980 resultados para High build epoxy


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An accurate kinetics model is essential for understanding the curing mechanism and predicting the end properties of polymer materials. Graphite/epoxy AS4/ 8552 prepreg is a recent high-performance thermosetting composite modified with thermoplastic, which is being used in the manufacture of aircraft and military structures. The isothermal cures of this system along with another thermoplastic toughened high-performance prepreg, the T800H/3900-2 system, were investigated by real-time Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The cure rate was quantitatively analyzed based on the concentration profiles of both the epoxy and primary amine groups. Three autocatalytic models were used to determine kinetics parameters for both composite systems. The model which utilizes an empirical term, the final relative conversion (at different isothermal curing temperatures), describes the experimental data of both systems more satisfactorily than the model which applies a diffusion factor. The modeling results suggest that the curing of epoxy within both prepregs can be assumed to be a second order process.


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In layered silicate-epoxy nanocomposites organic modification of the silicates makes them compatible with the epoxy which intercalates into the clay galleries. The effect of clay dispersion on epoxies of high Tg is not clear. Decreases of the epoxy Tg have been frequently reported. The presence of clay may cause stoichiometry imbalances that conduces to the formation of imperfect networks


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The effect of an organically surface modified layered silicate on the viscosity of various epoxy resins of different structures and different functionalities was investigated. Steady and dynamic shear viscosities of the epoxy resins containing 0-10 wt% of the organoclay were determined using parallel plate rheology. Viscosity results were compared with those achieved through addition of a commonly used micron-sized CaCO3 filler. It was found that changes in viscosities due to the different fillers were of the same order, since the layered silicate was only dispersed on a micron-sized scale in the monomer (prior to reaction), as indicated by X-ray diffraction measurements. Flow activation energies at a low frequency were determined and did not show any significant changes due to the addition of organoclay or CaCO3. Comparison between dynamic and steady shear experiments showed good agreement for low layered silicate concentrations below 7.5 wt%, i.e. the Cox-Merz rule can be applied. Deviations from the Cox-Merz rule appeared at and above 10 wt%, although such deviations were only slightly above experimental error. Most resin organoclay blends were well predicted by the Power Law model, only concentrations of 10 wt% and above requiring the Herschel-Buckley (yield stress) model to achieve better fits. Wide-angle X-ray measurements have shown that the epoxy resin swells the layered silicate with an increase in the interlayer distance of approximately 15 Angstrom, and that the rheology behavior is due to the lateral, micron-size of these swollen tactoids.


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The influence of an organically modified clay on the curing behavior of three epoxy systems widely used in the aerospace industry and of different structures and functionalities, was studied. Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), triglycidyl p-amino phenol (TGAP) and tetraglycidyl diamino diphenylmethane (TGDDM) were mixed with an octadecyl ammonium ion modified organoclay and cured with diethyltoluene diamine (DETDA). The techniques of dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), chemorheology and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were applied to investigate gelation and vitrification behavior, as well as catalytic effects of the clay on resin cure. While the formation of layered silicate nanocomposite based on the bifunctional DGEBA resin has been previously investigated to some extent, this paper represents the first detailed study of the cure behavior of different high performance, epoxy nanocomposite systems.


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An enhanced mandrel bend testing method has been proposed for the evaluation of the maximum strain level that could be tolerated by an organic coating, and for the understanding of localised coating deformation and cracking behaviours under nonuniform mechanical strains. The aim is to develop a practical method that is suitable for selecting pipeline coatings in order to ensure that the selected coatings have sufficient flexibility to meet the high strain demand during the construction, hydrostatic testing and operation of high pressure pipelines. Two new mandrel bend testing setups have been designed by employing either centre or end clamps in order to improve the uniformity of strain distributions over coated steel coupons, and by using strain gauges to perform in situ measurements of local strains. A series of tests have been carried out to evaluate the new method for testing the flexibility of selected epoxy based pipeline industry coatings. Preliminary computational simulation has also been carried out for assisting the interpretation of mandrel bending test results.


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One of the foremost design considerations in microelectronics miniaturization is the use of embedded passives which provide practical solution. In a typical circuit, over 80 percent of the electronic components are passives such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors that could take up to almost 50 percent of the entire printed circuit board area. By integrating passive components within the substrate instead of being on the surface, embedded passives reduce the system real estate, eliminate the need for discrete and assembly, enhance electrical performance and reliability, and potentially reduce the overall cost. Moreover, it is lead free. Even with these advantages, embedded passive technology is at a relatively immature stage and more characterization and optimization are needed for practical applications leading to its commercialization.This paper presents an entire process from design and fabrication to electrical characterization and reliability test of embedded passives on multilayered microvia organic substrate. Two test vehicles focusing on resistors and capacitors have been designed and fabricated. Embedded capacitors in this study are made with polymer/ceramic nanocomposite (BaTiO3) material to take advantage of low processing temperature of polymers and relatively high dielectric constant of ceramics and the values of these capacitors range from 50 pF to 1.5 nF with capacitance per area of approximately 1.5 nF/cm(2). Limited high frequency measurement of these capacitors was performed. Furthermore, reliability assessments of thermal shock and temperature humidity tests based on JEDEC standards were carried out. Resistors used in this work have been of three types: 1) carbon ink based polymer thick film (PTF), 2) resistor foils with known sheet resistivities which are laminated to printed wiring board (PWB) during a sequential build-up (SBU) process and 3) thin-film resistor plating by electroless method. Realization of embedded resistors on conventional board-level high-loss epoxy (similar to 0.015 at 1 GHz) and proposed low-loss BCB dielectric (similar to 0.0008 at > 40 GHz) has been explored in this study. Ni-P and Ni-W-P alloys were plated using conventional electroless plating, and NiCr and NiCrAlSi foils were used for the foil transfer process. For the first time, Benzocyclobutene (BCB) has been proposed as a board level dielectric for advanced System-on-Package (SOP) module primarily due to its attractive low-loss (for RF application) and thin film (for high density wiring) properties.Although embedded passives are more reliable by eliminating solder joint interconnects, they also introduce other concerns such as cracks, delamination and component instability. More layers may be needed to accommodate the embedded passives, and various materials within the substrate may cause significant thermo -mechanical stress due to coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch. In this work, numerical models of embedded capacitors have been developed to qualitatively examine the effects of process conditions and electrical performance due to thermo-mechanical deformations.Also, a prototype working product with the board level design including features of embedded resistors and capacitors are underway. Preliminary results of these are presented.


