the insulation. In this regard, the lack of availability of enough thickness to implement systems such as ETICS results in that often the only viable solution is to isolate the interior, losing thereby the wall’s heat storage capacity with the associated risk of condensation. The tradition in the use of renders, especially lime-based, allows us to use them not only as an aesthetic element or to protect the ancient masonry, but also for improved thermal performance of the support by taking advantage of the heat transfer mechanism by radiation. This is the aim of this Doctoral Thesis in which the modification of the radiative properties of lime mortars for renders to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings, mainly composed of monolithic walls, is studied, although it could be applied to other structures composed of several layers. As a starting point, the available literature in the three scientific-technological areas that converge at the Doctoral Thesis: rehabilitation, material and thermal behaviour, was reviewed, and confirmed the absence of researches similar to this Doctoral Thesis. Additionally, the renders were studied with regard to the materials that constitute them, the composition of the mixtures and the characteristics of each layer, as well as to the approach which, from a thermal point of view, was deemed the most suitable for achieving the objectives sets. Based on thre aforementioned analysis, eighty materials tested in terms of reflectance and emissivity were pre-selected, to choose four with which the research was continued. Common marble sand, used in the last layer of the renders, together with the appointed materials and hydrated lime were characterized thermally, in detail, as well as chemically and physically. The theoretical bases and preliminary studies with different materials, in fresh and hardened state, were used in the dosage of the composition of the mixtures. In order to study their effect they were used in two different proportions, that is, ten mixtures in total. These were tested in their fresh state to evaluate their setting-up suitability and foresee their adhesion to the support, as well as in their hardened state, at 28 and 90 days of curing, to establish the properties which enabled us to anticipate their compatibility with the old masonry walls and estimate the scope of the reduction of heat transfers achieved. In addition, the general characteristics of the mixtures used to establish correlations and to understand the mechanical, physical and energy results were studied. Two mixtures, one white and one colored, were proposed as the result of the different properties analysed, whose characteristics allow the guarantee of mechanical and physical compatibility VIII with the old masonry and preserve the authenticity of the renders. The thermal behavior of both, applied on a masonry wall 40 cm thick, was estimated at a steady and pseudo-transient state, with heat flow reductions between 16-48% during summertime and 6-11% during wintertime, depending on the color and surface roughness, compared to the use of the traditional mixture. So, the viability of the proposed composite materials and their fitness to the aim of the research are established.
Background The improvement of energy efficiency in buildings is widely promoted as a measure to mitigate climate change through the reduction of CO2 emissions. Thermal regulations worldwide promote it, for both new and existing buildings. Among the existing stock, traditional and historic buildings pose the additional challenge of heritage conservation. Their energy efficiency upgrade raises the risk of provoking negative impacts on their significance. Aims and Methodology This research used an approach based on impact assessment methodologies, defining an inital baseline scenario for both heritage and energy, from which the appropriate improvement solutions were identified and assessed. The measures were dynamically simulated and the results for energy, CO2, cost and comfort compared with the initial scenario, and then being further assessed for their heritage impact to eventually determine the most feasible solutions. To test this method, ten case studies, representative of the identified typological variants, were selected among Oporto’s traditional buildings located in the World Heritage Site. Findings and Conclusions The fieldwork data revealed that the energy consumption of these dwellings was below the European average. Additionally, the households expressed that their home comfort sensation was overall positive. The simulations showed that the introduction of insulation and solar thermal panels were ineffective on these cases in terms of energy, cost and comfort. At the same time, these measures pose a great risk to the buildings heritage value. The most efficient solutions were obtained from behavioural changes and DHW retrofit. The study reinforced the idea that traditional buildings performed better than expected and can be retrofitted and updated at a low-cost and with passive solutions. The use of insulation and solar panels should be disregarded.