954 resultados para História local - Brasil
This Researchis about history education and is directed toward the understanding of teacher practices in schools of the basic education in Ceará-Mirim, a city located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Its purpose is to understand the approaching forms of local history in 5ª to 8ª grade classrooms in the light of the recent innovations in the fields of the historiografy and education. The study was done with a view of investigating local history is being taught by teachers, as well as reflecting on the necessary conditions to the accomplishment of a teaching whose know how to make possible to break, on the one hand, with the limits of the narrow `local view`, and, on the other hand, with the globalized view, negating the local particularitities and especifications. Such questions had emerged as the understanding of what local history contents can constitute in a significant component in the production of school historical knowledge in 5ª to 8ª grade classrooms. History education is analyzed, considering the depositions of three teachers of Ceará-Mirim in reagard to its historiography conceptions and history as a school subject. This inquiry is of a qualitative nature and had as a main strategy of data construction from the interviews with the teachers. The analysis indicates the permanence of teacher practices who, even though presenting innovations, bring an implicit value hierarchy where the place or thematic places are not contemplated in the school contents or appear overwhelmed by general history and the Brazilian history, configuring itself as a hierarchical relation to problematic historical ones. Thus the necessity of having historical school knowledge, that considers the local especifications, without, however, ignoring the articulations with other spatial dimensions
The history of historiography in recent decades has the breathing space needed in the concerns of historians and has been transformed into a research field with its own issues. Uploaded this in perspective, this paper aims to understand how aspects of the theory of history and methodology have been addressed by Afonso de Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958). We selected the letters exchanged by the author, the speeches of acceptance at the ABL, some articles and books produced by Taunay in the 1930s. In the first decades of the twentieth century, when it sought to define the historiography and its limits in both the literature and social science sources, the subjectivity is presented as the final decision making of the author, especially those related to the new site production Taunay, the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Esta dissertação trata daqueles que são considerados os principais compêndios didáticos de História do Brasil do século XIX. A construção do Estado Imperial provocou significativas mudanças nas vidas de muitos componentes da "boa sociedade", dentre eles os próprios dirigentes imperiais. Uma destas vidas foi a de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo - professor do principal colégio do Império, autor dos mais importantes compêndios de História do Brasil do século XIX e divulgador de um método de ensino adotado por inúmeras gerações de professores. Lições de História do Brasil para uso dos alunos do Imperial Colégio de Pedro 11 e Lições de História do Brasil para uso das escolas de Instrução Primária - obras de perfil conservador, elas fixaram para sucessivas gerações de "boa sociedade" imperial conteúdos, métodos, valores e imagens de uma História do Brasil que cumpria o papel de não apenas legitimar a ordem imperial, mas também e sobretudo de pôr em destaque o lugar do Império do Brasil no conjunto das "Nações Civilizadas" e o lugar da "boa sociedade" no conjunto da sociedade imperial, permitindo, assim, a construção de uma identidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
The chronicles of Machado de Assis can be read as a historical document or a literary work. Characterized as a hybrid genre, the chronicle allows several readings and interpretations, but it’s always connected at the time and at the production’s context. The aim of this article is to averiguate how Machado de Assis commented the importants subjects of his time, mixing the french classic theater and the brazilian’s history.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)