827 resultados para Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Higher education is a distribution center of knowledge and economic, social, and cultural power (Cervero & Wilson, 2001). A critical approach to understanding a higher education classroom begins with recognizing the instructor's position of power and authority (Tisdell, Hanley, & Taylor, 2000). The power instructors wield exists mostly unquestioned, allowing for teaching practices that reproduce the existing societal patterns of inequity in the classroom (Brookfield, 2000). ^ The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore students' experiences with the power of their instructors in a higher education classroom. A hermeneutic phenomenological study intertwines the interpretations of both the participants and the researcher about a lived experience to uncover layers of meaning because the meanings of lived experiences are usually not readily apparent (van Manen, 1990). Fifteen participants were selected using criterion, convenience, and snowball sampling. The primary data gathering method were semi-structured interviews guided by an interview protocol (Creswell, 2003). Data were interpreted using thematic reflection (van Manen, 1990). ^ Three themes emerged from data interpretation: (a) structuring of instructor-student relationships, (b) connecting power to instructor personality, and (c) learning to navigate the terrains of higher education. How interpersonal relationships were structured in a higher education classroom shaped how students perceived power in that higher education classroom. Positive relationships were described using the metaphor of family and a perceived ethic of caring and nurturing by the instructor. As participants were consistently exposed to exercises of instructor power in a higher education classroom, they attributed those exercises of power to particular instructor traits rather than systemic exercises of power. As participants progressed from undergraduate to graduate studies, they perceived the benefits of expertise in content or knowledge development as secondary to expertise in successfully navigating the social, cultural, political, and interpersonal terrains of higher education. Ultimately, participants expressed that higher education is not about what you know; it is about learning how to play the game. Implications for teaching in higher education and considerations for future research conclude the study.^
The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore students’ experiences with the power of their instructors in a higher education classroom. This study provides a deeper understanding of instructor power from student perspectives to inform teaching practices in the higher education classroom.
In this paper, we discuss interpretive/hermeneutic phenomenology as a theoretical approach to explore the experiences of three stakeholder groups in embedding Indigenous knowledge and perspectives on teaching practicum, a project sponsored by ALTC. We begin by asking the phenomenological question ‘what is your experience of practice teaching?’ An open, explorative, phenomenological framework seeks the meanings of experiences, not truths, from the participants’ words themselves. Interpretive phenomenology is particularly suitable to explore educational experiences (Grumet, 1992; M. van Manen, 1990), as it provides rich ground for listening to the stakeholders’ lived experience and documenting it for interpretation. In an interpretive process, perspectives on lifeworlds, worldview and lenses get highlighted (Cunningham & Stanley, 2003). We establish how through various project stages, interpretive phenomenology gets to the essence of practice teaching experience creating a pedagogical ‘understanding’ of the essential nature of shared experience as lived by the participants (M van Manen, 2002). Thereby, it foregrounds voices of agency, dissent, acceptance and resistance. We consider how our research study focuses on the pedagogic voice of Indigenous pre-service teachers and the recognition of complex pedagogic fields in Indigenous education. We explain how this study seeks insights into their evaluation of pedagogic relations with two other education stakeholders – their practicum supervising teachers at schools and university staff involved practicum experience. As such, our study aims to support and develop long term, future-oriented opportunities for Indigenous pre-service teachers to embed Indigenous knowledge in the curricula. We conclude with some projections into the discourse on how Indigenous knowledge (IK) and perspectives might be diversely exemplified in pre-service teachers’ professional works (particularly E-portfolios). We speculate how this change could in turn maximise opportunities for Indigenous pre-service teachers, their supervising teachers and university staff to demonstrate leadership in their field through the creation of future tangible products such as units of work, resources, assessment and reflection tools. The processes contextualising the cultural interface of competing knowledge systems (Nakata, 2007) provide important analytical tools for understanding issues affecting student-teacher-mentor relationships occurring on practicum.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex developmental disorder with increasing prevalence. Despite the significant role of mothers, often seen as primary caregivers, there is limited understanding of this experience. The purpose of this study was to explore the everyday experience of mothers with children with autism. Accounts of lived experience were collected through research conversations with six mothers and analyzed using van Manen’s (1990) orientation to hermeneutic phenomenology. The main themes include: It Can’t Be Autism, The Womb is Extended, The Locus of Other, and The Womb is Now and is Forever. The findings suggest that mothers experienced a transformation from mother to mother with a child with autism; one that mirrors the transformation from woman to mother (Bergum, 1989). In this transformation, mothers move from suspicion of the potential diagnosis to acceptance that they are mothers with children whose needs define them and potentially, mothers whose wombs are forever extended.
