892 resultados para Hip abductor muscles


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Background and Purpose Previous research regarding the symmetry of trans-tibial amputees has examined weight distribution and various gait parameters between prosthetic and sound limbs. However, to date, no known research has determined if asymmetry is present in the strength of the hip abductor muscles or if correlations exist between these categories of symmetry. The purpose of the present study was, therefore, to document asymmetry present in stance, strength and gait measures, and to determine the relationship between these variables. Method Twenty-three elderly, unilateral trans-tibial amputees stood on two adjacent forceplates whilst the weight distribution and standard deviation (SD) of the anterior-posterior and the medio-lateral centre of pressure excursion (COPE) under each limb was recorded during four 40 s trials: quiet stance (QS), with eyes open and eyes closed; and even stance (ES), with eyes open and eyes closed. Gait measures (velocity, cadence, step and stride lengths, stance:swing ratio and period of double support) over 10 m of fast, yet safe walking and measures of the strength of hip abductor muscles were also obtained by use of a stride analyser and a dynamometer, respectively. Results No significant differences were found between QS and ES measures. However, significantly more weight was taken on the sound limb than on the amputated limb. Notably, more anterior-posterior movement occurred under the sound limb than the amputated limb, with this becoming more apparent with the eyes closed. Movement in the medio-lateral direction was found to be the same between sides. No differences in muscle strength or gait measures between limbs were demonstrated. However. strong hip abductor muscles were correlated with increased weight-bearing on the amputated limb, improved gait parameters and reduced medio-lateral COPE under the amputated limb. Conclusions This research confirms the asymmetrical nature of amputee stance and demonstrates symmetry of strength and gait measures between limbs. The correlations between hip abductor muscle strength, weight distribution and gait measures illustrates the importance of pre- and postoperative training of these muscles. Copyright © 2002 Whurr Publishers Ltd.


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Objectives: To study the effect of additional strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles in a strengthening quadriceps exercise rehabilitation programme for patients with the patellofemoral pain syndrome. Design: Randomized controlled pilot trial. Setting: Clinical setting with home programme. Participants: Fourteen patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Intervention: The subjects were randomly assigned to the intervention group (strengthening of quadriceps plus strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles) or to the control group (strengthening of quadriceps). Both groups participated in a six-week home exercise protocol. Main outcome measures: The perceived pain symptoms, isokinetic eccentric knee extensor, hip abductor and lateral rotator torques and the gluteus medius electromyographic activity were assessed before and after treatment. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used to compare the groups before and after treatment with alpha = 0.05. Results: Only the intervention group improved perceived pain symptoms during functional activities (P=0.02-0.04) and also increased their gluteus medius electromyographic activity during isometric voluntary contraction (P=0.03), Eccentric knee extensors torque increased in both groups (P=0.04 and P=0.02). There was no statistically significant difference in the hip muscles torque in either group. Conclusion: Supplementation of strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles in a strengthening quadriceps exercise programme provided additional benefits with respect to the perceived pain symptoms during functional activities in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome after six weeks of treatment.


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Scarring or detachment of the hip abductors, particularly of the gluteus medius, from their insertion may lead to severe abductor weakness, recurrent dislocations, pain, and diminished quality of life. We performed a retrospective study to evaluate whether vastus lateralis shift is associated with satisfactory results and low rate of complications. Eleven adults underwent vastus lateralis shift to bridge a well-documented abductor muscles' insertion defect. Preoperative and postoperative hip functions were assessed applying the Merle d'Aubigne score, British Medical Council scale, and Visual Analog Scale. Significant postoperative improvement was noted in mean Merle d'Aubigne score, gluteus medius muscle force, and quality of life. Vastus lateralis shift represents a viable treatment option for hip abductor deficiency, significantly improving abductor strength and overall quality of life.


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Objectives: (a) To compare the magnitude of gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata activation between a group of subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and a group of healthy older adults. (b) To compare the magnitude of activation of the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata between sides in a group of subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and a group of healthy older adults. Methods: 19 subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and 19 healthy controls were investigated. The subjects performed a stepping task during which recordings were obtained using surface electromyograms from the hip abductors, and kinetic data were obtained from a dual force platform. Results: Subjects with clinical hip osteoarthritis had higher gluteus medius activation than the healthy older adults (p=0.037). In addition, there were no differences in the magnitude of gluteus medius activation between the sides (p=0.733). There was no difference in the force platform data between the groups (p=0.078). Conclusions: The increased magnitude of gluteus medius activation in the group with hip osteoarthritis is evidence of a muscular dysfunction associated with hip disease. This has implications for the progressive nature of the disease and for its conservative management.


