984 resultados para Heme oxigenase-1


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O Trypanosoma cruzi é o agente etiológico da doença de Chagas, transmitida através de insetos vetores triatomíneos durante a alimentação no hospedeiro vertebrado. Os triatomíneos ingerem numa única alimentação cerca de 10 mM de heme ligado à hemoglobina. O heme é uma importante molécula no metabolismo dos organismos. Um mecanismo intracelular importante no controle de sua homeostase é a degradação enzimática pela Heme Oxigenase (HO) formando biliverdina (Bv), monóxido de carbono e ferro. Como esta enzima não está presente no genoma de T. cruzi, esse trabalho tem por objetivo identificar uma atividade funcional de HO neste parasito, uma vez que dados do nosso laboratório mostram a presença de biliverdina nas incubações dessas células com heme. No presente trabalho testamos o efeito do SnPPIX (inibidor da HO-1), CoPPIX (indutor da HO-1) e Bv sobre a proliferação da forma epimastigota do parasito. A adição de SnPPIX diminuiu a proliferação do parasito na tanto na ausência quanto na presença de heme. Quando a Bv foi adicionada à cultura esse efeito foi revertido; a Bv aumenta a proliferação celular na presença de heme. Por outro lado, a adição de CoPPIX não interferiu na proliferação. Posteriormente, mostramos através da técnica de immunoblotting, utilizando anticorpo monoclonal contra a HO-1, um aumento da expressão de uma proteína em resposta ao heme. Diferentemente das HO-1 já descritas que possuem massa molecular de 32 kDa, a única banda reconhecida pelo anticorpo apresenta 45 kDa. Analisamos também a expressão da HO-1 na presença de CoPPIX, SnPPIX e biliverdina, e somente o CoPPIX foi capaz de modular os níveis de expressão da HO-1. A análise estrutural através da técnica de imunocitoquímica mostrou uma maior expressão da enzima na presença de heme, e que a HO-1 de T. cruzi pode ter mais de uma localização, apresentando marcação citoplasmática e glicossomal. A fim de investigar a sequência da HO-1 de T. cruzi, o DNA genômico foi extraído para amplificação por PCR do gene da HO-1 utilizando oligonucleotídeos desenhados no genoma de T. cruzi. Os dois pares de oligonucleotídeos utilizados nao foram capazes de amplificar uma sequência equivalente a uma HO. Em seguida, utilizamos a técnica de imunoprecipitação, seguida de immunoblotting, com anticorpo anti-HO-1, com objetivo de concentrar a proteína alvo, e observamos um aumento significativo do imunocomplexo nas células tratadas com heme 300 mM, cerca de 2 vezes em relação ao controle. Dando seguimento à tentativa de identificação da HO-1 de T. cruzi, utilizamos a técnica de espectrometria de massa a partir de eletroforese unidimensional, que mostrou uma grande alteração do perfil protéico na presença de heme, mas futuros experimentos são necessários, como eletroforese 2D, para a identificação da proteína alvo


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Sabe-se que o refluxo crônico pode induzir lesão mucosa, estimular a proliferação de células e promover tumorigênese no esôfago distal. Ainda não é sabido por que apenas uma parcela dos pacientes com refluxo esofágico progrediram para uma metaplasia intestinal (Esôfago de Barrett) e adenocarcinoma. O estresse oxidativo parece exercer um papel importante nessa progressão . Assim sendo, examinamos o padrão de expressão da enzima Heme Oxigenase-1 (HO-1), enzima indutora do estresse oxidativo, em peças de esôfago obtidos de um estudo experimental com ratos que avaliou o papel do refluxo gástrico e duodenoesofágico na carcinogênese esofágica. Métodos: Uma amostra de três (3) peças de esôfago de cada grupo de ratos submetidos a tratamentos diferentes tiveram a expressão da enzima Heme Oxigenase-1 avaliada através de imunohistoquímica. Os ratos foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: (1) cardioplastia para induzir refluxo predominantemente gástrico, (2) anastomose esofagoduodenal para induzir refluxo duodenal, (3) sem tratamento, (4) cardioplastia+dietilnitrosamina (DEN), (5) anastomose esofagoduodenal +DEN, (6) DEN. Resultados: Não houve desenvolvimento de câncer ou metaplasia intestinal nos animais que não foram expostos ao refluxo de conteúdo duodenal. A expressão de HO-1 foi observada apenas em ratos submetidos à anastomose esofagoduodenal (Grupos 2 e 5) e a análise da média de intensidade de fluorescência demonstrou uma diferença significante de expressão de HO-1 (4,8 e 4,6 vezes respectivamente) comparando-se ao controle (Grupo 3) (p<0,05). O alvo principal para expressão da HO-1 foram as células inflamatórias dentro do tumor ou em áreas subepiteleiais. Os ratos expostos ao refluxo gástrico não desenvolveram tumores ou expressaram a HO-1. Conclusões: A esofagite de refluxo induzida por refluxo esofágico com conteúdo duodenal provocou estresse oxidativo considerável e pode desempenhar um papel importante na carcinogênese esofágica. O refluxo gástrico não foi suficiente para induzir estresse oxidativo neste modelo experimental.


