55 resultados para Hemocyanin
The recombinant expression of 19 different substructures of KLH in the prokaryotic sys-tem E. coli has been successfully achieved: each one of the eight single FUs a to h of both isoforms, KLH1 and KLH2, two substructures consisting of two consecutive FUs (KLH1-bc and KLH1-gh) as well as a cDNA encompassing KLH1-abc. All recombinant proteins, fused to an N-terminal 6xHis tag, have successfully been detected by immuno precipitation using monoclonal α-His-antibodies and polyclonal α-KLH1- and α-KLH2-antibodies. One exception remained: SP-KLH2-a, which was not detected by the α-His-antibodies. This allows speculations as to whether the coexpressed signal peptide can lead, at one hand, to the secretion of the recombinant protein, and on the other to the simultaneous cut-off of the leader peptide, which results in the splitting off of even more N-terminal 6xHis tag, leading to failed recognition by the appropriate antibodies. The comparison of native KLH with recombinantly expressed prokaryotic (E. coli) and eukaryotic (Sf9 insect cells) KLH was done using FU-1h. The weak detection by the polyclonal α-KLH1-antibodies of both recombinantly expressed proteins showed that the native protein was the best recognized. For the prokaryotic one, both the denaturation applied for solubilisation of the bacterial inclusion bodies and the inability of bacterial cells to add N-linked glycosylation, are the reason for the poor hybridization. In contrast, KLH1-h expressed in eukaryotic insect cells is likely to be glycosylated. The incubation with the α-KLH1-antibodies resulting in the same weak detection, however, revealed that the linked carbohydrate side chains are not those expected. The establishment of SOE-PCR, together with further improvement, has enabled the generation of a clone encompassing the complete subunit KLH1-abcdefgh. The se-quence analysis compared to the original KLH1 sequence showed, however, that the resulting recombinant protein is defective in two histidines, required for the copper bind-ing sites in FU-1b and FU-1d and in three disulfide bridges (FU-1a, FU-1b and FU 1g). This is due to polymerase-related nucleotide exchanges, resulting in a changed amino acid sequence. Nevertheless, all eight potential N-glycosylation sites are present, leading to the speculation that the recombinant protein can in theory be fully glycosylated, which is the most important aspect for the clinical applicability of recombinant KLH as an im-munotherapeutic agent. The improvement of this method elaborated during the present work indicates bright prospects for the future generation of a correct cDNA sequence encoding for the complete KLH2 subunit.
In the present study, the quaternary structures of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 and Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, both proteins from the hemocyanin superfamily, were elucidated to a 10 Å resolution with the technique of cryo-EM 3D-reconstruction. Furthermore, molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting allowed a detailed insight into the cryo-EM structures at atomic level. The results are summarised as follows: Hexamerin 1. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 is the first quaternary structure of a protein from the group of the insect storage proteins. 2. The hexamerin LSP-2 is a hexamer of six bean-shaped subunits that occupy the corners of a trigonal antiprism, yielding a D3 (32) point-group symmetry. 3. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of the hexamerin LSP-2 sequence showed a significant correlation between amino acid inserts in the primary structure and additional masses of the cryo-EM structure that are not present in the published quaternary structures of chelicerate and crustacean hemocyanins. 4. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 confirms that the arthropod hexameric structure is applicable to insect storage proteins. Hemocyanin 1. The cryo-EM structure of the 8×6mer Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin is the highest resolved quaternary structure of an oligo-hexameric arthropod hemocyanin so far. 2. The hemocyanin is build of 48 bean-shaped subunits which are arranged in eight hexamers, yielding an 8×6mer with a D2 (222) point-group symmetry. The 'basic building blocks' are four 2×6mers that form two 4×6mers in an anti-parallel manner, latter aggregate 'face-to-face' to the 8×6mer. 3. The morphology of the 8×6mer was gauged and described very precisely on the basis of the cryo-EM structure. 4. Based on earlier topology studies of the eight different subunit types of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, eleven types of interhexamer interfaces have been identified that in the native 8×6mer sum up to 46 inter-hexamer bridges - 24 within the four 2×6mers, 10 to establish the two 4×6mers, and 12 to assemble the two 4×6mers into an 8×6mer. 5. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of Limulus polyphemus and orthologous Erypelma californicum sequences allowed to assign very few amino acids to each of these interfaces. These amino acids now serve as candidates for the chemical bonds between the eight hexamers. 6. Most of the inter-hexamer contacts are conspicuously histidine-rich and evince constellations of amino acids that could constitute the basis for the allosteric interactions between the hexamers. 7. The cryo-EM structure of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin opens the door to a fundamental understanding of the function of this highly cooperative protein.
