74 resultados para Hidrogenio como combustivel
This work investigated the operating conditions of a 'scramjet' through numerical simulation considering two-dimensional steady flow. Using a commercial software, FLUENT, cases of inviscid flow with and without fuel injection, turbulent flow without fuel injection, turbulent flow with fuel injection and without burning, and finally turbulent flow with fuel injection and burning are simulated
Tese apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Química
A hidrogenação catalítica por transferência de hidrogênio, utilizando como doador o limoneno e como catalisador 10% Pd/C foi experimentada em cinco cetonas alicíclicas, α,8-insaturadas de seis membros e em uma cetona alifática α, ß,γ ,δ-insaturada. Vários parâmetros de reação foram investigados e tendo como subtrato modeelo a ísoforone. Observou-se 100% de conversão em todas as enonas testadas e aproximadamente 100% de seletividade em cetona saturada nos casos em que o substrato enônico apresentava metilas geminadsa; estabilidae de anel de quatro membros nas condições reacionais e a não seletividade na redução das ligações olefínicas de cetona α, ß,γ ,δ-insaturada. Constatou-se, além de desproporcionação do doador, a ococrrência de um processo competitivo ded desproporcionação do aceptor, o qual foi insignificante no caso de cetonas possuidoas de metilas geminadas, mas perceptível no caso de cetonas que apresentam hidrogênio em cada um dos outros cinco carbonos do anel.
Estudo da obtencao de hidrogenio a partir de amonia gerada em sistemas produtivos de frango de corte
This paper aims to study evolution of increase, distribution and classification of pits in 310S austenitic stainless steels obtained in the state as-received and heat-treated under different exposure times in saline. This work applicability has been based on a technique development for morphologic characterization of localized corrosion associated with description aspects of shapes, size and population-specific parameters. Methodology has been consisted in the following steps: specimens preparation, corrosion tests via salt spray in different conditions, microstructural analysis, pits profiles analysis and images analysis, digital processing and image analysis in order to characterize the pits distribution, morphology and size. Results obtained in digital processing and profiles image analysis have been subjected to statistical analysis using median as parameter in the alloy as received and treated. The alloy as received displays the following morphology: hemispheric pits> transition region A> transition region B> irregular> conic. The pits amount in the treated alloy at each exposure time is: transition region B> hemispherical> transition region A> conic> irregular.
This paper presents a study on the compressive behavior of steel fiber-reinforced concrete. In this study, an analytical model for stress-strain curve for steel fiber-reinforced concrete is derived for concretes with strengths of 40 MPa and 60 MPa at the age of 28 days. Those concretes were reinforced with steel fibers with hooked ends 35 mm long and with aspect ratio of 65. The analytical model was compared with some experimental stress-strain curves and with some models reported in technical literature. Also, the accuracy of the proposed stress-strain curve was evaluated by comparison of the area under stress-strain curve. The results showed good agreement between analytical and experimental data and the benefits of the using of fibers in the compressive behavior of concrete.
Chloride attack in marine environments or in structures where deicing salts are used will not always show profiles with concentrations that decrease from the external surface to the interior of the concrete. Some profiles show an increase in chloride concentrations from when a peak is formed. This type of profile must be analyzed in a different way from the traditional model of Fick`s second law to generate more precise service life models. A model for forecasting the penetration of chloride ions as a function of time for profiles having formed a peak. To confirm the efficiency of this model, it is necessary to observe the behavior of a chloride profile with peak in a specific structure over a period of time. To achieve this, two chloride profiles with different ages (22 and 27 years) were extracted from the same structure. The profile obtained from the 22-year sample was used to estimate the chloride profile at 27 years using three models: a) the traditional model using Fick`s second law and extrapolating the value of C(S)-external surface chloride concentration; b) the traditional model using Fick`s second law and shifting the x-axis to the peak depth; c) the previously proposed model. The results from these models were compared with the actual profile measured in the 27-year sample and the results were analyzed. The model was presented with good precision for this study of case, requiring to be tested with other structures in use.
The biocompatibility of commercially pure (cp) titanium stems from its chemical stability within an organism, due to a fine film of impermeable titanium oxide covering the metal surface, which guarantees its resistance to corrosion. Despite its biocompatible characteristic, this material does not promote the formation of a hydroxyapatite layer, therefore, many research groups have sought to alter the material`s surface, introducing modifications that might influence corrosion resistance. The electrochemical behavior of cp Ti, with hydroxyapatite coating and without hydroxyapatite coating, commonly used in implant materials, was investigated using an artificial saliva solution at 25 degrees C and pH=7.4. In the conditions of the study it was observed that the hydroxyapatite layer influences the properties of corrosion resistance. This study of the behavior of cp Ti with and without hydroxyapatite coating, in naturally aerated artificial saliva solution at 25 degrees C, was based on open circuit potential measurements and potentiodynamic polarization curves. At approximately 1x10(-6) A/cm(2) the potential for cp Ti with and without hydroxyapatite coating begins to increase at a faster rate, but at -74mV (SCE) for coated cp Ti and at 180mV (SCE) for uncoated cp Ti the increase in potential begins to slow. This behavior, characterized by a partial stabilization of current density, indicates that in those potential ranges a protective passive film is formed.
