966 resultados para Hilbert modules


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We generalize the concept of coherent states, traditionally defined as special families of vectors on Hilbert spaces, to Hilbert modules. We show that Hilbert modules over C*-algebras are the natural settings for a generalization of coherent states defined on Hilbert spaces. We consider those Hilbert C*-modules which have a natural left action from another C*-algebra, say A. The coherent states are well defined in this case and they behave well with respect to the left action by A. Certain classical objects like the Cuntz algebra are related to specific examples of coherent states. Finally we show that coherent states on modules give rise to a completely positive definite kernel between two C*-algebras, in complete analogy to the Hilbert space situation. Related to this, there is a dilation result for positive operator-valued measures, in the sense of Naimark. A number of examples are worked out to illustrate the theory. Some possible physical applications are also mentioned.


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In this note, we show that a quasi-free Hilbert module R defined over the polydisk algebra with kernel function k(z,w) admits a unique minimal dilation (actually an isometric co-extension) to the Hardy module over the polydisk if and only if S (-1)(z, w)k(z, w) is a positive kernel function, where S(z,w) is the Szego kernel for the polydisk. Moreover, we establish the equivalence of such a factorization of the kernel function and a positivity condition, defined using the hereditary functional calculus, which was introduced earlier by Athavale [8] and Ambrozie, Englis and Muller [2]. An explicit realization of the dilation space is given along with the isometric embedding of the module R in it. The proof works for a wider class of Hilbert modules in which the Hardy module is replaced by more general quasi-free Hilbert modules such as the classical spaces on the polydisk or the unit ball in a'', (m) . Some consequences of this more general result are then explored in the case of several natural function algebras.


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We associate a sheaf model to a class of Hilbert modules satisfying a natural finiteness condition. It is obtained as the dual to a linear system of Hermitian vector spaces (in the sense of Grothendieck). A refined notion of curvature is derived from this construction leading to a new unitary invariant for the Hilbert module. A division problem with bounds, originating in Douady's privilege, is related to this framework. A series of concrete computations illustrate the abstract concepts of the paper.


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Let M be the completion of the polynomial ring C(z) under bar] with respect to some inner product, and for any ideal I subset of C (z) under bar], let I] be the closure of I in M. For a homogeneous ideal I, the joint kernel of the submodule I] subset of M is shown, after imposing some mild conditions on M, to be the linear span of the set of vectors {p(i)(partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (1),...,partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (m)) K-I] (., w)vertical bar(w=0), 1 <= i <= t}, where K-I] is the reproducing kernel for the submodule 2] and p(1),..., p(t) is some minimal ``canonical set of generators'' for the ideal I. The proof includes an algorithm for constructing this canonical set of generators, which is determined uniquely modulo linear relations, for homogeneous ideals. A short proof of the ``Rigidity Theorem'' using the sheaf model for Hilbert modules over polynomial rings is given. We describe, via the monoidal transformation, the construction of a Hermitian holomorphic line bundle for a large class of Hilbert modules of the form I]. We show that the curvature, or even its restriction to the exceptional set, of this line bundle is an invariant for the unitary equivalence class of I]. Several examples are given to illustrate the explicit computation of these invariants.


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We give a thorough account of the various equivalent notions for \sheaf" on a locale, namely the separated and complete presheaves, the local home- omorphisms, and the local sets, and to provide a new approach based on quantale modules whereby we see that sheaves can be identi¯ed with certain Hilbert modules in the sense of Paseka. This formulation provides us with an interesting category that has immediate meaningful relations to those of sheaves, local homeomorphisms and local sets. The concept of B-set (local set over the locale B) present in [3] is seen as a simetric idempotent matrix with entries on B, and a map of B-sets as de¯ned in [8] is shown to be also a matrix satisfying some conditions. This gives us useful tools that permit the algebraic manipulation of B-sets. The main result is to show that the existing notions of \sheaf" on a locale B are also equivalent to a new concept what we call a Hilbert module with an Hilbert base. These modules are the projective modules since they are the image of a free module by a idempotent automorphism On the ¯rst chapter, we recall some well known results about partially ordered sets and lattices. On chapter two we introduce the category of Sup-lattices, and the cate- gory of locales, Loc. We describe the adjunction between this category and the category Top of topological spaces whose restriction to spacial locales give us a duality between this category and the category of sober spaces. We ¯nish this chapter with the de¯nitions of module over a quantale and Hilbert Module. Chapter three concerns with various equivalent notions namely: sheaves of sets, local homeomorphisms and local sets (projection matrices with entries on a locale). We ¯nish giving a direct algebraic proof that each local set is isomorphic to a complete local set, whose rows correspond to the singletons. On chapter four we de¯ne B-locale, study open maps and local homeo- morphims. The main new result is on the ¯fth chapter where we de¯ne the Hilbert modules and Hilbert modules with an Hilbert and show this latter concept is equivalent to the previous notions of sheaf over a locale.


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Hilbert C*-module valued coherent states was introduced earlier by Ali, Bhattacharyya and Shyam Roy. We consider the case when the underlying C*-algebra is a W*-algebra. The construction is similar with a substantial gain. The associated reproducing kernel is now algebra valued, rather than taking values in the space of bounded linear operators between two C*-algebras.


