977 resultados para High field transport


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An optical-phonon-limited velocity model has been employed to investigate high-field transport in a selection of layered 2-D materials for both, low-power logic switches with scaled supply voltages, and high-power, high-frequency transistors. Drain currents, effective electron velocities, and intrinsic cutoff frequencies as a function of carrier density have been predicted, thus providing a benchmark for the optical-phonon-limited high-field performance limits of these materials. The optical-phonon-limited carrier velocities for a selection of multi-layers of transition metal dichalcogenides and black phosphorus are found to be modest compared to their n-channel silicon counterparts, questioning the utility of biasing these devices in the source-injection dominated regime. h-BN, at the other end of the spectrum, is shown to be a very promising material for high-frequency, high-power devices, subject to the experimental realization of high carrier densities, primarily due to its large optical-phonon energy. Experimentally extracted saturation velocities from few-layer MoS2 devices show reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the predicted values. The temperature dependence of the measured v(sat) is discussed and compared with the theoretically predicted dependence over a range of temperatures.


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The substitution of a small fraction x of nitrogen atoms, for the group V elements in conventional III-V semiconductors such as GaAs and GaSb strongly perturbs the conduction band of the host semiconductor. In this thesis we investigate the effects of nitrogen states on the band dispersion, carrier scattering and mobility of dilute nitride alloys. In the supercell model we solve the single particle Hamiltonian for a very large supercell containing randomly placed nitrogen. This model predicts a gap in the density of states of GaNxAs1−x, where this gap is filled in the Green’s function model. Therefore we develop a self-consistent Green’s function (SCGF) approach, which provides excellent agreement with supercell calculations and reveals a gap in the DOS, in contrast with the results of previous non-self-consistent Green’s function calculations. However, including the distribution of N states destroys this gap, as seen in experiment. We then examine the high field transport of carriers by solving the steadystate Boltzmann transport equation and find that it is necessary to include the full distribution of N levels in order to account for the small, low-field mobility and the absence of a negative differential velocity regime observed experimentally with increasing x. Overall the results account well for a wide range of experimental data. We also investigate the band structure, scattering and mobility of carriers by finding the poles of the SCGF, which gives lower carrier mobility for GaNxAs1−x, compared to those already calculated, in better agreement with experiments. The calculated optical absorption spectra for InyGa1−yNxAs1−x and GaNxSb1−x using the SCGF agree well with the experimental data, confirming the validity of this approach to study the band structure of these materials.


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In this work, we observe gate tunable negative differential conductance (NDC) and current saturation in single layer and bilayer graphene transistor at high source-drain field, which arise due to the interplay among (1) self-heating, (2) hot carrier injection, and (3) drain induced minority carrier injection. The magnitude of the NDC is found to be reduced for a bilayer, in agreement with its weaker carrier-optical phonon coupling and less efficient hot carrier injection. The contributions of different mechanisms to the observed results are decoupled through fast transient measurements with nanosecond resolution. The findings provide insights into high field transport in graphene. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754103]


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This thesis investigates phenomena of vortex dynamics in type II superconductors depending on the dimensionality of the flux-line system and the strength of the driving force. In the low dissipative regime of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} (BSCCO) the influence of oxygen stoichiometry on flux-line tension was examined. An entanglement crossover of the vortex system at low magnetic fields was identified and a comprehensive B-T phase diagram of solid and fluid phases derived.In YBa_2Cu_3O_7 (YBCO) extremely long (>100 mm) high-quality measurement bridges allowed to extend the electric-field window in transport measurements by up to three orders of magnitude. Complementing analyses of the data conclusively produced dynamic exponents of the glass transition z~9 considerably higher than theoretically predicted and previously reported. In high-dissipative measurements a voltage instability appearing in the current-voltage characteristics of type II superconductors was observed for the first time in BSCCO and shown to result from a Larkin-Ovchinnikov flux-flow vortex instability under the influence of quasi-particle heating. However, in an analogous investigation of YBCO the instability was found to appear only in the temperature and magnetic-field regime of the vortex-glass state. Rapid-pulse measurements fully confirmed this correlation of vortex glass and instability in YBCO and revealed a constant rise time (~µs).


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Exhaust emissions from motor vehicles vary widely and depend on factors such as engine operating conditions, fuel, age, mileage and service history. A method has been devised to rapidly identify high-polluting vehicles as they travel on the road. The method is able to monitor emissions from a large number of vehicles in a short time and avoids the need to conduct expensive and time consuming tests on chassis dynamometers. A sample of the exhaust plume is captured as each vehicle passes a roadside monitoring station and the pollutant emission factors are calculated from the measured concentrations using carbon dioxide as a tracer. Although, similar methods have been used to monitor soot and gaseous mass emissions, to-date it has not been used to monitor particle number emissions from a large fleet of vehicles. This is particularly important as epidemiological studies have shown that particle number concentration is an important parameter in determining adverse health effects. The method was applied to measurements of particle number emissions from individual buses in the Brisbane City Council diesel fleet operating on the South-East Busway. Results indicate that the particle number emission factors are gamma- distributed, with a high proportion of the emissions being emitted by a small percentage of the buses. Although most of the high-emitters are the oldest buses in the fleet, there are clear exceptions, with some newer buses emitting as much. We attribute this to their recent service history, particularly pertaining to improper tuning of the engines. We recommend that a targeted correction program would be a highly effective measure in mitigating urban environmental pollution.