Participation in extreme sports is enjoying incredible growth while more traditional recreational activities such as golf are struggling to maintain numbers. Theoretical perspectives on extreme sports and extreme sport participants have assumed that participation is about risk-taking. However, these theory-driven methodologies may reflect judgments that do not necessarily relate to participants' lived experience. In this paper I review current risk-oriented perspectives on extreme sports and present research findings that question this assumed relationship between extreme sports and risk and thus reposition the experience in a hitherto unexplored manner. Risk taking is not the focus. Participants acknowledge that the potential outcome of a mismanaged mistake or accident could be death. However, accepting this potential outcome does not mean that they search for risk. Participants argue that many everyday life events (e.g., driving) are high-risk events. Participants undertake detailed preparation in order to minimise the possibility of negative outcomes because extreme sports trigger a range of positive experiential outcomes. The study is significant as it followed a hermeneutic phenomenological process which did not presuppose a risk-taking orientation. Hermeneutic phenomenology allows for a multitude of data sources including interviews (10 male and 5 female extreme sports participants, ages 30 to 72 years), auto-biographies, videos and other firsthand accounts. This process allowed this unexpected perspective to emerge more clearly.
It has been recognised in current literature that, in general, Australia’s population is ageing and that older people are increasingly choosing to continue to live in the community in their own homes for as long as possible. Such factors of social change are expected to lead to larger numbers of older people requiring community care services for longer periods. Despite this, there is little information available in the literature on the perceptions and experiences of older people regarding community-based care and support. This study explores the lived experience of a small group of older people living in South East Queensland who were receiving a level of care consistent with the Community Aged Care Package (CACP). It also sought to examine the impact and meaning of that care on the older person’s overall lifestyle, autonomy, and personal satisfaction. In-depth interviews were undertaken with these older people, and were analysed using Heidegger’s interpretive hermeneutical phenomenological approach. Shared narratives were then explored using Ricoeur’s narrative analysis framework. In order to sensitise the researcher to the unconscious or symbolic aspects of the care experience, Wolfensberger’s social role valorization theory (SRV) was also utilised during a third phase of analysis. Methodological rigour was strengthened within this study through the use of reflexivity and an in-depth member check discussion that was conducted with each participant. The interviews revealed there were significant differences in expectations, understanding, and perceptions between older people and their carers or service providers. The older person perceived care primarily in relational terms, and clearly preferred active participation in their care and a consistent relationship with a primary carer. Older people also sought to maintain their sense of autonomy, lifestyle, home environment, routines, and relationships, as closely as possible to those that existed prior to their requiring assistance. However, these expectations were not always supported by the care model. On the whole, service providers did not always understand what older people perceived was important within the care context. Carers seldom looked beyond the provision of assistance with specific daily tasks to consider the real impact of care on the older person. The study identified that older people reported a range of experiences when receiving care in their own homes. While some developed healthy and supportive connections with their carers, others experienced ageism, abuse, and exploitation. Unsatisfactory interactions at times resulted in a loss, to varying degrees, of their independence, their possessions, and their connectedness with others. There is therefore a need for service providers to pay more attention to the perceptions and self-perceived needs of older people, to avoid unintended or unnecessary negative impacts occurring within care provision. The study provides valuable information regarding the older person’s experience that will assist in supporting the further development and improvement of this model of care. It is proposed that these insights will enable CACPs to cater more closely to the actual needs and preferences of older people, and to avoid causing preventable harm to care recipients.