Three-dimensional electron microscopy (3-D EM) provides a framework for the analysis of large protein quaternary structures. The advantage over the generally higher resolving meth- od of X-ray crystallography is the embedding of the proteins in their physiological environ- ment. However, results of the two methods can be combined to obtain superior structural information. In this work, three different protein types – (i) Myriapod hemocyanin, (ii) vesi- cle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1) and (iii) acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) – were structurally analyzed by 2-D and 3-D EM and, where possible, functionally interpreted.rnMyriapod hemocyanins have been previously shown to be 6x6-meric assemblies that, in case of Scutigera coleoptrata hemocyanin (ScoHc), show two 3x6-mer planes whith a stag- gering angle of approximately 60°. Here, previously observed structural differences between oxy- and deoxy-ScoHc could be substantiated. A 4° rotation between hexamers of two dif- ferent 3x6-mer planes was measured, which originates at the most central inter-hexamer in- terface. Further information about allosteric behaviour in myriapod hemocyanin was gained by analyzing Polydesmus angustus hemocyanin (PanHc), which shows a stable 3x6-mer and divergent histidine patterns in the inter-hexamer interfaces when compared to ScoHc. Both findings would conclusively explain the very different oxygen binding properties of chilopod and diplopod hemocyanin.rnVipp1 is a protein found in cyanobacteria and higher plants which is essential for thyla- koid membrane function and forms highly variable ring-shaped structures. In the course of this study, the first 3-D analysis of Vipp1 was conducted and yielded reconstructions of six differently sized Vipp1 rings from negatively stained images at resolutions between 20 to 30 Å. Furthermore, mutational analyses identified specific N-terminal amino acids that are essential for ring formation. On the basis of these analyses and previously published results, a hypothetical model of the Vipp1 tertiary and quaternary structure was generated.rnAChBP is a water-soluble protein in the hemolymph of mollusks. It is a structural and functional homologue of the ligand-binding domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. For the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, we previously described two types of AChBP (BgAChBP1 and BgAChBP2). In this work, a 6 Å 3-D reconstruction of native BgAChBP is presented, which shows a dodecahedral assembly that is unprecedented for an AChBP. Single particle analysis of recombinantely expressed BgAChBP types led to preliminary results show- ing a dodecahedral assembly of BgAChBP1 and a dipentameric assembly of BgAChBP2. This indicates divergent biological functions of the two types.
We present here the description of genes coding for molluscan hemocyanins. Two distantly related mollusks, Haliotis tuberculata and Octopus dofleini, were studied. The typical architecture of a molluscan hemocyanin subunit, which is a string of seven or eight globular functional units (FUs, designated a to h, about 50 kDa each), is reflected by the gene organization: a series of eight structurally related coding regions in Haliotis, corresponding to FU-a to FU-h, with seven highly variable linker introns of 174 to 3,198 bp length (all in phase 1). In Octopus seven coding regions (FU-a to FU-g) are found, separated by phase 1 introns varying in length from 100 bp to 910 bp. Both genes exhibit typical signal (export) sequences, and in both cases these are interrupted by an additional intron. Each gene also contains an intron between signal peptide and FU-a and in the 3′ untranslated region. Of special relevance for evolutionary considerations are introns interrupting those regions that encode a discrete functional unit. We found that five of the eight FUs in Haliotis each are encoded by a single exon, whereas FU-f, FU-g, and FU-a are encoded by two, three and four exons, respectively. Similarly, in Octopus four of the FUs each correspond to an uninterrupted exon, whereas FU-b, FU-e, and FU-f each contain a single intron. Although the positioning of the introns between FUs is highly conserved in the two mollusks, the introns within FUs show no relationship either in location nor phase. It is proposed that the introns between FUs were generated as the eight-unit polypeptide evolved from a monomeric precursor, and that the internal introns have been added later. A hypothesis for evolution of the ring-like quaternary structure of molluscan hemocyanins is presented.
