7 resultados para Hephaestin


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The membrane-bound ceruloplasmin homolog hephaestin plays a critical role in intestinal iron absorption. The aims of this study were to clone the rat hephaestin gene and to examine its expression in the gastrointestinal tract in relation to other genes encoding iron transport proteins. The rat hephaestin gene was isolated from intestinal mRNA and was found to encode a protein 96% identical to mouse hephaestin. Analysis by ribonuclease protection assay and Western blotting showed that hephaestin was expressed at high levels throughout the small intestine and colon. Immunofluorescence localized the hephaestin protein to the mature villus enterocytes with little or no expression in the crypts. Variations in iron status had a small but nonsignificant effect on hephaestin expression in the duodenum. The high sequence conservation between rat and mouse hephaestin is consistent with this protein playing a central role in intestinal iron absorption, although its precise function remains to be determined.


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Copper and iron metabolism intersect in mammals. Copper deficiency simultaneously leads to decreased iron levels in some tissues and iron deficiency anemia, whereas it results in iron overload in other tissues such as the intestine and liver. The copper requirement of the multicopper ferroxidases hephaestin and ceruloplasmin likely explains this link between copper and iron homeostasis in mammals. We investigated the effect of in vivo and in vitro copper deficiency on hephaestin (Heph) expression and activity. C57BL/6J mice were separated into 2 groups on the day of parturition. One group was fed a copper-deficient diet and another was fed a control diet for 6 wk. Copper-deficient mice had significantly lower hephaestin and ceruloplasmin (~50% of controls) ferroxidase activity. Liver hepcidin expression was significantly downregulated by copper deficiency (~60% of controls), and enterocyte mRNA and protein levels of ferroportin1 were increased to 2.5 and 10 times, respectively, relative to controls, by copper deficiency, indicating a systemic iron deficiency in the copper-deficient mice. Interestingly, hephaestin protein levels were significantly decreased to ~40% of control, suggesting that decreased enterocyte copper content leads to decreased hephaestin synthesis and/or stability. We also examined the effect of copper deficiency on hephaestin in vitro in the HT29 cell line and found dramatically decreased hephaestin synthesis and activity. Both in vivo and in vitro studies indicate that copper is required for the proper processing and/or stability of hephaestin.


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Disturbances in iron metabolism often accompany liver disease in humans and hepatic iron deposition is a frequent finding. Since the peptide hepcidin, a major regulator of body iron homeostasis, is synthesised in the liver, alterations in hepcidin expression could be responsible for these effects. To investigate this possibility, we studied hepcidin expression in liver biopsies from patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hemochromatosis (HC). Total RNA was extracted from the liver tissue of 24 HCV, 17 NASH and 5 HC patients, and 17 liver transplant donors (controls). The levels of mRNA for hepcidin and several other molecules involved in iron metabolism (DMT1, Dcytb, hephaestin, ferroportin, TfR1, TfR2, HFE and HJV) were examined by ribonuclease protection assay and expressed relative to the housekeeping gene GAPDH. The expression of hepcidin was significantly decreased in HCV and NASH patients relative to control liver (109±16 and 200±44 versus 325±26 respectively; P=0.008 and 0.02). We have previously reported similar findings in patients with HC, and this was confirmed in the current analysis (176±21; P=0.003). In both HCV and NAFLD patients the expression of the iron reductase Dcytb and the transferrin binding regulatory molecule TfR2 was also decreased, while the cellular iron exporter ferroportin showed a significant increase. Levels of the mRNA for the iron oxidase hephaestin were lower in HCV patients alone, while expression of the major transferrin binding molecule TfR1 was decreased only in NAFLD patients. Of particular interest was the finding that the expression of HJV (which is mutated in patients with juvenile HC) was significantly increased in NAFLD patients. No changes were seen in the expression of the iron importer DMT1 or the regulatory molecule HFE. Decreased expression of hepcidin in patients with HCV and NAFLD provides an explanation why iron homeostasis could be perturbed in these disorders. Reduced hepcidin levels would increase intestinal iron absorption and iron release from macrophages, which could contribute to hepatic iron accumulation. This in turn could lead to alterations in the expression of various proteins involved in iron transport and its regulation. Indeed most of the changes in the expression of such molecules observed in this study are consistent with this. However, the mechanisms leading to changes in the expression of hepcidin in these diseases remain to be elucidated.


