49 resultados para Herbaria
In this paper we present a couple of sheets of Umbelliferae that are preserved in the RCAXII herbaria. One of them, Selinum carvifolia, where collected in the Gredos Mountains by Miguel Barnades Mainader and was identified by his son Miguel Barnades Clarís. The other, Tragium flabellifolium, was collected in Mieres (Asturias) by Esteban de Prado and identified by Mariano La Gasca.
The manuscripts of Diarium Surinamicum by Daniel Rolander practically remained ignored and unpublished for over 240 years, till the recent publication of its translation into English, which occurred in 2008. In this, the names of species described and/or cited by Rolander were faithfully retained, hence preserving the indication of them without authorship, for the vast majority. In the present work, all the names of plants that were treated by Rolander in his journal, about 664, including by tradition the fungi and algae, are contextualised in relation to the authorship, reference to the publication of the protologue, pagination of citations/descriptions in the manuscripts and in the published translation, indication of probable misidentifications with possible alternative names, vernacular names, and related literature. Additionally, we searched for the vouchers collected by Rolander, scattered in several herbaria, which have been linked to the probable names and descriptions in the diary. Given the considerable time till the publication of these names, and by the lack of indication of their nomenclatural types in the English version, the great majority of the new species described by Rolander, which would have priority if published in due time, became invalid names according to the ICN. Nevertheless, the list of Rolandrian species here presented, from his work that has finally taken a place in the history of natural sciences, shows that he was also a competent botanist, besides being a skilled entomologist, having recognised and detailedly described many of the Surinamese plants hitherto unknown to science.
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"Bibliography," p. [xxxviii]-lvii.
Specimen-based records of most of the plant pathogens that occur in Australia can be accessed through the Australian Plant Disease Database and the Australian Plant Pest Database. These databases and the herbaria that underpin them are important resources for resolving quarantine and trade issues as well as for the diagnosis of plant diseases. The importance of these collections and databases to Australia's agricultural industries is discussed.
An annotated check list of Ramularia species in Australia, based on re-examinations of collections deposited at BRIP, DAR and VPRI, is presented. Twenty-eight species are reported in Australia, most of them on introduced host plants. The new species Cladosporium myrtacearum, Ramularia craspediicola and R. muehlenbeckiae are described. Collections of Cladosporium uredinicola, Neoramularia karelii, Passalora perfoliati and Pseudocercospora pongamiae-pinnatae, previously deposited in Australian herbaria under 'Ramularia sp.', are newly recognised for Australia.
The occurrence of pathogenic and endophytic species of Phyllosticta on cultivated Citrus in Australia was investigated by DNA sequence analysis of specimens held in plant pathology herbaria and culture collections. Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2), and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF) gene of 41 Phyllosticta-like isolates from Citrus were compared to those sequences from the type specimens of Phyllosticta recorded from around the world. Phylogenetic analysis resolved all the sequences of Australian accessions into two major clades. One clade corresponded to P. citricarpa, which causes citrus black spot disease. The other clade contained P. capitalensis, which is a known endophyte of Citrus and many other plant species. All included herbarium accessions previously designated as Guignardia mangiferae are now designated P. capitalensis. No Australian isolates were identified as the newly described pathogens of citrus P. citriasiana or P. citrichinaensis, or the endophytes Guignarida mangiferae, P. brazilianiae, or P. citribraziliensis. © 2013 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.
Throughout the history of the classification of extant ferns (monilophytes) and lycophytes, familial and generic concepts have been in great flux. For the organisation of lycophytes and ferns in herbaria, books, checklists, indices and spore banks and on the internet, this poses a problem, and a standardized linear sequence of these plants is therefore in great need. We provide here a linear classification to the extant lycophytes and ferns based on current phylogenetic knowledge; this provides a standardized guide for organisation of fern collections into a more natural sequence. Two new families, Diplaziopsidaceae and Rhachidosoraceae, are here introduced.