Neste trabalho, analisamos o modo como o processo de seleção de pessoal se estabeleceu em meio às determinações de sentido nesta que Martin Heidegger denominou a era da técnica. Esse filósofo descreve a época em que vivemos como uma era que se caracteriza essencialmente pela ênfase no pensamento técnico-calculante, em que todas as coisas são tomadas pelo caráter da mensuração e calculabilidade. Nesse sentido, podemos afirmar que a era moderna detém como verdades algumas características, como: fundo de reserva, funcionalidade (serventia) e a produtividade sem limites. Esse modelo de pensamento tem um impacto direto na realização do processo de seleção de pessoal pela Psicologia, haja vista ser esse o critério básico exigido para que o trabalhador seja aprovado. Ocorre que, ao tomar esse critério como a única e absoluta verdade da capacidade do trabalhador, outras capacidades e motivações, quando muito, ficam relegadas a um segundo plano. O homem, tomado como um estoque de matéria-prima, com funcionalidades específicas e pela determinação da produtividade incessante, passa a se comportar de modo autômato, tal como a máquina, cuja utilidade dura enquanto durar a necessidade de sua produção, sendo descartado quando outras necessidades se sobrepõem àquela. Através da análise da trajetória da organização do trabalho e sua interface com a Psicologia, procuramos esclarecer o domínio do caráter técnico instrumental que vem sustentando a Psicologia no modo de realização da seleção de pessoal, baseando-nos em autores como Sampaio, Chiavenato, Pontes e Leme. Apresentamos, também, a contribuição de outros autores, como Sennett, Dejours e Schwartz, que tentaram, a seu modo, construir uma análise crítica da relação homem-trabalho sob os parâmetros predominantes na atualidade. Por fim, por meio a uma visada fenomenológico-hermenêutica, pudemos refletir sobre o processo de seleção em Psicologia e compreender como esta, ao ser constantemente interpelada pela era da técnica, vem tomando os atributos dessa era como verdades absolutas e, assim, estabelecendo seu fazer em seleção de pessoal sob essas verdades. Ao orientar seu fazer por esse modo, a Psicologia, comprometida com o processo de seleção, compactua, sedimenta e fortalece essa forma de pensar em que o homem é tomado como objeto de produção tal qual a máquina, consolidando uma relação homem-trabalho em bases preponderantemente deterministas e, como tal, aprisionadoras. A proposta aqui desenvolvida consiste em evidenciar a possibilidade de outra posição da Psicologia frente ao modo de estabelecimento do processo de seleção, de forma a resistir à perspectiva de homem apenas como um fator produtivo.
É notório que o senso comum trabalha com a ideia de que o medo está cada vez mais se intensificando no mundo que é o nosso. Nas metrópoles das sociedades ocidentais a alusão ao medo tem espaço partilhado. Jornais, revistas, rádio e TV são os meios populares que noticiam todos os tipos de violência e, consecutivamente, apontam e vinculam certos discursos sensacionalistas de temor a toda população. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um estudo acerca do modo como a retórica do medo, patente no mundo histórico que é o nosso, potencializa o medo de modo a criar um solo propício ao surgimento de diferentes comportamentos temerosos. Interessa-nos sobre tudo tematizar o medo segundo a retórica que o potencializa, ou seja, segundo a impessoalidade do mundo que é o nosso. Isso coloca a exigência de tematizarmos o pensamento fenomenológico-hermenêutico de Martin Heidegger, sua ontologia fundamental e sua proposta de análise da essência do mundo contemporâneo. O método documental foi a ferramenta utilizada para visualização do fenômeno da retórica do medo submetida ao jornal Diário de Pernambuco
Despite the growing trend towards recognizing that attention deficit hyperactive disorder occurs beyond childhood, the experience of adult students who are ADHD remains little researched or understood. Given the losses in efficiency and productivity in academic performance from adult ADHD, researching ADHD’s experiential aspects is significant for both educators and students in its potential to develop better strategies for accommodating those with the disorder. This study used hermeneutic phenomenology and existential psychology to describe the lived experience of adult students who are ADHD. Five adult students participated in the study, which involved two in-depth conversations with guiding questions such as: What is it like to be ADHD?; and What led to your perception that you have ADHD? Conversations were transcribed and thematic statements developed, using the life-world existentials of lived space, lived time, lived relationships and lived corporeality to deepen considerations of meaning.