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Résumé Le fer joue un rôle important dans la plupart des fonctions biologiques mais sa présence excessive provoque la production de molécules réactives d'oxygène (ROS) qui peuvent contribuer à diverses maladies. La protéine de stockage du fer, la ferritine H, capte l'excès en fer et le stocke sous forme non-toxique, ce qui empêche des dommages potentiels. La délétion de la ferritine H dans des souris knock-out a été essayée antérieurement, mais ces souris mouraient au stade précoce du développement embryonnaire. Pour étudier l'importance du fer, et en particulier son stockage dans la ferritine, et pour pouvoir mieux comprendre les fonctions de la ferritine H, nous avons créé un modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H, selon le système classique de Cre-LoxP. Le premier exon et la région du promoteur du gène de la ferritine H ont été entourés de sites loxP. La mortalité embryonnaire provoquée par la délétion constitutive du gène de la ferritine H a été confirmée en croisant nos souris avec des souris exprimant nestin-Cre1. En croisant nos souris avec des souris transgéniques Mx-Cre, nous avons observé que l'induction de Cre par injection de polyI-polyC provoque la délétion presque complète de la ferritine H dans le foie (> 99%) et la rate (> 88%). Ces tissus ont également perdu une grande partie de leur réserve de fer. Cette observation apporte pour la première fois la preuve in vivo que la ferritine H est indispensable pour le stockage du fer, que les fonctions de la ferritine H et de la ferritine L ne sont pas équivalentes, et que la ferritine L ne peut pas assumer seule la fonction de stockage du fer. Dans le foie des souris knock-out, l'expression de l'ARN messager de l'hepcidine a été induite après 10 jours. En même temps, l'expression de l'ARN messager des gènes codant pour des protéines de l'absorption de fer (DMT1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 et hephaestin) a été réprimée mais dans le duodénum seulement. L'expression d'hepcidine est inversément corrélée avec celle des gènes liés à l'absorption de fer. Cette observation corrobore des études antérieures. Mais, en plus, elle montre également que cette répression se produit seulement dans l'intestin. Nous pouvons ainsi tirer la conclusion suivante : ou bien l'hepcidine a un récepteur spécifique dans le duodénum ou bien les gènes liés à l'absorption de fer dans le duodénum ont un facteur spécifique de transcription sensible à l'hepcidine. Aucune répression de DMT1 et de ferroportin n'a été observée dans les macrophages de la rate après l'induction d'hepcidine. La délétion de ferritine H a entraîné une augmentation du taux de mortalité des cellules hépatiques, ainsi que des altérations dans l'architecture normale du tissu de la rate. Vu par l'immunohistologie, le nombre de lymphocytes B et T était réduit dans la rate, tendant à démontrer que la ferritine H et l'homéostase du fer jouent un rôle dans l'immunité. En conclusion, le modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H nous fournit un outil précieux pour l'étude in vivo du rôle joué par la ferritine dans l'homéostase du fer, dans les dommages créés par les ROS, ainsi que dans l'apoptose et l'immunité. Summary Iron plays an important role in most biological functions. However, excess of iron results in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could substantially contribute to pathology of various diseases. Ferritin H scavenges excess of iron and stores it in non-toxic form and potentially prevents the damage. Fenitin H targeting in mice has been attempted before, however, straight knockout was lethal in early embryonic stage. To study the role of iron and its storage protein ferritin and to further elucidate ferritin H functions, we aimed at creating a conditional ferritin H knockout mouse model by classical Cre-LoxP system. First exon along with promoter region of the ferritin H gene was foxed. Embryonic lethality of the constitutive ferritin H deletion was confirmed by crossing the foxed mice with mice expressing nestin Cre-1 as transgene. Almost complete deletion was observed in liver (> 99%) and spleen (>88%) upon induction of Cre by injecting polyI-polyC in Fth Lox/Lox; MxCre mice. These tissues also lost substantial fraction of their iron stores. This provides first in vivo evidence that ferritin H is required for iron storage, ferritin H and L functions are not redundant and that ferritin L cannot perform iron storage function alone. Hepcidin mRNA expression was induced after 10 days in the livers of deleted mice and, simultaneously, mRNA expression of iron absorption related genes (DMT 1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 and hephaestin) was repressed in duodenum only. Hepcidin expression is inversely correlated with that of duodenal iron absorption related genes. This is in agreement with previous studies. However, we also show that this repression happens only in intestine. This leads to the conclusion that either hepcidin has a specific receptor in duodenum or the iron absorption related genes have duodenum specific transcription factor that is responsive to hepcidin. No repression of DMT1 and ferroportin was observed in spleen macrophages upon hepcidin induction. Ferritin H deletion showed increased cell death in liver and disruption of normal architecture of spleen. B lymphocytes were reduced in spleen on immunohistology which point towards a role of ferritin H and iron homeostasis in immunity. In conclusion, ferritin H conditional knockout mouse model provides us with an invaluable tool to study the in vivo role of ferritin H in iron homeostasis, ROS mediated damage, apoptosis and immunity.


