283 resultados para Hipnotics: propofol


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Backgrounds and Objectives: Both continuous venous anesthesia with propofol and inhalational anesthesia with sevoflurane propitiate fast arousal with few side effects. The aim of this study was to compare the arousal and post anesthestic recovery times in patients submitted to these two agents. Methods: Forty three patient aged 18 to 50 years, physical status I or II, submitted to gynecological laparoscopy were distributed in two groups: G1 - propofol in continuous infusion of 115 μg.kg -1.min -1 and G2 sevoflurane. All the patients were pre-medicated with 7.5 mg midazolam, sufentanil 0.5 μg.kg -1, propofol 2 mg.kg -1, atracurium 0.5 mg.kg -1, N 2O in 50% of oxygen in a no-rebreathing system. The depth of the anesthesia and arousal time were assessed by the Bispectral index (BIS). The time between end of anesthesia and eye opening, time for command response and time for orientation were also evaluated. Results: The times recorded in minutes were: G1 - eye opening 8.2 ± 2.9, command response 8.6 ± 3.1, orientation 9.8 ± 3.4, recovery 31.6 ± 3.8; G2 - eye opening 4.5 ± 3, command response 4.9 ± 3.4, orientation 6.2 ± 3.4, recovery 66 ± 8. Except the recovery time, all the values were larger in G1. Conclusions: Both intravenous propofol or inhalational sevoflurane were considered excellent anesthetic techniques as to recovery time and recovery room discharge. Sevoflurane provided an earlier arousal with a longer recovery room stay as compared to propofol.


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O propofol é uma droga hipnótico-sedativa, amplamente utilizada em anestesiologia, devido à sua elevada eficácia hipnótica e ao seu despertar rápido e praticamente isento de efeitos residuais. A depressão cardiovascular, que é o efeito adverso mais importante e indesejável do propofol, parece estar intimamente relacionada à dose administrada, à velocidade de injeção do medicamento, à idade e ao estado físico dos pacientes, assim como, às condições de volemia e de reserva cardiovascular dos mesmos, podendo ser intensificada, ainda, pela associação de uma droga opioide ao propofol. A hipotensão arterial induzida pelo propofol parece possuir uma origem multifatorial, pois já foi evidenciada a participação de diversos sistemas nos efeitos produzidos pelo propofol, inclusive, a participação da via opioide no efeito antinociceptivo da droga. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a participação dos receptores opioides no efeito hipotensor arterial do propofol. A pesquisa foi do tipo randomizada, transversal, aberta e comparativa. Foram estudados 40 pacientes estado físico ASA 1, submetidos a anestesia geral para cirurgias eletivas. Os desfechos avaliados neste estudo foram as pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM), a pressão venosa central (PVC) e a frequência cardíaca (FC). Portanto, após a monitorização contínua dos pacientes com cardioscopia com análise de ST, pressão arterial invasiva, pressão venosa central, oxicapnometria, análise eletroencefalográfica bispectral (BIS) e gasimetrias arteriais e venosas, estes foram divididos aleatoriamente através de programa de distribuição aleatória gerada por computador, de acordo com os 5 grupos existentes (n = 8 para todos os grupos). Foram 3 grupos de pacientes pré-medicados intravenosamente (iv) com naloxona 1 μg/Kg (PN1) ou 3 μg/Kg (PN3), ou com salina para controle (CP), 2 minutos antes da administração iv de propofol (2,5 mg/Kg). Outros 2 grupos controle da naloxona foram pré-medicados com naloxona 1 μg/Kg (CN1) ou 3 μg/Kg (CN3), mas não receberam propofol. Os resultados demonstraram que há mais de um mecanismo envolvido no efeito hipotensor arterial do propofol, que é composto por uma rápida redução inicial da PAM opioide-independente e uma lenta redução final da PAM, que foi dependente, ao menos parcialmente, de ação opioide. O propofol, na dose de 2,5 mg/Kg, reduziu a PAS, PAD e PAM de forma significativa e independente do efeito hipnótico do anestésico, dos valores iniciais de PVC e de modificações na FC dos pacientes, apesar de ter sido evidenciada a inibição do baroreflexo induzida pelo anestésico. A hipotensão induzida pelo propofol pôde ser parcialmente reduzida, de forma significativa e dose-dependente, pela prévia administração iv de naloxona de 3 μg/Kg, menor dose efetiva. Este efeito da naloxona ocorreu, principalmente, através de um aumento significativo da PAD, sem importar em modificações significativas da PAS, FC, PVC, BIS ou do ECG. Foi concluído que a hipotensão arterial induzida pelo propofol possui uma origem multifatorial, sendo produzida parcialmente por um mecanismo que é opioide-dependente e sensível ao pré-tratamento dos pacientes com a naloxona. Nosso estudo não recebeu nenhum financiamento externo.