Pro-phenol oxidase [pro-PO; zymogen of phenol oxidase (monophenol, L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC] is present in the hemolymph plasma of the silkworm Bombyx mori. Pro-PO is a heterodimeric protein synthesized by hemocytes. A specific serine proteinase activates both subunits through a limited proteolysis. The amino acid sequences of both subunits were deduced from their respective cDNAs; amino acid sequence homology between the subunits was 51%. The deduced amino acid sequences revealed domains highly homologous to the copper-binding site sequences (copper-binding sites A and B) of arthropod hemocyanins. The overall sequence homology between silkworm pro-PO and arthropod hemocyanins ranged from 29 to 39%. Phenol oxidases from prokaryotes, fungi, and vertebrates have sequences homologous to only the copper-binding site B of arthropod hemocyanins. Thus, silkworm pro-PO DNA described here appears distinctive and more closely related to arthropod hemocyanins. The pro-PO-activating serine proteinase was shown to hydrolyze peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of arginine in the sequence-Asn-49-Arg-50-Phe-51-Gly-52- of both subunits. Amino groups of N termini of both subunits were indicated to be N-acetylated. The cDNAs of both pro-PO subunits lacked signal peptide sequences. This result supports our contention that mature pro-PO accumulates in the cytoplasm of hemocytes and is released by cell rupture, as for arthropod hemocyanins.
Hemocyanins are large copper-containing respiratory proteins that play a role in oxygen transport in many molluscs. In some species only one hemocyanin isoform is present while in others two are expressed. The physiological relevance of these isoforms is unclear and the developmental and tissue-specific expression of hemocyanin genes is largely unknown. Here we show that two hemocyanin genes in the gastropod Haliotis asinina, which encode H. asinina hemocyanin (HaH1) and HaH2 isoforms, are developmentally expressed. These genes initially are expressed in a small number of mesenchyme cells at trochophore and pre-torsional veliger stages, with HaH1 expression slightly preceding HaH2. These cells largely are localized to the visceral mass, although a small number of cells are present in head and foot regions. Following metamorphosis the isoforms show overlapping as well as isoform-specific expression profiles, suggesting some degree of isoform-specific function.
Background: Hexamerins are hemocyanin-derived proteins that have lost the ability to bind copper ions and transport oxygen; instead, they became storage proteins. The current study aimed to broaden our knowledge on the hexamerin genes found in the honey bee genome by exploring their structural characteristics, expression profiles, evolution, and functions in the life cycle of workers, drones and queens. Results: The hexamerin genes of the honey bee (hex 70a, hex 70b, hex 70c and hex 110) diverge considerably in structure, so that the overall amino acid identity shared among their deduced protein subunits varies from 30 to 42%. Bioinformatics search for motifs in the respective upstream control regions (UCRs) revealed six overrepresented motifs including a potential binding site for Ultraspiracle (Usp), a target of juvenile hormone (JH). The expression of these genes was induced by topical application of JH on worker larvae. The four genes are highly transcribed by the larval fat body, although with significant differences in transcript levels, but only hex 110 and hex 70a are re-induced in the adult fat body in a caste-and sex-specific fashion, workers showing the highest expression. Transcripts for hex 110, hex 70a and hex70b were detected in developing ovaries and testes, and hex 110 was highly transcribed in the ovaries of egg-laying queens. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that HEX 110 is located at the most basal position among the holometabola hexamerins, and like HEX 70a and HEX 70c, it shares potential orthology relationship with hexamerins from other hymenopteran species. Conclusions: Striking differences were found in the structure and developmental expression of the four hexamerin genes in the honey bee. The presence of a potential binding site for Usp in the respective 5' UCRs, and the results of experiments on JH level manipulation in vivo support the hypothesis of regulation by JH. Transcript levels and patterns in the fat body and gonads suggest that, in addition to their primary role in supplying amino acids for metamorphosis, hexamerins serve as storage proteins for gonad development, egg production, and to support foraging activity. A phylogenetic analysis including the four deduced hexamerins and related proteins revealed a complex pattern of evolution, with independent radiation in insect orders.
The bis(mu-hydroxo) complex [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)](PF6)(2) (Me-2[9]aneN(2)S = N,N'-dimethyl-1-thia-4,7-diazacyclononane) results after reaction of [Cu(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(MeCN)] (PF6) with dioxygen at -78 degrees C in acetonitrile. The complex has been characterized by X-ray crystallography: orthorhombic, space group Pnma, with a 18.710(3), b 16.758(2), c 9.593(2) Angstrom, and Z = 4. The structure refined to a final R value of 0.051. The complex contains two copper(II) ions bridged by two hydroxo groups with Cu ... Cu 2.866(1) Angstrom. The solid-state magnetic susceptibility study reveals ferromagnetic coupling, the fitting parameters being J = +46+/-5 cm(-1), g = 2.01+/-0.01 and theta = -0.58+/-0.03 K. The frozen-solution e.p.r. spectrum in dimethyl sulfoxide is characteristic of a monomeric copper(II) ion (g(parallel to) 2.300, g(perpendicular to) 2.063; A(parallel to) 156.2 x 10(-4) cm(-1), A(perpendicular to) 9.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1)) with an N2O2 donor set. Thioether coordination to the copper(II) in solution is supported by the presence of an intense absorption assigned to a sigma(S)-->Cu-II LMCT transition at c. 34000 cm(-1). The single-crystal spectrum of [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)] (PF6)(2) (273 K) reveals d-->d transitions at 14500 and 18300 cm(-1) and a weak pi(S)-->Cu-II charge-transfer band at approximately 25000 cm(-1).