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The activation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) appears to be an endogenous defensive mechanism used by cells to reduce inflammation and tissue damage in a number of injury models. HO-1, a stress-responsive enzyme that catabolizes heme into carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin and iron, has previously been shown to protect grafts from ischemia/reperfusion and rejection. In addition, the products of the HO-catalyzed reaction, particularly CO and biliverdin/bilirubin, have been shown to exert protective effects in the liver against a number of stimuli, as in chronic hepatitis C and in transplanted liver grafts. Furthermore, the induction of HO-1 expression can protect the liver against damage caused by a number of chemical compounds. More specifically, the CO derived from HO-1-mediated heme catabolism has been shown to be involved in the regulation of inflammation; furthermore, administration of low concentrations of exogenous CO has a protective effect against inflammation. Both murine and human HO-1 deficiencies have systemic manifestations associated with iron metabolism, such as hepatic overload (with signs of a chronic hepatitis) and iron deficiency anemia (with paradoxical increased levels of ferritin). Hypoxia induces HO-1 expression in multiple rodent, bovine and monkey cell lines, but interestingly, hypoxia represses expression of the human HO-1 gene in a variety of human cell types (endothelial cells, epithelial cells, T cells). These data suggest that HO-1 and CO are promising novel therapeutic molecules for patients with inflammatory diseases. In this review, we present what is currently known regarding the role of HO-1 in liver injuries and in particular, we focus on the implications of targeted induction of HO-1 as a potential therapeutic strategy to protect the liver against chemically induced injury.


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The present study examined the effect of sodium arsenite, cadmium chloride, heat shock and the proteasomal inhibitors MG132, withaferin A and celastrol on heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1; also known as HSP32) accumulation in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells. Immunoblot analysis revealed that HO-1 accumulation was not induced by heat shock but was enhanced by sodium arsenite and cadmium chloride in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Immunocytochemistry revealed that these metals induced HO-1 accumulation in a granular pattern primarily in the cytoplasm. Additionally, in 20% of the cells arsenite induced the formation of large HO-1-containing perinuclear structures. In cells recovering from sodium arsenite or cadmium chloride treatment, HO-1 accumulation initially increased to a maximum at 12h followed by a 50% reduction at 48 h. This initial increase in HO-1 levels was likely the result of new synthesis as it was inhibited by cycloheximide. Interestingly, treatment of cells with a mild heat shock enhanced HO-1 accumulation induced by low concentrations of sodium arsenite and cadmium chloride. Finally, we determined that HO-1 accumulation was induced in A6 cells by the proteasomal inhibitors, MG132, withaferin A and celastrol. An examination of heavy metal and proteasomal inhibitor-induced HO-1 accumulation in amphibians is of importance given the presence of toxic heavy metals in aquatic habitats.


