920 resultados para Hip dysplasia
[The causal treatment of a residual hip dysplasia consists of an acetabular reorientation osteotomy, the results of which, however, strongly depend on concomitant intra-articular lesions. The most important prognostic factor is the cartilage status. However, tears in the labrum and the ligament of the head of the femur may also be responsible for symptoms. Hip arthroscopy is a valuable tool for a precise diagnosis and simultaneous treatment of these lesions. However, as yet no results supporting this treatment algorithm have been published.]
A technique to restore acetabular anatomy by deepening the acetabular cavity and reconstructing the femoral head ligament and the joint capsule was tested on nine large breed dogs with severe hip dysplasia and acute subdislocation or dislocation. The technique consisted of two phases. First, all dogs were submitted to bilateral pectinotomy. In a second surgical intervention on the same dogs the acetabulum was approached and deepened, and the femoral head ligament and the joint capsule were reconstructed. In general, within 30 days of the surgery dogs could stand on the operated member to walk. Except for two dogs, all the others recovered pelvic member locomotive ability within 60-90 days after surgery. It is concluded that acetabuloplasty is a good alternative for treatment of severe canine hip dysplasia.
Uma técnica para restituir a anatomia acetabular com aprofundamento da cavidade acetabular e reconstrução do ligamento da cabeça do fêmur e da cápsula articular, foi testada em nove cães, de raças de grande porte, portadores de displasia coxofemoral grave com subluxação acentuada ou luxação. O procedimento cirúrgico foi constituído de duas fases. Inicialmente, foi realizada a pectineotomia bilateral em todos os cães. A segunda intervenção nos mesmos cães incluiu abordagem e aprofundamento do acetábulo, reconstrução do ligamento da cabeça do fêmur e da cápsula. em geral, 30 dias após a cirurgia, os cães apoiavam o membro operado para se locomover. Com exceção de dois cães, todos os outros recuperaram a função locomotora do membro pélvico dentro de 60-90 dias. É concluído que a técnica de acetabuloplastia é uma boa alternativa para o tratamento da displasia coxofemoral grave.
BACKGROUND In Mongolia, adequate early diagnosis and treatment of developmental hip dysplasia (DDH) have been unavailable and its incidence was unknown. We determined the incidence of ultrasonographic DDH in newborns and established adequate procedures for diagnosis and treatment of DDH at the largest maternity hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS During one year (Sept 2010 - Aug 2011) we assessed the hips newborns using ultrasound and Graf's classification of DDH. 8,356 newborns were screened; median age at screening was 1 day. We identified 14,873 Type 1 (89.0%), 1715 Type 2a (10.3%), 36 Type 2c (0.2%), 70 Type D (0.4%), 14 Type 3 (0.08%), and 4 Type 4 hips (0.02%). Children with Type 1 hips (normal) were discharged. Children with Type 2a hips (physiologically immature) received follow-up ultrasounds at monthly intervals. Children with Type 2c to 4 (DDH; deformed or misaligned hip joint) hips were treated with a Tubingen hip flexion splint and also followed up. The hip abnormalities resolved to mature hips in all children who were followed up. There was no evidence for severe treatment related complications. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE This study suggests that the incidence of DDH in Mongolian neonates is comparable to that in neonates in Europe. Early ultrasound-based assessment and splinting treatment of DDH led to mature hips in all children followed up. Procedures are feasible and will be continued.
Urinary nitric oxide was determined in terms of the ratio of the concentrations of total urinary nitrite and nitrate:creatinine in 40 juvenile labrador retrievers, and radiographic signs of hip dysplasia and distraction indices were investigated in the same dogs in later life. The ratio was correlated significantly with the Norberg angle and with subchondral sclerosis in both hips, and with the grade of dysplasia in each hip and the dogs' overall grade of hip dysplasia. No correlations were observed between the ratio and the distraction indices or other radiographic criteria for hip dysplasia.
In absence of basic canine hip biomechanics, a specific, consequent three dimensional concept to evaluate the coxofemoral joint was developed for the dog. With the help of a new method to radiologically demonstrate the hip in a physiological standing position several new clinically relevant aspects could be further investigated. For example the breed specific anatomical differences in the hip, and dynamics and the background on "iatrogenic luxations" in HD diagnostics could be shown. The caudal luxation and the growth abnormalities of the hip and their consequences on the whole leg (antetorsion syndrome) as a consequence of inadequate breeding could be demonstrated.
