974 resultados para High-Order Accurate Scheme
This paper presents results on a verification test of a Direct Numerical Simulation code of mixed high-order of accuracy using the method of manufactured solutions (MMS). This test is based on the formulation of an analytical solution for the Navier-Stokes equations modified by the addition of a source term. The present numerical code was aimed at simulating the temporal evolution of instability waves in a plane Poiseuille flow. The governing equations were solved in a vorticity-velocity formulation for a two-dimensional incompressible flow. The code employed two different numerical schemes. One used mixed high-order compact and non-compact finite-differences from fourth-order to sixth-order of accuracy. The other scheme used spectral methods instead of finite-difference methods for the streamwise direction, which was periodic. In the present test, particular attention was paid to the boundary conditions of the physical problem of interest. Indeed, the verification procedure using MMS can be more demanding than the often used comparison with Linear Stability Theory. That is particularly because in the latter test no attention is paid to the nonlinear terms. For the present verification test, it was possible to manufacture an analytical solution that reproduced some aspects of an instability wave in a nonlinear stage. Although the results of the verification by MMS for this mixed-order numerical scheme had to be interpreted with care, the test was very useful as it gave confidence that the code was free of programming errors. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
fit the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten. this paper presents an extension of it previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D hock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken clam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. And third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems. (C) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
fit the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten. this paper presents an extension of it previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D hock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken clam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. and third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems. (C) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
The maximum principle is an important property of solutions to PDE. Correspondingly, it's of great interest for people to design a high order numerical scheme solving PDE with this property maintained. In this thesis, our particular interest is solving convection-dominated diffusion equation. We first review a nonconventional maximum principle preserving(MPP) high order finite volume(FV) WENO scheme, and then propose a new parametrized MPP high order finite difference(FD) WENO framework, which is generalized from the one solving hyperbolic conservation laws. A formal analysis is presented to show that a third order finite difference scheme with this parametrized MPP flux limiters maintains the third order accuracy without extra CFL constraint when the low order monotone flux is chosen appropriately. Numerical tests in both one and two dimensional cases are performed on the simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity stream-function formulation and several other problems to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist ein Verfahren zur numerischen Lösung der zweidimensionalen Flachwassergleichung, welche das Fließverhalten von Gewässern, deren Oberflächenausdehnung wesentlich größer als deren Tiefe ist, modelliert. Diese Gleichung beschreibt die gravitationsbedingte zeitliche Änderung eines gegebenen Anfangszustandes bei Gewässern mit freier Oberfläche. Diese Klasse beinhaltet Probleme wie das Verhalten von Wellen an flachen Stränden oder die Bewegung einer Flutwelle in einem Fluss. Diese Beispiele zeigen deutlich die Notwendigkeit, den Einfluss von Topographie sowie die Behandlung von Nass/Trockenübergängen im Verfahren zu berücksichtigen. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein, in Gebieten mit hinreichender Wasserhöhe, hochgenaues Finite-Volumen-Verfahren zur numerischen Bestimmung des zeitlichen Verlaufs der Lösung der zweidimensionalen Flachwassergleichung aus gegebenen Anfangs- und Randbedingungen auf einem unstrukturierten Gitter vorgestellt, welches in der Lage ist, den Einfluss topographischer Quellterme auf die Strömung zu berücksichtigen, sowie in sogenannten \glqq lake at rest\grqq-stationären Zuständen diesen Einfluss mit den numerischen Flüssen exakt auszubalancieren. Basis des Verfahrens ist ein Finite-Volumen-Ansatz erster Ordnung, welcher durch eine WENO Rekonstruktion unter Verwendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate und eine sogenannte Space Time Expansion erweitert wird mit dem Ziel, ein Verfahren beliebig hoher Ordnung zu erhalten. Die im Verfahren auftretenden Riemannprobleme werden mit dem Riemannlöser von Chinnayya, LeRoux und Seguin von 1999 gelöst, welcher die Einflüsse der Topographie auf den Strömungsverlauf mit berücksichtigt. Es wird in der Arbeit bewiesen, dass die Koeffizienten der durch das WENO-Verfahren berechneten Rekonstruktionspolynome die räumlichen Ableitungen der zu rekonstruierenden Funktion mit einem zur Verfahrensordnung passenden Genauigkeitsgrad approximieren. Ebenso wird bewiesen, dass die Koeffizienten des aus der Space Time Expansion resultierenden Polynoms die räumlichen und zeitlichen Ableitungen der Lösung des Anfangswertproblems approximieren. Darüber hinaus wird die wohlbalanciertheit des Verfahrens für beliebig hohe numerische Ordnung bewiesen. Für die Behandlung von Nass/Trockenübergangen wird eine Methode zur Ordnungsreduktion abhängig von Wasserhöhe und Zellgröße vorgeschlagen. Dies ist notwendig, um in der Rechnung negative Werte für die Wasserhöhe, welche als Folge von Oszillationen des Raum-Zeit-Polynoms auftreten können, zu vermeiden. Numerische Ergebnisse die die theoretische Verfahrensordnung bestätigen werden ebenso präsentiert wie Beispiele, welche die hervorragenden Eigenschaften des Gesamtverfahrens in der Berechnung herausfordernder Probleme demonstrieren.