A herbarium-based database (virtual herbarium) is a referral system for plants that maximizes the usefulness of the collections. The information content of such a database is essentially built on the voucher specimens that the herbarium has in its care. The present article reports on the construction of a `virtual herbarium' for the state-wide collection of flowering plants in the Herbarium JCB housed at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, that is expected to be launched soon. The taxonomic data on each species include all information presented on the herbarium specimen label, namely species name, author citation, sub-species if any, variety if any, family, subfamily, collection number, locations, date of collection, habitat and the collector's name. The data further comprise `flora' in which the species are described. Additional information includes the nomenclature update according to `The Plant List', a detailed description, phenology, species distribution, threat status and comments on any special features of the taxon. The live images of the species provided in the database form an information synergy on the species. This initiative is the first of its kind for herbaria in peninsular India.
A família Convolvulaceae é cosmopolita, com ampla distribuição nos trópicos e subtrópicos. No Brasil, ocorrem 18 gêneros e cerca de 340 espécies, sendo 151 endêmicas de campos rupestres, cerrados ou caatingas. Este trabalho refere-se ao estudo palinotaxonômico dos grãos de pólen de táxons de Convolvulaceae ocorrentes na região sudeste, Brasil tribos Merremieae e Cuscuteae. Foram analisados os grãos de pólen de 6 táxons de Cuscuta L., 12 táxons de Merremia Dennst. e 2 táxons de Operculina S. Manso. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos principais herbários nacionais. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método de acetólise, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz. Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstraram que: na tribo Cuscuteae foram registrados pela primeira vez, grãos de pólen colporados; na tribo Merremieae, a morfologia polínica das espécies de Merremia mostraram variações já registradas em publicações anteriores porém, a ausência de polaridade em alguns táxons é um resultado inédito. O número, a forma das aberturas e a presença de opérculo, a ornamentação de base, ou seja, microrretículo, retículo ou perfuração e as supra ornamentações (grânulos, espinhos e microespinhos) também foram registros importantes aqui mencionados. No gênero Operculina, os resultados aqui expressos foram novos, uma vez que as poucas bibliografias anteriores fizeram menção apenas à quantidade de aberturas para o gênero.O Tamanho, a forma e a ornamentação da sexina características são descritas pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitem confirmar que Cuscuta, Merremia e Operculina puderam ser identificados através dos atributos polínicos bem como, suas espécies foram separadas na chave aqui elaborada. Confirma-se, assim, que os gêneros estudados são euripolínicos.
Analisou-se os grãos de pólen de 31 espécies brasileiras de Cissus L. (Vitaceae Juss.). Este é o maior gênero da família, com cerca de 350 táxons. Na região neotropical foram localizadas 75 espécies, tendo sua maior representatividade na América do Sul com 48 representantes endêmicos. No Brasil apenas o gênero Cissus ocorre naturalmente em todos os estados e é representado por 48 espécies, podendo ser encontrado em áreas de mata, campos, restingas e cerrados. Neste estudo foram analisados 14 grupos taxonômicos informais com a finalidade de descrever a morfologia polínica e estabelecer se os atributos polínicos seriam úteis à taxonomia do grupo. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos herbários brasileiros. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método de acetólise láctica, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz; realizou-se tratamento estatístico (expressos em tabelas). Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Foram caracterizados quanto à forma, ao tamanho, ao tipo de abertura, à polaridade e a ornamentação da sexina. Os grãos de pólen foram descritos como: médios a grandes, isopolares ou heteropolares, oblato-esferoidais a prolatos, 3-colporados, colpos muito longos ou longos, com margem ornamentada ou não, membrana granulada, presença ou não de opérculo; endoabertura geralmente lalongada, algumas vezes apresentando costa e/ou fastígio; a sexina variou de microrreticulada, perfurada a reticulada; a sexina é geralmente mais espessa que a nexina. Com os resultados construiu-se uma chave polínica na qual foi possível reunir espécies com caracteres semelhantes subordinadas a mais de um Grupo. Com esta pesquisa concluiu-se que os atributos polínicos permitiram a distinção da maior parte dos táxons, exceto quatro, confirmando a heterogeneidade polínica do gênero. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para o melhor conhecimento da taxonomia do gênero e forneça dados para uma filogenia futura.