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Myocardial infarction (MI) and heart failure are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Treatment of MI involves early restoration of blood flow to limit infarct size and preserve cardiac function. MI leads to left ventricular remodeling, which may eventually progress to heart failure, despite the established pharmacological treatment of the disease. To improve outcome of MI, new strategies for protecting the myocardium against ischemic injury and enhancing the recovery and repair of the infarcted heart are needed. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a stress-responsive and cytoprotective enzyme catalyzing the degradation of heme into the biologically active reaction products biliverdin/bilirubin, carbon monoxide (CO) and free iron. HO-1 plays a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis by its antiapoptotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and proangiogenic properties. The present study aimed, first, at evaluating the role of HO-1 as a cardioprotective and prohealing enzyme in experimental rat models and at investigating the potential mechanisms mediating the beneficial effects of HO-1 in the heart. The second aim was to evaluate the role of HO-1 in 231 critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients by investigating the association of HO-1 polymorphisms and HO-1 plasma concentrations with illness severity, organ dysfunction and mortality throughout the study population and in the subgroup of cardiac patients. We observed in an experimental rat MI model, that HO-1 expression was induced in the infarcted rat hearts, especially in the infarct and infarct border areas. In addition, pre-emptive HO-1 induction and CO donor pretreatment promoted recovery and repair of the infarcted hearts by differential mechanisms. CO promoted vasculogenesis and formation of new cardiomyocytes by activating c-kit+ stem/progenitor cells via hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha (SDF-1a) and vascular endothelial growth factor B, whereas HO-1 promoted angiogenesis possibly via SDF-1a. Furthermore, HO-1 protected the heart in the early phase of infarct healing by increasing survival and proliferation of cardiomyocytes. The antiapoptotic effect of HO-1 persisted in the late phases of infarct healing. HO-1 also modulated the production of extracellular matrix components and reduced perivascular fibrosis. Some of these beneficial effects of HO-1 were mediated by CO, e.g. the antiapoptotic effect. However, CO may also have adverse effects on the heart, since it increased the expression of extracellular matrix components. In isolated perfused rat hearts, HO-1 induction improved the recovery of postischemic cardiac function and abrogated reperfusion-induced ventricular fibrillation, possibly in part via connexin 43. We found that HO-1 plasma levels were increased in all critically ill patients, including cardiac patients, and were associated with the degree of organ dysfunction and disease severity. HO-1 plasma concentrations were also higher in ICU and hospital nonsurvivors than in survivors, and the maximum HO-1 concentration was an independent predictor of hospital mortality. Patients with the HO-1 -413T/GT(L)/+99C haplotype had lower HO-1 plasma concentrations and lower incidence of multiple organ dysfunction. However, HO-1 polymorphisms were not associated with ICU or hospital mortality. The present study shows that HO-1 is induced in response to stress in both experimental animal models and severely ill patients. HO-1 played an important role in the recovery and repair of infarcted rat hearts. HO-1 induction and CO donor pretreatment enhanced cardiac regeneration after MI, and HO-1 may protect against pathological left ventricular remodeling. Furthermore, HO-1 induction potentially may protect against I/R injury and cardiac dysfunction in isolated rat hearts. In critically ill ICU patients, HO-1 plasma levels correlate with the degree of organ dysfunction, disease severity, and mortality, suggesting that HO-1 may be useful as a marker of disease severity and in the assessment of outcome of critically ill patients.


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Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.


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Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule and increased expression in experimental transplant models correlates with reduced graft injury. A functional dinucleotide repeat (GT)n polymorphism, within the HO-1 promoter, regulates gene expression; a short number of repeats (S-allele


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SIGNIFICANCE: Heme degradation, which was described more than 30 years ago, is still very actively explored with many novel discoveries on its role in various disease models every year.

RECENT ADVANCES: The heme oxygenases (HO) are metabolic enzymes that utilize NADPH and oxygen to break apart the heme moiety liberating biliverdin (BV), carbon monoxide (CO), and iron. Heme that is derived from hemoproteins can be toxic to the cells and if not removed immediately, it causes cell apoptosis and local inflammation. Elimination of heme from the milieu enables generation of three products that influences numerous metabolic changes in the cell.

CRITICAL ISSUES: CO has profound effects on mitochondria and cellular respiration and other hemoproteins to which it can bind and affect their function, while BV and bilirubin (BR), the substrate and product of BV, reductase, respectively, are potent antioxidants. Sequestration of iron into ferritin and its recycling in the tissues is a part of the homeodynamic processes that control oxidation-reduction in cellular metabolism. Further, heme is an important component of a number of metabolic enzymes, and, therefore, HO-1 plays an important role in the modulation of cellular bioenergetics.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS: In this review, we describe the cross-talk between heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and its products with other metabolic pathways. HO-1, which we have labeled Nike, the goddess who personified victory, dictates triumph over pathophysiologic conditions, including diabetes, ischemia, and cancer.