Simulations of the global atmosphere for weather and climate forecasting require fast and accurate solutions and so operational models use high-order finite differences on regular structured grids. This precludes the use of local refinement; techniques allowing local refinement are either expensive (eg. high-order finite element techniques) or have reduced accuracy at changes in resolution (eg. unstructured finite-volume with linear differencing). We present solutions of the shallow-water equations for westerly flow over a mid-latitude mountain from a finite-volume model written using OpenFOAM. A second/third-order accurate differencing scheme is applied on arbitrarily unstructured meshes made up of various shapes and refinement patterns. The results are as accurate as equivalent resolution spectral methods. Using lower order differencing reduces accuracy at a refinement pattern which allows errors from refinement of the mountain to accumulate and reduces the global accuracy over a 15 day simulation. We have therefore introduced a scheme which fits a 2D cubic polynomial approximately on a stencil around each cell. Using this scheme means that refinement of the mountain improves the accuracy after a 15 day simulation. This is a more severe test of local mesh refinement for global simulations than has been presented but a realistic test if these techniques are to be used operationally. These efficient, high-order schemes may make it possible for local mesh refinement to be used by weather and climate forecast models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A high resolution, second-order central difference method for incompressible flows is presented. The method is based on a recent second-order extension of the classic Lax–Friedrichs scheme introduced for hyperbolic conservation laws (Nessyahu H. & Tadmor E. (1990) J. Comp. Physics. 87, 408-463; Jiang G.-S. & Tadmor E. (1996) UCLA CAM Report 96-36, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., in press) and augmented by a new discrete Hodge projection. The projection is exact, yet the discrete Laplacian operator retains a compact stencil. The scheme is fast, easy to implement, and readily generalizable. Its performance was tested on the standard periodic double shear-layer problem; no spurious vorticity patterns appear when the flow is underresolved. A short discussion of numerical boundary conditions is also given, along with a numerical example.
A second order accurate, characteristic-based, finite difference scheme is developed for scalar conservation laws with source terms. The scheme is an extension of well-known second order scalar schemes for homogeneous conservation laws. Such schemes have proved immensely powerful when applied to homogeneous systems of conservation laws using flux-difference splitting. Many application areas, however, involve inhomogeneous systems of conservation laws with source terms, and the scheme presented here is applied to such systems in a subsequent paper.
High bandwidth-efficiency quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signaling widely adopted in high-rate communication systems suffers from a drawback of high peak-toaverage power ratio, which may cause the nonlinear saturation of the high power amplifier (HPA) at transmitter. Thus, practical high-throughput QAM communication systems exhibit nonlinear and dispersive channel characteristics that must be modeled as a Hammerstein channel. Standard linear equalization becomes inadequate for such Hammerstein communication systems. In this paper, we advocate an adaptive B-Spline neural network based nonlinear equalizer. Specifically, during the training phase, an efficient alternating least squares (LS) scheme is employed to estimate the parameters of the Hammerstein channel, including both the channel impulse response (CIR) coefficients and the parameters of the B-spline neural network that models the HPA’s nonlinearity. In addition, another B-spline neural network is used to model the inversion of the nonlinear HPA, and the parameters of this inverting B-spline model can easily be estimated using the standard LS algorithm based on the pseudo training data obtained as a natural byproduct of the Hammerstein channel identification. Nonlinear equalisation of the Hammerstein channel is then accomplished by the linear equalization based on the estimated CIR as well as the inverse B-spline neural network model. Furthermore, during the data communication phase, the decision-directed LS channel estimation is adopted to track the time-varying CIR. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed B-Spline neural network based nonlinear equalization scheme.
