994 resultados para Hispanic Latin hagiography


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[ES] El autor examina el motivo de la presencia del diablo en la hagiografía latina de la Hispania visigótica y medieval, centrándose para ello en la 'Vita Emiliani' de Braulio de Zaragoza, en la 'Replicatio sermonum aprima conversione' de Valerio de Bierzo y en la 'Vita Martini Legionensis' de Lucas de Tuy. Y, en apéndice final, se estudian las locuciones y términos latinos mediante los cuales Braulio de Zaragoza designa al diablo.


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[EN] What is Braulio asking from Eugenius in this passage: that he requires a Mass to be celebrated (where?) in honour of San Millán, or that Eugenius himself writes the Mass, or, simply, some parts or prayers for it? Firstly, translations and interpretations provided by scholars to date are checked and criticized; then an interpretation of the passage is proposed, being based on textual criticism approaches, on the work context and on the cultural environment in which this work takes place.


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[ES] En este trabajo se pretende realizar un estudio histórico-filológico de algunos puntos centrales de 'Vita Emiliani' y que responden a las preguntas siguientes: ¿Por qué Braulio de Zaragoza, uno de los obispos más importantes de la Hispania visigótica, escribe la vida de San Millán, un eremita, un santo un tanto singular, con asomos polémicos y aristas molestas? ¿Qué vinculación tenía la familia altoeclesiástica de Braulio con el centro monástico de San Millán? ¿Por qué se eligio a Braulio para escribir la 'Vita'? ¿cCómo reaccionó Braulio ante esa solicitud? ¿Pretendió Braulio dibujar un santo nacional para la Hispania visigótica? ¿Quería Braulio hacer de Millán un modelo ortodoxo frente a los arrianos y/o priscilianistas? ¿Se escribió 'Vita Emiliani' con una finalidad y textura apologética? ¿Nació 'V. Em.' para una función y uso litúrgico? ¿Qué clase de público leería 'V. Em.'? Además, en los dos primeros puntos del trabajo se intenta precisar la fecha de composición de 'V. Em.' mediante la discusión de los datos pertinentes, y se da un sucinto panorama de la historia de su autoría.


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[EN] We try to prove, with arguments taken from the texts, that the person named "Fruinianus", to whom Braulio de Saragossa addresses his letters XIII and XIV in his epistolary, is the same Frunimianus as the one from the introductory letter to 'Vita Emiliani', that is, Braulio's brother.


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Coordinador de las actas: Maurilio Pérez González


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Ejemplar dedicado a: Hagiografía y archivos de la Iglesia santoral hispano-mozárabe en las Diócesis de España. Actas del XVIII Congreso de la Asociación celebrado en Orense (1ª parte) (9 al 13 de septiembre de 2002).


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This dissertation offers a novel approach to Hispanic Orientalism, developing a dynamic paradigm from its origins in medieval and Renaissance Iberia during the process of the Christian Reconquest, to its transatlantic migration and establishment in the early years of the Colony, from where it changed in late colonial and post-Independence Latin America, and onto modernity. ^ The study argues that Hispanic Orientalism does not necessarily imply a negative depiction of the Other, a quality associated with the traditional critique of Saidian Orientalism. Neither, does it entirely comply with the positivist approach suggested in the theoretical research of Said’s opponents, like Julia Kushigian. This dissertation also argues that sociopolitical changes and the shift in the discourse of powers, from imperial to non-imperial, had a significant impact of the development of Hispanic Orientalism, shaping the relationship with the Other. The methodology involves close reading of representative texts depicting the interactions of the dominant and dominated societies from each of the four historic periods that coincided with significant sociopolitical transformations in Hispanic society. Through an intercultural approach to literary studies, social history, and religious studies, this project develops an original paradigm of Hispanic Orientalism, derived from the image of the reinvented Semitic Other portrayed in the literary works depicting the relationship between the hegemonic and the subaltern cultures during the Reconquest period in Spain. Then, it traces the turn of the original paradigm towards reinterpretation during its transatlantic migration to Latin America through the analysis of the chronicles and travelogs of the first colonizers and explorers. During the transitional late colonial and early Independence periods Latin America sees a significant change in the discourse of powers, and Hispanic Orientalism reflects this oscillation between the past and the present therough the works of the Latin American authors from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Finally, once the non-imperial discourse of power established itself in the former Colony, a new modern stage in the development of Hispanic Orientalist paradigm takes place. It is marked by the desire to differentiate itself from the O(o)thers, as manifested in the works of the representatives of Modernism and the Boom.^


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This dissertation offers a novel approach to Hispanic Orientalism, developing a dynamic paradigm from its origins in medieval and Renaissance Iberia during the process of the Christian Reconquest, to its transatlantic migration and establishment in the early years of the Colony, from where it changed in late colonial and post-Independence Latin America, and onto modernity. The study argues that Hispanic Orientalism does not necessarily imply a negative depiction of the Other, a quality associated with the traditional critique of Saidian Orientalism. Neither, does it entirely comply with the positivist approach suggested in the theoretical research of Said’s opponents, like Julia Kushigian. This dissertation also argues that sociopolitical changes and the shift in the discourse of powers, from imperial to non-imperial, had a significant impact of the development of Hispanic Orientalism, shaping the relationship with the Other. The methodology involves close reading of representative texts depicting the interactions of the dominant and dominated societies from each of the four historic periods that coincided with significant sociopolitical transformations in Hispanic society. Through an intercultural approach to literary studies, social history, and religious studies, this project develops an original paradigm of Hispanic Orientalism, derived from the image of the reinvented Semitic Other portrayed in the literary works depicting the relationship between the hegemonic and the subaltern cultures during the Reconquest period in Spain. Then, it traces the turn of the original paradigm towards reinterpretation during its transatlantic migration to Latin America through the analysis of the chronicles and travelogs of the first colonizers and explorers. During the transitional late colonial and early Independence periods Latin America sees a significant change in the discourse of powers, and Hispanic Orientalism reflects this oscillation between the past and the present therough the works of the Latin American authors from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Finally, once the non-imperial discourse of power established itself in the former Colony, a new modern stage in the development of Hispanic Orientalist paradigm takes place. It is marked by the desire to differentiate itself from the O(o)thers, as manifested in the works of the representatives of Modernism and the Boom.