The murder-suicide (H / S) has been defined as a shocking crime in which a person takes the life of another and then kills himself within 24 hours. Set up as a gender violence, because men are in majority, the killers and the women victims. This study aims to understand the meanings of the experience of a H / S, from women who have survived this act. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research, based on Heidegger`s ontology. We interviewed three survivors of H / S, whose narratives allowed to approach the senses present in their lives. The interviews were transcribed and interpreted in accordance with the hermeneutic circle, as proposed by Martin Heidegger. From the interviews of research participants perceive that these women have built their senses in stocks, represented the family foundation and the presence of a husband and children. This project that moved their lives toward the construction of modes-of-being. We noticed the presence of historicity constructing meanings for the existence of these women. We found reports of an experience of loving relationships characterized by strong jealousy, with the presence of fantasies of betrayal, and marked by a careful affective relationship that put them in the position of object possession of his companions. Reflect that such caring restricted their existence being-for-husband. So the senses that moved their stocks, which aimed his ways existential, was the creation of a family, a reference to their lives, to live a love, and care for the children. Therefore, beyond the already known aspects in studies on violence against women, which made these women continue to choose this relationship was the sense that they had for their existence. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the construction of a new look on violence against women, taking as a basis the Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology
Culturally, childbearing is understood as a situation that subjects will experience at some point in their lives, especially people who are married or have a similar affectionate relationship. Thus, to realize the inability to meet such a fate seems to be a natural cultural trigger of suffering, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Specifically for men, infertility is closely related to loss of masculinity, virility. He fails in his role as a male. This study sought to understand the impact that infertility have on the existence of a man who receives such a diagnosis, both in self-image as in their marital, sexual and professional roles. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research based on the ideas of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Participants were seven heterosexual, married and infertile men. Two interviews were conducted. The analysis of the material included both the material of the narratives, as the affectation of the researcher when interacting with the participants and their narratives, through phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The results corroborate the literature that states the difficulty of the men, immersed in a context that defines them as virile, powerful and invulnerable to worry about issues related to health and disease. The possibility of any condition that impairs the reproductive capacity exceeds the acceptable limits of daily life for these men, not being recognized as a model of masculinity present in the condition in which they recognize. This leads to questions about their masculinity, role in the marital relationship and their existence. Thus, to recognize themselves as infertile surpass a medical diagnosis and is associated with the construction of meaning for their existence from the approximation with the infertility condition, which helps in redirecting their choices, restoring the project to be self and allowing further recognition as men. In the marital relationship, doing what they can to ensure, theirs happiness. Through these actions, they remain playing the role of family provider, showing that they are able to protect their wives and taking in assisted reproduction or adoption of children viable alternatives to fulfill the desire to leave a legacy and give a child to their wives and to society. Another result observed, refers to the ontological condition of care that characterizes the human being. The ways in which men are treated socially demonstrates a type of care that focuses on the development of characteristics such as strength, virility and determination but does not allow them to cope with the suffering of emotionally difficult situations, such as the diagnosis of infertility. At the end, the study gives rise to reflections on the need to provide a 12 space for men and their expressions of suffering, as well as to recognize their ability to overcome the painful and difficult situations