In this article, we present an analytical direct method, based on a Numerov three-point scheme, which is sixth order accurate and has a linear execution time on the grid dimension, to solve the discrete one-dimensional Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Our results should improve numerical codes used mainly in self-consistent calculations in solid state physics.
This work is concerned with the computation of incompressible axisymmetric and fall three-dimensional free-surface flows. In particular, the circular-hydraulic jump is simulated and compared with approximate analytic solutions. However, the principal thrust of this paper is to provide a real problem as a test bed for comparing the many existing convective approximations. Their performance is compared; SMART, HLPA and VONOS emerge as acceptable upwinding methods for this problem. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
The numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations offers an alternative to experimental analysis of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). We would save a lot of time and effort and help cut back on costs, if we are able to accurately model systems by these numerical solutions. These advantages are even more obvious when considering huge structures like bridges, high rise buildings or even wind turbine blades with diameters as large as 200 meters. The modeling of such processes, however, involves complex multiphysics problems along with complex geometries. This thesis focuses on a novel vorticity-velocity formulation called the Kinematic Laplacian Equation (KLE) to solve the incompressible Navier-stokes equations for such FSI problems. This scheme allows for the implementation of robust adaptive ordinary differential equations (ODE) time integration schemes, allowing us to tackle each problem as a separate module. The current algortihm for the KLE uses an unstructured quadrilateral mesh, formed by dividing each triangle of an unstructured triangular mesh into three quadrilaterals for spatial discretization. This research deals with determining a suitable measure of mesh quality based on the physics of the problems being tackled. This is followed by exploring methods to improve the quality of quadrilateral elements obtained from the triangles and thereby improving the overall mesh quality. A series of numerical experiments were designed and conducted for this purpose and the results obtained were tested on different geometries with varying degrees of mesh density.
The numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations offers an effective alternative to the experimental analysis of Fluid-Structure interaction i.e. dynamical coupling between a fluid and a solid which otherwise is very complex, time consuming and very expensive. To have a method which can accurately model these types of mechanical systems by numerical solutions becomes a great option, since these advantages are even more obvious when considering huge structures like bridges, high rise buildings, or even wind turbine blades with diameters as large as 200 meters. The modeling of such processes, however, involves complex multiphysics problems along with complex geometries. This thesis focuses on a novel vorticity-velocity formulation called the KLE to solve the incompressible Navier-stokes equations for such FSI problems. This scheme allows for the implementation of robust adaptive ODE time integration schemes and thus allows us to tackle the various multiphysics problems as separate modules. The current algorithm for KLE employs a structured or unstructured mesh for spatial discretization and it allows the use of a self-adaptive or fixed time step ODE solver while dealing with unsteady problems. This research deals with the analysis of the effects of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition for KLE when applied to unsteady Stoke’s problem. The objective is to conduct a numerical analysis for stability and, hence, for convergence. Our results confirmthat the time step ∆t is constrained by the CFL-like condition ∆t ≤ const. hα, where h denotes the variable that represents spatial discretization.
KIVA is a FORTRAN code developed by Los Alamos national lab to simulate complete engine cycle. KIVA is a flow solver code which is used to perform calculation of properties in a fluid flow field. It involves using various numerical schemes and methods to solve the Navier-Stokes equation. This project involves improving the accuracy of one such scheme by upgrading it to a higher order scheme. The numerical scheme to be modified is used in the critical final stage calculation called as rezoning phase. The primitive objective of this project is to implement a higher order numerical scheme, to validate and verify that the new scheme is better than the existing scheme. The latest version of the KIVA family (KIVA 4) is used for implementing the higher order scheme to support handling the unstructured mesh. The code is validated using the traditional shock tube problem and the results are verified to be more accurate than the existing schemes in reference with the analytical result. The convection test is performed to compare the computational accuracy on convective transfer; it is found that the new scheme has less numerical diffusion compared to the existing schemes. A four valve pentroof engine, an example case of KIVA package is used as application to ensure the stability of the scheme in practical application. The results are compared for the temperature profile. In spite of all the positive results, the numerical scheme implemented has a downside of consuming more CPU time for the computational analysis. The detailed comparison is provided. However, in an overview, the implementation of the higher order scheme in the latest code KIVA 4 is verified to be successful and it gives better results than the existing scheme which satisfies the objective of this project.