Hip dysplasia is characterized by insufficient femoral head coverage (FHC). Quantification of FHC is of importance as the underlying goal of the surgery to treat hip dysplasia is to restore a normal acetabular morphology and thereby to improve FHC. Unlike a pure 2D X-ray radiograph-based measurement method or a pure 3D CT-based measurement method, previously we presented a 2.5D method to quantify FHC from a single anteriorposterior (AP) pelvic radiograph. In this study, we first quantified and compared 3D FHC between a normal control group and a patient group using a CT-based measurement method. Taking the CT-based 3D measurements of FHC as the gold standard, we further quantified the bias, precision and correlation between the 2.5D measurements and the 3D measurements on both the control group and the patient group. Based on digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs), we investigated the influence of the pelvic tilt on the 2.5D measurements of FHC. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for absolute agreement was used to quantify interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility of the 2.5D measurement technique. The Pearson correlation coefficient, r, was used to determine the strength of the linear association between the 2.5D and the 3D measurements. Student's t-test was used to determine whether the differences between different measurements were statistically significant. Our experimental results demonstrated that both the interobserver reliability and the intraobserver reproducibility of the 2.5D measurement technique were very good (ICCs > 0.8). Regression analysis indicated that the correlation was very strong between the 2.5D and the 3D measurements (r = 0.89, p < 0.001). Student's t-test showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the 2.5D and the 3D measurements of FHC on the patient group (p > 0.05). The results of this study provided convincing evidence demonstrating the validity of the 2.5D measurements of FHC from a single AP pelvic radiograph and proved that it could serve as a surrogate for 3D CT-based measurements. Thus it may be possible to use this method to avoid a CT scan for the purpose of estimating 3D FHC in diagnosis and post-operative treatment evaluation of patients with hip dysplasia.
Abstract The current treatment of painful hip dysplasia in the mature skeleton is based on acetabular reorientation. Reorientation procedures attempt to optimize the anatomic position of the hyaline cartilage of the femoral head and acetabulum in regard to mechanical loading. Because the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy is a versatile technique for acetabular reorientation, it is helpful to understand the approach and be familiar with the criteria for an optimal surgical correction. The femoral side bears stigmata of hip dysplasia that may require surgical correction. Improvement of the head-neck offset to avoid femoroacetabular impingement has become routine in many hips treated with periacetabular osteotomy. In addition, intertrochanteric osteotomies can help improve joint congruency and normalize the femoral neck orientation. Other new surgical techniques allow trimming or reducing a severely deformed head, performing a relative neck lengthening, and trimming or distalizing the greater trochanter. An increasing number of studies have reported good long-term results after acetabular reorientation procedures, with expected joint preservation rates ranging from 80% to 90% at the 10-year follow-up and 60% to 70% at the 20-year follow-up. An ideal candidate is younger than 30 years, with no preoperative signs of osteoarthritis. Predicted joint preservation in these patients is approximately 90% at the 20-year follow-up. Recent evidence indicates that additional correction of an aspheric head may further improve results.
This study investigated kinematic patterns in clinically normal German Shepherd dogs (GSDs) compared to those with hip dysplasia and with no clinical signs of lameness. Two groups of GSDs, including 10 clinically healthy dogs (G1) and 10 with hip dysplasia (G2), were trotted on a treadmill at a constant speed. Kinematic data were collected by a 3-camera system and analysed by a motion-analysis program. Flexion and extension joint angles and angular velocities were determined for the shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, stifle, and tarsal joints.Within each group, the differences between the right and left limbs in all kinematic variables were not significant. Minimum angle, angular displacement and minimum angular velocity did not differ between groups. Significant differences were observed in the maximum angular velocity and maximum angle of the hip joint (dysplastic. >. healthy), and in the maximum angular velocity of the carpal joint (healthy. >. dysplastic). It was concluded that, when trotting on a treadmill, dysplastic dogs with no signs of lameness may present joint kinematic alterations in the hind as well as the forelimbs. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Deformity and malposition of the acetabulum can occur during the development of the hip. Developmental hip dysplasia and acetabular retroversion are possible causes of osteoarthritis in the young adult. Surgical management with reorientation of the acetabulum allows causal therapy of the deformity and preservation of the native hip joint. Established techniques are the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) and the Tönnis and Kalchschmidt triple osteotomy of the pelvis. Both techniques permit three-dimensional correction of the position of the acetabulum. Advantages and disadvantages of each technique must be considered and are summarized in the present paper. If performed early (osteoarthritis grade Tönnis 0 and 1) with correct indication and proper technique, good results can be expected.