Purpose Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immune response is a major challenge for immunotherapy of autoimmune disease. We have shown that NF-κB inactivation in dendritic cells (modified DC) converts them into cells that tolerize rather than immunize to specific antigen [1]. Antigen-exposed modified DC prevent priming of immunity, and they suppress previously primed immune responses. Regulatory CD4+ T cells, which can transfer antigen-specific tolerance in an IL-10-dependent fashion, mediate the tolerance. We hypothesized that modified DC exposed to arthritogenic antigen would suppress clinical arthritis after disease onset. Methods Antigen-induced arthritis was induced in C57/Bl6 mice by priming to methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) antigen followed by challenge injection of mBSA to one knee. Knee swelling was apparent within 2 days, with peak clinical signs apparent at 5 days. Mice were treated with antigen-exposed modified DC between 2 and 6 days after mBSA challenge to the knee joint. Results Clinical arthritis was suppressed in each group receiving mBSA-exposed modified DC within 4 days compared with mice that received either no DC or keyhole limpet hemocyanin-exposed modified DC. Clinical improvement was associated with mBSA-specific tolerance in mice receiving mBSA-exposed modified DC. Tolerance induction was not impaired by concomitant administration of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody. Subsequent rechallenge with intra-articular IL-1 induced flare of arthritis in all groups, which could be effectively suppressed by a second administration of mBSA-exposed modified DC. Conclusions The data indicate that modified DC induce antigen-specific immune suppression in this model of inflammatory arthritis, even after full clinical expression of the disease. These observations have important implications for antigen-specific therapy of autoimmunity.
In preparing for metamorphosis, insect larvae store a huge amount of proteins in hemolymph, mainly hexamerins. Out of the four hexamerins present in the honeybee larvae, one, HEX 70a, exhibited a distinct developmental pattern, especially since it is also present in adults. Here, we report sequence data and experimental evidence suggesting alternative functions for HEX 70a, besides its well-known role as an amino acid resource during metamorphosis. The hex 70a gene consists of 6 exons and encodes a 684 amino acid chain containing the conserved hemocyanin N, M, and C domains. HEX 70a classifies as an arylphorin since it contains more than 15% of aromatic amino acids. In the fat body of adult workers, hex 70a expression turned out to be a nutrient-limited process. However, the fat body is not the only site for hex 70a expression. Both, transcript and protein subunits were also detected in developing gonads from workers, queens and drones, suggesting a role in ovary differentiation and testes maturation and functioning. In its putative reproductive role, HEX 70a however differs from the yolk protein, vitellogenin, since it was not detected in eggs or embryos. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A conformationally biased decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin (YSFKPMPLaR) was used as a molecular adjuvant in stimulating Ab responses against peptide epitopes derived from human MUC1 glycoprotein and the human mu and kappa opioid receptors. C57BL6 mice were immunized with the MUC1 epitope (YKQGGFLGL); the C5a agonist (YSFKPMPLaR); YSFKPMPLaR and YKQGGFLGL together, but unconjugated; a C5a-active, MUC1 epitope construct (YKQGGFLGLYSFKPMPLaR); and a C5a-inactive, reversed moiety construct (YSFKPMPLaRYKQGGFLGL). High Ab titers specific for the MUC1 epitope were observed Only in mice immunized with the C5a-active epitope construct. Similar results were obtained in BALB/c mice immunized with the C5a-active, MUC1 epitope construct, Abs from the sera of the C57BL6 mice were predominately of the IgG2a, IgC2b, and IgM isotypes and were reactive against human recombinant MUC1 and MUC1 expressed by the Panc-1 M1F.15 pancreatic cell line, When compared with the corresponding KLH-epitope conjugates in C57BL6 mice, the epitope-C5a agonist constructs produced titers of specific IgG Abs of isotypes distinct from those generated by the keyhole limpet hemocyanin-epitope conjugates, Rabbits immunized with a mu opioid receptor epitope-C5a agonist construct (GDLSDPCGNRTNLGGRDSLYSFKPMPLaR) or a kappa opioid receptor epitope-C5a agonist construct (FPGWAEPDSNGSEDAQLYSFKPMPLaR) generated high titer, epitope-specific Ab responses, Ab titers generated in response to the opioid epitope-C5a agonist constructs were comparable to those generated by the opioid KLH-epitope conjugates, The results of this study are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms by which the conformationally biased C5a agonist serves as a molecular adjuvant.