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PURPOSE: Retinal degeneration is associated with iron accumulation in several rodent models in which iron-regulating proteins are impaired. Oxidative stress is catalyzed by unbound iron. METHODS: The role of the heavy chain of ferritin, which sequesters iron, in regulating the thickness of the photoreceptor nuclear layer in the 4- and 16-month-old wild-type H ferritin (HFt(+/+)) and heterozygous H ferritin (HFt(+/-)) mice was investigated, before and 12 days after exposure to 13,000-lux light for 24 hours. The regulation of gene expression of the various proteins involved in iron homeostasis, such as transferrin, transferrin receptor, hephaestin, ferroportin, iron regulatory proteins 1 and 2, hepcidin, ceruloplasmin, and heme-oxygenase 1, was analyzed by quantitative (q)RT-PCR during exposure (2, 12, and 24 hours) and 24 hours after 1 day of exposure in the 4-month-old HFt(+/+) and HFt(+/-) mouse retinas. RESULTS: Retinal degeneration in the 4-month-old HFt(+/-) mice was more extensive than in the HFt(+/+) mice. Yet, it was more extensive in both of the 16-month-old mouse groups, revealing the combined effect of age and excessive light. Injury caused by excessive light modified the temporal gene expression of iron-regulating proteins similarly in the HFt(+/-) and HFt(+/+) mice. CONCLUSIONS: Loss of one allele of H ferritin appears to increase light-induced degeneration. This study highlighted that oxidative stress related to light-induced injury is associated with major changes in gene expression of iron metabolism proteins.


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Background and aims: In HFE associated hereditary haemochromatosis, the duodenal enterocyte behaves as if iron deficient and previous reports have shown increased duodenal expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) and iron regulated gene 1 (Ireg1) in affected subjects. In those studies, many patients had undergone venesection, which is a potent stimulus of iron absorption. Our study investigated duodenal expression of DMT1 ( IRE and non-IRE), Ireg1, hephaestin, and duodenal cytochrome-b (Dyctb) in untreated C282Y homozygous haemochromatosis patients, iron deficient patients, and iron replete subjects. Methods: Total RNA was extracted from duodenal biopsies and expression of the iron transport genes was assessed by ribonuclease protection assay. Results: Expression of DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 was increased 3 - 5-fold in iron deficient subjects compared with iron replete subjects. Duodenal expression of DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 was similar in haemochromatosis patients and iron replete subjects but in haemochromatosis patients with elevated serum ferritin concentrations, both DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 expression were inappropriately increased relative to serum ferritin concentration. Hephaestin and Dcytb levels were not upregulated in haemochromatosis. DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 levels showed significant inverse correlations with serum ferritin concentration in each group of patients. Conclusions: These findings are consistent with DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 playing primary roles in the adaptive response to iron deficiency. Untreated haemochromatosis patients showed inappropriate increases in DMT1 ( IRE) and Ireg1 expression for a given level of serum ferritin concentration, although the actual level of expression of these iron transport genes was not significantly different from that of normal subjects.


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Hepatic hemosiderosis and increased iron absorption are common findings in cirrhosis. It has been proposed that a positive relation exists between intestinal iron absorption and the development of hepatic hemosiderosis. The current study investigated the duodenal expression of the iron transport molecules divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1 [IRE]), iron-regulated gene 1 (Ireg1 [ferroportin]), hephaestin, and duodenal cytochrome b (Dyctb) in 46 patients with cirrhosis and 20 control subjects. Total RNA samples were extracted from duodenal biopsy samples and the expression of the iron transport genes was assessed by ribonuclease protection assays. Expression of DMT1 and Ireg1 was increased 1.5 to 3-fold in subjects with cirrhosis compared with iron-replete control subjects. The presence of cirrhosis per se and serum ferritin (SF) concentration were independent factors that influenced the expression of DMT1. However, only SF concentration was independently associated with Iregl expression. In cirrhosis, the expression of DMT1 and Iregl was not related to the severity of liver disease or cirrhosis type. There was no correlation between the duodenal expression of DMT1 and Iregl and the degree of hepatic siderosis. In conclusion, the presence of cirrhosis is an independent factor associated with increased expression of DMT1 but not Iregl. The mechanism by which cirrhosis mediates this change in DMT1 expression has yet to be determined. Increased expression of DMT1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis-associated hepatic iron overload.