30 resultados para Himenóptero
Calyozina dilatata sp.n., from northern Brazil is described and illustrated. This species is recognized by having the fifth foretarsomere dilated. With six scanning micrografies.
Melanepyris Kieffer, 1913 was proposed to accommodate a single species of Epyris Westwood, 1832, E. imicola Kieffer, 1913, mainly based on the absence of the posterior propodeal carina. Today, Melanepyris includes only two nominal species. The type-material of these species has been considered lost since their original description. In this study, the single known adult male (holotype) of Melanepyris asiaticus Kieffer, 1922 from the Philippines has been rediscovered, redescribed and illustrated. Melanepyris asiaticus is transferred to Epyris Westwood due to the following features: scutellar groove absent, well separated scutellar pits and lower mesopleural fovea large and with undefined upper margin. We checked the original description of M. imicola and concluded that it also fits the definition of Epyris perfectly, except for the (described) absence of a posterior carina. However, the thickness of the posterior carina of the propodeal disc varies within species of different Epyrinae genera. The diagnostic characters used by Kieffer to create Melanepyris and other genera from Epyris are briefly discussed. Melanepyris is proposed as a new junior synonym of Epyris, with the transfer of M. imicola to Epyris.
Bethylopsis carinatus sp.n., and Epyris chilensis sp.n., from Chile are described and illustrated. Taxonomic data on Chilepyris herbsti Evans, Lytopsenella herbsti (Kieffer), Lytopsenella testaceicornis (Kieffer) and Pseudisobrachium erythrocephalum Evans are included. Male of Lytopsenella herbsti is recorded for the first time to genus and species.
Diagnosis and genitalia description and illustration of Dissomphalus bicavatusEvans, 1979;D. bispinulatusEvans, 1969;D. brasiliensisKieffer, 1910;Z). caviclypeus Evans, 1969; D. cornutus Evans 1964; D. dumosus, Evans, 1966; D. fungosus Evans, 1979; D. gilvipes Evans, 1979; D. incomptus Evans, 1964; D. infissus Evans, 1969; D. mendicus Evans, 1969; D. microstictus Evans, 1969; D. mirabilis Evans, 1966; D. nanellus Evans, 1969; D. napo Evans, 1979; D. plaumanni Evans, 1964; D. punctatus (Kieffer, 1910); D. puteolus Evans, 1969; D. rufipalpis Kieffer, 1910; D. xanthopus Ashmead, 1893 are provided. Female of D. mirabilis is first described. Five synonymies are proposed: D. connubialis Evans, 1966 of D. brasiliensis, D. montanus Kieffer, 1910 of D. punctatus, D. obliquus Evans, 1979 of D. rufipalpis, D. teren Evans, 1969 of D. cornutus and D. hastatus Evans, 1979 of D. bispinulatus. D. microtuberculatus sp.n. from Northern Argentina is described and illustrated.
Rhabdepyris longifoveatus sp.n. from southeastern Brazil and R. vesiculosus sp.n. from Central America and northwestern South America are described and illustrated. Rhabdepyris virescens Evans, 1965, R. vesculus Evans, 1065, R. subviridis (Kieffer, 1906), R. violaceus Evans, 1965, R. septemlineatus Kieffer, 1906 and R. lobatifrons Kieffer, 1906 had their sting and male genitalia described.
Bethylidae specimens from the Reserve were studied in its ecological and faunistic aspects. The material was collected by Malaise and Window traps simultaneously in ten different areas of the Reserve during four years. The total number of genera and specimens were analyzed. Indices of diversity and evenness were used for characterizing the community ecology. Clustering analysis of localities and genera were provided. Nine genera of Bethylidae were found in the Reserve, being Pseudisobrachium Kieffer, 1904 and Apenesia Westwood, 1874 the most common ones. Window trap was more efficient than Malaise trap in terms of genus diversity.
A survey of Monomachidae species was carried out in anarea of Atlantic rain forest of the Biological Reserve of Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo State, Brazil between September, 1996 and August, 1997. Two species of Mollomachus Klug, 1841, M. fuscator Perty, 1833 and M. eurycephalus Schletterer, 1890 were collected from May to September. Both species are typical of winter time and showed the same parttern of seasonality.