O envolvimento de jovens com a violência nos últimos anos, no Brasil, tem aumentado significativamente, bem como o número de adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas com restrição de liberdade. Entretanto, a literatura mostra a produção incipiente de estudos que abordam o jovem infrator a partir da sua própria experiência. Com base nessas evidências, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender como adolescentes autores de atos infracionais experienciam a violência, sejam como agentes, espectadores ou vítimas, sob a ótica da Analítica Existencial, de Martin Heidegger. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de inspiração fenomenológico-hermenêutica, tendo sido utilizada a narrativa como recurso metodológico. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com dois adolescentes de 16 e 17 anos, egressos de medida socioeducativa de restrição de liberdade. A interpretação das narrativas foi feita a partir dos sentidos que emergiram na experiência relatada e do diálogo entre algumas noções heideggerianas como ser-no-mundo, cuidado e impessoalidade. Os relatos mostraram que a violência está presente desde a infância desses adolescentes, tendo sido presenciada na própria família. Para eles, o comportamento violento representa uma forma de impor respeito e admiração. As experiências podem ser interpretadas como uma expressão das relações entre o ser adolescente e o mundo que caracteriza o seu contexto de vida. Assim, as noções de cuidado, no modo de ocupação, e impessoalidade, são vistas como presentes nas experiências narradas. Por hora, o que apresentamos foi nossa compreensão dessas experiências únicas de ser adolescentes num contexto de violência, mostrando peculiaridades de duas crianças que não queriam ser um problema social, mas lançados num mundo inóspito e cruel, na qual nos absorve para as tramas mais sutis de ser, misturando significações e sentidos num espectro fluido que é o viver. Por fim, esperamos que esta pesquisa possa acrescentar não só aos estudos sobre a violência de jovens, mas também ressaltar a importância de se compreender a violência pelo olhar daqueles que a vivenciam
The structure of Brazil's National Health System (SUS) is being firmed up through programs adding a new element to its multi-professional healthcare teams: Community Healthcare Agents. This study examines psycho-social factors that are significant for the construction of this identity, from the standpoint of these Community Healthcare Agents, using the hermeneutic phenomenology of Paul Ricoeur as its reference methodology. The subjects of this survey were seven Community Healthcare Agents who were asked during interviews (with informed consent and after approval by the Research Ethics Committee) to: 'Tell me about your experience as Community Healthcare Agent'. The analysis of their replies indicated the following topics: previous experience; capacity-building for the job; bonding; building up expertise; gratifying experience; feelings of power(lessness); communications; daily work routines, personal growth; criticisms of the institution; user-agent experiences; and insertion into the social reality. The overall analysis disclosed the phenomenon through the convergence and divergence of the grouping of these topics, viewed from the standpoint of these Community Healthcare Agents and the psycho-social aspects constructing their identity.
The present text has the objective of presenting theoretical considerations regarding two types of strategy of research: phenomenology and ethnography. Based on a hermeneutic approach, the two conceptual propositions are presented, the first being dealt with in the sociological context, and the second presented as an anthropological basis. Their similar uses in an organizational context - as well as their differences - are highligthed according to the theoretical contributions of authors belonging to the qualitative universe of organizational research. The text reveals, by the presentations of reported theoretical assumptions, the relevance of the interpretative perspective for the conduction of research that has the organization as object of study, in the pursuit of the identification of ways of constructing the social reality that is the result of the analysis of meanings and experiences lived by the participants, highlighting the importance of the bond between researcher and the research object The theoretical discussion regarding the two perspectives allows to observe the competence of the phenomenological and ethnographic research practice within the field of organizational studies, showing their methodological possibilities to identify dynamics that relate to the experience of life, favoring the analysis of the human being as a phenomenon of interpretation. © FECAP.
BACKGROUND Cystic Fibrosis is the most common autosomal-recessive hereditary disease among white Europeans. The average survival of CF patients has increased to above 40 years and transition from paediatric to adult care has therefore become a significant issue. AIM With this study, experiences of adolescents with CF and their parents with the transition from the paediatric to the adult care were explored. METHODS At a Swiss university CF centre, six adolescents and their mothers were recruited. Twelve narrative interviews were conducted on how the phase of transition was experienced. The transcribed interviews were analysed according to the method of hermeneutic phenomenology. RESULTS Positive and negative experiences with long term routine care in the paediatric service, general themes of adolescence and the quality of the relationship with paediatric doctors influenced the families' experience during transition significantly. For mothers, insensitive information on the CF diagnosis might have influenced the transition experience. The adolescents welcomed an individualized and age appropriate care. Continuity in care, the announcement of, and involvement in the planning of the transfer were of great importance. The families particularly appreciated the timed adaptations of the transfer to individual needs. CONCLUSIONS Flexibility and a strong collaboration between paediatric and adult CF teams are most relevant in the care of families.