999 resultados para Hi-def


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There’s a diagram that does the rounds online that neatly sums up the difference between the quality of equipment used in the studio to produce music, and the quality of the listening equipment used by the consumer...


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Acknowledgements We would like to thank Erik Rexstad and Rob Williams for useful reviews of this manuscript. The collection of visual and acoustic data was funded by the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change, the Scottish Government, Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment (COWRIE) and Oil & Gas UK. Digital aerial surveys were funded by Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd and additional funding for analysis of the combined datasets was provided by Marine Scotland. Collaboration between the University of Aberdeen and Marine Scotland was supported by MarCRF. We thank colleagues at the University of Aberdeen, Moray First Marine, NERI, Hi-Def Aerial Surveying Ltd and Ravenair for essential support in the field, particularly Tim Barton, Bill Ruck, Rasmus Nielson and Dave Rutter. Thanks also to Andy Webb, David Borchers, Len Thomas, Kelly McLeod, David L. Miller, Dinara Sadykova and Thomas Cornulier for advice on survey design and statistical approache. Data Accessibility Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.cf04g


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Dendritic cells (DCs) play critical roles in immune-mediated kidney diseases. Little is known, however, about DC subsets in human chronic kidney disease, with previous studies restricted to a limited set of pathologies and to using immunohistochemical methods. In this study, we developed novel protocols for extracting renal DC subsets from diseased human kidneys and identified, enumerated, and phenotyped them by multicolor flow cytometry. We detected significantly greater numbers of total DCs as well as CD141(hi) and CD1c(+) myeloid DC (mDCs) subsets in diseased biopsies with interstitial fibrosis than diseased biopsies without fibrosis or healthy kidney tissue. In contrast, plasmacytoid DC numbers were significantly higher in the fibrotic group compared with healthy tissue only. Numbers of all DC subsets correlated with loss of kidney function, recorded as estimated glomerular filtration rate. CD141(hi) DCs expressed C-type lectin domain family 9 member A (CLEC9A), whereas the majority of CD1c(+) DCs lacked the expression of CD1a and DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), suggesting these mDC subsets may be circulating CD141(hi) and CD1c(+) blood DCs infiltrating kidney tissue. Our analysis revealed CLEC9A(+) and CD1c(+) cells were restricted to the tubulointerstitium. Notably, DC expression of the costimulatory and maturation molecule CD86 was significantly increased in both diseased cohorts compared with healthy tissue. Transforming growth factor-β levels in dissociated tissue supernatants were significantly elevated in diseased biopsies with fibrosis compared with nonfibrotic biopsies, with mDCs identified as a major source of this profibrotic cytokine. Collectively, our data indicate that activated mDC subsets, likely recruited into the tubulointerstitium, are positioned to play a role in the development of fibrosis and, thus, progression to chronic kidney disease.


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Digital Writing Residency; a program to enable visitors to the Cube to interact with and feel emotionally connected to robotic characters.


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We present the results on the distribution and kinematics of HI gas with higher sensitivity and in one case of higher spectral resolution as well than reported earlier, of three irregular galaxies CGCG 097073, 097079 and 097087 (UGC 06697) in the cluster Abell 1367. These galaxies are known to exhibit long (50 - 75 kpc) tails of radio continuum and optical emission lines (H alpha) pointing away from the cluster centre and arcs of starformation on the opposite sides of the tails, These features as well as the HI properties, with two of the galaxies (CGCG 097073 and 097079) exhibiting sharper gradients in HI intensity on the side of the tails, are consistent with the HI gas being affected by the ram pressure of the intracluster medium. However the HI emission in all the three galaxies extends to much smaller distances than the radio-continuum and H alpha tails, and are possibly still bound to the parent galaxies. Approximately 20 - 30 per cent of the HI mass is seen to accumulate on the downstream side due to the effects of ram pressure.


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6, 8-Dichloro-4, 5-dihydro-2-methyl-[2, 7]acenaphthyridin-1-one (5), obtained from the. reaction of 5-cyano-2, 6-dihydroxy-3, 4-cyclopentenopyridine with Vilsmeier reagent, has been transformed to the key synthon 4a in two steps.


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A galactic disk in a spiral galaxy is generally believed to be embedded in an extended dark matter halo, which dominates its dynamics in the outer parts. However, the shape of the halo is not clearly understood. Here we show that the dark matter halo in the Milky Way is prolate in shape. Further, it is increasingly more prolate at larger radii, with the vertical-to-planar axis ratio monotonically increasing to 2.0 at 24 kpc. This is obtained by modeling the observed steeply flaring atomic hydrogen gas layer in the outer Galactic disk, where the gas is supported by pressure against the net gravitational field of the disk and the halo. The resulting prolate-shaped halo can explain several long-standing puzzles in galactic dynamics, for example, it permits long-lived warps thus explaining their ubiquitous nature.