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Memory is sensitive to the short-acting anesthetic (2,6-diisopropylphenol) propofol, but the underlying mechanism is little known. Here, we have examined the effects of propofol on synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus of anesthetized rats. We found that low dose of propofol (20 mg/kg, i.p.) did not affect the basal transmission, but enhanced prominently the development of long-term depression (LTD) and impaired the maintenance of long-term potentiation (LTP). The impairment of LTP maintenance and enhancement of LTD development may contribute to propofol-induced deficits in memory following propofol anesthesia. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The anesthetic, propofol, effectively suppresses excitatory synaptic transmission and facilitates long-term depression (LTD) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Here, we have examined whether these effects are different in the developing hippocampus. We found that propofol in suppressing whole-cell excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) was more effective in 21 day old rats than either in 7 day old rats or under the condition of high intracellular chloride concentration in 21 day old rats. Furthermore, the propofol concentration to facilitate the NMDA receptor-dependent LTD was lower at postnatal day 21 than at postnatal day 7. Interestingly, the decay time of EPSC was decreased during the development from postnatal day 7 to 21, but it was increased by the recording condition of high intracellular chloride concentration or by propofol administration. All these effects of propofol were dependent on the chloride channel opening. These observations suggest that propofol may induce differential anesthetic effects in the developing hippocampus, at least partially, depending on the intracellular chloride concentration. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Summary Target-controlled infusion systems have been shown to result in the administration of larger doses of propofol, which may result in delayed emergence and recovery from anaesthesia. The aim of this study was to investigate if this was due to a difference in the depth of hypnosis (using the bispectral index monitoring) between the manual and target controlled systems of administration. Fifty unpremedicated patients undergoing elective surgery were randomly allocated to have their anaesthesia maintained with manual or target-controlled propofol infusion schemes. In both groups, the rate of propofol administration was adjusted according to the standard clinical criteria while bispectral index scores were recorded by an observer not involved in the delivery of anaesthesia. The total dose of propofol used was higher in the target controlled group (mean 9.9 [standard deviation 1.6] compared with 8.1 [1.0] mg.kg.h in the manual group [p


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Purpose: To examine the influence of continuing administration of sevoflurane or isoflurane during reversal of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block with neostigmine. Methods: One hundred and twenty patients, divided into three equal groups, were randomly allocated to maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane, isoflurane or propofol. Neuromuscular block was induced with rocuronium and monitored using train-of-four (TOF) stimulation of the ulnar nerve and recording the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. Neostigmine was administered when the first response in TOF had recovered to 25%. At this time the volatile agent administration was stopped or propofol dosage reduced in half the patients in each group (n = 20 in each group). The times to attain TOF ratio of 0.8, and the number of patients attaining this end point within 15 min were recorded. Results: The times (mean ± SD) to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 were 12.0 ± 5.5 and 6.8 ± 2.3 min in the sevoflurane continued and sevoflurane stopped groups, 9.0 ± 8.3 and 5.5 ± 3.0 min in the isoflurane continued and isoflurane stopped groups, and 5.2 ± 2.8 and 4.7 ±1.5 min in the propofol continued and propofol stopped groups (P <0.5- 01). Only 9 and 15 patients in the sevoflurane and isoflurane continued groups respectively had attained a TOF ratio of 0.8 within 15 min (P <0.001 for sevoflurane). Conclusions: The continued administration of sevoflurane, and to a smaller extent isoflurane, results in delay in attaining adequate antagonism of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block.


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BACKGROUND: Adult neurogenesis occurs in the hippocampus of most mammals, including humans, and plays an important role in hippocampal-dependent learning. This process is highly regulated by neuronal activity and might therefore be vulnerable to anesthesia. In this article, the authors investigated this possibility by evaluating the impact of propofol anesthesia on mouse hippocampal neurons generated during adulthood, at two functionally distinct maturational stages of their development. METHODS: Adult-born hippocampal neurons were identified using the cell proliferation marker bromodeoxyuridine or a retroviral vector expressing the green fluorescent protein in dividing cells and their progenies. Eleven or 17 days after the labeling procedure, animals (n = 3-5 animals per group) underwent a 6-h-long propofol anesthesia. Twenty-one days after labeling, the authors analyzed the survival, differentiation, and morphologic maturation of adult-born neurons using confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Propofol impaired the survival and maturation of adult-born neurons in an age-dependent manner. Anesthesia induced a significant decrease in the survival of neurons that were 17 days old at the time of anesthesia, but not of neurons that were 11 days old. Similarly, propofol anesthesia significantly reduced the dendritic maturation of neurons generated 17 days before anesthesia, without interfering with the maturation of neurons generated 11 days before anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal that propofol impairs the survival and maturation of adult-born hippocampal neurons in a developmental stage-dependent manner in mice.


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Tesis (Especialidad en Anestesiología). U. A. N. L.