Apenesia quadrimera sp. n., A. rotunda sp. n. and A. clypeata sp. n. are described and illustrated. New geographic records and variation data of A. cusco Evans, 1966, A distinta Corrêa & Azevedo, 2001, A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. fusilis Corrêa & Azevedo, 2001, A. inca Evans, 1963 and A. transversa Evans, 1963 are added.
Espécies do gênero Neotropical Alongatepyris Azevedo são raramente coletadas. O gênero é reconhecido dentre os Sclerodermini por possuir o corpo extremamente achatado e a célula submediana da asa anterior pequena e completamente fechada. É descrita e ilustrada uma segunda espécie, Alongatepyris ingens sp. nov. da Colômbia. Esta espécie é caracterizada por não possuir a nervura radial da asa anterior. É apresentada uma diagnose de A. platunissimus Azevedo, 1992. É apresentada uma chave para as espécies do gênero.
Atualmente é difícil reconhecer a identidade de muitas espécies neotropicais de Pseudisobrachium Kieffer, 1904, principalmente por que as descrições e ilustrações disponíveis não são suficientes para permitir identificações precisas. Para resolver este problema, foram examinadas 115 espécies válidas, além de seus sinônimos juniores. Foram realizados doze atos nomenclaturais, e reconhecidas 110 espécies válidas para a região Neotropical. Foram designados dois lectótipos: Pristocera crassicornis Westwood and Pristocera haemorrhoidalis Westwood. Foram propostas sete sinonímias novas para espécies: Pseudisobrachium retusum Evans syn. nov. de P. pauxillum Evans; P. cunco Perez syn. nov. de P. erythrocephalum Evans; P. navajo Evans, P. rectangulatum Evans, P. emarginatum Evans e P. foutsi Evans syn. nov. de P. flavinervis Fouts; P. acuminatum Waichert & Azevedo syn. nov. de P. latum Waichert & Azevedo. Foi proposta a seguinte sinonímia nova para gênero: Parisobrachium Kieffer syn. nov. de Dissomphalus Ashmead. Foi estabelecida a seguinte combinação nova e revalidado o nome: Dissomphalus albipes (Kieffer) comb. nov. e nom. rev. de Pseudisobrachium paraguayense Kieffer.
Sistemática, Morfologia e Biogeografia
Solepyris Azevedo é um gênero neotropical raramente coletado. O gênero é reconhecido dentre os gêneros de Sclerodermini por possuir a nervação das asas anteriores com apenas uma célula fechada grande. É descrita e ilustrada uma segunda espécie, Solepyris montuosus, sp. nov., do Brasil. Esta espécie é caracterizada por possuir a nervura radial da asa anterior longa. É incluída uma diagnose emendada de Solepyris unicus Azevedo. Foi fornecida uma chave para as duas espécies de Solepyris.
Ten new species of Apenesia Westwood, 1874, from Brazil, Acre, are described and illustrated. They belong, respectively, to the following species-groups: nitida group, Apenesia lobata sp. nov., A. serrulata sp. nov. and A. subangulata sp. nov.; laevigata group, A. ocullata sp. nov. and A. rostrum sp. nov.; columbana group, A. apicilata sp. nov.; mexicana group, A. triapicalis sp. nov.; brasiliensis group, A. megaventris sp. nov., A. ventosa sp. nov. and A. triangula sp. nov. New geographical records and some morphological data on A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. nitida (Kieffer, 1910) and A. truncaticeps (Kieffer, 1910) are added.
Survey of the hymenopterous parasitoids (Insecta, Hymenoptera) from the Parque Estadual da Fonte Grande, Vitória, ES, Brazil. Parasitoids Hymenoptera were collected in a trail inside the Parque Estadual da Fonte Grande (20º17'51.7''S; 40º20'13.1''W), located in an area of the Atlantic Forest, during the period of June 2000 to July 2001. A total of 4,595 specimens, belonging to 28 families, have been collected. Braconidae, Eulophidae, and Scelionidae, were the most common families, with relative abundance of 22.5%, 14.32%, and 13.12%, respectively. Sixteen families showed the relative frequency lower than 1%. A preliminary list with 47 genera of some of the families is included.