Os afloramentos rochosos apresentam flora peculiar, sendo constituídos de habitats únicos que podem representar barreira para muitas espécies devido às suas condições ambientais diferenciadas do entorno. O Estudo desse tipo de área pode fornecer informações relevantes sobre o processo evolutivo e distribuição das espécies que ali ocorrem. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos gerar maiores informações sobre ecologia, florística e conservação de comunidades de moitas em quatro pães-de-açúcar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. São eles o Maciço do Itaoca (Campos dos Goytacazes), o Costão de Itacoatiara (Niterói), o Morro dos Cabritos do Parque Natural Municipal da Prainha e o Monumento Natural dos Morros da Urca e Pão de Açúcar (Rio de Janeiro). Os resultados são apresentados em duas seções, a primeiro trata da florística, estrutura e relações ambientais desse tipo de vegetação; e a segunda aborda a florística e estado de conservação da flora rupícola de forma geral das quatro áreas de estudo. Para a primeira seção foram distribuídas 72 parcelas de 1m x 1m ao longo de três linhas de 50m em cada área amostrada e registrados dados da presença de cada espécie por parcela, área de cobertura e altura dos indivíduos. Também foi verificado o tipo de substrato e tomadas medidas de declividade e profundidade do solo e serrapilheira. No total foram marcadas 288 parcelas nas quatro áreas. Entre as famílias mais importantes para as quatro áreas estão Cactaceae, Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae e Asteraceae. Os resultados mostram que entre as espécies apontadas com maiores valores de importância estão entre as que exercem maior peso na ordenação dos grupos florísticos evidenciados pela análise de componentes principais (PCA) para as quatro áreas. Uma análise de redundância (RDA) foi realizada e mostrou que as variáveis que mais parecem influenciar a composição florística das moitas são as mais sujeitas aos processos biológicos e dinâmica da vegetação como um todo. Dados acerca do espectro biológico e índices de diversidade e equabilidade também são apresentados nesta seção. Para a 2 seção foram compiladas informações de herbários e coletas realizadas em campo, formando uma listagem geral com 193 espécies rupícolas para as quatro áreas. São apresentados os dados florísticos da vegetação e sua distribuição geográfica. No total 28 espécies são restritas ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro e 68 são endêmicas da Mata Atlântica. Dentre elas, 26 encontram-se inseridas em alguma categoria de ameaça de extinção. As principais ameaças e impactos sobre a vegetação dessas áreas foram abordados no contexto da conservação da flora rupícola encontrada, dentre elas, as mais significativas são o fogo, a mineração e a abertura de novos acessos em encostas com vegetação abundante.
Asteraceae é a segunda maior família de angiospermas com ca. 25.000 espécies distribuídas por todo mundo. Praxelis é o segundo maior gênero em número de espécies da subtribo Praxelinae, se caracteriza principalmente por apresentar capítulos cilíndricos/campanulados, receptáculo cônico e glabro, cipselas com carpopódio assimétrico e pápus com cerdas numerosas e barbeladas. No Brasil, as espécies predominam no Cerrado. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a palinologia e a taxonomia das espécies de Praxelis Cass. ocorrentes no Brasil. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos herbários brasileiros. Os grãos de pólen foram acetolisados, medidos, descritos e ilustrados sob ML. Para observar detalhes da superfície e abertura, grãos de pólen não acetolisados foram analisados em MEV e, posteriormente, eletromicrografados. As peças florais foram colocadas sobre os mesmos suportes metálicos cobertos com fita dupla-face de carbono, previamente numerados. Para análise em MET, os grãos de pólen foram corados em cacodilato tamponado 0,125% OsO4, concentrados em pastilhas de ágar, e foram embebecidos em resina Epon-Araldite. As folhas, a capitulescência, o indumento do pedúnculo e o número de brácteas involucrais foram atributos relevantes para caracterizar as espécies, sobretudo o tamanho do invólucro e sua consistência. Foram caracterizados os grãos de pólen quanto à forma, ao tamanho, ao tipo de abertura, à polaridade e à constituição da exina. Foram descritos como: pequenos a médios, isopolares, oblato-esferoidais a subprolatos, 3(4)-colporados, com margem ornamentada, endoabertura com ou sem constricção, com presença de cávea, a sexina é espinhosa e sempre maior do que a nexina. Portanto, as análises palinológica e taxonômica foram utilizadas para segregar as espécies de Praxelis, porém apenas os atributos morfológicos externos foram mais informativos para diferenciar as espécies desse gênero.