Estudos prévios em animais de experimentação têm mostrado que complexos imunes formados por antígeno e anticorpo exercem uma influência reguladora na resposta proliferativa de linfócitos. utilizando-se de indivíduos previamente imunizados ou não com Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) o presente trabalho compara a resposta blastogênica induzida pelo antígeno (KLH) com aquela induzida por complexos imunes sob a forma de precipitado constituídos por KLH e IgG anti-KLH. Em cultura de linfócitos de indivíduos previamente imunizados, complexos formados por KLH e IgG anti-KLH induziram in vitro uma resposta proliferativa significantemente maior que o antígeno. Este aumento da bastogênese verificado quando o anticorpo foi acoplado ao antígeno não dependeu da presença de complemento, da quantidade de moléculas do anticorpo no complexo, foi específico com relação ao antígeno pois não houve bastogênese significante em cultura de linfócitos de indivíduos não imunizados, quando estimulados com complexos de KLH e IgG anti-KLH. Linfócitos que não são nem T nem B mas possuem receptor Fc para moléculas de IgG desempenham papel importante na resposta mediado por complexos imunes, haja vista a depleção destes linfócitos reduziu a resposta proliferativa mediada por complexos imunes à observada com o antígeno isoladamente.
We have produced a number of monoclonal antibodies, protective and non-protective, which recognize a complex of schistosomula antigens, including the 38 kDa antigen. Eight different protective and non-protective monoclonal antibodies, varying in isotypes, were used in the binding assays. Lectin inhibition studies suggested that the monoclonal antibodies probably recognized carbohydrate epitopes on the antigen(s). Immunoprecipitation studies showed that at least two of the monoclonal antibodies recognized different epitopes on the same molecule. Additionally, we tested for monoclonal antibody binding after the antigens were treated with; 1) proteases, 2) periodate, 3) various exo- and endoglycosidases, 4) mild acid hydrolysis. We also tested for binding of the antibodies to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Using the 8 monoclonal antibodies as probes, we were able to define at least 4 different carbohydrate epitopes related to the protective monoclonal antibodies, and at least one epitope which is seen by the non-protective antibodies. The epitope seen by the non-protective antibodies was shown to be cross-reactive with epitopes on KLH. These results demonstrate the importance of epitope mapping studies for any defined vaccine.
The development of additional methods for detecting and identifuing Babesia and Plasmodium infections may be useful in disease monitoring, management and control efforts. To preliminarily evaluate sunthetic peptide-based serodiagnosis, a hydrophilic sequence (DDESEFDKEK)was selected from published BabR gene of B. bovis. Immunization of rabbits and cattle with the hemocyanin-conjugated peptide elicited antibody responses that specifically detected both P. falciparum and B. bovis antigens by immunofluorescence and Western blots. Using a dot-ELISA with this peptide, antisera from immunized and naturally-infected cattle, and immunized rodents, were specifically detected. Reactivity was weak and correlated with peptide immunization or infection. DNA-based detection using repetitive DNA was species-specific in dot-blot formats for B. bovis DNA, and in both dot-blot and in situ formats for P. falciparum; a streamlined enzymelinked synthetic DNA assay for P. falciparum detected 30 parasites/mm(cúbicos) from patient blood using either colorimetric (2-15 h color development) or chemiluminescent detection (0.5-6-min. exposures). Serodiagnostic and DNA hybridization methods may be complementary in the respective detection of both chronic and acute infections. However, recent improvements in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) make feasible a more sensitive and uniform approach to the diagnosis of these and other infectious disease complexes, with appropriate primers and processing methods. An analysis of ribosomal DNA genes of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma identified Apicomplexa-conserved sequence regions. Specific and distinctive PCR profiles were obtained for primers spanning the internal transcribed spacer locus for each of several Plasmodium and Babesia species.
Neonatal treatment of A/J mice with DNP-Ficoll reduced or eliminated indirect anti-DNP PFC normally produced in response to adult challenge with DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The remaining direct anti-DNP PFC response was of low avidity. Spleen cells from neonatal A/J mice inhibited the in vitro but not the in vivo response of adult spleen cells to DNP-Ficoll.