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In this paper, we model dwarf galaxies as a two-component system of gravitationally coupled stars and atomic hydrogen gas in the external force field of a pseudo-isothermal dark matter halo, and numerically obtain the radial distribution of HI vertical scale heights. This is done for a group of four dwarf galaxies (DDO 154, Ho II, IC 2574 and NGC 2366) for which most necessary input parameters are available from observations. The formulation of the equations takes into account the rising rotation curves generally observed in dwarf galaxies. The inclusion of self-gravity of the gas into the model at par with that of the stars results in scale heights that are smaller than what was obtained by previous authors. This is important as the gas scale height is often used for deriving other physical quantities. The inclusion of gas self-gravity is particularly relevant in the case of dwarf galaxies where the gas cannot be considered a minor perturbation to the mass distribution of the stars. We find that three out of four galaxies studied show a flaring of their HI discs with increasing radius, by a factor of a few within several disc scale lengths. The fourth galaxy has a thick HI disc throughout. This flaring arises as a result of the gas velocity dispersion remaining constant or decreasing only slightly while the disc mass distribution declines exponentially as a function of radius.


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Como una forma de culminación de estudios de la carrera de Licenciatura en Desarrollo Rural, las pasantías han sido realizadas en Fundación Ayuda en Acción (AeA), en el Área de Desarrollo Territorial (ADT) del Municipio de Matiguás-Matagalpa, en el período comprendido de Abril a Octubre del 2014. La Fundación AeA es una organización No Gubernamental de Desarrollo (ONGD) independiente, aconfesional y apartidista, fundada en España en 1981. Actualmente trabaja en 21 países en Asía, África y América Latina. En Nicaragua, la Fundación AeA está presente en: Matagalpa: Matiguás, Río Blanco y Tuma-La Dalia, Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur (RAAS): Kukra Hill, León: Telica y Quezalguaque, Boaco: Boaco y Camoapa, Madriz: Totogalpa. Los proyectos que implementa son intersectoriales, articulando acciones en educación, salud, prevención de riesgos, gobernabilidad, seguridad y soberanía alimentaria entre otros, con la finalidad de impulsar cambios estructurales que contribuyan a la erradicación de la pobreza. El pasante a través de información primaria y secundaria consideró que la Fundación AeA era el organismo idóneo para realizar sus pasantías, ya que los proyectos que implementa se ajustan al perfil de la carrera de Licenciatura en Desarrollo Rural, al mismo tiempo se visualizó las condiciones favorables para su desempeño laboral. El área de trabajo asignada al pasante estuvo enfocada en proyectos productivos, dirigidos a mejorar los ingresos de las familias, dietas alimenticias, nutrición, así como la creación de conocimientos en diferentes temáticas a través capacitaciones. Entre las funciones asignadas al pasante se menciona: Realizar un estudio económico con productores sobre establecimiento de Sistemas Agroforestales (SAF) en cultivo de Cacao, fortalecer la organización comunitaria, levantar información primaria, elaborar herramientas para el levantamiento de base de datos, facilitar eventos de capacitación, reuniones, talleres e intercambios de experiencia, recolección de mensajes a niñez auspiciados, elaboración de informes, levantar información secundaria, coordinar y planificar con el equipo técnico. El análisis del estudio socioeconómico con productores sobre SAF en Cultivo de Cacao en el proyecto Desarrollo de Economía Familiar (DEF), demostró que el productor trabajando bajo un sistema técnico adecuado podrá obtener altos rendimientos productivos de hasta 15 quintales por manzana desde los 3 años. El pasante en el proyecto DEF, seleccionó en conjunto con el equipo técnico, 186 familias de 243 fichas analizadas los cuales trabajaron en componentes sobre establecimiento de SAF, hortalizas, cultivos en parra y crianza de especies menores. El proyecto de Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SSAN), ha estado enfocado en apoyar a 255 familias en 17 comunidades, estableciendo rubros, mejorando la calidad y consumo de agua (entrega de Rotoplas) a las familias y enriqueciendo sus conocimientos a través de capacitaciones en diferentes temas de género, comunicación asertiva, elaboración de alimentos, compartiendo experiencias con otras zonas de nuestro país. El pasante obtuvo lecciones como Identificación de diferentes actores locales en el municipio de Matiguás, como AeA, Alcaldía, Fundeser y Nitlapán, a través de iniciativa propia priorizó y gestionó las pasantías en la fundación AeA, relación con el equipo técnico recibiendo un proceso de inducción. La Fundación AeA debería continuar impartiendo talleres de capacitación en el ADT. En cuanto al desarrollo de las pasantías es necesario que desde un inicio se establezcan coordinaciones y planes entre la universidad y la institución donde el pasante desempeñara sus funciones.


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