959 resultados para High-frequency Ultrasound


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High-frequency ultrasound is needed for medical imaging with high spatial resolution. A key issue in the development of ultrasound imaging arrays to operate at high frequencies (≥30 MHz) is the need for photolithographic patterning of array electrodes. To achieve this directly on 1-3 piezocomposite, the material requires not only planar, parallel, and smooth surfaces, but also an epoxy composite filler that is resistant to chemicals, heat, and vacuum. This paper reports, first, on the surface finishing of 1-3 piezocomposite materials by lapping and polishing. Excellent surface flatness has been obtained, with an average surface roughness of materials as low as 3 nm and step heights between ceramic/polymer of ∼80 nm. Subsequently, high-frequency array elements were patterned directly on top of these surfaces using a photolithography process. A 30-MHz linear array electrode pattern with 50-μm element pitch has been patterned on the lapped and polished surface of a high-frequency 1-3 piezocomposite. Excellent electrode edge definition and electrical contact to the composite were obtained. The composite has been lapped to a final thickness of ∼55 μm. Good adhesion of electrodes on the piezocomposite has been achieved and electrical impedance measurements have demonstrated their basic functionality. The array was then packaged, and acoustic pulse-echo measurements were performed. These results demonstrate that direct patterning of electrodes by photolithography on 1-3 piezocomposite is feasible for fabrication of high-frequency ultrasound arrays. Furthermore, this method is more conducive to mass production than other reported array fabrication techniques.


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A modified gel-casting technique was used to fabricate a 1-3 piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite substrate formed by irregular-shaped pillar arrays of small dimensions and kerfs. This technique involves the polymerization of aqueous piezoelectric (PZT) suspensions with added water-soluble epoxy resin and polyamine-based hardener that lead to high strength, high density and resilient ceramic bodies. Soft micromoulding was used to shape the ceramic segments, and micropillars with lateral features down to 4 m and height-to-width aspect ratios of ∼10 were achieved. The composite exhibited a clear thickness resonance mode at approximately 70 MHz and a k eff ∼ 0.51, demonstrating that the ceramic micropillars possess good electrical properties. Furthermore, gel-casting allows the fabrication of ceramic structures with non-conventional shapes; hence, device design is not limited by the standard fabrication methods. This is of particular benefit for high-frequency transducers where the critical design dimensions are reduced. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the murine heart of normal embryos, neonates, and juveniles using high-frequency ultrasound. Methods: Diastolic function was measured with E/A ratio (E wave velocity/A wave velocity) and isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT), systolic function with isovolumetric contraction time (ICT), percentage fractional shortening (FS%), percentage ejection fraction (EF%). Global cardiac performance was quantified using myocardial performance index (MPI). Results: Isovolumetric relaxation time remained stable from E10.5 to 3 weeks. Systolic function (ICT) improved with gestation and remained stable from E18.5 onward. Myocardial performance index showed improvement in embryonic lift (0.82-0.63) and then stabilized from 1 to 3 week (0.60-0.58). Percentage ejection fraction remained high during gestation (77%-69%) and then decreased from the neonate to juvenile (68%-51%). Conclusion: The ultrasound biomicroscope allows for noninvasive in-depth assessment of cardiac function of embryos and pups. Detailed physiological and functional cardiac function readouts can be obtained, which is invaluable for comparison to mouse models of disease.


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High-frequency ultrasound is a non-invasive tool used in skin ageing research to assess dermis thickness and echogenicity. This study evaluated the reliability of a range of high-frequency ultrasound parameters and tested their correlation with age and a validated clinical scale for the assessment of forearm skin photoageing; the difference between two body sites according to environmental exposition patterns was also investigated. Twenty-three volunteers aged 28-82 years were divided into three groups according to forearm photoageing degree. A 20 MHz ultrasound unit was used to obtain cross-sectional images of the skin by two trained investigators on two different sites: the dorsal forearm (chronically photoexposed skin) and the proximal medial arm (non-photoexposed skin). Several echogenicity parameters were studied for each skin compartment: total dermis, upper dermis and lower dermis, and the ratio between upper and lower dermis. The intraclass correlation coefficient (for complete agreement) between investigators was higher for upper and total dermis echogenicity measures compared with the lower dermis. At the non-photoexposed site, the upper and lower dermis parameter ratio was better correlated with age. At the photoexposed area, total dermis parameters demonstrated higher correlations with clinical score. The authors discuss the choice of parameters for forearm photoageing assessment using high-frequency ultrasound.