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La variabilité des concentrations plasmatiques mesurées lors d’une anesthésie générale avec le propofol est directement reliée à une variabilité inter-animale, sa pharmacocinétique. L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser la pharmacocinétique du propofol et de rechercher les effets des caractéristiques démographiques sur la variation des paramètres pharmacocinétiques. Les chiens (n=44) ayant participé à cette étude ont été anesthésiés au propofol à 6 mois (n=29), 12 (n=21) mois et/ou 24 mois (n=35). L’anesthésie a été induite avec du propofol (en moyenne 5 mg) et maintenue avec une perfusion (débit initial de 360 mg/kg/h). Des ajustements de perfusion ainsi que des bolus supplémentaires seront administrés si le comportement de l’animal l’exige. Une randomisation stratifiée des sexes aux deux groupes de prémédication, le premier recevant de l’acépropmazine (0,05 mg/kg en I.M.) et le deuxième une association d’acépromazine (0.05 mg/kg IM) et de butorphanol (0.1mg/kg IM). Des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés de t=0 jusqu'à t=300 minutes ou plus. Au total 1339 prélèvements ont été analysés. Un modèle mamillaire à 3 compartiments décrit de manière adéquate nos données. Les valeurs moyennes de CLt V1, CL2, V2, CL3 and V3 sont respectivement égales à 0.65 L/min (SD=0.24), 2.6 L (SD=2.04), 2.24 L/min (1.43), 9.6 L (SD=7.49), 0.42 L/min (SD=0.199), 46.4 L (SD=40.6). Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques obtenus ont révélé une grande variabilité interindividuelle, en particulier CL2, V1, V2 et V3 .Le poids est une co-variable significative pour CLt et V2. L’âge est une co-variable significative pour CL3 et V3. L’ajout de la parenté pour V2 et V3 au modèle a amélioré la qualité de l’ajustement du modèle. Les paramètres V1 et CL2 sont indépendants des facteurs physiologiques étudiés.


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Diverses études cliniques ont démontré l’existence d’un métabolisme extrahépatique du propofol. Le lieu exact de ce métabolisme n’est pas encore complètement élucidé chez l’homme. Des données chez l’animal suggèreraient que le poumon pourrait contribuer à la clairance totale du propofol. Le présent projet vise à investiguer la contribution pulmonaire à l’élimination systémique du propofol chez des patients sous anesthésie générale. Quatorze patients de type ASA I ou II, âgés entre 35 et 70 ans, pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque de routine était prévue, ont été inclus dans la présente étude. Le protocole a été préalablement approuvé par le comité d’éthique et les patients ont tous donné par écrit leur consentement éclairé. Le recrutement des patients a eu lieu à l’hôpital Royal Victoria. Le propofol a été administré en induction sous forme de bolus intraveineux, suivi d’une perfusion continue de 50 g/kg/min. Chez un même patient, des prélèvements sanguins pré- et post pulmonaires ont été pris simultanément de l’artère radiale et de l’artère pulmonaire, sous des conditions de ventilation contrôlée ou apnéiques, dans le but de mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques du propofol. Le gradient artério-veineux a été évalué à l’état d’équilibre afin de déterminer la contribution du poumon à l’élimination totale de propofol. Nous n’avons pas pu démontrer l’existence d’une extraction pulmonaire du propofol chez l’humain. Ceci pourrait être dû à plusieurs facteurs méthodologiques.


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Ketamine and propofol are two well-known, powerful anesthetic agents, yet at first sight this appears to be their only commonality. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic agent, whose main mechanism of action is considered to be N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonism; whereas propofol is a general anesthetic agent, which is assumed to primarily potentiate currents gated by γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. However, several experimental observations suggest a closer relationship. First, the effect of ketamine on the electroencephalogram (EEG) is markedly changed in the presence of propofol: on its own ketamine increases θ (4–8 Hz) and decreases α (8–13 Hz) oscillations, whereas ketamine induces a significant shift to beta band frequencies (13–30 Hz) in the presence of propofol. Second, both ketamine and propofol cause inhibition of the inward pacemaker current Ih, by binding to the corresponding hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 (HCN1) subunit. The resulting effect is a hyperpolarization of the neuron’s resting membrane potential. Third, the ability of both ketamine and propofol to induce hypnosis is reduced in HCN1-knockout mice. Here we show that one can theoretically understand the observed spectral changes of the EEG based on HCN1-mediated hyperpolarizations alone, without involving the supposed main mechanisms of action of these drugs through NMDA and GABAA, respectively. On the basis of our successful EEG model we conclude that ketamine and propofol should be antagonistic to each other in their interaction at HCN1 subunits. Such a prediction is in accord with the results of clinical experiment in which it is found that ketamine and propofol interact in an infra-additive manner with respect to the endpoints of hypnosis and immobility.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)