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The effect of pressure on the conductivity of fast ion conducting AgI-Ag2O-MoO3 glasses has been investigated down to 150 K. The observed variation of conductivities appears to support the application of cluster model to the ionic glasses.


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Electrical Switching Studies on bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx ( 15 <= x <= 34) glasses have been undertaken to examine the type of switching, composition and thickness dependence of switching voltages. Unlike Ge-Se-Tl thin films which exhibit memory switching, the bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses are found to exhibit threshold type switching with fluctuations seen in their current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. Further, it is observed that the switching voltages (V-T) of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses decrease with the increase in the Tl concentration. An effort has been made to understand the observed composition dependence on the basis of nature of bonding of Tl atoms and a decrease in the chemical disorder with composition. In addition. the network connectivity and metallicity factors also contribute for the observed decrease in the switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses with Tl addition. It is also interesting to note that the composition dependence of switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses exhibit a small Cusp around the composition x = 22. which is understood on the basis of a thermally reversing window in this system in the composition range 22 <= x <= 30. The thickness dependence of switching voltages has been found to provide an insight about the type of switching mechanism involved in these samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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We have made concurrent measurements of ionic current and optical transmission between crossed polarisers on several nematics with positive dielectric anisotropy under the action of applied low frequency (< 1KHz) square wave voltages. When the field E is low, the measured current is linear in E and there is no electrooptic response. Beyond some value of the field (E(0)similar to 100 esu), the current becomes independent of the field (phenomenon of limiting current). Further an electrooptic signal is measured at twice the frequency of the applied voltage, which exhibits a peak as a function of the field. The width of the peak is 3 to 4 times the value of E-0, and the signal level at the peak decreases as the frequency is increased. These measurements have been made on three highly polar compounds with cyano end groups. Careful observations do not show any evidence of electrohydrodynamic instabilities in the sample. It is argued that the observations can be understood if at the onset of the phenomenon of the limiting current, a strong electric field gradient is established near one of the electrodes due to the sweeping of an ionic species with high mobility. The field gradient produces a flexoelectric deformation of the director field, which in turn gives rise to the electrooptic effect. At higher fields, the stabilising dielectric torque takes over to suppress this instability.


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Temperature and magnetic field studies of the elastic constants of the chromium spinel CdCr2O4 show pronounced anomalies related to strong spin-phonon coupling in this frustrated antiferromagnet. A detailed comparison of the longitudinal acoustic mode propagating along the 111] direction with a theory based on an exchange-striction mechanism leads to an estimate of the strength of the magnetoelastic interaction. The derived spin-phonon coupling constant is in good agreement with previous determinations based on infrared absorption. Further insight is gained from intermediate and high magnetic field experiments in the field regime of the magnetization plateau. The role of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is discussed.


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This thesis describes a series of experimental studies of lead chalcogenide thermoelectric semiconductors, mainly PbSe. Focusing on a well-studied semiconductor and reporting good but not extraordinary zT, this thesis distinguishes itself by answering the following questions that haven’t been answered: What represents the thermoelectric performance of PbSe? Where does the high zT come from? How (and how much) can we make it better? For the first question, samples were made with highest quality. Each transport property was carefully measured, cross-verified and compared with both historical and contemporary report to overturn commonly believed underestimation of zT. For n- and p-type PbSe zT at 850 K can be 1.1 and 1.0, respectively. For the second question, a systematic approach of quality factor B was used. In n-type PbSe zT is benefited from its high-quality conduction band that combines good degeneracy, low band mass and low deformation potential, whereas zT of p-type is boosted when two mediocre valence bands converge (in band edge energy). In both cases the thermal conductivity from PbSe lattice is inherently low. For the third question, the use of solid solution lead chalcogenide alloys was first evaluated. Simple criteria were proposed to help quickly evaluate the potential of improving zT by introducing atomic disorder. For both PbTe1-xSex and PbSe1-xSx, the impacts in electron and phonon transport compensate each other. Thus, zT in each case was roughly the average of two binary compounds. In p-type Pb1-xSrxSe alloys an improvement of zT from 1.1 to 1.5 at 900 K was achieved, due to the band engineering effect that moves the two valence bands closer in energy. To date, making n-type PbSe better hasn’t been accomplished, but possible strategy is discussed.