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An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.


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The incorporation and uniform dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in polymer matrix could facilitate engineers to create high performance nanocomposites that potentially compete with most advanced materials in nature. The unique combination of outstanding mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of CNTs makes them excellent nanofillers for the fabrication of advanced materials. Successful enhancement in mechanical properties via reinforcement is expected only when the nanofillers are well dispersed in the polymer matrix. Moreover, the orientation as well as the CNT/matrix interfacial strength also determines the effective physical properties of the nanocomposites. However, CNTs typically assemble to give bundles, which are heavily entangled to each other with a high aspect ratio and a large π-electronic surface. In this work, we outline some preliminary results in preparing high performance epoxy composites. Composites with fine dispersion and superior mechanical properties were prepared using epoxy and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The fine dispersion of the nanocomposites can be identified in the high resolution SEM image shown in Figure 1. This method can provide an alternative route for the preparation of new structural and functional nanocomposites.


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Carbon/epoxy 8552 prepreg is a thermoplastic toughened high-performance epoxy being used in the manufacture of advanced army material. Understanding the cure behavior of a thermosetting system is essential in the development and optimization of composite fabrication processes. The cure kinetics and rheological behavior were evaluated using a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and a rheometer. Values of the kinetic parameters were obtained from dynamic DSC scans using an nth order reaction model. Rheological measurements as a function of temperature and time were made for the prepreg system. The manufacturer's recommended cure cycle was evaluated and considered adequate to consolidated the studied system.


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Laser-assisted Cold Spray (LCS) is a new coating and fabrication process which combines the supersonic powder beam found in Cold Spray (CS) with laser heating of the deposition zone. LCS retains the advantages of CS; solid-state deposition, high build rate and the ability to deposit onto a range of substrates, while reducing operating costs by removing the need to use gas heating and helium as the process gas. Recent improvements in powder delivery and laser energy coupling to workpiece have been undertaken to improve deposition efficiency (DE) and build rate, while real-time temperature logging allows greater management of deposition conditions and deposit characteristics.


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Laser-assisted cold spray (LCS) is a new coating and fabrication process which combines some advantages of CS: solid-state deposition, retain their initial composition and high build rate with the ability to deposit materials which are either difficult or impossible to deposit using cold spray alone. Stellite 6 powder is deposited on medium carbon steels by LCS using N 2 as carrier gas pressure. The topography, cross section thickness, structure of the coatings is examined by SEM, optical microscopy, EDX. The results show that thickness and fluctuation of coating are improved with increased deposition site temperature. Porosity of coating is affected by N 2 and deposition site temperature. In this paper, it presents optimal coating using N 2 at a pressure of 3 MPa and temperature of 450°C and deposition site temperature of 1100°C.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Aromatic thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) has promise in high-temperature applications. It can be employed as a bulk polymer, as a coating and as a matrix for carbon fiber composites (ATSP/C composites). This work focuses on the applications of high performance ATSP/C composites. The morphology of the ATSP matrix in the presence of carbon fiber was studied. The effect of liquid crystalline character of starting oligomers used to prepare ATSP on the final crystal structure of the ATSP/C composite was evaluated. Matrices obtained by crosslinking of both liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP2) and non-liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP1) tend to crystallize in presence of carbon fibers. The crystallite size of ATSP2 is 4 times that of ATSP1. Composites made from ATSP2 yield tougher matrices compared to those made from ATSP1. Thus toughened matrices could be achieved without incorporating any additives by just changing the morphology of the final polymer. The flammability characteristics of ATSP were also studied. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) of bulk ATSP was found to be 40% whereas that of ATSP/C composites is estimated to be 85%. Thus, ATSP shows potential to be used as a flame resistant material, and also as an aerospace reentry shield. Mechanical properties of the ATSP/C composite were characterized. ATSP was observed to bond strongly with reinforcing carbon fibers. The tensile strength, modulus and shear modulus were comparable to those of conventionally used high temperature epoxy resins. ATSP shows a unique capability for healing of interlaminar cracks on application of heat and pressure, via the Interchain Transesterification Reaction (ITR). ITR can also be used for reduction in void volume and healing of microcracks. Thus, ATSP resin systems provide a unique intrinsic repair mechanism compared to any other thermosetting systems in use today. Preliminary studies on measurement of residual stresses for ATSP/C composites indicate that the stresses induced are much lower than that in epoxy/C composites. Thermal fatigue testing suggests that ATSP shows better resistance to microcracking compared to epoxy resins.


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As the study of electrical breakdown phenomena in vacuum systems, gains more importance, a thorough understanding of the breakdown mechanism at high voltages necessitates a chamber for experimental studies. An epoxy-resin chamber has been constructed by casting ring sections which were joined together. The advantages of such a chamber over the conventional metal or glass chamber are given especially as regards the electric field configuration, high voltage lead-in, and the ease of construction. Special facilities can be incorporated while constructing the chamber which makes it more versatile; for example, in pre-breakdown current measurements, electron beam focusing studies, etc.