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Gohm, Rolf; Skeide, M., (2005) 'Constructing extensions of CP-maps via tensor dilations with rhe help of von Neumann modules', Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 8(2) pp.291-305 RAE2008


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Cette thèse porte sur les phénomènes critiques survenant dans les modèles bidimensionnels sur réseau. Les résultats sont l'objet de deux articles : le premier porte sur la mesure d'exposants critiques décrivant des objets géométriques du réseau et, le second, sur la construction d'idempotents projetant sur des modules indécomposables de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb pour la chaîne de spins XXZ. Le premier article présente des expériences numériques Monte Carlo effectuées pour une famille de modèles de boucles en phase diluée. Baptisés "dilute loop models (DLM)", ceux-ci sont inspirés du modèle O(n) introduit par Nienhuis (1990). La famille est étiquetée par les entiers relativement premiers p et p' ainsi que par un paramètre d'anisotropie. Dans la limite thermodynamique, il est pressenti que le modèle DLM(p,p') soit décrit par une théorie logarithmique des champs conformes de charge centrale c(\kappa)=13-6(\kappa+1/\kappa), où \kappa=p/p' est lié à la fugacité du gaz de boucles \beta=-2\cos\pi/\kappa, pour toute valeur du paramètre d'anisotropie. Les mesures portent sur les exposants critiques représentant la loi d'échelle des objets géométriques suivants : l'interface, le périmètre externe et les liens rouges. L'algorithme Metropolis-Hastings employé, pour lequel nous avons introduit de nombreuses améliorations spécifiques aux modèles dilués, est détaillé. Un traitement statistique rigoureux des données permet des extrapolations coïncidant avec les prédictions théoriques à trois ou quatre chiffres significatifs, malgré des courbes d'extrapolation aux pentes abruptes. Le deuxième article porte sur la décomposition de l'espace de Hilbert \otimes^nC^2 sur lequel la chaîne XXZ de n spins 1/2 agit. La version étudiée ici (Pasquier et Saleur (1990)) est décrite par un hamiltonien H_{XXZ}(q) dépendant d'un paramètre q\in C^\times et s'exprimant comme une somme d'éléments de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb TL_n(q). Comme pour les modèles dilués, le spectre de la limite continue de H_{XXZ}(q) semble relié aux théories des champs conformes, le paramètre q déterminant la charge centrale. Les idempotents primitifs de End_{TL_n}\otimes^nC^2 sont obtenus, pour tout q, en termes d'éléments de l'algèbre quantique U_qsl_2 (ou d'une extension) par la dualité de Schur-Weyl quantique. Ces idempotents permettent de construire explicitement les TL_n-modules indécomposables de \otimes^nC^2. Ceux-ci sont tous irréductibles, sauf si q est une racine de l'unité. Cette exception est traitée séparément du cas où q est générique. Les problèmes résolus par ces articles nécessitent une grande variété de résultats et d'outils. Pour cette raison, la thèse comporte plusieurs chapitres préparatoires. Sa structure est la suivante. Le premier chapitre introduit certains concepts communs aux deux articles, notamment une description des phénomènes critiques et de la théorie des champs conformes. Le deuxième chapitre aborde brièvement la question des champs logarithmiques, l'évolution de Schramm-Loewner ainsi que l'algorithme de Metropolis-Hastings. Ces sujets sont nécessaires à la lecture de l'article "Geometric Exponents of Dilute Loop Models" au chapitre 3. Le quatrième chapitre présente les outils algébriques utilisés dans le deuxième article, "The idempotents of the TL_n-module \otimes^nC^2 in terms of elements of U_qsl_2", constituant le chapitre 5. La thèse conclut par un résumé des résultats importants et la proposition d'avenues de recherche qui en découlent.


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A multiseries integrable model (MSIM) is defined as a family of compatible flows on an infinite-dimensional Lie group of N-tuples of formal series around N given poles on the Riemann sphere. Broad classes of solutions to a MSIM are characterized through modules over rings of rational functions, called asymptotic modules. Possible ways for constructing asymptotic modules are Riemann-Hilbert and ∂̄ problems. When MSIM's are written in terms of the group coordinates, some of them can be contracted into standard integrable models involving a small number of scalar functions only. Simple contractible MSIM's corresponding to one pole, yield the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) hierarchy. Two-pole contractible MSIM's are exhibited, which lead to a hierarchy of solvable systems of nonlinear differential equations consisting of (2 + 1) -dimensional evolution equations and of quite strong differential constraints. © 1989 American Institute of Physics.


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This report presents findings from a project that considered a) the current capacity of Adult and Community Education (ACE) providers to offer non-accredited courses and single modules of accredited learning that provide pathways into full scale accredited VET programs, and b) the factors that aid and inhibit this from occurring. Based on the findings, suggestions are made as to what needs to be done to extend this capacity and thereby to achieve the goals outlined in the 2008 Ministerial Declaration on Adult Community Education.


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Sigma-delta modulated systems have a number of very appealing properties and are, therefore, heavily used in analog to digital converters, amplifiers, and modulators. This paper presents new results which indicate that they may also have significant potential for general purpose arithmetic processing.