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Placer une charge au niveau du membre inférieur est une approche sans fondement scientifique, utilisée par les cliniciens, pour renforcer certains muscles clés de la marche. Cette étude a déterminé les modifications du patron de marche lors de l’ajout d’une charge à la cheville parétique ou non parétique chez des personnes ayant une hémiparésie suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral et a comparé les résultats à ceux d’un groupe témoin. Il est supposé qu’une charge placée à la jambe parétique/non dominante (charge ipsilatérale) augmenterait les efforts (moments et puissance) à la hanche parétique/non dominante lors de l’oscillation et qu’une charge placée controlatéralement augmenterait les efforts lors de la phase d’appui principalement pour les abducteurs de hanche stabilisant le bassin dans le plan frontal. La marche avec et sans charge de cinq individus hémiparétiques chroniques et 5 personnes en santé a été analysée en laboratoire par l’enregistrement des forces de réaction du sol et des mouvements des membres inférieurs. Ces informations ont permis de calculer les paramètres temps-distance, les angles à la hanche parétique/non dominante et au tronc, les moments nets, les puissances et le travail mécanique à la hanche parétique/non dominante. Des tests statistiques non-paramétriques ont servi à déterminer l’effet de la condition, avec charge (ipsi- et controlatérale) ou sans charge et à comparer les résultats entre les deux groupes. L’ajout d’une charge n’a pas modifié la vitesse de marche des sujets. Les phases d’appui et d’oscillation étaient rendus plus symétriques par la charge, même si peu de différences apparaissaient dans le plan sagittal avec ou sans la charge. Dans le plan frontal, le moment abducteur de hanche des sujets hémiparétiques a diminué avec la charge controlatérale, tandis qu'il a augmenté chez les sujets en santé. L’utilisation d’une stratégie posturale ou dynamique au tronc pourrait expliquer la différence de l’effet de la charge sur le moment abducteur à la hanche. Au vu de ces résultats, il est nécessaire de poursuivre l’évaluation de cette approche de renforcement musculaire spécifique à la tâche avant d’en recommander son utilisation.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Background Leg length inequality (LLI) was identified as a problem of total hip arthroplasty soon after its introduction. Leg lengthening is the most common form of LLI. Possible consequences are limping, neuronal dysfunction and aseptic component loosening. LLI can result in an increased strain both on the contralateral hip joint and on the abductor muscles. We assessed the influence of leg lengthening and shortening on walking capacity, hip pain, limping and patient satisfaction at 2-year follow-up. Methods 478 cases with postoperative lengthening and 275 with shortening were identified, and matched with three controls each. Rigorous adjustment for potential differences in baseline patient characteristics was performed by propensity-score matching of covariates. The arbitrarily defined desired outcomes were a walking capacity >60 minutes, no hip pain, no limping, and excellent patient satisfaction. Differences in not achieving the desired outcomes between the groups were expressed as odds ratios. Results In the lengthened case group, the odds ratio for not being able to walk for an hour was 1.70 (95% CI 1.28-2.26) for cases compared to controls, and the odds ratio for having hip pain at follow-up was 1.13 (95% CI 0.78-1.64). The odds ratio for limping was 2.08 (95% CI 1.55-2.80). The odds ratio for not achieving excellent patient satisfaction was 1.67 (95% CI 1.23-2.28). In the shortening case group, the odds ratio for not being able to walk for an hour was 1.23 (95% CI 0.84-1.81), and the odds ratio for having hip pain at follow-up was 1.60 (95% CI 1.05-2.44). The odds ratio for limping for cases was 2.61 (95% CI 1.78-3.21). The odds ratio for not achieving excellent patient satisfaction was 2.15 (95% CI 1.44-3.21). Conclusions Walking capacity, limping and patient satisfaction were all significantly associated with leg lengthening, whereas pain alleviation was not. In contrast, hip pain, limping and patient satisfaction were all significantly associated with leg shortening, whereas walking capacity was not.