With the advent of 'ancient DNA' studies on preserved material of extant and extinct species, museums and herbaria now represent an important although still underutilized resource in molecular ecology. The ability to obtain sequence data from archived specimens can reveal the recent history of cryptic species and introductions. We have analysed extant and herbarium samples of the highly invasive green alga Codium fragile, many over 100 years old, to identify cryptic accessions of the invasive strain known as C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides, which can be identified by a unique haplotype. Molecular characterization of specimens previously identified as native in various regions shows that the invasive tomentosoides strain has been colonizing new habitats across the world for longer than records indicate, in some cases nearly 100 years before it was noticed. It can now be found in the ranges of all the other native haplotypes detected, several of which correspond to recognized subspecies. Within regions in the southern hemisphere there was a greater diversity of haplotypes than in the northern hemisphere, probably as a result of dispersal by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The findings of this study highlight the importance of herbaria in preserving contemporaneous records of invasions as they occur, especially when invasive taxa are cryptic.
The present study investigates the systematics and evolution of the Neotropical genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae). It provides a comprehensive taxonomic revision as well as phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and presents a hypothesis on the evolution of the genus. A broad morphological, anatomical, biogeographical and ecological overview of the genus is given in the first part of the study. For morphological character assessment more than 700 herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria as well as living plant material in the field and in the living collections of botanical gardens were carefully examined. The arid habitats, in which the species of Deuterocohnia grow, are reflected by the morphological and anatomical characters of the species. Important characters for species delimitation were identified, like the length of the inflorescence, the branching order, the density of flowers on partial inflorescences, the relation of the length of the primary bracts to that of the partial inflorescence, the sizes of floral bracts, sepals and petals, flower colour, the presence or absence of a pedicel, the curvature of the stamina and the petals during anthesis. After scrutinizing the nomenclatural history of the taxa belonging to Deuterocohnia – including the 1992 syonymized genus Abromeitiella – 17 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties are accepted in the present revision. Taxonomic changes were made in the following cases: (I) New combinations: A. abstrusa (A. Cast.) N. Schütz is re-established – as defined by Castellanos (1931) – and transfered to D. abstrusa; D. brevifolia (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. includes accessions of the former D. lorentziana (Mez) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., which are not assigned to D. abstrusa; D. bracteosa W. Till is synonymized to D. strobilifera Mez; D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. carmineo-viridiflora (Rauh) N. Schütz); D. pedicellata W. Till is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. pedicellata (W. Till) N. Schütz); D. scapigera (Rauh & L. Hrom.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm ssp. sanctae-crucis R. Vásquez & Ibisch is classified as a species (D. sanctae-crucis (R. Vásquez & Ibisch) N. Schütz); (II) New taxa: a new subspecies of D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez is established; a new variety of D. scapigera is established; (the new taxa will be validly published elsewhere); (III) New type: an epitype for D. longipetala was chosen. All other species were kept according to Spencer and Smith (1992) or – in the case of more recently described species – according to the protologue. Beside the nomenclatural notes and the detailed descriptions, information on distribution, habitat and ecology, etymology and taxonomic delimitation is provided for the genus and for each of its species. An key was constructed for the identification of currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. The key is based on easily detectable morphological characters. The former synonymization of the genus Abromeitiella into Deuterocohnia (Spencer and Smith 1992) is re-evalutated in the present study. Morphological as well as molecular investigations revealed Deuterocohnia incl. Abromeitiella as being monophyletic, with some indications that a monophyletic Abromeitiella lineage arose from within Deuterocohnia. Thus the union of both genera is confirmed. The second part of the present thesis describes and discusses the molecular phylogenies and networks. Molecular analyses of three chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, trnS-ycf3) were conducted with a sample set of 119 taxa. This set included 103 Deuterocohnia accessions from all 17 described species of the genus and 16 outgroup taxa from the remainder of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Dyckia (8 sp.), Encholirium (2 sp.), Fosterella (4 sp.) and Pitcairnia (2 sp.)). With its high sampling density, the present investigation by far represents the most comprehensive molecular study of Deuterocohnia up till now. All data sets were analyzed separately as well as in combination, and various optimality criteria for phylogenetic tree construction were applied (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inferences and the distance method Neighbour Joining). Congruent topologies were generally obtained with different algorithms and optimality criteria, but individual clades received different degrees of statistical support in some analyses. The rps16-trnK locus was the most informative among the three spacer regions examined. The results of the chloroplast DNA analyses revealed a highly supported paraphyly of Deuterocohnia. Thus, the cpDNA trees divide the genus into two subclades (A and B), of which Deuterocohnia subclade B is sister to the included Dyckia and Encholirium accessions, and both together are sister to Deuterocohnia subclade A. To further examine the relationship between Deuterocohnia and Dyckia/Encholirium at the generic level, two nuclear low copy markers (PRK exon2-5 and PHYC exon1) were analysed with a reduced taxon set. This set included 22 Deuterocohnia accessions (including members of both cpDNA subclades), 2 Dyckia, 2 Encholirium and 2 Fosterella species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed as described above, and for comparison the same reduced taxon set was also analysed at the three cpDNA data loci. In contrast to the cpDNA results, the nuclear DNA data strongly supported the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, which takes a sister position to a clade of Dyckia and Encholirium samples. As morphology as well as nuclear DNA data generated in the present study and in a former AFLP analysis (Horres 2003) all corroborate the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, the apparent paraphyly displayed in cpDNA analyses is interpreted to be the consequence of a chloroplast capture event. This involves the introgression of the chloroplast genome from the common ancestor of the Dyckia/ Encholirium lineage into the ancestor of Deuterocohnia subclade B species. The chloroplast haplotypes are not species-specific in Deuterocohnia. Thus, one haplotype was sometimes shared by several species, where the same species may harbour different haplotypes. The arrangement of haplotypes followed geographical patterns rather than taxonomic boundaries, which may indicate some residual gene flow among populations from different Deuteroccohnia species. Phenotypic species coherence on the background of ongoing gene flow may then be maintained by sets of co-adapted alleles, as was suggested by the porous genome concept (Wu 2001, Palma-Silva et al. 2011). The results of the present study suggest the following scenario for the evolution of Deuterocohnia and its species. Deuterocohnia longipetala may be envisaged as a representative of the ancestral state within the genus. This is supported by (1) the wide distribution of this species; (2) the overlap in distribution area with species of Dyckia; (3) the laxly flowered inflorescences, which are also typical for Dyckia; (4) the yellow petals with a greenish tip, present in most other Deuterocohnia species. The following six extant lineages within Deuterocohnia might have independently been derived from this ancestral state with a few changes each: (I) D. meziana, D. brevispicata and D. seramisiana (Bolivia, lowland to montane areas, mostly reddish-greenish coloured, very laxly to very densely flowered); (II) D. strobilifera (Bolivia, high Andean mountains, yellow flowers, densely flowered); (III) D. glandulosa (Bolivia, montane areas, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (IV) D. haumanii, D. schreiteri, D. digitata, and D. chrysantha (Argentina, Chile, E Andean mountains and Atacama desert, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (V) D. recurvipetala (Argentina, foothills of the Andes, recurved yellow flowers, laxly flowered); (VI) D. gableana, D. scapigera, D. sanctae-crucis, D. abstrusa, D. brevifolia, D. lotteae (former Abromeitiella species, Bolivia, Argentina, higher Andean mountains, greenish-yellow flowers, inflorescence usually simple). Originating from the lower montane Andean regions, at least four lineages of the genus (I, II, IV, VI) adapted in part to higher altitudes by developing densely flowered partial inflorescences, shorter flowers and – in at least three lineages (II, IV, VI) – smaller rosettes, whereas species spreading into the lowlands (I, V) developed larger plants, laxly flowered, amply branched inflorescences and in part larger flowers (I).