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Critical functions of the immune system are maintained by the ability of myeloid progenitors to differentiate and mature into macrophages. We hypothesized that the cytoprotective gas molecule carbon monoxide (CO), generated endogenously by heme oxygenases (HO), promotes differentiation of progenitors into functional macrophages. Deletion of HO-1, specifically in the myeloid lineage (Lyz-Cre:Hmox1(flfl)), attenuated the ability of myeloid progenitors to differentiate toward macrophages and decreased the expression of macrophage markers, CD14 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (MCSFR). We showed that HO-1 and CO induced CD14 expression and efficiently increased expansion and differentiation of myeloid cells into macrophages. Further, CO sensitized myeloid cells to treatment with MCSF at low doses by increasing MCSFR expression, mediated partially through a PI3K-Akt-dependent mechanism. Exposure of mice to CO in a model of marginal bone marrow transplantation significantly improved donor myeloid cell engraftment efficiency, expansion and differentiation, which corresponded to increased serum levels of GM-CSF, IL-1α and MCP-1. Collectively, we conclude that HO-1 and CO in part are critical for myeloid cell differentiation. CO may prove to be a novel therapeutic agent to improve functional recovery of bone marrow cells in patients undergoing irradiation, chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation.


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Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a central role in atherogenesis and induce expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1). In the present study we investigated induction of HO-1 and adaptive increases in reduced glutathione (GSH) in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to moderately oxidized LDL (moxLDL, 100 mu g protein/ml, 24 h), a species containing high levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Expression and activity of HO-1 and GSH levels were elevated to a greater extent by moxLDL than highly oxidized LDL but unaffected by native or acetylated LDL. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38(MAPK) and MEK or c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) significantly attenuated induction of HO-1. Phosphorylation of p38(MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), or JNK and nuclear translocation of the transcription factor Nrf2 were enhanced following acute exposure of SMC to rnoxLDL (100 mu g proteiri/ml, 1-2 h). Pretreatment of SMC with the antioxidant vitamin C (100 mu M, 24 h) attenuated the induction of HO-1 by moxLDL. Native and oxidized LDL did not alter basal levels of intracellular ATP, mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, or expression of the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1) in SMC. These findings demonstrate for the first time that activation of PKC, p38(MAPK), JNK, ERK1/2, and Nrf2 by oxidized LDL in human SMC leads to HO-1 induction, constituting an adaptive response against oxidative injury that can be ameliorated by vitamin C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the aetiology of apolipoprotein E4 genotype-cardiovascular disease (CVD) associations, the impact of the apoE genotype on the macrophage inflammatory response was examined. The murine monocyte-macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7) stably transfected to produce equal amounts of human apoE3 or apoE4 was used. Following LPS stimulation, apoE4-macrophages showed higher and lower concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha (pro-inflammatory) and interleukin 10 (anti-inflammatory), respectively, both at mRNA and protein levels. In addition, increased expression of heme oxygenase-1 (a stress-induced anti-inflammatory protein) was observed in the apoE4-cells. Furthermore, in apoE4-macrophages, an enhanced transactivation of the key redox sensitive transcription factor NF-kappa B was shown. Current data indicate that apoE4 macrophages have an altered inflammatory response, which may contribute to the higher CVD risk observed in apoE4 carriers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Tumor cell survival and proliferation is attributable in part to suppression of apoptotic pathways, yet the mechanisms by which cancer cells resist apoptosis are not fully understood. Many cancer cells constitutively express heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which catabolizes heme to generate biliverdin, Fe(2+), and carbon monoxide (CO). These breakdown products may play a role in the ability of cancer cells to suppress apoptotic signals. K(+) channels also play a crucial role in apoptosis, permitting K(+) efflux which is required to initiate caspase activation. Here, we demonstrate that HO-1 is constitutively expressed in human medulloblastoma tissue, and can be induced in the medulloblastoma cell line DAOY either chemically or by hypoxia. Induction of HO-1 markedly increases the resistance of DAOY cells to oxidant-induced apoptosis. This effect was mimicked by exogenous application of the heme degradation product CO. Furthermore we demonstrate the presence of the pro-apoptotic K(+) channel, Kv2.1, in both human medulloblastoma tissue and DAOY cells. CO inhibited the voltage-gated K(+) currents in DAOY cells, and largely reversed the oxidant-induced increase in K(+) channel activity. p38 MAPK inhibition prevented the oxidant-induced increase of K(+) channel activity in DAOY cells, and enhanced their resistance to apoptosis. Our findings suggest that CO-mediated inhibition of K(+) channels represents an important mechanism by which HO-1 can increase the resistance to apoptosis of medulloblastoma cells, and support the idea that HO-1 inhibition may enhance the effectiveness of current chemo- and radiotherapies.