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The purposes of this study were to compare lower-limb kinematics between genders, and determine the relationships among eccentric hip abductor and lateral rotator torques and lower-limb kinematics. The movements of the pelvis, femur, and knee were calculated for 16 women and 16 men during the single-leg squat. Eccentric hip abductor and lateral rotator torques were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. The results showed that women had greater contralateral pelvic depression, femur adduction, and knee abduction than men. The eccentric hip abductor and lateral rotator torques were correlated with coronal plane femur and knee movements in the overall sample. When the genders were analyzed separately, it was observed that women with greater eccentric hip abductor torque exhibited less femur adduction and femur medial rotation, and greater knee adduction excursion. No significant relationship was observed between the isokinetic and kinematic variables in the male group. The differences between the genders help to explain the greater rate of knee disorders observed in women. Moreover, the eccentric hip abduction action seemed to be more important in women to control the lower-limb movements.


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BACKGROUND Lower limb amputees exhibit postural control deficits during standing which can affect their walking ability. OBJECTIVES The primary purpose of the present study was to analyze the thorax, pelvis, and hip kinematics and the hip internal moment in the frontal plane during gait in subjects with Unilateral Transtibial Amputation (UTA). METHOD The participants included 25 people with UTA and 25 non-amputees as control subjects. Gait analysis was performed using the Vicon(r) Motion System. We analyzed the motion of the thorax, pelvis, and hip (kinematics) as well as the hip internal moment in the frontal plane. RESULTS The second peak of the hip abductor moment was significantly lower on the prosthetic side than on the sound side (p=.01) and the control side (right: p=.01; left: p=.01). During middle stance, the opposite side of the pelvis was higher on the prosthetic side compared to the control side (right: p=.01: left: p=.01). CONCLUSIONS The joint internal moment at the hip in the frontal plane was lower on the prosthetic side than on the sound side or the control side. Thorax and pelvis kinematics were altered during the stance phase on the prosthetic side, presumably because there are mechanisms which affect postural control during walking.


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Depuis les dernières années, la prévalence de personnes souffrant de dégénérescence des cartilages articulaires, communément appelée ostéoarthrite (OA), ne cesse d’augmenter. Les douleurs articulaires et les raideurs musculaires associées à cette pathologie mènent à des limitations des capacités fonctionnelles, à une perte de mobilité et d’autonomie affectant grandement la qualité de vie de ces personnes. Afin de soulager les personnes souffrant de cette pathologie, l’arthroplastie de la hanche est une procédure chirurgicale fréquemment utilisée. À la suite de cette chirurgie, une amélioration de la qualité de vie et une reprise des capacités fonctionnelles sont souvent observées. Cependant, comparativement à des sujets sains, la vitesse de marche est diminuée, une faiblesse des muscles abducteurs de la hanche est constatée et des mouvements compensatoires au niveau du tronc sont persistants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer le patron locomoteur chez des patients qui subiront une arthroplastie de la hanche. Plus spécifiquement, les adaptations locomotrices pré et post-opératoires seront quantifiées dans le but d’apporter des modifications aux programmes de réhabilitation pour ainsi favoriser un patron locomoteur sans déficit. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois études distinctes ont été effectuées. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’impact de l’implantation d’une prothèse totale de la hanche avec une tête fémorale de large diamètre et une prothèse de resurfaçage a été évalué par rapport aux sujets sains lors de la locomotion. Au cours de cette étude, le contrôle du tronc a été analysé en utilisant la distance entre le centre de masse corporel et le centre articulaire de la hanche opérée. Suite aux résultats obtenus, aucune différence majeure n’existe entre les deux types de prothèses en ce qui a trait au contrôle du tronc et ce, à un an post-opératoire. Lors de la deuxième étude, la symétrie des paramètres biomécaniques des membres inférieurs lors de la locomotion chez des patients ayant bénéficié de l’implantation d’une prothèse de la hanche a été caractérisée suite à un programme d’exercices péri-opératoires (pré et post-opératoire). Lors de cette étude, le programme d’exercices péri-opératoires était complémentaire au protocole de réadaptation du centre hospitalier. D’après les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude exploratoire, ce programme d’exercices péri-opératoires semble permettre d’améliorer la symétrie de la puissance et du travail musculaire au niveau de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville favorisant ainsi un patron de marche avec de minimes compensations. Finalement, dans le cadre de la troisième étude, l’approche prédictive et l’approche fonctionnelle, utilisées pour localiser le centre articulaire de la hanche, ont été comparées aux mesures radiographiques, chez des patients à la suite d’un remplacement articulaire de la hanche. À la suite de cette étude, les résultats démontrent que l’utilisation de l’approche fonctionnelle est plus appropriée chez des patients ayant bénéficié d’une arthroplastie de la hanche. En effet, cette approche individualisée est plus précise ce qui, par conséquent, permettra d’obtenir des résultats de plus grande qualité lors d’analyses biomécaniques de la locomotion.


