11 resultados para Hipotese


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Molecular e Genética). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências,2014


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Esse trabalho se propôs a estudar a comunicação e informação para o controle social no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os objetos empíricos desse estudo foram os Conselhos de saúde de dois municípios de pequeno porte, situados na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG: Brumadinho e Sarzedo. Partindo do pressuposto de que qualquer forma de controle social se faz com práticas comunicacionais e informacionais, objetivou-se analisar até que ponto há um uso efetivo da comunicação e informação para o controle social: seja no interior dos conselhos na sua prática cotidiana ou, externamente, na comunicação com a sociedade. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se o método de análise documental, entrevista com conselheiros de saúde e observação participante. Na análise documental, foram analisados relatórios de conferências de saúde, atas e pautas das reuniões dos conselhos de saúde, com temas que se relacionavam com comunicação e informação para o controle social A entrevista com conselheiros foi realizada a partir de questionario semiestruturado a fim de obter informacoes sobre a percepcao dos conselheiros sobre o tema \comunicacao e informacao para exercicio do controle social no SUS.. A observacao participante permitiu verificar como ocorrem as relacoes comunicacionais nos espacos das reunioes dos conselhos. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram a nossa hipotese, de que ha poucos investimentos informacionais e comunicacionais nos conselhos de saude e isso dificulta e compromete a participacao dos conselheiros. A falta de dialogo do conselho com a sociedade acarreta o desconhecimento sobre as suas acoes e isso atribui um grau de pouca importancia do orgao pela populacao


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Por conta das manifestações no Brasil, a presidente da República Dilma Rousseff propôs nesta segundafeira (24) cinco compromissos: responsabilidade fiscal, reforma política, melhoria da saúde, do transporte e da educação. Segundo o professor Marco Aurelio Ruediguer, da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da FGV, Dilma tenta retomar o protagonismo do processo ao mostrar que está ouvindo o que os manifestantes estão dizendo e que tem uma agenda positiva a respeito da série de questões abordadas. “A presidente, em algum momento, percebeu que essa agenda estava sendo posta independentemente dos grandes atores políticos envolvidos no processo. A questão-chave por trás das manifestações é o eleitor comum olhar e falar: ‘eu quero que as instituições do Brasil continuem funcionando, mas quero que funcionem para valer e não pela metade’. Então, ela percebe isso e tenta reproduzir uma agenda que tenha eco nas ruas”, analisa Ruediger


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This doctorate thesis concerning on the Characterization of the Environmental Dynamics of the Coastal Area of the Municipal district of Galinhos, Septentrional Coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, is located in the influence area of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, having as general objective the understanding of the active coastal dynamics in the region of Galinhos, whose specific objectives were: To study the variation of the coast line in the decades of 1954, 1967,1988, 1996, 2000, from remote sensing products; To elucidate the hypothesis of the region of Galinhos to have been an old system of islands barriers, using as basic tool the penetration radar in the soil - GPR; To monitor and to characterize the coastal dynamics of the study area starting from monthly data of beach profiles, sedimentological analysis, hydrodynamic data and environmental characterization data; which were used to feed the database of the N-NE network of Environmental Monitoring of Areas under Influence of the Petroliferous Industry;(REDE05/FINEP/CNPq/CTPETRO/ PETROBRAS). This research is justified, of the environmental point of view, by involving the mangrove ecosystem considered one of the most delicated environments of the State. From the viewpoint of the petroleum exploration, the systems of islands barriers are favorable for hydrocarbons reservoirs and, consequently important targets to the oil and gas industry, becoming this region attractive in comparison with similar lithified environments. With the results of the variability study in the position of the coast line in the Municipal district of Galinhos/RN from the analysis of remote sensing images, it was possible to investigate the changes in the coast line in temporal scale; the use of directional filters allowed to emphasize linings in the direction NE and to identify submerged features such as sandwaves. The use of GPR enabled the confirmation of paleochannels existence and thus confirmed the hypothesis that the Galinhos spit was formed from an old system of islands barriers. The results of the granulometric analyses indicated that in the summer period the sediments in the profiles A and B in the foreshore portion were classified with the granulometry of sand with scattered gravel and in the shoreface were constituted by sand, but in the winter period these same morphologic compartments were constituted by sand with sparse gravel and siltic sand respectively. In the profile C, in the summer and in the winter, the shoreface and foreshore compartments presented predominantly constituted by sand with sparse gravel. The hydrodynamic results showed that the largest wave heights were registered in the month of February (62 cm) and the highest period of 1,00 m/s in the month of May, the sense of the coastal currents was kept among the quadrants SW and NW, and the winds coming from NE were predominant. The analysis of the beach profiles demonstrated that in the profile A, although it had occurred erosion and deposition during the monitored months, the morphology of the referred profile was kept constant. In the profiles B and C, there were abrupt changes in the morphology, during the monitored months, having been identified a cyclic pattern in the features of the foreshore zone sometimes forming longitudinal sandy bars and in other times forming berm. These results evidenced, therefore, that studies of this nature are of fundamental importance for the coastal zoning, aiming subsidies to the organs managers in the closing of decisions as for the implantation of enterprises in the area, and for the industry of the petroleum through generation of information that subsidize the implementation and location of petroliferous structures adequate to this environment


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are non-hematopoietic multipotent stem cells capable to self-renew and differentiate along different cell lineages. MSCs can be found in adult tissues and extra embryonic tissues like the umbilical cord matrix/Wharton’s Jelly (WJ). The latter constitute a good source of MSCs, being more naïve and having a higher proliferative potential than MSCs from adult tissues like the bone marrow, turning them more appealing for clinical use. It is clear that MSCs modulate both innate and adaptive immune responses and its immunodulatory effects are wide, extending to T cells and dendritic cells, being therapeutically useful for treatment of immune system disorders. Mechanotransduction is by definition the mechanism by which cells transform mechanical signals translating that information into biochemical and morphological changes. Here, we hypothesize that by culturing WJ-MSCs on distinct substrates with different stiffness and biochemical composition, may influence the immunomodulatory capacity of the cells. Here, we showed that WJ-MSCs cultured on distinct PDMS substrates presented different secretory profiles from cells cultured on regular tissue culture polystyrene plates (TCP), showing higher secretion of several cytokines analysed. Moreover, it was also shown that WJ-MSCs cultured on PDMS substrates seems to possess higher immunomodulatory capabilities and to differentially regulate the functional compartments of T cells when compared to MSCs maintained on TCP. Taken together, our results suggest that elements of mechanotransduction seem to be influencing the immunomodulatory ability of MSCs, as well as their secretory profile. Thus, future strategies will be further explored to better understand these observation and to envisage new in vitro culture conditions for MSCs aiming at distinct therapeutic approaches, namely for immune-mediated disorders.