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) was produced in fed-batch cultures of Ralstonia eutropha DSM 428 and Alcaligenes latus ATCC 29712 on a mineral medium with different carbon sources such as sucrose, sodium lactate, lactic acid, soybean oil and fatty acid. The bacteria converted the different carbon sources supplied into P3HB. The best results were obtained when lactate or soybean oil were supplied as the sole carbon source. The range of number average molar mass (Mn) for the polymers, analyzed by Gel Permeation Chromatography was 1.65 to 0.79 x 10(5) g mol(-1). FTIR spectroscopy revealed a characteristic absorbance associated with polyester structures. The crystallinity degree, determinate from X-ray diffractograms, was about 69% in all synthesized polymers. The thermal properties associated to semicrystalline polymers indicated a glass transition at 0.1 degrees C and a melting point at about 175 degrees C and enthalpy of 63-89 J g(-1). The (1)H-NMR and (13)C-NMR spectra of the polymers were in agreement with the calculated chemical shifts associated with P3HB structures.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in the resin in contact with the spirals of cylindrical and conical mini-implants, when submitted to lateral load and insertion torsion. A photoelastic model was fabricated using transparent gelatin to simulate the alveolar bone. The model was observed with a plane polariscope and photographically recorded before and after activation of the two screws with a lateral force and torsion. The lateral force application caused bending moments on both mini-implants, with the uprising of fringes or isochromatics, characteristics of stresses, along the threads of the mini-implants and in the apex. When the torsion was exerted in the mini-implants, a great concentration of stress upraised close to the apex. The conclusion was that, comparing conical with cylindrical mini-implants under lateral load, the stresses were similar on the traction sides. The differences appear (1) on the apex, where the cylindrical mini-implant showed a greater concentration of stress, and (2) along the spirals, in the compression side, where the conical mini-implant showed a greater concentration of stress. The greater part of the stress produced by both mini-implants, after torsion load in insertion, were concentrated on the apex. With the cylindrical mini-implant, the greater concentration of tension was close to the apex, while with the conical one, the stresses were distributed along a greater amount of apical threads.
By heating powders of the aluminum monohydroxide fibrillar pseudoboehmite from 200 degrees C to 1400 degrees C several high surface area aluminas are prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron optical methods. Aqueous sols with pseudoboehmite fibrils of different lengths were dried by two methods: at room temperature and spray-dried. The following aluminas were obtained after treatment of the powders at increasing temperatures and having a range of specific surface areas: gamma-Al(2)O(3) (470 degrees C - 770 degrees C; 179 m(2)/g 497 m(2)/g); delta-Al(2)O(3) (770 degrees C - 930 degrees C; 156 m(2)/g - 230 m(2)/g); theta-Al(2)O(3) (930 degrees C - 1050 degrees C; 11 m(2)/g - 200 m(2)/g); alpha-Al(2)O(3) (1050 degrees C - 1400 degrees C; 2 m(2)/g - 17 m(2)/g). Spray-dried powders, fired at the same temperature than the ground powders, showed higher specific surface areas. The higher surface area alumina have values of the same order of magnitude of the commercial ""ad-cat"" aluminas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar e desenvolver uma técnica que diminuísse a concentração de hidrogênio absorvido pelo aço SAE 1045. A técnica consistiu na modificação superficial de amostras de aço SAE 1045 através de eletrodeposição de Sn na superfície com posterior tratamento térmico para promover a difusão do Sn para o interior do aço. Por meio da técnica de RBS, foram caracterizados os perfis de concentração do Sn no aço com a profundidade. Por outro lado, com o uso da técnica de permeação eletroquímica, aplicada tanto em meio alcalino como neutro, foi avaliada a eficiência das modificações superficiais em inibir a absorção do hidrogênio pelo aço. Foram constatadas significativas reduções da absorção de H em amostras modificadas com a adição de 100nm de Sn eletrodepositado com posterior difusão. Utilizou-se também medidas de impedância eletroquímica e ensaios de voltametria potenciostática e potenciodinâmica para descrever as influências das modificações superficiais no processo de absorção.