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The Patellofemoral pain syndrome is defined as a fore or retro patellar pain and it has multifactorial etiology, where the bad patellar alignment is the most acceptable hypothesis. However proximal factors to the knee, as the debility of the muscles of the hip, have been demonstrated as a contributing factor to the appearing of that syndrome. Purpose: To evaluate if exists a relation between the hip muscles performance and the development of the SDPF. Methods: Thirty women took part in this study. They were divided in two groups; a control group (fifteen asymptomatic subjects) and an experimental group (fifteen subjects with the diagnosis of SDPF). The muscle performance was evaluated in an isokinetic dynamometer, where it was verified the peak torque (PT), PT to body weight, PT time and the agonist/antagonist relation. It was also analyzed the electromyographic activity of the middle gluteus. The data was analyzed by the not paired t test at a significance level of 5%. Results:. Didn t have significant difference to the PT of the abductor muscles (p = 0,46) and lateral rotators of the hip (p = 0,17) between groups. Also didn t have significant difference to the PT values by the body weight, to these muscle groups either (p = 0,10 e p = 0,11, respectively). Didn t have significant difference between the amplitude of the signal (p = 0,05) and the onset of medium gluteus (p = 0,25) between the groups. Conclusion: In the experimental conditions realized, the study didn t demonstrate a relation between performance the hip muscles behavior and the development of the SDPF


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BALDON, R. D. M., D. F. M. LOBATO, L. P. CARVALHO, P. Y. L. WUN, P. R. P. SANTIAGO, and F. V. SERRAO. Effect of Functional Stabilization Training on Lower Limb Biomechanics in Women. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 135-145, 2012. Purpose: This study aimed to verify the effects of functional stabilization training on lower limb kinematics, functional performance, and eccentric hip and knee torques. Methods: Twenty-eight women were divided into a training group (TG; n = 14), which carried out the functional stabilization training during 8 wk, and a control group (CG; n = 14), which carried out no physical training. The kinematic assessment of the lower limb was performed during a single-leg squat, and the functional performance was evaluated by way of the single-leg triple hop and the timed 6-m single-leg hop tests. The eccentric hip abductor, adductor, lateral rotator, medial rotator, and the knee flexor and extensor torques were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. Results: After 8 wk, the TG significantly reduced the values for knee abduction (from -6.86 degrees to 1.49 degrees), pelvis depression (from -10.21 degrees to -7.86 degrees) and femur adduction (from 7.08 degrees to 5.19 degrees) as well as increasing the excursion of femur lateral rotation (from -0.55 degrees to -3.67 degrees). Similarly, the TG significantly increased the values of single-leg triple hop (from 3.52 to 3.92 m) and significantly decreased the values of timed 6-m single-leg hop tests (from 2.43 to 2.14 s). Finally, the TG significantly increased the eccentric hip abductor (from 1.31 to 1.45 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), hip lateral rotator (from 0.75 to 0.91 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), hip medial rotator (from 1.45 to 1.66 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), knee flexor (from 1.43 to 1.55 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), and knee extensor (from 3.46 to 4.40 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)) torques. Conclusions: Strengthening of the hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles associated with functional training improves dynamic lower limb alignment and increases the strength and functional performance.


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Premature closure of the proximal femoral growth plate results in coxa brevis, which usually is associated with insufficiency of the hip abductors. Distal and lateral transfer of the greater trochanter sometimes is recommended to correct this problem. Most of what is known arises from studies of children and adolescents. We asked whether this procedure in adults with coxa brevis would eliminate hip abductor insufficiency and would improve their hip function based on the Harris hip score (HHS). We prospectively followed 11 patients, aged 19 to 55 years (mean, 40 years) who had distal and lateral trochanteric transfer. All patients had pain and a positive Trendelenburg test before surgery. This test was performed at the latest followup by three observers and the interobserver reliability was determined by the kappa coefficient. The HHS was obtained before surgery and at the latest followup. The minimum followup was 25 months (mean, 52 months; range, 25-77 months). Insufficiency of the hip abductors was eliminated in seven (according to two observers) and eight (according to one observer) of the 11 patients after surgery; the kappa coefficient ranged from 0.79 to 1.0. The mean HHS improved from 64 points preoperatively to 76 points at the final followup. The two patients with preexisting severe osteoarthritis of the hip had the worst final scores and persisted with a positive Trendelenburg test at the final followup. Distal and lateral transfer of the greater trochanter can eliminate insufficiency of the hip abductors and improve joint function in adult patients with coxa brevis and we believe should be considered for patients without severe osteoarthritis of the hip. Level IV, therapeutic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.