Background The purpose of the present study was to investigate the radial distribution patterns of cartilage degeneration in dysplastic hips at different stages of secondary osteoarthritis (OA) by using radial delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC), and to assess whether pre-contrast measurements are necessary. Methods Thirty-five hips in 21 subjects (mean age ± SD, 27.6 ± 10.8 years) with acetabular dysplasia (lateral CE angle < 25°) were studied. Severity of OA was assessed on radiographs using Tönnis grading. Pre- (T1pre) and post-contrast T1 (T1Gd) values were measured at 7 sub-regions on radial reformatted slices acquired from a 3-dimensional (3D) T1 mapping sequence using a 1.5 T MR scanner. Values of radial T1pre, T1Gd and ΔR1 (1/T1Gd - 1/T1pre) of subgroups with different severity of OA were compared to those of the subgroup without OA using nonparametric tests, and bivariate linear Pearson correlations between radial T1Gd and ΔR1 were analyzed for each subgroup. Results Compared to the subgroup without OA, the subgroup with mild OA was observed with a significant decrease in T1Gd in the anterosuperior to superior sub-regions (mean, 476 ~ 507 ms, p = 0.026 ~ 0.042) and a significant increase in ΔR1 in the anterosuperior to superoposterior and posterior sub-regions (mean, 0.93 ~ 1.37 s-1, p = 0.012 ~ 0.042). The subgroup with moderate to severe OA was observed with a significant overall decrease in T1Gd (mean, 404 ~ 452 ms, p = 0.001 ~ 0.020) and an increase in ΔR1 (mean, 1.17 ~1.69 s-1, p = 0.001 ~ 0.020). High correlations were observed between radial T1Gd and ΔR1 for all subgroups (r = −0.869 ~ −0.944, p < 0.001). Conclusions Radial dGEMRIC without pre-contrast measurements is useful for evaluating different patterns of cartilage degeneration in the entire hip joint of patients with hip dysplasia, particularly for those in early stages of secondary OA.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most promising noninvasive modality for hip joint evaluation, but it has limitations in diagnosing cartilage lesion and acetabular labrum changes, especially in early stages. This is significant due to superior outcome results of surgery intervention in hip dysplasia or femoroacetabular impingement in patients not exceeding early degeneration. This emphasizes the need for accurate and reproducible methods in evaluating cartilage structure. In this article, we discuss the impact of the most recent technological advance in MRI, namely the advantage of 3-T imaging, on diagnostic imaging of the hip. Limitations of standard imaging techniques are shown with emphasis on femoroacetabular impingement. Clinical imaging examples and biochemical techniques are presented that need to be further evaluated.
Na tentativa de evitar algumas das dificuldades associadas à osteotomia pélvica tripla (OPT), foi desenvolvido experimentalmente o método de aplicação de cunha na junção sacroilíaca para aumentar a ventroversão acetabular. O objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar as técnicas de cunha sacroilíaca e OPT em cadáveres e avaliar radiograficamente a eficácia da ventroversão acetabular. Para tal, foram utilizados 10 cadáveres de cães, adultos, com 15-25 kg. Em cada hemipelve direita foi realizada OPT com placas de 20° e 40°. Na hemipelve esquerda foram aplicadas cunhas nas articulações sacroilíacas de 20° e 40°. Avaliações radiográficas em projeções ventrodorsais foram realizadas para mensuração da cobertura acetabular à cabeça femoral nas duas técnicas. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode-se observar que não houve diferença entre a técnica de OPT e o uso de cunha sacroilíaca utilizando implantes de 20° e 40°, mas ocorreu diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre os cães antes e após a aplicação dos implantes de 20° e 40°, e também entre os que receberam implantes de 20° e os de 40°. A aplicação de cunha sacroilíaca produziu resultados semelhantes à OPT, e também se mostrou como de mais fácil aplicação.