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Integration of a piezoelectric high frequency ultrasound (HFUS) array with a microfabricated application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) performing a range of functions has several advantages for ultrasound imaging. The number of signal cables between the array/electronics and the data acquisition / imaging system can be reduced, cutting costs and increasing functionality. Electrical impedance matching is also simplified and the same approach can reduce overall system dimensions for applications such as endoscopic ultrasound. The work reported in this paper demonstrates early ASIC operation with a piezocomposite HFUS array operating at approximately 30 MHz. The array was tested in three different modes. Clear signals were seen in catch-mode, with an external transducer as a source of ultrasound, and in pitch-mode with the external transducer as a receiver. Pitch-catch mode was also tested successfully, using sequential excitation on three array elements, and viable signals were detected. However, these were relatively small and affected by interference from mixed-signal sources in the ASIC. Nevertheless, the functionality and compatibility of the two main components of an integrated HFUS - ASIC device have been demonstrated and the means of further optimization are evident.


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A general electrical model of a piezoelectric transducer for ultrasound applications consists of a capacitor in parallel with RLC legs. A high power voltage source converter can however generate significant voltage stress across the transducer that creates high leakage currents. One solution is to reduce the voltage stress across the piezoelectric transducer by using an LC filter, however a main drawback is changing the piezoelectric resonant frequency and its characteristics. Thereby it reduces the efficiency of energy conversion through the transducer. This paper proposes that a high frequency current source converter is a suitable topology to drive high power piezoelectric transducers efficiently.


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The main contribution of this project was to investigate power electronics technology in designing and developing high frequency high power converters for industrial applications. Therefore, the research was conducted at two levels; first at system level which mainly encapsulated the circuit topology and control scheme and second at application level which involves with real-world applications. Pursuing these objectives, varied topologies have been developed and proposed within this research. The main aim was to resolving solid-state switches limited power rating and operating speed while increasing the system flexibility considering the application characteristics. The developed new power converter configurations were applied to pulsed power and high power ultrasound applications for experimental validation.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the response of RA patients to rituximab (RTX) treatment using a sensitive imaging technique for synovitis. METHODS: Twenty-three RA patients were treated with two 1000-mg infusions of the B-cell depleting antibody, RTX, in an observational protocol. Clinical response was assessed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. High-resolution grey-scale and colour-coded power Doppler (PD) ultrasonography was performed at baseline and 6 months after RTX. The second to fifth MCP and PIP joints were bilaterally examined with joints in a neutral 0 position from a palmar view and scored from 0 to 3. RESULTS: Median disease activity score (DAS28) improved from 5.03 to 3.56 (P = 0.001), which corresponded to a EULAR moderate response in 11 of 23 patients and a EULAR good response in another 6 patients. Improved control of disease activity by RTX was also indicated by tapering of median daily corticosteroid doses from 10 to 5 mg, without flare ups. Mean grey-scale scores correlated with the swollen joint count at baseline (r = 0.484, P = 0.022) and month 6 (r = 0.519, P = 0.011). Mean grey-scale scores improved upon RTX from a 0.90 median (range 0.13-1.87) to 0.75 (range 0.19-1.50, P = 0.023). Frequency of PD positive joints was low (6.1%) at baseline and did not significantly change following RTX treatment. CONCLUSIONS: High-resolution grey-scale ultrasonography (US) examination confirmed reduced synovial hyperplasia, but the applied PD method displayed no significant changes. Therefore, only grey-scale US is recommended in follow-up examinations after RTX treatment.


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The effect of high power ultrasound waves on physical, biochemical, and microbial properties of meat have been the subject of a great deal of interest in recent years. The present review details the basic principles underlying the effects of ultrasound on the properties of food systems, followed by discussion of specific effects of high power ultrasound on meat products, including muscle, cellular, and subcellular components. In addition, the specific effects of high power ultrasound on the following parameters are discussed: enzyme activities and efficiencies, muscle proteolysis, quality criteria such as tenderness; extraction of protein, gelation, and restructuring of meat products and germicidal properties against meat micro-organisms.