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NAKAGAWA, T. H., E. T. U. MORIYA, C. D. MACIEL, and F. V. SERRAO. Frontal Plane Biomechanics in Males and Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain. Med. Sci. Sports &ere., Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1747-1755, 2012. Purpose: The study's purpose was to compare trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane biomechanics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during stepping. Methods: Eighty recreational athletes were equally divided into four groups: female PFPS, female controls, male PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane kinematics and activation of the gluteus medius were evaluated at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion during the downward and upward phases of the stepping task. Isometric hip abductor torque was also evaluated. Results: Females showed increased hip adduction and knee abduction at all knee flexion angles, greater ipsilateral trunk lean and contralateral pelvic drop from 60 degrees of knee flexion till the end of the stepping task (P = 0.027-0.001), diminished hip abductor torque (P < 0.001), and increased gluteus medius activation than males (P = 0.008-0.001). PFPS subjects presented increased knee abduction at all the angles evaluated; greater trunk, pelvis, and hip motion from 45 of knee flexion of the downward phase till the end of the maneuver; and diminished gluteus medius activation at 60 degrees of knee flexion, compared with controls (P = 0.034-0.001). Females with PFPS showed lower hip abductor torque compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Females presented with altered frontal plane biomechanics that may predispose them to knee injury. PFPS subjects showed frontal plane biomechanics that could increase the lateral patellofemoral joint stress at all the angles evaluated and could increase even more from 45 degrees of knee flexion in the downward phase untill the end of the maneuver. Hip abductor strengthening and motor control training should be considered when treating females with PFPS.


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In the present study, pterosaur skull constructions were analysed using a combined approach of finite element analysis (FEA), static investigations as well as applying classical beam theory and lever mechanics. The study concentrates on the operating regime „bite“, where loads are distributed via the dentition or a keratinous rhamphotheca into the skull during jaw occlusion. As a first step, pterosaur tooth constructions were analysed. The different morphologies of the tooth construction determine specific operational ranges, in which the teeth perform best (= greatest resistance against failure). The incomplete enamel-covering of the pterosaur tooth constructions thereby leads to a reduction of strain and stress and to a greater lateral elasticity than for a complete enamel cover. This permits the development of high and lateral compressed tooth constructions. Further stress-absorption occurs in the periodontal membrane, although its mechanical properties can not be clarified unambiguously. A three-dimensionally preserved skull of Anhanguera was chosen as a case-study for the investigation of the skull constructions. CT-scans were made to get information about the internal architecture, supplemented by thin-sections of a rostrum of a second Anhanguera specimen. These showed that the rostrum can be approximated as a double-walled triangular tube with a large central vacuity and an average wall-thickness of the bony layers of about 1 mm. On base of the CT-scans, a stereolithography of the skull of Anhanguera was made on which the jaw adductor and abductor muscles were modelled, permitting to determine muscular forces. The values were used for the lever mechanics, cantilever and space frame analysis. These studies and the FEA show, that the jaw reaction forces are critical for the stability of the skull construction. The large jugal area ventral to the orbita and the inclined occipital region act as buttresses against these loads. In contrast to the orbitotemporal region which is subject to varying loading conditions, the pattern in the rostrum is less complex. Here, mainly bending in dorsal direction and torsion occur. The hollow rostrum leads to a reduction of weight of the skull and to a high bending and torsional resistance. Similar to the Anhanguera skull construction, the skulls of those pterosaur taxa were analysed, from which enough skull material is know to permit a reliable reconstruction. Furthermore, FEA were made from five selected taxa. The comparison of the biomechanical behaviour of the different skull constructions results in major transformational processes: elongation of rostra, inclination of the occipital region, variation of tooth morphology, reduction of the dentition and replacement of teeth by a keratinous hook or rhamphotheca, fusion of naris and antorbital fenestra, and the development of bony and soft-tissue crests. These processes are discussed for their biomechanical effects during bite. Certain optional operational ranges for feeding are assigned to the different skull constructions and previous hypotheses (e.g. skimming) are verified. Using the principle of economisation, these processes help to establish irreversible transformations and to define possible evolutionary pathways. The resulting constructional levels and the structural variations within these levels are interpreted in light of a greater feeding efficiency and reduction of bony mass combined with an increased stability against the various loads. The biomechanical conclusive pathways are used for comparison and verification of recent hypothesis of the phylogenetic systematics of pterosaurs.