1000 resultados para Història medieval -- Revistes


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We would like to introduce our group of research, [CONTRA TAEDIUM], created by professionals from different fields, that have contributed in this article. Our purpose is to expose our reflections based on our own experiences, not only in research, but also in teaching. We propose new forms of writing history in order to understand the dairy life of the women and men of the past, from birth to death. We would like to point out that interacting all types of sources is essential to understand our history. But, what really makes sense is to bring our students in the historical methodology and involve them in their education. Moreover, it is necessary to design new teaching materials using the new technologies, although it requires team-work and a great, but satisfying, effort


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In the history of food shortages and subsistence crises which affected the Catalan counties during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the famine of 1129-1131 deserves special mention. Originating in the war of 1128 involving the Empordà and neighboring counties, this famine affected the city of Barcelona and other points of Catalonia (Winter, 1131) and created conditions for the spread of a deadly epidemic (July 1130 -January 1132).


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Dissertação de Mestrado em História Medieval


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História Medieval


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Dissertação de mestrado em História, especialização em História Medieval


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Aquest article presenta els resultats d'una enquesta Delphi internacional i interdisciplinària sobre el desenvolupament futur de les revistes electròniques. El quadre d'experts constà de 45 científics, editors, bibliotecaris, agents de revistes i consultors. L'enquesta cobria cinc àrees d'interès sobre revistes electròniques: el futur rol de la literatura erudita en suport revista, escenaris per a les revistes del futur; crisi en les publicacions en sèrie; arxiu de revistes electròniques i nous models en l'adquisició i l'accés. L'enquesta Delphi va estudiar els canvis esperats durant els propers cinc a deu anys. Els resultats són analitzats i indiquen que, durant els seus 300 anys d'història, les revistes mai no han afrontat tants de canvis com els que experimenten ara, o els que s'esperen durant els propers cinc a deu anys.


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La pràctica consisteix a crear una pàgina web monogràfica sobre Bernat I -Unifred, que va exercir les funcions comtals a la Ribagorça (920 -950) i va generar al voltant de la seva figura la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça, entre d'altres. Dins aquest context, es vol relacionar la història amb la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça.


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The medieval deserted village of St. Lloreng, a fortified place in the west lands of Catalonia, in Lleida, near Aragon, is studied from its origins in 11th. century unti1 14th.C. The growth and evolution of population during this time is shown by the houses, placed between the castle and the church, some so simply with only one room, some wider. The authors don't know why the village became deserted, but they indicate the possible move of the population into the limits of the Ager valley.


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A partir de la necessitat de conèixer les bases del propi present i d'assolir puntals on arrelar els discursos de futur, ara i adés les diferents col·lectivitats es remeten als orígens, "l'obsessió pels orígens" deia Marc Bloch. I aquests, en una Europa que parla de l'Edat Mitjana com la infantesa de la pròpia identitat, s'aboquen a una època medieval on conflueixen -en el que des de la llunyania de la nostra quotidianitat pot semblar una amalgama poc destriada- tant les realitats gresoladores dels actuals signes d'identitat culrurals, socials i lingüístics, com les projeccions que delerosament hi cerquen les justificacions del present i els condicionants del furur. Així doncs, convé apamar bé l'espai físic i conceptual per definir adientment la realitat existent en aquells moments que han alimentat les arrels d'identitats que, travessant diferents estímuls al llarg de la història, han menat fins als nostres dies.


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This is the description of the birth, development and transformations of a small rural community in carolingian epoch through the written documentation and the analysis of the landscape.


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To make maps to know history: contributions from the cartography to the study of the early middle ages. The accomplishment of maps can allow us to know many aspects that documents written do not allow us to have knowledge. This paper focuses on the boundaries of the townships or the parishes, on the routes and ways, and on the place names or on the invocations of the churches, in order to get to know like it was the territory in the early medieval centuries. One reaches the conclusion that often the limits, the ways and the settlements were created at early middle ages. This study allows to raise the ruptures and the continuities that took place throughout these centuries in the settlement.


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In this research from the late medieval period, we want to analyze diferent aspects related to funerary world through Brunissèn d’Alentorn’s will. The document is compared with other wills from Lleida’s area that acquire knowledge to these customs, for instance, the draps d’or’s uses. These were provided of deceased’ heraldry, and were comissioned to cover the tomb. Also, in Lleida’s case, they were used to decorate the ancient cathedral’s presbitery during the main festivities, and the patrons’ wedding bed. Artistic patronage, social prestige, family arms ostentation, pomp and devotion are other aspects that would be emphasized in this tour, just as the private devotions in the chapels and altars that were founded regarding this topic.