47 resultados para Henné


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Para o zoneamento da aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, considerou-se as exigências climáticas da espécie a ser cultivada e da principal doença que afeta a cultura. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a temperatura média anual do ar, a deficiência hídrica no solo e a temperatura média do mês mais frio, como condicionantes do desempenho da cultura e da ocorrência de surtos epidêmicos do Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn) V. Arx., principal patógeno da seringueira no Brasil e causador do "mal-das-folhas". Considerando esses fatores, elaborou-se uma carta de aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, baseada em isolinhas de temperatura, precipitação, e de outros fatores de interesse, estabelecendo-se, assim, as regiões brasileiras com condições climáticas aptas, restritas, marginais e inaptas para o cultivo comercial da seringueira.


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Historicamente a ferrugem da mandioca, causada pelo fungo Uromyces manihotis Henn. não tem sido considerada uma doença importante para o Brasil. Todavia, nos últimos dois anos, severas epidemias têm sido detectadas em diferentes regiões do Nordeste brasileiro como Aracaju, no Estado de Sergipe, e São Miguel das Matas, Tancredo Neves, Porto Seguro e Ilhéus, no Estado da Bahia. No Extremo Sul da Bahia a doença foi encontrada com alta intensidade nas variedades Caravela e Platina.


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Herring, Clupea harengus, is one of the ecologically and commercially most important species in European northern seas, where two distinct ecotypes have been described based on spawning time; spring and autumn. To date, it is unknown if these spring and autumn spawning herring constitute genetically distinct units. We assessed levels of genetic divergence between spring and autumn spawning herring in the Baltic Sea using two types of DNA markers, microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, and compared the results with data for autumn spawning North Sea herring. Temporally replicated analyses reveal clear genetic differences between ecotypes and hence support reproductive isolation. Loci showing non-neutral behaviour, so-called outlier loci, show convergence between autumn spawning herring from demographically disjoint populations, potentially reflecting selective processes associated with autumn spawning ecotypes. The abundance and
exploitation of the two ecotypes have varied strongly over space and time in the Baltic Sea, where autumn spawners have faced strong depression for decades. The results therefore have practical implications by highlighting the need for specific management of these co-occurring ecotypes to meet requirements for sustainable exploitation and ensure optimal livelihood for coastal communities.


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We report on the experimental observation of vortex formation and production of tangled vortex distribution in an atomic BEC of (87)Rb atoms submitted to an external oscillatory perturbation. The oscillatory perturbations start by exciting quadrupolar and scissors modes of the condensate. Then regular vortices are observed finally evolving to a vortex tangle configuration. The vortex tangle is a signature of the presence of a turbulent regime in the cloud. We also show that this turbulent cloud has suppression of the aspect ratio inversion typically observed in quantum degenerate bosonic gases during free expansion.


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We observe experimentally a deviation of the radius of a Bose-Einstein condensate from the standard Thomas-Fermi prediction, after free expansion, as a function of temperature. A modified Hartree-Fock model is used to explain the observations, mainly based on the influence of the thermal cloud on the condensate cloud.


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We have studied a Bose-Einstein condensate of (87)Rb atoms under an oscillatory excitation. For a fixed frequency of excitation, we have explored how the values of amplitude and time of excitation must be combined in order to produce quantum turbulence in the condensate. Depending on the combination of these parameters different behaviors are observed in the sample. For the lowest values of time and amplitude of excitation, we observe a bending of the main axis of the cloud. Increasing the amplitude of excitation we observe an increasing number of vortices. The vortex state can evolve into the turbulent regime if the parameters of excitation are driven up to a certain set of combinations. If the value of the parameters of these combinations is exceeded, all vorticity disappears and the condensate enters into a different regime which we have identified as the granular phase. Our results are summarized in a diagram of amplitude versus time of excitation in which the different structures can be identified. We also present numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which support our observations. (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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The synthesis and characterization by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy of the diorganotin dihalides (Me3SiCH2)2SnX2 (1, X = Cl; 2, X = Br), the diorganotin dichloride water adduct (Me3SiCH2)2SnCl2·H2O (1a), the dimeric tetraorganodistannoxanes [(Me3SiCH2)2(X)SnOSn(Y)(CH2SiMe3)2]2 (3, X = Y = Cl; 4, X = Br, Y = OH; 5, X = Br, Y = F; 6, X = Y = OH; 8, X = Cl, Y = OH), and the molecular diorganotin oxide cyclo-[(Me3SiCH2)2SnO]3 (7) are reported. The structures in the solid state of compounds 1a, 3, 6, and 7 were determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In toluene solution, the hydroxy-substituted tetraorganodistannoxane 6 is in equilibrium with the diorganotin oxide 7 and water. The eight-membered diorganotin oxide cyclo-[(Me3SiCH2)2SnO]4 (7a) is proposed to be involved in this equilibrium. On the basis of the results of this and previous works, a general hydrolysis pathway is developed for diorganotin dichlorides containing reasonably bulky substituents.


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This paper investigates the social and environmental disclosure practices of two large multinational companies, specifically Nike and Hennés & Mauritz. Utilising a joint consideration of legitimacy theory and media agenda setting theory, we investigate the linkage between negative media attention, and positive corporate social and environmental disclosures. Our results generally support a view that for those industry-related social and environmental issues attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention, these corporations react by providing positive social and environmental disclosures. The results were particularly significant in relation to labour practices in developing countries - the issue attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention for the companies in question.